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RE: How Much HUAHUA do I Need?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yes I wanted to ask you about the 300% APR displayed on bronbro dashboard.
Was thinking the 140% from the pool + the liquid HUAHUA incentives would add up but couldn't reach 300%.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That 300% on the dashboard is the staking return. The pool return is a different thing. Each fortnight (I think it is) the pool rewards get updated via governance and a "semi-automatic" adjustment.

Here is the most recent doc that shows the OSMO and external APR's for every pool.
link to doc

If you scroll down, the most recent APR calculations show that the external ARP (HUAHUA rewards) in the pool are around 140%, and the OSMO rewards are similar. I think there are some dashboards on the way to make finding this info easier, but for now checking the most recent governance proposal is how I'm keeping an eye on things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm discovering this spreadsheet definitely too late !
Thanks a lot for the link.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta