Hive Won't Be Ignored For Much Longer...

in LeoFinance3 years ago


A day ago, we all enjoyed a beautiful thing...

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp....All went offline for a bit!!!!

The rumors started flying....

"They've been hacked!"

"It's because of the Whistle Blower!!!"

But then you started to see something pop up on the only tradional social media site that was still online - Twitter!

The need for Web 3.0 when it came to social media!

Of course, what's hilarious is that most of the crypto 'influencers' that were yapping about the need for blockchain based social media...Never seem to use blockchain based social media.

But I digress...

Facebook came back online and the world returned to complaining about politics, vaccinations and whether they were Republicans or Democrats.

(are we called that or Hivers, I still haven't figured that one out?), took the opportunity of Facebook being down to highlight the need for...That's when I saw a quick little update from @dmilliz who like all good Hivians

Web 3.0 on the blockchain!

This is the graphic he shared...


(Image via DisruptorDaily)

Oh baby....Let's break this down and see how Hive truly does, check everything we need off the list!

Removing the User as the Product - 'If you aren't paying for the product, you are the product!' Guess what Hive can't and won't do...Sell you ads LOL I don't know about you, but that's pretty awesome! It allows you to concentrate on what matters most...The content and the comments!

Control Over Content - Wanna know why you see rants about politics, fighting about vaccinations and general drama on your social media feeds? Because they are designed to be that way. With Hive it's simple, you follow who you want and get to see THEIR content...Not something that's being force fed down your throat!

Improved Security - Some may think, because we don't have a retrieve password function, this is harmful. I personally think it's GREAT to have tools like Hive Keychain and the ability to be the master of your own passwords. You control your account!!

Protecting Freedom Of Speech - A friend of mine just got a 48 hour ban on Facebook. Why? He shared n image about the vaccinations. Whether you agree with his stance or not, doesn't matter. I just think we should have the right to let our voices be heard without the fear of being...Banned.

In-App Payments - Not only is our Hive account and wallet attached, it's crazy easy to send and receive payments with Hive and even set up recurring subscriptions. Right on chain. Of course, we've developed @hivepay-io to allow merchants and online businesses to easily integrate Hive and Hive Engine tokens into their websites to make payments a breeze!

Compensation for Posts & Influencers - I mean...Does this even need an explanation? Own your content and heck, get rewarded on both first and second layer tokens...Does it get any better?

Authenticating Legitimacy of Content - I know a lot of people dislike the reputation system here on Hive and sure, it can always be improved. But it does show us the potential of crowd minded rating systems. If Hive had some kind of 'blue badge' like Twitter does I think it could even build more trust. So many ways to do that as well!

Freedom to Access Information - You can get your posts downvoted to oblivion, but guess what...It's still on chain! Yeah, once it's on the blockchain baby, it's there for anyone and everyone to access. Never need to worry about the powers that be, silencing you or your opinion!

Verified Marketplaces - Check out what @thelogicaldude is building with Hive List. Marketplaces DRIVEN by the users of the platform. Heck, even the different markets within the @splinterlands eco-system...All ways for people to buy and sell products and services the are looking for!

In-App Tokens - I dunno if you guys have heard about this, but Hive-Engine allows any tribe, any app or any community to tokenize it. Shocker, we have that right here, right now on Hive!

Verifying Online Identities - Not sure if everyone would go for this, but you know what...People that want to be verified can be if they choose to. And with the blockchain, you know it'll be rock solid!

So yeah...Maybe I'm just a fan boy....

Bu I'm pretty sure this 'dream' that everyone on traditional social media rants and raves about exists...Right now!

Right here on Hive!

At the end of the day, they will only be able to ignore us for so long because once the flood gates open...Watch out! It'll take other blockchains years to develop, what we've had right here at home since day one!

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Great analysis!

I frustrates me too when I see others in crypto speaking about the ideal Web 3.0 decentralized future and completely ignoring that it already exists while spruiking their own platform that has lots of promise but is still vapourware with little community or track record.

