Man good seeing you back at again. Missed your posts in my feed. I took a short hiatus a few times the last few months myself. The last time I wasn't sure I would return to social media period. Anyway, came back anew, even created a new account (old one you remember @joebrochin has been shuttered). I just needed a new beginning for some reason it felt right.
Did I say it is good to see you back on chain?
My field is becoming more and more software-defined, meaning that it is rapidly getting automated.
A good deal of the IT field is moving in this direction. I wouldn't;t worry too much as you will be fine. However, I see older admins scrambling because they refused to adapt to the cloud's disruptive nature and what digital transformation meant. They don't even recognize what you have pointed out above. They are just sitting around playing with Redline staplers in basements wondering why they haven't been paid.
Thanks brother. Good to have a bit more spare time. Followed your new acct!
Thanks. My youngest is on the blockchain now to @puffdaddy5488. He's going to be writing STEM-related stuff, playing Splinterlands, and doing other youngster tech stuff. Maybe you and @slobberchops can help me look out after on here and show him the ropes kind of like you did me a couple of times.