1/🧵 Jeff Bezos has always fascinated me. It's not just about his wealth or founding Amazon, but how he shifted from thinking like a founder to a CEO. This mindset change is crucial for any successful business journey
2/🧵 Growth teaches you that you can't do everything yourself if you want to scale. Delegation is essential. Trust your team with tasks you used to handle. Build an excellent team and set up processes
3/🧵 Reflecting on Bezos’s journey, making key transitions is vital. Each stage requires different skills and perspectives. Growth and change are the essence of success
1/🧵. Technology has always sparked my curiosity, especially its impact on agriculture. Growing up in rural areas, I saw farming's many challenges firsthand, from bad weather to pests. But AI is about to revolutionize this age-old practice!
#threadstorm #cent #inleo #AI #farming
2/🧵. Precision agriculture is the most thrilling aspect of AI in farming. Imagine drones hovering over fields, capturing images and collecting data. These AI-powered drones can monitor crop health and soil conditions with remarkable accuracy.
3/🧵. AI can pinpoint areas with excessive moisture or fertilizer needs, even before diseases appear. This allows farmers to optimize their inputs, leading to better yields with minimal waste. Sustainable food production through technology is simply amazing
1/ 🧵 Last Thursday, Donald Trump made waves in the crypto world during a high-profile fundraiser in San Francisco. His strong support for digital currency left a lasting impression. Here's what it means for the future of virtual currencies. #cent #inleo #threadstorm #Trump #Crypto #Blockchain
2/🧵 The event raised $12 million in one night, hosted by venture capitalists David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya in Pacific Heights. The attendance of figures like the Winklevoss twins and Coinbase execs underscores the crypto community's serious interest.
3/🧵Trump aims to be the "crypto president," criticizing Democrats for stifling innovation through regulation. This resonates with many in crypto, especially after the 2022 turmoil where major companies went bankrupt and investors lost big.
I also had the feeling less people have been around today, but makes sense too. Less workers are in front of their screens and spend time with family and so. 😀
En estos días están muy de moda los memecoins, incluso hay una pagina que te realiza tokens en la red de Sol por tan solo 1$. Es decir a donde podemos llegar con esta ola de memes? hay futuro para las generaciones al realizar transacciones en estos tokens? apertura debate leones. #crypto #memecoins #threadcast
What I was trying to say is Rio de Janeiro is (almost) always the first place that came to the mind of people from other part of the world when it comes to Brazil. 😅
I agree dear Task. I need to step it up. I do what I can to spread the word, but yeah, I could do more. You know what though? I promise I'll be one of those folks in 2030 who built wealth on HIVE by treating it as a business like you say in your articles.
Yo me siento bien para correr, aunque agotado también. Pero al ver que falta tan poquito, no es momento de rendirme. Vamos que sí podemos equipo #hiverun
my RC was finished but @theycallmep supported me with some @ecency boost points for 7days HP 200. This is what being a #cent community means. We support each other to rise. Thank you friend.
I admire your fire. And I noticed you'd need a little push untill you claim some HP to continue on your own. Try and keep an eye on your RC till it's big enough for you to spend the whole day on threads.
🧵 1. Telegram introduces 'Stars' as in-app currency for digital purchases, facilitating easy transactions for users within the platform ecosystem. #tech
🧵 4. Developers can use Telegram Stars to promote their apps, with the option to exchange Stars for Toncoin, Telegram's native cryptocurrency powering the "The Open Network."
🧵 5. Durov highlights that app advertisements purchased with Stars on Apple and Google will be subsidized, enhancing the economic appeal for developers on Telegram.
You're welcome friend. I noticed you needed a little push. I guess by one week you would have claimed enough to continue on your own. #cent #inleo #freecompliments
Have a great day! I have some chores to do. Hope to be able to check threads afterwards. Although, I'm meetingsome friends in the evening as well.
A very simple and convenient photo editor and everything that is in my hive blog for the last three years was done on it, and thank you for your kind words!
In essence, it's just a matter of switching to monochrome, sharpening and working with light, it's a puddle on the asphalt, and the photo is upside down.
Since we are homebodies watching streaming or DVD movies is our main source of entertainment. It was on our list. And Paul Rudd is pretty funny. But yeah, the original is always going to be the best.
yep , but #woo is dopest. @wrestorgonline the founder of the #woo project has supported my wrestling blogs since last year. Try and check the community on discord out, you gonna love it there. The link is at the bottom of all my hive blogs .
Remember that there are many ways to earn rewards in here. You don't even need to be content creator. You can just be a content consumer and make rewards with your votes and your comments on other people's content!
I would recommend to still do some research... before believing on these rankings. The companies that do these are somehow not looking at necessarily being fair...
Fear, courage, understanding and misunderstanding of the situation we find ourselves in... sometimes it's all together and in one picture :) #artinleo #cent
When you go incognito, your true identity is kept secret (as through the use of a different name or a disguise). Incognitocan be used either as an adverb or an adjective with the same meaning.
//The food critic made an incognito visit to the restaurant.
//The pop star travels incognitoas much as possible, using a fake name and wearing a wig and heavy makeup to avoid the paparazzi.
#cent is in trending tags and it's looking interesting as people just started to talk about the new community. I want to see it as the first tag and I believe that it's possible.
#freecompliments Another day, another #meme! What is your opinion on #premium? Wanna share some experiences? 😎 I enjoy the other color schemes and post styling. 🎨
1/🧵 Jeff Bezos has always fascinated me. It's not just about his wealth or founding Amazon, but how he shifted from thinking like a founder to a CEO. This mindset change is crucial for any successful business journey
#cent #threadstorm #inleo
2/🧵 Growth teaches you that you can't do everything yourself if you want to scale. Delegation is essential. Trust your team with tasks you used to handle. Build an excellent team and set up processes
3/🧵 Reflecting on Bezos’s journey, making key transitions is vital. Each stage requires different skills and perspectives. Growth and change are the essence of success
1/🧵. Technology has always sparked my curiosity, especially its impact on agriculture. Growing up in rural areas, I saw farming's many challenges firsthand, from bad weather to pests. But AI is about to revolutionize this age-old practice!
#threadstorm #cent #inleo #AI #farming
2/🧵. Precision agriculture is the most thrilling aspect of AI in farming. Imagine drones hovering over fields, capturing images and collecting data. These AI-powered drones can monitor crop health and soil conditions with remarkable accuracy.
3/🧵. AI can pinpoint areas with excessive moisture or fertilizer needs, even before diseases appear. This allows farmers to optimize their inputs, leading to better yields with minimal waste. Sustainable food production through technology is simply amazing
You article was place in the queue for #news2threads.
It will appear again as a threadstorm later in the day.
wow 😳 does that mean the inleo team loved it?
No I means I submitted through the bot and it will show up as a threadstorm in later today.
Has nothing to do with the team.
oh I get it. Thanks
Sometimes, I think all we can ever do is delay the inevitable... Humans are stupid. #freecompliments #jokesonleo #cent
1/ 🧵 Last Thursday, Donald Trump made waves in the crypto world during a high-profile fundraiser in San Francisco. His strong support for digital currency left a lasting impression. Here's what it means for the future of virtual currencies. #cent #inleo #threadstorm #Trump #Crypto #Blockchain
2/🧵 The event raised $12 million in one night, hosted by venture capitalists David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya in Pacific Heights. The attendance of figures like the Winklevoss twins and Coinbase execs underscores the crypto community's serious interest.
3/🧵Trump aims to be the "crypto president," criticizing Democrats for stifling innovation through regulation. This resonates with many in crypto, especially after the 2022 turmoil where major companies went bankrupt and investors lost big.
Thread Day #87
Fim de semana começou! Se for beber, não dirija.