But on the other hand I ask myself whether I really want everyone on Hive. Sure I’d like the Hive price to be $100,000 but it would push RC costs so high it would limit entry and would make people try to attack us.

I think I’d prefer a world where Hive was successful with single digit millions of active users and was just one of many Web 3.0 decentralized social network blockchains.

This diversity will make each one stronger and more competitive and harder to attack the whole ecosystem.

That's a really good point. When Hive price goes up, the RC's needed to function here cost more too. I like $1-5 HIVE....I know that's crazy talk to some, but I don't need Hive going to triple digits LOL

Great points man!

100% agreed, I was very happy to see Facebook down, Facebook is run by AI and tracks everyone that uses it around the net. I think it is ushering in the destruction of humanity.

Yeah it's pretty much the worst company on earth lol

Our blue tick is the reputation system, anyone who doesn’t like it should take it or leave it. I treasure my rep 72, it’s like a C.V for me. My bragging rights, I earned every bit of it from hard work.

That's a really good point, I do value mine as well. Took a few years to get it up here, plus never got into any drama to lower it...So far, it's been working for me lol

You get it!!!lol me too

Good day to you

i invite you to read my comment on this subject (and more), here:


That is exactly why Hive has no shot at freedom of speech

But technically it does, for example, for some reason your comment is blanked out, due to your reputation, but still on the blockchain.

Perhaps you’re right with the second sentence, but that’s because of the category of users it applies to, some live on this financial incentive, hence why they will rather turn a blind eye during conflicts than get caught up in between.

What is the CTA for me if I do not like it?

Is the reputation system perfect? No. But since it’s how the system works, then play by the rules maybe?

i would like to challenge you to help test and bring into being a better reputation system (part of The Matrix-8 Solution) and a whole lot more besides. Blueprint stage at the moment, but under consideration by #Lethean eco-system as governance system for it's upcoming DAO

i would like to see some Hive communities test this too for their governance, but first we need to build the software to enable it to go beyond alpha test. Ultimately it could be used, at least in part fir the Hive eco-system community governance, even more ultimately :-) for the world!

i invite you to read my Call to Action comment here and the Trusted Reputation link at the bottom.


Looked like you stopped your crusade for somedays, but now started again with your downvotings due to your personal blacklist without any comments. Seems you cant not find peace here. best regards.

Its again interesting how you claim that there no freedom of speech here on the hive blockchain.
You are free to speak and your ideas are written in the blockchain forever, even your bullshit-conspiracy-theories about the "toxic germans" etc.
But if your kind of living the idea freedom of speech is just telling stupid wrong accusations, making a lot of insultings -as you did-, and then starting a downvote crusade without any discussions due to nothing and due to your personal blacklist and -maybe- due to your personal problems with people from other countries, and ignoring a lot peace offers, hmm??
Then, maybe, your reputation goes down on this blockchain.
But that has nothing to do with freedom of speech, its just the consequence of your behaviour to other people.
You once wrote, that you like to insult people, thats allright for me, but dont complain about reactions due to your actions and say thats a problem of freedom of speech
Your freedom of speech nobody can steal you here on the hive-blockchain.
Hope you find your way to make peace.
Best regards.

aliGood day to you @mistak

i invite you to read my comment on this subject (and more), here:


Yep, Hive is on the edge of booming! You see it at the user base growing, communities that are constantly reinventing themselves, defi, everything really!

Yup yup!

It's across the board. So exciting to be involved here!

Love that graphic!

Perhaps some may think I went too far, but over the summer I shut down my Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts and most of my FB pages. I still have my main Facebook account and check in every day - I'm still susceptible to brain-dead feed-scrolling! But I have dug up and burnt most of my mainstream social media accounts.

BTW, I guess "Hivites" would not be a suitable name for our tribe given their wily nature and the curse of Joshua... :)

ha ha ha Nice Bible reference lol

Yeah man, it's a whole new world when we let go of the traditional sites and focus on the blockchain ones!

100% agreed!

