
hahaha good morning, that’s it thread then thread and then more threads

Yep. That's the way, lol!

but dont’s thread and drive

I can. Lol!

No. Would not do that. Life is precious :)

you’re right we have to always be careful

We love to see that. It is a way of life. THat is why you are so high on the leaderboard.

Still nowhere near your numbers.

Type faster.

Seriously, you are doing a great job.

I am simply on a mission to prove a point.

Thank you. Doing that. Not thinking fast enough though, lol!

I don't think one would still contest that things can't be done. You're the living proof :)

@taskmaster4450le is the thread legend

Just doing my part and providing content for people to engage with. It is fun and exciting. Learning a lot about people.

that’s why you’re the master 💪

He's a bot they say :D

oh! you're awake! well I could sense that you love threading, I wish you a great day ahead...

Yes, it happened, lol!

Threading has become a way of life on Hive.

Good morning. Is 4 hrs of sleep enough? I will be a zombie with 4 hrs of sleep.

Not enough. Feeling like a zombie right now. I have to take vits.

Do it. I cannot complete a day with 4 hrs

It usually takes me a day or two to get back to my body clock.

same. the worst part is I cannot take naps during the day.

That's hard. It's good though so it will force you to go to be on time and you will not stay up late hehe

My day is ruined if I take a nap during the day. I wait until it is evening and sleep the whole night

I'm sorry to hear that you only got 4 hours of sleep. That's not enough sleep for most people, and I can imagine that you're feeling tired and run down.