I have been thinking a lot about Cub Finance, and the long term future of the platform. What could drive the TVL up massively, build credibility in the BSC and wider crypto comunity, and drive the price of CUB, LEO, BLEO, and soon tm "BLANK" tokens -whatever they may end up being called.
I haven't posted for a while, been so wrapped up with everything going on lately (plus some real life stuff) that I have fallen out of the habit. So, to get back into it, I figured I'd start with all things CUB.

Short Term:
For the short term future of CUB, I think things look fairly on track. TVL is growing, and the "fee free" day has been a great success. I can foresee this happening again at some stage, maybe as a one off promotion tied around new features. A fee free day when the LEO-Bridge is launched (or maybe a celebration day a few days after) would be a good PR idea I think. We have seen today a significant increase in TVL, and "fee free" seems to be a marketing idea that I haven't seen around other BSC farming sites that could set us apart. Something to think about @khaleelkazi.

The TVL is certainly heading in the right direction, and the price of CUB has also benefited from the recent changes. "Numbers go up" is always an indication that something is working, and I believe they will continue to improve.

Medium Term:
Here is where it get's interesting. Many DeFi platforms (notably BSC based ones) have launched and exploded in popularity. However, once the dust settles, it can become difficult to retain that growth and market share as the next shiny new toy comes along and all the yield maximisers move on for the greener grass on the other side. We have seen Goose Finance try lots of different things to maintain momentum, and struggle to land wins. Layered farming has been widely criticized, and rightly so as it looked like a real mess. I didn't try and participate, but it sounds like a shambles.
My thinking is that CUB will gradually set itself apart from the crowd by with a steady stream of added features, and constant development. The biggest thing I'm hoping for is partnerships with other BSC platforms. A link with Beefy Finance, or Haven, or Goose itself. Getting a foot in the door with one of the big BSC projects would add a lot of credibility to the project, and broaden the appeal and visibility of Cub Finance.
Hopefully, a combination of some guerilla marketing by all of us shilling across twitter and telegram, and some official marketing by the team itself will continue to build awareness and growth for the Cub platform. Partnerships can play a huge part in that. The other benefit we have is that as time goes by, more BSC people will start to realize that Cub is not getting rugged, not now, not ever. Khal is pretty public, and as more DeFi people realize that a rug is incredibly unlikely for Cub, trust and confidence in the platform will grow. I think a lot of BSC people see us (Cub) as outsiders, and building that trust and confidence that this isn't a rug, and is going to become so much more than just another Goose clone will take time.

Long Term:
OK, so here is where I enter dreamland. Assuming the short to medium term goes well, here is what I see as the revolution of Cub Finance that I think few see coming. Khal is not one to dream small, so I feel quite sure that he would be giving some thought to the plan I am about to outline. I haven't seen anyone talk about this, and none of this is official or based on insider knowledge. Just my reading of Khal, and where I see the Cub platform heading.
You ready?
Cub Finance will become an integrated front end combining Thorchain and BSC pools on one platform, seamlessly linking BSC to almost all the major crypto platforms. Visit Cub Finance, and you will have the option to LP into Thorchain pools, with native tokens. Thorchain is keen for multiple front ends to be developed to access Thorchain as the back end. Multichain chaosnet is likely launching this week. Khal absolutely loves Thorchain, and has publicly stated in the past that building access to Thorchain into a LEO platform is part of his plans.
I see Cub Finance becoming a Thorchain, and Binance Smart Chain front end. Seamlessly swap any major crypto through Thorchain's pools, and then via cub's BSC pools (and link to pancakeswap as the base layer) into any BSC token in seconds - without needing to go near any exchange. I could be wrong, but I absolutely see this happening this year. Maybe even sooner than you might think.
Tapping into Thorchain as a back end for cross chain liquidity would benefit all users in the LEO/
CUB/HIVE eco-system. Even more so if the HIVE equivalent of BSC (a HIVE, eth fork), that @klye is working on, happens. I would be surprised if Cub didn't build on a future "HIVE Smart Chain" and extend its platform there. Linking a future HSC with BSC and RUNE would build a powerful combination of drawcards sucking in liquidity from all sorts of places.
Thorchain front ends will have the capability to build in their own fee structure, by having customization abilities over fees for adding to LP's and swap fees. So similar to the 2 - 4% fee on CUB pools and Dens, a future CUB-RUNE project could charge a small fee. As LEO/HIVE/CUB people, I am sure most of us would happily pay a small fee to add to Thorchain pools, knowing that fee will be used to buy and burn LEO/CUB/BLANK tokens. The Leofinance cult grows bigger and stronger as more people are attracted to the suit of options unmatched anywhere else. All the while, value is accruing to those holding the LEO/CUB?BLANK tokens.
If @khaleelkazi can pull of this ambitious roadmap I have assumed for him, we all are going to make it.
Right now it's just a dream, but I say watch this space, as I think a CUB front end to Thorchain is inevitable. We will look back on these days of $16 million TVL and a $3.50 CUB price as a fond memory.
Big Big things coming for Cub Finance.
P.S. Could be wrong, not financial advice, etc. But we all know Kahl loves RUNE, do you want to bet on this happening?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Already had planned to build bridges to support LEO and it's stuff of HSC. Ideally by the end of v1.0 we'll have link ups to basically any blockchain possible.
I'm really pumped to see the outcome of the work you are doing.
A huge benefit for Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
all these integration talk = money
it will all make sense in a couple of months. got my ears on the ground
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That really would be amazing. Feels like a lot of steps between here and there though. Blank, Kingdoms, didn't I read something about a governance token? Not to mention we still don't have the audit or LeoBridge. I'm all for "dreaming" but I want to see the building blocks get solidly set in place first. The vision is pretty but gotta keep building the trust first.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup, lots to do, and lots of pieces to put in place. Also, this post is MY vision for CUB and how all this goes, not Khal's. Wishful thinking, maybe, possible - I don't know, I would not have a clue if it could even be done.
Just me daydreaming out loud.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've got no problem with that. In crypto, anything is possible after all. Like I said, I'm just the kind of person that likes concrete progression before scattering focus to all corners of the planet. Give me facts first and then we'll work on the dreams. Good post though, obviously. It certainly generated a lot of response.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agreed @dagger122 ...
... and hopefully Khal and team will have something coming out soon with some detail about fixing a number of the issues which need to be addressed. From what I have seen, they are pretty well known by now. They just need time and attention focused on "making them disappear" ...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great explanation, I hope you are right and cub finance turns into the interoperability platform we all want to see...I think the ETH-BSC bridge could be the beginning of this success. Wen? Soon...lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think the ETH - BSC bridge is a great starting point. It is a bit of a clunky work around to avoid Binance, but It'll do the job.
Long term I think the bigger picture is interesting. Lots of ways to connect LeoFinance and all its tokens to the wider crypto world.
Soon tm
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting read, I too have been trying to figure out how it plays out, how to market it and what the future holds.
I have a friend that jumped in early and got discouraged during the price dip. He just hunts for returns.
So, I'm onboard, excited, buckled in.. But interested to see how sustainable it all is.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, Goose clones are commonplace, I think Khal understands that to keep growing, add on features and continuous development are a must.
I do think that he has some 4D chess moves (like the RUNE link) up his sleeve, but time will tell.
sustainability with a constant inflation supply of 1 token per block really relies on continued growth of TVL more than anything, and maintaining high rewards for CUB holders.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i jumped in for the quick gains as well but I am finding it difficult to pull out. so much potential here. it could go sideways but I willing to stick around long enough to see how it all pans out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I love that dreamland and would love to live there and then lifting off the boundaries between the dreamland and the real world.
I think, many of us hope so too. This will accelerate the progress for CUB Finance, and agree, there hasn't been done anything like this yet, CUB Finance could be a pioneer.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sometimes dreamland is a nice place to visit. Plenty of if's and but's in the way, but who knows, maybe some of this could happen.
