I never pay full price for a game. I was seduced by false promises back in the 90's & paid full price for disappointing ones. So, I avoid the hype, and wait for inevitable reduction in value.
For crypto, I just don't trust it whole heartedly. The concept is great, however, it is still very much in development. The WHO, HOW, WHY, WHAT & WHEN are all still working themselves out as to what Crypto is, both within the Crypto world, and how it connects with the world at large.
September is the beginning of a new season. Weather changes, which alters the mood, the psyche.
The fact that we can consider, rejoice, or complain, it is testament that we are here.
It tempers the spirit. It tests rationales & resolve. It can humble us to our limitations or inspire us into new directions.
I think I have only bought about 5 or 6 games in my life - I tended to only play online and the fun was playing against people, not changing the game for a little bit of a different scene.
Will people get depressed by the coming cold and dump, or get bored of being inside and look for some pump?
Maybe a bit of both. I got into cryptos a bit more due to the winter and lockdown here in Melbourne.
Some of my friends invested into cryptos, including, some into their SMSF (Self Managed Super Funds) along with Silver, Gold & Real Estate.
Cryptos are becoming more accessible and mainstream.
I think there needs to be more consolidation to the number of coins available -also, how practical are ERC20, tokens, etc when they try to emulate a decentralised platform with real world application.
Perhaps, just like when Etrade entered the stockmarket, making it easier for the average punter to take a step into that world, so too, will Crypto add another option to the peasantry. :)
I have had more around me getting interested and putting their toes in lately - I think people in the know are seeing the signs that they have to do something. Hopefully it is a sign of good things to come.