Thread Day #87
Fim de semana começou! Se for beber, não dirija.
E, lembre-se: tem enquete aberta no nosso perfil pra decidir o melhor dia pra nossa Mesa Redonda. Vá votar, pra depois não reclamar. ;)
Thread Day #87
Fim de semana começou! Se for beber, não dirija.
E, lembre-se: tem enquete aberta no nosso perfil pra decidir o melhor dia pra nossa Mesa Redonda. Vá votar, pra depois não reclamar. ;)
Good to see #hivebr back again.
Good day all. I hope all on the other side of the equator are doing well.
Brazilians are always around.
Numbers are down today. Not surprising with it being the weekend.
Yeah. You can't expect wild numbers on these days.
No. Seems like a trend. People like to engage in social media activity at work.
Makes you wonder how much companies are paying to people to play online.
You can be sure that (most of) Brazilians don't wanna know about this, haha!
I think it is global. All countries (or businesses) face the same problem.
I also had the feeling less people have been around today, but makes sense too. Less workers are in front of their screens and spend time with family and so. 😀
LOL Yeah. They arent getting paid to spend their time on social media.
Not all of them.. some might be. Future maybe changes that as well, as you always say: your account here is a business. 🙌
Lively Brazilians even on Saturday, that's really good! o/
Yes. The trooper show up even on the weekend.
We need it to rain...keep people inside so they can thread.
kkkkk I support the rain part to have more people at home so I can mess with the threads
LOL Yeah. Seems like the world takes off from social media when not at work.
Good day task
Thread Sesion #1
En estos días están muy de moda los memecoins, incluso hay una pagina que te realiza tokens en la red de Sol por tan solo 1$. Es decir a donde podemos llegar con esta ola de memes? hay futuro para las generaciones al realizar transacciones en estos tokens? apertura debate leones. #crypto #memecoins #threadcast
Aquí el trafico y la información de los Memes en Sol:
De esto hablo un meme con una capitalización de mercado de 192 millones y es una foto de alguien cualquiera muy sexy
realmente es una locura
el anterior meme fue de michi ahora este.
No surprise. You are trying to scam chicks again.
just a party day for just the ladies.. lol
LOL then what are you doing here?
Did you have one of them operations where your mama's son became her daughter?
am just putting on my shorts for the night..
Pulling on something.
HAhaha 🤣🤣🤣, let's dig it...
hahahaha, am just doing my best oooo..
I know. It is tough to score these days.
we dont play to score, we play for fun.. lol.
When it comes to women, it is pay to play...always in some form. LOL
Hello friend
How are you doing sir 😌😌.
Good, brother
What about you?
we are just hanging cool..
Hi there
Greetings to you sir, how is your day?
Bom final de semana pessoal! A enquente esta onde? Discord? ou pool no peakd?
Aqui man
Vlw Man! Já votei!
Bom sábado, galera... E não esqueçam de beber água.
Pra hidratar ou pra diminuir a probabilidade de ressaca?
No meu caso, pra hidratar mesmo (eu não bebo álcool).
Vizinhos brigando por causa das vagas de estacionamento.
kkk anem q tenso
Pior que os vizinhos em questão se odeiam, haha!
Quando eu como camarão, eu esqueço que sou pobre. 😅
E é bom se sentir rico às vezes?
Não tenho a menor dúvida que sim.
finalzinho de semana de plantão, ngm merece
Hoje ta só o corre para mim, ta tenso tmb... muita coisa para fazer na hive e em casa affs
Eita! Guenta firme que logo melhora!
Espero mesmo viu kkkk, ta tenso kkkk
Que delícia, hein? 😑
maravilhoso, vontade de me m****
Que isso, jovem! Tem muito trabalho na HiveBR pra fazer ainda, haha!
Look who snuck in the back door.
O poder do raio!
Another image that was produced. Not sure how accurate it is to anything in the real world.
Another purely touristic view, and one that doesn't even scratch the surface of what the real Rio de Janeiro is.
Brazil is much more than that. This is 10% accurate or less maybe. Sad to see that even the AIs see us like that.
Salve galera
Hoje tem o famoso churrasco. Bora desfazer tudo o que fizemos durante a semana com dieta e academia kkkk
Muda o mindset. Fica menos culpado, haha!
kkkk to de sacanagem
eu me mantenho saudável durante a semana justamente pra isso
falei com minha nutricionista que a baguncinha de sábado é sagrada, ela que se vire pra fazer um plano que leve isso em conta hahaha
Nutri é paga pra isso, né? Ela que lute. 🤣
A alegria do pobre.
carne é proteína kkkk
kkkkk reaaaal
Mandou a real. Nada mais.
Se cortar toda a gordura fora, o resto é proteína kkk
Sempre bom um churrasco pra animar o sabadão
Don‘t understand a word, but hey … Hola a todos! 👋🏽 … keep on doing whatever you do here 🚀🌕👍🏽

Olá amigo
The prompt was nothing more than make me a high quality image of Brazil.
What do you think?
Oh, Rio de Janeiro again. 😅
Looks cool anyway.
Not sure how close it is to anything but it what came back.
You've done a great work with this.
What I was trying to say is Rio de Janeiro is (almost) always the first place that came to the mind of people from other part of the world when it comes to Brazil. 😅
I think it turned out well, very similar to reality
That's for sure.
better... Reminds my visit to Cristo:
Quase 100 threads em um sábado... estamos progredindo
se for beber me chami 🤣
se for dirigir não beba, se for beber me chama
A tag #cent tá voando! 🤯
Fazendo um pouco aqui e ali, terminando as tarefas da hive porque acumulou de tudo um pouco kkk #cent
Esse é o papel de um líder. Força, guerreiro!
Qual que é a de usar a tag cent?
Boa tarde
Link para a enquete da mesa redonda