Partnerships would be nice, but the best thing about the Thorchain suggestion is that Khal would not have to ask anyone's permission, or make any partnership arrangements to do it. He'd just have to do it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Love the vision @jk6276 (with a pretty good idea of the respect he holds you in, I'm sure @khaleelkazi is thinking about it already ...)! Agreed that "fee free" days would be an enticing draw for many. Anything "shiny" to wave in front of the ROI-hungry masses should work ... 😉
Very intriguing that sooner, rather than later, we may see Cub Finance tied into Thorchain, as well. I have my RUNE ready to go!
The only part of the near future that makes me a little queasy is sadly the tie back in to the Hive blockchain. If it has anything to do with Hive Engine, I just don't see it turning out well. Can't handle the potential load ... I regularly check the #Tech-Support channel and there are too many failed transactions ...
Now ...
interviewmuch more stable and enticing to build on, for a solid future. There is only the small matter of how long that would take ... 🤔If you (any serious investor should ...) have listened to @taskmaster4450's with Dan (@blocktrades) we hear how much he envisions "smart contracts" being a core part of the second-layer options available on the Hive blockchain. That sounds
Great post! Onward and upward! 🦁🚀
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Don't quote me on that "sooner rather than later" line - This whole post was really just me blowing out the cobwebs after not producing any content for over a month. Figured I'd just daydream a little to get back in to action, didn't expect the response here that I have received.
The Smart Contract layer for HIVE definitely seems like the way forward. I did listen to that interview, and am aware of other projects working on layer 2 stuff and smart contracts also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No bet... but am following and investing. So far few K down but 🤞 I have faith in the man!
Seems like a good pathway forward, well thought out and well planned. Let's see how it turns out.
Hope everything is going will mate times are tough atm but don't forget to reach out if you need to yarn.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey mate, I think the long run will shape up pretty well around here, I just needed to visit dreamland to get back into the flow of writing again. Most of the post was just a slight step up from a free write really. Could happen, could just be my vision of what I would do, not what Kahl might do, who knows. I like to try and figure out his moves occasionally, entertains me to try read between the lines of his comments and figure out whaqt he is up to.
Re - IRL.
Thanks for asking mate, tbh everything is going fantastic. Family is great, finances are good, health is good, job isn't too shitty (maybe I just don't mind it because I can see my way to escape from it). All is good - just been a busy time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
His doing great and so is the project team.
Good to hear 👍🏾
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Dreams are all we have to get there.
CUB is about to shake things around.
What a time to get involved.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
View or trade
Hey @jk6276, here is a little bit of from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.A few more days and I will be in the CUB game as well :) Next investment portion goes there :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This would be super cool. But how to change BEP-20 to BEP-2 and vice versa (noob here)? Nevermind @khaleelkazi can do it ;-). Fingers crossed.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Pretty excited about the future of CUBs and LeoFinance overall!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for writing this article!
Very interesting.
I‘m also thinking of joining CUB in the next couple of days!
The project looks really promising in terms of roadmap and it‘s future looks very bright!
In terms of financials - how do you see the APR and CUB price develop?
Thanks :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i sense this sort of integration--cubdefi linked to bsc, eth, thorchain and hive. this is why I feel it is such a steal getting cub at this price and a reason why I am thinking long-term with cub.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hi welcome to dreamland,
I was already there :)
Interesting! Thanks for the good news
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Insert drooling GIFF of your choice here!
Rune doing WELL today too!
It's a green day!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm putting more Cub into the Cub-BUSD farm today while Cub is still cheap. I am in it for the longrun.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for your point of view, I think the same ^^
Enjoy !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
CUB skam
Interesting thoughts. I have few questions though....
Thorchain has the inherent ability to circumvent impermernent loss. If cub defi integrates Thorchains base layer, does that mean Cub platform inherits that ability?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm so pumped by this consistent growth! just look at were we at 10 hours after this post.. From 16M $ to an insane <17M $
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You mean up 7.29% in 10 hours for an annual growth rate of 6,386.04%? You're right. That IS insane. I hadn't looked at it that way. Good post!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't get it, are you ironic? :(
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
saiss getting owned LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
perfecto gracias
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hello without a doubt, in this new wave of high prices, the defi are the ico of the 2017 - 2018 season, we cannot hide that at the end of the wave only some projects will survive and in the same way they will have to lower profitability a lot, hopefully the CUB be one of them, greetings
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Connecting with Thorchain would be epic
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't think making "fee free" days a regular occurrence is a good idea, people will just wait for them and no cub/leo will get burned. Especially for dens as they don't provide any value to the network, they need to pay a fee otherwise all they're doing is siphoning off inflation rewards without giving anything back. TVL increase really is a bad thing for users if the price of cub doesn't go up more than TVL.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice come back on the blogfront here ... and well, let's just say ... this doesn't sound that much like dreaming at all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I was flicking through Twitter while on the train yesterday and came across this post.
Safe to say I was sitting there smiling to myself feeling quite inspired about the direction that things could go.
Thanks for sharing :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Definitely seeing all the growth that cub is having I can say that I am in the right direction, since everything is moving there and this is the right time to get involved because later it will be so popular that there will be no opportunity.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting musings, thanks for sharing them.
That TVL is already quite impressive. I strongly agree that slow and steady growth is better than riding a hype wave. I firmly believe that well-built, unhyped projects will slowly rise to the top over hyped ones which fail to perform (cough cough ADA cough).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Many things have happened since you published this post. The connection with THORChain seems promising. Let's hope CUB keeps trending up.
It's too late for me to upvote this post, so please accept this slice of !PIZZA instead.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
Learn more at https://hive.pizza. @magnacarta tipped @jk6276 (x1)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This was the best article ive ever read, holy shit, my penis is hard.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
to be fair we've been working on the social media side of things for the longest time and it hasn't yielded the best of results. plus these projects require funding and people which is something we don't have in abundance.
creating financial tools can be an easy way to get more people involved in the leofinance ecosystem. it is the in-thing now. rather than bet against trend you follow them and create your unique projects along the way
there is a small projectblank-like initiative on leo - leotalks. how many community members are utilizing it? what is even the guarantee that projectblanket will get huge patronage? it is all in theory.
but look at it this way: if cub kicks off well enough and attracts a lot of people we can lure these people into other leo related projects. Apple uses this type of strategy--creating an ecosystem that is all-encompassing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Indeed, almost only CUB content. We urgently need to diversify the content to be interesting for the masses that we want.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Generally, I agree with this sentiment. This post was mainly me clearing out the cobwebs having not posted for a month. I'm usually focused on other crypto projects, but CUB has been my primary focus since it launched, and I think it is natural to some extent that people want to write about the new project or development from their favorite platform. It'll fade back in time, and hopefully more outward looking content about other things will shine through again.
This was my first CUB post, and first LEO related content for months, and it'll probably be months again before I revist internal topics.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's actually well said.
What I'm hoping for tho, is that Hive marketing campaign will help us onboard critical mass for exponential growth. So, I may be a dreamer as well, but at least I'm holding to something tangible.
However, Leo Team seems relentless and the amount of projects they delivered in 1 year has earned some credibility. And while I'm not arguing we're even close to becoming mainstream, but we can all agree such tectonic moves happen rather quickly and exponentially.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey, thanks for the input and balance. I agree, this post was me dreaming a bit, and your points are all valid. Cub is the shiny new toy for now, and it is natural that people want to talk about it. This was my first CUB post, and probably my last for quite a while. I'll go back to talking about Akash and Thorchain and other projects, which is what most of my content usually is.
Yes my post was heavily angled at yield farming, but in my defense it is a post about CUB specifically, not really LEOFinance itself. ProjectBlank will be great when it finally arrives. I understand many people getting frustrated with the delays, but I have no idea at all about development, and can only imagine how long it took to build twitter, and then to try and replicate that on a blockchain, sounds pretty hard to me.
Some of the ideas I floated in this post may happen, or all of them, or none at all and I'm way off the mark... But any of that is ok, this post is my dreams, not necessarily Khal's.
Thanks for your comment, seems there is still plenty of engagement on LEO - this post gathered so many comments while I was at work, feels pretty lively to me.
I appreciate your perspective.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta