Just received some sad news. About 20% of the workers at our company got laid off due to the economic crisis. Luckily, I'm not one of the laid-off workers but the uncertainty of losing my job has an impact on me 😟.
Just received some sad news. About 20% of the workers at our company got laid off due to the economic crisis. Luckily, I'm not one of the laid-off workers but the uncertainty of losing my job has an impact on me 😟.
I've been there more than once. It's part of life, & it's not the fun part.
Situations like that R why we need 2have multiple streams of income, & the ideal time to build them is when we still have that job income stream. Stack that HIVE.
I don't know if I should be happy because I still have the job or be sad for my colleagues who lost theirs.
One thing I'm sure of is to commit to building my emergency funds and to continue saving HBDs.
Being "happy" to still still have a job while others don't may be awkward, but there is nothing wrong with being "grateful" that you're still employed these days. It's OK 2B both grateful 4 your situation and sad at the situation of others.
That’s why so many people are into crypto, they are looking for something a job no longer provides: security.
I'm actually trying to learn the ropes here in Hive for that reason. I've join a year back but that was only because of Splinterlands. I haven't had a full grasp of the Hive ecosystem. Now I'm slowly getting into some of its DApps.
It's never easy but it's also why everyone needs to be prepared for such things. Job security is no longer a thing at all you'll most likely be working 5+ jobs in your lifetime.
You are right. Multiple sources of income. Multiple sources of working
Damn. Crazy how quick this shit happens.
Yes, they received an email earlier today saying that It's their last day of work today and that they don't need to report. This is a sad start to the new year.
Similar happened at my company. Selfish companies.
I know that there's a saying that says in order to save the many, we need to sacrifice a few.
But, they could have at least informed them a month prior just a heads-up that would give them time to prepare or time to look for new jobs.
Crazy! What position do you hold?
I'm an Operations Associate. I've been with the company for only 3 years now. That's why I'm worried.