Access to ERC20 but for a fraction of the price.
There are a lot of these networks lately but it sure does sound interesting. I think it does sound an interesting token model but does it have the same risks as normal farms? Like can you still get something like impermanent loss similar to Defi?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Important to note that this is a working product. I transferred BSC to ERC20 for bugger all and then one old for fire again for bugger all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Impermanent loss occurs from any paired token. But the divs paid to your wallet I guess could mitigate it if you kept some aside in you're wallet instead of staked to gain.
The aim of the game for RFI is to HODL.
The token as been booming 2 days now, I'm sure there will be a correction at some point. It was only .38 cents a few weeks ago so no doubt a few would be waiting for instant million.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta