I've been there more than once. It's part of life, & it's not the fun part.
Situations like that R why we need 2have multiple streams of income, & the ideal time to build them is when we still have that job income stream. Stack that HIVE.
I've been there more than once. It's part of life, & it's not the fun part.
Situations like that R why we need 2have multiple streams of income, & the ideal time to build them is when we still have that job income stream. Stack that HIVE.
I don't know if I should be happy because I still have the job or be sad for my colleagues who lost theirs.
One thing I'm sure of is to commit to building my emergency funds and to continue saving HBDs.
Being "happy" to still still have a job while others don't may be awkward, but there is nothing wrong with being "grateful" that you're still employed these days. It's OK 2B both grateful 4 your situation and sad at the situation of others.