We all want to do our bit at the moment to help bring more traffic and people visiting the Leofinance site. This is good for the eco-system with more site visits meaning more ad impressions and more LEO token burns. As @nealmcspadden pointed out in his price target video's, the token buyback and burn program places a floor under the LEO price, and increasing the Ad revenue lifts that floor higher.
So, Let's take a look at the type of content - shared outside the Hive eco-system, brings people to visit LeoFinance. LeoFinance has analytics available, for anyone to look at, at a site called "Simple Analytics".
Source of Traffic.
Here are the details of where traffic has come from in the past month:

From this screenshot, we can see Google as the number one external source of traffic. The details there are not tracked, so the data isn't available to see from this source extra info, like what searches were being made or what articles were found. It does show that SEO efforts are important, and the more we learn about making our posts search engine friendly, the better for LeoFinance.

The twitter referral link is much more enlightening. Here is the last month of twitter referrals:

And here is a screen grab of the top 9 tweets in the last month. I'm not sharing this because I am in number one position (although I am a bit excited about this ;-) ) Read on to see the point I'm making.

Here is the point.
Looking at the top 15 tweets bringing visits back to LeoFinance, the following are what the post was about:
- 2 were posts about LeoFinance.
- 2 were posts about Hive.
- 2 were about Thorchain and RUNE.
- 2 were about BTS.
- The others were about: ZEFI, AFY, BAT, FIO, TAU, BART and BTC.
The point is that the majority of content bringing people to LeoFinance from Twitter is not about LeoFinance or Hive, it is about other crypto projects.

Here are a few tips to get more visibility on your tweets to bring other communities to your content:
- Keep it simple - a short intro, the post link (make sure to use the LeoFinance link obviously) a few hashtags, relevant cashtags and @'s will usually do the job.
- Know who to tag: a retweet from an influencer in the community for your topic can really make a difference. It helps to interact with them, and become a part of the community, so they see your tweets when you drop them.
- Don't get pushy. Put it out there, but don't go spamming links everywhere.
- Consistency is important. If people in the community know you are there with them, as part of the team, they will visit your content.
- Invite them to LeoFinance. My best tweet was a post promoting LeoFinance to the Thorchain community. It gathered a bit of attention, a few retweets in the community, one person called us a scam with zero basis and research (lol) and at least one person joined the Leo discord and Telegram channel.

So there it is, that's the post.
Screenshots all come from Simple Analytics.
Post dividers are sourced from this post by @barge and I have set @barge as 10% beneficiary of this post to show appreciation.
Thanks for reading,
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Many thanks JK...I'm delighted to see the images in use 👍😎
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I love the post dividers. Maybe you could pick up a few Leo making custom banners for Leo people. I'd love something I could use as a banner on my twitter profile...
Anyway, just a thought.
I appreciate the dividers.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I had a look at your Twitter home page and indeed, it could do with a banner :)
Below are two banners for your Twitter account - based on the Leo house banner, style simple and clear.
I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing you were looking for - maybe you have already designed it in your head :). If you'd like something other than what's here, give me an idea of (1) what text (2) any particular colour or image you'd like.
If this is good enough for you, great. If you'd like some tweaks, let me know.
BTW, I really appreciate your use and acknowledgement of the page-dividers. I don't expect anything in return for these two Twitter banners. They're a gift for you if you'll accept!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's pretty much exactly what I had in mind. Much appreciated.
Like it or not, I'll probably put a beneficiary on a couple more posts to show appreciation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
but I've lost access to my account
BargeHi JK, just to let you know this is @barge . I have a chance of recovering it at the end of the month. Until then, and after (if I cannot recover it), I will be using my alt @krunkypuram. Either way, I'll continue to be active.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No good mate, hope you can get your main account back. Good luck.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks JK, I'm much more confident now that I will.
Great stuff all round JK, nice one!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Getting out of this little self-serving Hive bubble we've put ourselves in is key.
I'd love to see the bigger accounts rewarding outward facing finance content. Posts aimed at readers outside Hive should be doing better than the posts featuring us just talking about LeoFinance amongst ourselves.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The echo-chamber is definitely a thing. Outward facing posts are a great way to bring more eyeballs to Hive and Leo. You never know who might follow a link to an article that interests them, and then stay on LeoFinance and have a look around.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Long time, no see buddy. I hope you're doing well. 🙏
Hey mate, long time no chat. Good to see you still around. Doing real well at the moment. Most people's 2020 has been crap, mine has been pretty good really. Health is good, family is going good, finances are improving and crypto bags getting heavier.
Hope all is going well for you, @wonderwop?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm doing good. Going thru chemo but feeling strong. 🙏🙏🙏
Mate, no good, Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery- keep me posted.
Stay strong my friend.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope that in the coming months the LEO team will be able to achieve one of its goals, which is to attract more people to our ecosystem.
I would love to see more LEO token being burned and more ads being created with this increase in traffic. Well, it will be a lot of fun to follow all of this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's already happening. Starting to see new faces appear and people from around hive paying more attention.
The next few month's are going to be so much fun to be a part of.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Looking forward to follow all of this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So my BTS posts brought in 51 referrals from Twitter? Awesome. I'll keep it up. They call me lots of things but they do call me Geoff! 😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup, your BTS content is bringing in outside eye's. Keep it up, I'll keep an eye out on Twitter and retweet when I see it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks. Those stats are extremely helpful. Good stuff to know. 👍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think coingecko today outperformed everything else :)
It's going to be interesting to watch the traffic coming from all the various sites adding LeoFinance and WLEO in.
@coingecko are awesome, very excited to see WLEO on there site.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A primary SEO effort needs to be getting the leofinance.io website to rank #1 for the term "leo finance" on Google. We're currently ranked #10 behind a bunch of horoscope websites.
I also think everyone is a bit timid to share content on Facebook about cryptocurrency after 2017. Facebook shares will help a lot for SEO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm not good at SEO stuff, what would it take to improve that ranking?
As for Facebook, you make a good point. I have basically spent zero time there in the last 12 - 18 months, should make more effort there spreading content.
Thanks for your input.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Get more popular. Realistically there are currently more people searching for horoscopes than us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think the addition of Wleo and DeFo will drive more people the site. I’m excited for what that means for the project.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
WLEO is the best thing that has happened for the LeoFinance project. Bringing more visitors to the site will drive long term growth, in conjunction with taking the LEO token out beyond it's Hive home.
The way I see it, we are taking LeoFinance to where the people are, instead of trying to bring the people to us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That’s a good way to think about it. I’m not up to speed on DeFI bit wleo looks and sounds like a big step forward.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your post with tips on increasing views was really helpful.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sourcing LEO Finance outside its ecosystem is one way of bringing more users and thus more revenue. This strengthens the fact that this community is reliable, it brings trust and makes others onboard.
While I hear a lot of LEO being burned, who does that and can you link a transaction in this regard...?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's all about bringing more people to the site - some will stay, some may even join up.
This is the last article I can find about ad revenue. I think it is processed manually by @khaleelkazi. When Ad revenue is received, LEO tokens are bought on market and sent to Null. More Ad revenue = more LEO burnt = increase in price.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta