What Splinter types do you hate using the most?
For me, I tend to hate death splinter the most. At least my leveled cards are untamed and the combinations I make never seem to work that well.
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What Splinter types do you hate using the most?
For me, I tend to hate death splinter the most. At least my leveled cards are untamed and the combinations I make never seem to work that well.
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Personally, I don't like the Life Splinter - I just can't seem to figure out how to get a win out of it.
But its funny, my favorite to play is the death splinter. I tend to do well with it.
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I generally use Shieldbearer as my tank with Luminous eagle as my reach monster then follow up with whatever I feel like using at the time for Life Splinter. Some of my follow up monsters I like are cave slug and light elemental.
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I've tried to use Shieldbearer as my tank with no success. But I'll try again using your other suggestions with it.
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The key to Life is you have to load your back row with cards that can take our the opponents back row while they're forced to fire on your Shieldbearer. I can't tell you how many battles I've won because I take out their back row while losing my Shieldbearer and then they end up with a ranged or non-shooter in the front position and I've got a couple little guys left that can't get hit. I can almost hear my opponent cussing through the screen. lol
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Same strategy I use. Works most times unless I come up against a damn Llama or Kitty!
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That's funny. Life is probably my favorite Splinter. I've got Lorna Shine 4 for my summoner though so that helps. She gives the Divine Shield ability to the whole team so I can put Shieldbearer in first position and then load the back row with sneak, opportunity, and magic where they'll usually get at least 2 rounds in before dying. It's usually enough. Unless I run into people with some expensive cards....
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How do you level a card? You just play with it a lot or there is a specific action you gotta do?
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You combine cards. Basically cards are burnt in order to increase the level of the card.
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Ooh cool
So if you have multiples of the same card you can combine them to make them stronger?
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Yup, easy peasy. Just go to the card section, click on the card and hit the combine icon.
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Yup. As the level goes up, either their stats go up or they get new abilities.
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You combine them. Each level requires a certain amount of cards. Each card is a BCX.
Click the image to make it larger
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Go to Cards and then click on any card. Once there click on Stats. That shows you how many cards you need of that particular card in order to level them up. For commons it's usually 5 for level 2, 14 for level 3, 30 for level 4, 60 for level 5, and 100 for level 6. You need to acquire that many cards and then combine them to reach those levels. There's a little "combine cards" button in the row of icons which include renting them out, selling them, etc.
The BCX number is how many cards have already been combined to make the card you're looking at. BCX stands for "Base Card Experience" or something like that. Each BCX stands for one card. So if you look at the market and see a level 2 with a 5 BCX, that means someone has already combined 5 of those cards to create the level 2 card. You could then add 9 more cards to that one if you want and turn it into a level 3.
I'd recommend doing it once with the cheapest card you can find just so you know what you're doing. That Spinner that's being given away here is a pretty good candidate. It's pretty cheap IIRC. It is also a card that has it's uses. Especially in certain rulesets or in low mana battles.
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I really do not have one I hate. I have a good variety of summoners in different splinters on the @splinterlands game. I guess it would depend on what the ruleset is. My least favorite would have to be the Life Splinter.
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Get Lorna Shine levelled up some and you'll change your tune on that....
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They all have their uses depending on who you're fighting. For me, the key is to look at the last 5 battles your opponent fought and try to predict the cards they're going to use against you based on the rule set and total mana.
For example, I almost always use the Earth Splinter and Mylor when the mana is 12-15. My opponent almost always uses Fire with Malric and his +1 melee or Death with the healing Haunted Spirit in the first position. These are melee. I stick my shield golem in first position and the tree elemental in the last with an opportunity/sneak in between and watch him impale himself to death on my thorns. Very satisfying. :-)
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I don't have a Mylor so I tend to rely on Wizard of Eastwood. Removing shield does help a little bit.
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Is it possible to specialize in one type of splinter? Or eventually you'll need all of them to progress?
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It is best to have a good mix. Sometimes you are limited to certain Splinters in the battles.
Best to focus on leveling-up summoners first if you can afford it.
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It's better to focus on a few...but sometimes your quest might not agree and you will have a tough time.
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