
You’re right . The technology advancements will boost things and make living a more comfortable and enjoyable on the long run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea but the problem is whether or not a small group of people control the technology. If they do, it doesn't bode well for the ordinary people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I get your point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In a decade and given the advances of technology, can we expect 150 years?

Very interesting question to ponder. I am not sure how quickly this will go. I am writing a post now about this that will be up in a few.

Can the human body get passed 120 years old? That is the first question many people in the field have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea but I think its something we have to consider. We are now on the level of messing with genes and increasing lifespan might actually be possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Certainly I dont discount it for a moment. I do believe massive life extension is coming at some point. Many who are around now will have to ponder this for themselves.

For example, those in their 20s, likely are going to a much longer life than what we have on the planet now. Thus, some might be able to see 150 or 200.

Who knows. I do not bet against technology.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, they are already "growing" organs for people. I don't think it's too much of a leap to say that most bodies will have "replacement parts" available at some point. Hell, they may just 3D print a new body in 20 years. Then, if the brain is already hooked to the cloud, they could just "download" it into the new body and, presto, back to age 27 again. Truth IS stranger than fiction after all....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The 3D printing of organs is interesting. I havent researched it a ton to be honest but I know it is a heavily researched area.

It makes sense that this type of path could have some success. We will have to see how far it goes before they run into a major barrier. I am sure it is out there.

But yes it is incredible to think how things could be in 20 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta