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RE: Leo Talk 7/17/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Financial conditions seem tight based on some of the latest surveys. It seems like future spending might be prime to collapse and with it, our economy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


When all those parents get the child care credits in their accounts which started this week, I don't see them saving all of that money. They will go out and buy lots of stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I do think they will use the money but as of right now, I think that is a one-time thing and I don't think the monthly version has been passed yet. However if prices are considered too high, people will refuse to buy and that is the biggest issue.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

70% is a high number, which is a big reason to worry. Is a price reduction going to be a solution to this or more money pumped into the system??🤔

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I think it has more to do with the money you are getting from wages or from benefits isn't going up fast enough compared to the prices. So overtime, people will buy less.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


And people think this inflation thing is going to last. No way. The economy is going to slow which is a problem on many levels.

It is far from strong.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, it's going to come crashing like 1919 with the Wall St Crash after the war and Spanish Flu.

But recovery wasn't too bad with the roaring 20s that came out. Hopefully I'm not too old to be screwed hard by the recession

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Recovery wasn't bad over a century ago because interference in the economy was minimal to non-existent.

A contagion hit the economy, the economy ailed for a while, then the contagion was allowed to be flushed out. After the contagion was flushed out, the economy was on the road to recovery.

That was the Depression on 1920 (1919-1921), the Forgotten Depression. At this time, the FED was about to start 2nd grade; its influence was minimal, and it was nothing like the FED we know today.

This economic depression was also the last one allowed to fix itself on its own. It sucked for everyone, sure, but it only lasted 2 years tops. A few years later came the Great Depression we hear about all the time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not too sure if it happened that way, they still has masks and isolation and quarantine. Phili denied it and had 750 deaths per 100k people.

By the 4th wave it was weakened and then a vaccine was made (10yrs later) Things might have been a little different then to now.

Coming out of a war most the world's population of men was massively reduced and no one to work so governments invested in tech and for the first time in history machines replaced workers. People started building roads and cars became available to people.

It was pretty much the birth of capitalism and the private citizen.

Naturally what goes up must come down.

By contagion I didn't mean the Spanish Flu; I meant economic or monetary factors. An economy needs to flush out unproductive investments and assets, and unfortunately that means pain for most people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would go as far as to say it was caused due to the lack of government involvement, it is what cryptocurrancy is now.

Compared to how economic downturns are handled today ("recessions" rather than "panics" or "depressions"), the Great Depression of 1929 didn't have as much interference. Compare it to its predecessor of 1920, though, and it's a different story.

The 1929 Depression was bound to happen. The question is, did it have to last longer than 2 or 3 years?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

...and the Roaring 20s was followed by another depression which was caused by a lot of the same things we are seeing today (my foster parents lived through it and I grew up with the stories).

The drought and subsequent fires in the western part of the United States will have a great effect on food prices here in about a year or so. That combined with other things? Not looking good for the home team in the short-term. Hence; I say...

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Spot on, wall St is regulated but cryptocurrancy exchanges are not. Similarly it is occuring now.

Where did all that stimulus go?