On a side note. Not able to access cryptomaniacs podcast’s new episodes. Only on 3Speak now?

Nope, we're everywhere now :)

We upload the audio to @cryptomaniacspod each episode.

It's also the video on 3speak and on

Ok, must be the lousy app I’m using then lol.

top 200 on market caps. Been falling steadily though which is pretty much what we all figured after a pump like that but I'm curious when we will hold new ground. What's important though at least to me is to keep building those stacks. Imagine when you votes worth $10+ and when you apply it to all the other tribes, communities and the countless other platforms that will run on top of hive. 💪

IDK about you but I'm also tired of platforms leaking all of my data and information such as Facebook and a most recent Twitch!

It's so annoying, and then what's worse....People continue to go back and ignore the blockchain stuff.

I don't get it, but alas...Like you said...Building stacks! Everyday!!

Yep, what it's going to take is for communities and people to come over instead of each individual. What keeps people around are other people they enjoy interacting with.

People ignore the blockchain stuff because it's too complicated for the average person. To sign up on Twitter takes 30 seconds and an average IQ.

To sign up on Hive (as far as I'm aware) can take days or even weeks, plus there are all these offshoot sites which only make sense if you have been part of the blockchain for ages or you have someone meticulously explain it all to you. To the average user a site like PeakD simply doesn't make sense.

If I sign up for Twitter I don't go to another site in order to post on it. So I think that's the main sticking point. Also Hive is invisible on Google, I just tried typing in Hive and Hive login using a browser I never use, just to see what happens. Hive isn't even on the first page! Add to that that there's another blockchain company called Hive and you start to understand the utter confusion of the average non-crypto user.

Perhaps in the future someone will work out how to build a site that doesn't take too much cognitive load to join, because the points you make are all valid, it's just nobody is aware of crypto based social media.


100% agree.

I think it's a lot easier than it was, but most definitely not the easiest thing to do.

All my offchain friends I try to bring over, that's the first thing they don't understand...Why do I have to sign up to Hive, in order to use something like PeakD.

I think it's a huge point, that hopefully devs can focus on going forward and make it a priority!

Dude you get it!! Thanks for being a leader on the chain!

CTP has a bright future with you at the helm.


Appreciate you sir, thanks very much for the kind words :)

Probably the best post advocating the narrative on why Hive is 10x better than Facebook. Actually... Hive is what facebook will never be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the kind words!

Yeah it's what everyone wants to build, so they say, meanwhile we have it right here, right now!

I'm with you on this one. All the reason why we ar ehere and building every day.

At some point others will see what we see and then bam. Explosion. 🔥🔥🔥

Yeah man, and it's getting closer everyday. People are going to see what we have here!

Im glad i came across this post. I am relatively new in the blockchain world but have been steadily been in constant effort to move away from this governing bodies. And i think to do that i have to learn more in the crypto and block chain space. Not sure if what im really commenting is still on topic. But yeah theres a lot for me to learn and i try to do what i can each passing day.

Welcome to the fun :)

Yeah this place will change your life...And get rid of the desire to even be on traditional social media sites. And when you do, you are usually just trying to get people from there...Here lol

I am glad I learned the twitter algorithms and marketing just in time. Onboarding people these past few weeks with all that in mind has been a breeze compared to the last few years, and now people are finally ready for this.


They really are understanding the need for it!

It is a matter of time before people stop interacting with social media platforms where they earn nothing from their contents. Also the decentralized approach of Hive is very much enticing

Yeah and on top of that, all the reasons listed above too!

very well written article but I'm a bit sad the road to 10k is gone

Yeah man, I was getting worn out. Too many videos, too much Jongo face time LOL

Thanks bro, you have put a lot of great work in leading the way keep up the good work

Appreciate the comments man!

Your welcome bro, i been getting use to the delegating and staking last few days. Started holding index and got some miners some of this is actually starting to make sense i think lol

Slow and steady man...It's a big beast when you first dive in...But wow, once you get it, you'll be hooked!

I saw Hive coin price pump yesterday, and I think Hive is going to become the social media platform in the future. I do hope everything goes smoothly with Hive.

More importantly than price, we can use this stuff every single day. Price doesn't always reflect how amazing a project and it's community are.

I hope so. Every time I bring up Hive on reddit, I don't get any upvote. I guess it is a step up from getting downvoted a couple of years back.

Yeah that's a place that would be a natural fit for Hive but alas...People love their traditional social media lol

Interesting and what take my attention most is @hivepay-io, This would be amazing

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Fully functional and ready for people to use :)

We developed it for everyday people to simply copy and paste the code into any website. Plus it's able to be fully integrated into WordPress blogs as well.

Tha is for the shout out! Can’t wait to join you guys on the podcast to talk about Hivelist and all other things Hive! This Olaf’s has literally changed my life and when the world realizes why they need Hive, yeah that little pump we saw over the last 24 hours won’t be anything, lol.

Oh man, just the start I think...We're going to go quite a bit higher lol If not, I'll just buy more lol

I don't know if I want verification of online identities. If you are cross-posting then I think it might be fine since we obviously want to know that the original author did. However I don't think we need to link other sites for no real reason.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I figured it would all be done on chain. Thinking our identities here. Not saying we need mug shots and social security numbers lol But like...'jfang003' is verified on Hive, this is the legit account, etc.

This is an awesome post. How about hivemind and referring to it as the hive? I like to address everyone here as citizens of the hive. We are a universe, metaverse, but we exist physically, borderless, permissionless and beyond...?

Not sure how we came up with Hivians or Hivers....I guess from Steem, being Steemians.

I like your suggestions for sure!

This is awesome, you are right, hive blockchain have it all

It really does :)

Compensation for Posts & Influencers - I mean...Does this even need an explanation? Own your content and heck, get rewarded on both first and second layer tokens...Does it get any better?

It's funny how this part was only hinting at getting "incentives" but Hive pays way more to be called that, like most people here see it as a full time workplace. It's just amazing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh for sure...Some people are absolutely making a living here and it's only going to increase especially with all the second layer tokens and projects.

Second layer projects make it incredibly impossible to ignore the wide spread value of the blockchain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've read a headline in a swiss newsapaper that said: "Influencers scared of their dependence of Facebook". In my mind this is crystal clear. It's like you being dependent on Paypal in your prior business. Without facebook, their business model collapses from one day to another. I totally prefer Hive :-)

LOL Oh man, take it from me...When you rely on any of these websites, payment processors, social networks to make a living...The rug can be pulled from under you!

That's my primary reason for building here, so no one gets their life ruined like I did from relying on one company.

I'm still surprised at why HIVE is still not a widely discussed topic on other platforms. Even on Youtube, there aren't many topics covering HIVE. I haven't seen any crypto channel talking about it either.

Blows my mind too. I think people thumb their noses at it because it's not from the Ethereum family or in bed with Binance.

Not sure really...It's crazy because it's literally, exactly what people are looking and asking for!!

Hivers, as we are users of Hive. Hivians only works if it is a geographic area (think TexAn, CaliforniAn). Kind of a pet peeve of mine when people write Hivians, and it doesn't really roll off the tongue very well either 😝

I'm good with that. Hivers it is for me going forward....Even though I've always liked...The Swarm ;)


Posted via D.Buzz

it's exciting to know that we are leading the way :)


We are paving the way!

One block at a time!

We are on the way

Indeed we are!


Thanks very much!

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Learn more at @jongolson! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

This applies to the Hive community:
"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."

Vince Lombardi

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha I hope all the good hivers posted up on Twitter or fb for realz.

It’s interesting you made a whole blog post about it 😆.

It'll take other blockchains years to develop, what we've had right here at home since day one!

Yup! I think of this every time I dive into new and top projects.

Great breakdown of the blockchain and what it means to social media. If this isn't enough to get them interested, I don't know what will.


BEERHey @jongolson, here is a little bit of from @hive-124542 for you. Enjoy it!

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