
damn. That is sexy toast

and so good 😋

coolest thing about workout is having cheat days . My favorite cheat meal is pizza or hamburgers

I busted my ass this morning didn’t want to defeat the purpose to much but I’m a New Yorker living in Central Florida so Pizza in will always be welcomed although it has to be worth the slice or Sicilian.

Pizza is just one of the best, I never take it with diet coke though 😁

There was a time I downed Diet Cokes like a madman lol. Cases.

Doesn't look like much of a cheat day.
where are the brownies?

Not today. I am having wings tomorrow because of the Super Bowl although I’m making them less unhealthy lol

less healthy wings are the best wings

Are you cheeting in terms of the bread all that yummy goodness is sitting on?

The bread yes but it is freshly made sourdough so the better of the bad is the best way of answering that.

Ahaha yes! And the real sourdough (meaning that the dough had time to ferment) changes the structure of gluten completely. I have had friends come eat my bread and have no reaction in regards to their gluten allergies.

Awesome answer by the way!

Good bread is heavenly.

Looks so yummy

How is this a cheat meal. Looks more healthy