E, lembre-se: tem enquete aberta no nosso perfil pra decidir o melhor dia pra nossa Mesa Redonda. Vá votar, pra depois não reclamar. ;)
Good to see #hivebr back again.
Good day all. I hope all on the other side of the equator are doing well.
Brazilians are always around.
Numbers are down today. Not surprising with it being the weekend.
Yeah. You can't expect wild numbers on these days.
No. Seems like a trend. People like to engage in social media activity at work.
Makes you wonder how much companies are paying to people to play online.
You can be sure that (most of) Brazilians don't wanna know about this, haha!
I also had the feeling less people have been around today, but makes sense too. Less workers are in front of their screens and spend time with family and so. 😀
LOL Yeah. They arent getting paid to spend their time on social media.
Not all of them.. some might be. Future maybe changes that as well, as you always say: your account here is a business. 🙌
Lively Brazilians even on Saturday, that's really good! o/
Yes. The trooper show up even on the weekend.
We need it to rain...keep people inside so they can thread.
kkkkk I support the rain part to have more people at home so I can mess with the threads
LOL Yeah. Seems like the world takes off from social media when not at work.
Good day task
Thread Sesion #1
En estos días están muy de moda los memecoins, incluso hay una pagina que te realiza tokens en la red de Sol por tan solo 1$. Es decir a donde podemos llegar con esta ola de memes? hay futuro para las generaciones al realizar transacciones en estos tokens? apertura debate leones. #crypto #memecoins #threadcast
Aquí el trafico y la información de los Memes en Sol:
De esto hablo un meme con una capitalización de mercado de 192 millones y es una foto de alguien cualquiera muy sexy
realmente es una locura
el anterior meme fue de michi ahora este.
No surprise. You are trying to scam chicks again.
just a party day for just the ladies.. lol
LOL then what are you doing here?
Did you have one of them operations where your mama's son became her daughter?
am just putting on my shorts for the night..
Pulling on something.
hahahaha, am just doing my best oooo..
I know. It is tough to score these days.
we dont play to score, we play for fun.. lol.
When it comes to women, it is pay to play...always in some form. LOL
Hello friend
How are you doing sir 😌😌.
Good, brother
What about you?
we are just hanging cool..
Hi there
Greetings to you sir, how is your day?
Bom final de semana pessoal! A enquente esta onde? Discord? ou pool no peakd?
Aqui man
Vlw Man! Já votei!
Bom sábado, galera... E não esqueçam de beber água.
Pra hidratar ou pra diminuir a probabilidade de ressaca?
No meu caso, pra hidratar mesmo (eu não bebo álcool).
Vizinhos brigando por causa das vagas de estacionamento.
kkk anem q tenso
Pior que os vizinhos em questão se odeiam, haha!
Quando eu como camarão, eu esqueço que sou pobre. 😅
E é bom se sentir rico às vezes?
Não tenho a menor dúvida que sim.
finalzinho de semana de plantão, ngm merece
Hoje ta só o corre para mim, ta tenso tmb... muita coisa para fazer na hive e em casa affs
Eita! Guenta firme que logo melhora!
Espero mesmo viu kkkk, ta tenso kkkk
Que delícia, hein? 😑
maravilhoso, vontade de me m****
Que isso, jovem! Tem muito trabalho na HiveBR pra fazer ainda, haha!
Look who snuck in the back door.
O poder do raio!
Another image that was produced. Not sure how accurate it is to anything in the real world.
Another purely touristic view, and one that doesn't even scratch the surface of what the real Rio de Janeiro is.
Brazil is much more than that. This is 10% accurate or less maybe. Sad to see that even the AIs see us like that.
Salve galera
Hoje tem o famoso churrasco. Bora desfazer tudo o que fizemos durante a semana com dieta e academia kkkk
Muda o mindset. Fica menos culpado, haha!
kkkk to de sacanagem
eu me mantenho saudável durante a semana justamente pra isso
falei com minha nutricionista que a baguncinha de sábado é sagrada, ela que se vire pra fazer um plano que leve isso em conta hahaha
Nutri é paga pra isso, né? Ela que lute. 🤣
A alegria do pobre.
carne é proteína kkkk
kkkkk reaaaal
Mandou a real. Nada mais.
Se cortar toda a gordura fora, o resto é proteína kkk
Sempre bom um churrasco pra animar o sabadão
Don‘t understand a word, but hey … Hola a todos! 👋🏽 … keep on doing whatever you do here 🚀🌕👍🏽

Olá amigo
The prompt was nothing more than make me a high quality image of Brazil.
What do you think?
Oh, Rio de Janeiro again. 😅
Looks cool anyway.
Not sure how close it is to anything but it what came back.
You've done a great work with this.
What I was trying to say is Rio de Janeiro is (almost) always the first place that came to the mind of people from other part of the world when it comes to Brazil. 😅
I think it turned out well, very similar to reality
That's for sure.
better... Reminds my visit to Cristo: https://peakd.com/hive-163772/@vaipraonde/going-up-to-cristo-redentor-or-rio-de-janeiro-from-above
Quase 100 threads em um sábado... estamos progredindo
se for beber me chami 🤣
se for dirigir não beba, se for beber me chama
A tag #cent tá voando! 🤯
Fazendo um pouco aqui e ali, terminando as tarefas da hive porque acumulou de tudo um pouco kkk #cent
Esse é o papel de um líder. Força, guerreiro!
Qual que é a de usar a tag cent?
Boa tarde
Link para a enquete da mesa redonda
@deepresearch odezwij się do mnie proszę. Nie umiem znaleźć żadnego namiaru
No ja richtich. Poszło
When we "retweet" an Inleo Thread... can we call it a "re-roar"?
That's a nice way to call this action.
Can I get a reroar?
hehe nice one
Re-LEOoorrr! 😅
Good, right? Haha
yep! quite unique too... so yep, would be even a good way to do marketing.
LOL Interesting idea.
You can call it whatever you want. Keep promoting that idea and see if it catches on.
I should work in marketing.
I figure it is time for you to increase your presence in the content creation department. LOL
I agree dear Task. I need to step it up. I do what I can to spread the word, but yeah, I could do more. You know what though? I promise I'll be one of those folks in 2030 who built wealth on HIVE by treating it as a business like you say in your articles.
Solid advice.
For me, it's already "catched".
Brilliant idea! 🤩
Incredibly, 49 threads with #cent hashtag in 24 hours.
It is about to catch InLEO's own hashtag 👀
I would love to see 🔥 icon next to it!
I am glad to see the threads outcome of the partnership between #cent and #InLeo. More power to both tribes!
Oh that's great.
#cent has been a killer tag (so far)! 🔥
Last #meme for today.. I guess. #cent #inleo
Sure thing. 😆
Of course I got still enough in the pipeline, but don't want to shoot them all at the same time.. build a habit. 😜
hahahah... true .. 😜
Premium here! https://beeswap.dcity.io/pools?search=cent
#threadcast #partytime #musiconleo #freecompliments
****Hello #partytime people.****
I am back online after a few really busy days at work.
It's the weekend so time to party!
@caleb-marvel @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @winanda @oldmans.
May you have a great weekend John.
Thank you, Tiago
You as well, my friend.
Lets party hard 🥂🥂🎶😜🎶🎶🎶🎶😜
Hello friends👋👋, Let's Let the music play!!! with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @beststart @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @winanda @oldmans.
Please lets welcome one of our new friend, me is in same line with mightpossibly 🤣🤣
Good morning, @caleb-marvel
Good morning to you sir, how is the day going
It is going well today, Caleb.
It's nice to be off work for a few days.
Its a great day 😂😂😂... Happy weekend 🥳🥳🥳.
Good nigth my friend!
That is awesome
it explain it in full...
Just arrived home from a trip 😊😁. @beststart are you ready to get down on it?
Hello friends 👋, happy weekend to us all, how is the day going?
Wozzuuuuuup? Lessss daaaaance 💪🏼🥳👍🏼

I love your dancing steps 😂😂.
Let‘s Dance
from the Album
Let‘s Dance
David Bowie • 1983
#letsdance #davidbowie #musiconleo #music
Just dropped by to say god night to all party lions!
Good night to you Sir 😊😊😊
The Silver Blogger of the Week 23
Support authors and support Hive communities...
Vote for AOTW week 23
Posts will be shown as comments 1/🧵
#topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #poll #weeklytops #aotw
The Silver Blogger of the Week 23
Happy 3rd Anniversary to all Silver Bloggers@thebigsweed with
3/5 #silverbloggers #polls #aotw
That is some big news, thank you very much!
The Silver Blogger of the Week 23
My meeting with Silver Bloggers@irvinc with
4/5 #topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #poll #weeklytops #aotw
The Silver Blogger of the Week 23
Silver Bloggers Community is on My List@coolmidwestguy with
2/5 #topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #poll #weeklytops #aotw
The Silver Blogger of the Week 23
How and Why Silver Bloggers?@ifarmgirl with
5/5 #topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #poll #weeklytops #aotw
Just voted for the #silverbloggeroftheweek https://hive.blog/hive-106316/@hive-106316/silver-blogger-of-the-week-week-23-2024-l4z
Congratulations to all the nominees, and double congratulations to @weeklytops, this reminds me that the celebration is almost over!
Greetings, the force is with you.
Good luck to all Silvers and nominated Silvers, swinging across to say hello!
The #cent tag is a killer! 🔥#hive #inleo
Hive 🤝 InLeo 🤝 Cent
I'm out of the loop, I wonder what's new with cent :)
I think this post explains it: https://inleo.io/@anadolu/inleocent-cooperation-announcement
Thank you❤
It reminds me of the black lion and white lion days.
He had no chance against all 5 of us.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@wiseagent, I sent you an
they came in stronger. And we love to have new people
Welcome and long lib #cent, it makes cents !BBH
Def came out of no where awesome stuff
¿Cómo te sientes a tan pocos días de finalizar el reto de #21days?
estoy cansado jefe, ya no aguanto más 🤣🤣🤣 #hiverun #spanish
me siento cansada de correr todos los días, ya que necesito descansar aunque sea solo un día
#hiverun Yo me siento bien para correr, aunque agotado también. Pero al ver que falta tan poquito, no es momento de rendirme. Vamos que sí podemos equipo #hiverun #spanish
Nunca imaginé que fuera a sentir el cuerpo tan pesado #hiverun
Ansioso por terminar y ver que es lo que se viene después. #hiverun #spanish
my RC was finished but @theycallmep supported me with some @ecency boost points for 7days HP 200. This is what being a #cent community means. We support each other to rise. Thank you friend.
Hive needs more of this kind of action.
yep, it would make this chain a haven for all.
I admire your fire. And I noticed you'd need a little push untill you claim some HP to continue on your own. Try and keep an eye on your RC till it's big enough for you to spend the whole day on threads.
Good luck friend
I'd keep an eye on that for now friend.
Lions it's time to join #cent community 😀
The dream comes true 🤩
Your co-worker's most terrible secret is now stalking you. The aftermath will stay with you permanently.
#outreach #threadstorm #fiction #writing
How long could you resist the grisly truth? Franklin was in the throes of melancholy, sometimes wondering if it was better not to know.
Find out the spooky event that occurred from the end of this story.
🧵 1. Telegram introduces 'Stars' as in-app currency for digital purchases, facilitating easy transactions for users within the platform ecosystem. #tech
🧵 2. Stars can be acquired through in-app purchases on Apple, Google, or PremiumBot, then spent on digital products like e-books and online courses.
🧵 3. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov shared that mini apps on the platform can now accept payments using Stars, simplifying the payment process for users.
🧵 4. Developers can use Telegram Stars to promote their apps, with the option to exchange Stars for Toncoin, Telegram's native cryptocurrency powering the "The Open Network."
🧵 5. Durov highlights that app advertisements purchased with Stars on Apple and Google will be subsidized, enhancing the economic appeal for developers on Telegram.
🧵 Read more at @uyobong's blog: https://inleo.io/@uyobong/telegram-launches-inapp-currency-stars-for-digital-purchases-cga
Never understood telegram... still don't... doesn't click on me...
Bring it on!
#hive #cent #inleo
let's gooooooo!
Is this how @taskmaster4450le look like behind the computer screen while doing "Leo Den"?
I am not that cool.
i actually think you're cool 🆒😎
You are so easily impressed.
Not really, i just like your vibe so I think you're cool 😎🌹
Good morning and blessed on this day.
"Trust in the potential you have to fulfill your dreams, you are a person capable of fulfilling your dreams"
#gmfrens #ctp #freecompliments
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Awaken the potential within you, you are capable of achieving and conquering some of your dreams, because there are no limits to them.
I bought a tempered glass and tried putting it by myself to my phone. And now the fingerprint doesn't work.
Is in, it doesn't register anything or it "changes" your print?
It doesn't register anything. Maybe it's because of the newly put tempered glass.
Sounds like it. It may not be able to use the ultrasound thing through that glass. At least you can use the screen, right?
Yep lol. I don't know if it's my mistake or the tempered glass itself.
My VP is nooked, 67. Just hope not to vote again so it increases.
See you guys later, need to do some chores.
#freecompliments #thread2earn #cent
image"You're all beagles to me anyway"
Good morning guys. Its another beautiful weekend.
How are you spending it?
Me, I'm gonna try and make up for all the engagement I couldn't do in my may premium.
#inleo #cent #inleopremium
awayawayawayGood morning! My day got of to a good start. Just trying to finish the early morning routines
Awesome, don't forget to engage some more today on inleo threads using our #cent tag
Definitely! I'd try to be more like you.
Thank you very much for the ecency boost points. I owe you one friend
You're welcome friend. I noticed you needed a little push. I guess by one week you would have claimed enough to continue on your own. #cent #inleo #freecompliments
definitely, with yesterday's @leo.voter curation trail, I think I'd get enough RC
Have a great day! I have some chores to do. Hope to be able to check threads afterwards. Although, I'm meetingsome friends in the evening as well.
I ran out of RC but @theycallmep gave me some ecency boost for 7 days so I'm now back online
Just doing the Lord's work
He's definitely a great person!
Oh, you know @theycallmep? #freecompliments
thanks man
Good morning friends! Waking up seeing the sun is shining makes me happy.
#gmfrens #sun #cent
Good morning! Hope you have a nice saturday
Yes but I have to work soon.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Which of these AI-generated images do you think is best?
#aiart #aiimages #cent
How do you feel about some surrealism in photographs?
#surrealisminleo #photography #bwphotography #cent https://img.inleo.io/DQmYDGzkFLcV2SRHNNxMQ7jsQK762NNuUizDEaSvJuj8x1A/1ag015D2C%20(1).png
An amazing image. I wonder what app did you use.
For now, the free online photo editor pixlr.com is enough for me #cent
Thank you! I will check that.
A very simple and convenient photo editor and everything that is in my hive blog for the last three years was done on it, and thank you for your kind words!
My pleasure!
Thanks for the Pizza, I miscalculated my tips today and they ran out early :)
View or trade
Hey @rzc24-nftbbg, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you @barski for the BEER tip.
What effects did you use for this photo?
In essence, it's just a matter of switching to monochrome, sharpening and working with light, it's a puddle on the asphalt, and the photo is upside down.
View or trade
Hey @ahmadmanga, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
.Today in #historyonleo
On June 8, 1984, the now-classic comedy Ghostbusters is released in theaters across the United States.
Timeless movie. I love it!
The remakes are horrible lol nothing like the original
I don't remember them, haha!
yup the last few years even one with an all women cast
Haven't yet seen the latest movie, but its on my books...
I would be hard pressed to waste my time but maybe one day
Definitely a classic! We just saw the newest installment recently. Frozen Empire. It was pretty good. But you can't beat the original.
Haven’t really had the urges to check the latest installment honestly. The original was so good.
Since we are homebodies watching streaming or DVD movies is our main source of entertainment. It was on our list. And Paul Rudd is pretty funny. But yeah, the original is always going to be the best.
I recommend these two communities #cent and #woo. They are not big communities, but they've got some pretty dope founders.
#cent is for all contents #woo is for wrestling lovers.
I am on both!
really? In the #WOOGame or the community blogging? Cause I don't remember seeing your post?
I don't blame you... I don't post much... but I am usually checking others posts and checking lots of games. Not just #woo =)
wait, all of these are games?
LOL... some...
Here is some more... https://linktr.ee/forkyishere (I might not have a complete list, but I struggle to complete it).
is that a hive front end?
I am @forykw too =) (main account)
Both of them are pretty valuable for our ecosystem!
one hundred percent facts.
You asked me to thread some more. I hope you're glad now.
Question? Are you an #inleo official? I kinda of see you drop comments on all the posts made in #cent community
Nice recommendations, they are amazing.
yep , but #woo is dopest. @wrestorgonline the founder of the #woo project has supported my wrestling blogs since last year. Try and check the community on discord out, you gonna love it there. The link is at the bottom of all my hive blogs .
Ah, you're on threads as well. And even #premium. Do you like #premium? Is it worth it? #freecompliments
Yeah pal, I gave it a try about 2 weeks ago. So far so good, but I'd know at thr end of my first month premium
Feel free to let me know if it's worth it or not! :D
#freecompliments #
Yes, I heard @khaleelkazi talk about it. But would be great to hear some feedback of users as well. Although so far most seem to enjoy it ^^
I know a dude in ththe #cent community who's been in for 3 months now. @wisewallet I think he should have an idea
#woo-wooohooo this is in-#cent-ive
naa they are two different communities bro
Happy Saturday Drip Day! Thank you @bbhbot and @bradleyarrow! My weekly rewards on 6/8/2024 for holding #bbh tokens
You are awesome Lisa
Thanks and Back at you my friend! Hope your Sunday is treating you well.
it is very nice
Happy to hear it!
Just sent 10 $HBD for My 5th consecutive #premium sub!
Now waiting for the ☑️
#inleo #premiumgang
long live #premiumgang, We Die here!
Will be there soon I guess. ✅
You have the orange check mark?
Yeah, sure, I mean it depends on your selected color scheme which color it has, but I surely got it. :D
Great decision!
Next support at 0.26.
#cent #technicalanalysis #gmfrens
I don't know what to expect.
Remember that there are many ways to earn rewards in here. You don't even need to be content creator. You can just be a content consumer and make rewards with your votes and your comments on other people's content!
📊 Top 10 most liquid #cryptocurrency exchanges in the second quarter of 2024, according to #Kaiko
Lets get #leodex t
I would recommend to still do some research... before believing on these rankings. The companies that do these are somehow not looking at necessarily being fair...
I can't believe Binance is that low... Below even Coinbase?!!
#feedback #cent What about an "events" tab for the weekly #threadcast's dates and times? So ppl can plan better to attend them and engage? 🙌
Awesome, thanks four your comment on that! :)
Can't believe Binance is that low!! #freecompliments #cent
We watched this last night! New movie on Netflix. Just released yesterday.We enjoyed it. It is based on a real person. #movies #netflix #darkcomedy
Ok, damn, another one to add to my list. Time is money... when I retire one day, I am sure I will never be bored! LOL
I have to admit that when we started watching it we weren't positive we'd keep watching it. Chose to give it a chance and happy we did.
Fear, courage, understanding and misunderstanding of the situation we find ourselves in... sometimes it's all together and in one picture :) #artinleo #cent
What is the meaning of the picture? I am yet to understand it. Can you explain the picture to me?
On a forest road at night we met an elk, a guard dog herding sheep and the sheep themselves, there is room for both fear and courage :)
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I see a dear!
Рад это слышать !LOLZ !VSC :)
Visual Shots always got me... every time I see VSC I think its the VSC project (not the token).
No, this is a coin not related to the project of the same name :)
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yeah, I know, but always gets me tricked for a second 😂
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but I’ve quit smoking loads of times.
Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
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#wordofthedayonleo - incognito
What It Means
When you go incognito, your true identity is kept secret (as through the use of a different name or a disguise). Incognitocan be used either as an adverb or an adjective with the same meaning.
//The food critic made an incognito visit to the restaurant.
//The pop star travels incognitoas much as possible, using a fake name and wearing a wig and heavy makeup to avoid the paparazzi.
#gmfrens #cent
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#vilnius street life
Your streets are beautiful. 😀
The fancy life.
Elegant Lady beautifying the street.
Guten Morgen Mr. bOOmbastic
Brilliantly captured street life.
How do you manage your anger issues? I'm wondering to some people on how they manage that.
#freecompliments #life
#cent is in trending tags and it's looking interesting as people just started to talk about the new community. I want to see it as the first tag and I believe that it's possible.
actually #cent is not new a new community on hive, its been there for a while now. Its now time for it to soar with the eagles.
Lets gooo!
#cent is on fire! 🔥
#freecompliments Another day, another #meme! What is your opinion on #premium? Wanna share some experiences? 😎 I enjoy the other color schemes and post styling. 🎨
i am probably saving up for a 1year purchase. Want tp utilize the 16% discount. It will be my first premium though
That sounds like a good plan; before I am going for the yearly plan I wanted to test #premium first for a month to see how it goes. 🙌
I wanted to go for a 1month subscription as well. But than I heard about the year plan, decided I'll just take the 'gamble' ^^
up at 6am on a Saturday to give my wife her pain medication and watch her go back to sleep. #fuckcancer
#fuckcancer indeed
Man!😳 So sorry. I hope she is feeling better
we hope 🙏
🥺🥺🥺 so sorry about
A little drink I bought today 😎
$BEE (only for 🐝 😅)
Can we make $BEE report it's price? #feedback
So many #weeds #homesteading #farming #diy #gmfrens #nature #gardening #life #ecotrain #food https://peakd.com/hive-114308/@flemingfarm/grain-run-books-pdc-pulling-weeds-gear-check-weedeating-firepit-fire-grilling-friday
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
First 10 LEO staked... let's see how far it goes :)
Smart choice! Keep adding and your account will grow :)
I'll focus on this :)
nice! Great start
The main thing is that the finish is better than the start :)
you will never believe it when you look back one day
I don't like to turn around, even when I trip and fall :)
I bet 11 LEO at least...
I don't plan to set limits for myself, but I'm interested in what period I'll reach the 1000 LEO mark in staking :)
ohhhhh yeah. Good start. Keep it up
The first step is the hardest :)
that's for sure.
So I'm on the right track :)
Congratulations! That's one step closer to become a newborn cub (1000lp)
There are only 990 left :)
Slowly but steadily you'll make it!
I hope :)
I'll get there soon too!
Good luck :to you! :)
This is just the start of your own revolution.
Hahaha let it be the result of waiting on the river bank as in the treatise on war :)
This is for @bradleyarrow. He is into (or is) #aliens.
JRE: They Are Already Here!
I understand the fascination with aquarium fish... but the fascination with aliens... an alien in an aquarium... that's original :) !VSC
Upvoted for originality.
But he's agreed to cut me some slacks.
Credit: reddit
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