Overexposure: One Surprising Cause of Downvotes on Hive

in LeoFinance9 days ago

I have noticed that one account has recently stopped posting due to downvotes from a large orca account, and I just noticed another account being downvoted a few days ago. I believe it will be the same MO; the latest account to receive downvotes will eventually be forced to stop posting because they can not take it any longer.

So I know these two accounts that have received these downvotes; they have not posted anything malicious, and I do not believe they use AI to create their content; basically, these accounts are clean, with the exception that they are powering down, which I do not believe is a sufficient reason for them to receive downvotes.

I have a theory about why they started getting DV'ed: they began following and engaging with accounts associated with their downvoters, exposing their accounts to scrutiny. It is basically the same with accounts trying to grow themselves; they want to quickly climb the ladder, so they follow random big accounts in order to get support back; unfortunately, some of these accounts are anti-small accounts or anti-power-down.

Most new accounts are subjected to intense scrutiny by these alleged big accounts, which many smaller accounts are unaware of. It is difficult to build a community of people you trust, know, follow, and interact with because it takes time, which some people do not have. Consider it this way. We do not just start making friends with anyone we see or know.

The first "Hello" always breaks the ice.

Also, there are people who try to be our friends, and vice versa; if our interests do not match, it simply does not work. This implies that for interests to align, there must be common ground. Many accounts that are affiliated on Hive share common ground; some are friends because of nationality, goals, interests, and a variety of other factors; this is not always the case, but it is the norm.

It is difficult for a small account to become affiliated with a whale account in just one or two weeks of engagement; it simply will not work.

The "Follow Who Is Bigger" Mindset

Where I come from, people always think you should surround yourself with those who are better than you, but many of these people forget that the best kind of acquaintances are those who share a stronger affiliation with you, and the same is true for Hive.

I am a smaller account, but I follow a lot of big accounts and usually comment on their interesting posts. I follow big accounts, read their content, and never comment because I do not want to become friends with them; all I want to do is learn or enjoy what they create.

For example, I follow one major account that posts about cryptocurrency, but I rarely comment. It is the same with other, smaller accounts.

Affiliation/Common Grounds

Meanwhile, there are people whose content I engage with regardless of the type of content they create; these are people who are closer to me, and my relationship with them extends far beyond the content they create.

I remember asking one of these people to lend me money about four months ago, and they did. So people like these are my true acquaintances, and it is important to distinguish them from others.

However, people can be close to one another in unconventional ways.

There are people I used to know but no longer do, as well as people I now know but did not know before. At the end of the day, if people do not have any affiliation or alignment, there is nothing to solidify or sustain their relationship. It is simply the way things are; Hive is the place where you can see the rawness of human nature at its most extreme, and we all know why.

You can not be friends with everyone here because you require their support. However, if you are determined to gain the support of some of these major accounts, you must ensure that you are not doing anything they do not want, such as powering down completely.

In Conclusion

I understand that these guys are concerned and want to see the price of Hive rise, but simply downvoting someone for powering down is a bit unfair. There are ways to actually communicate with people. You can basically choose to tell them to reduce their power down, or maybe not support them at all.

Sometimes choosing to educate them rather than bashing them can work wonders, whereas the silent treatment will only harm them. However, I understand that another person may believe that they know what is right and do not need another person to tell them, but there are other ways we can communicate with others without using the *vigilante * method.

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New users need to know this and know peace. Sadly a lot of us do this when we come here newly but some of us change over time.

The day one of the big guys gave me a very rude comment that hurt me that was the day I stopped “famzing” people here. Up to date if what you post does not resonate with me or I don’t have a reasonable comment to leave on your post I’d never leave a comment. I hate to be perceived as kissing asses here that’s why I try to stay clear of a lot of people and it’s been working well for me.

Funny how people know immediately you’re trying to kiss their asses.

This was really nice Jose, more enlightening posts like this would do our newbies a lot of good.

Like you've said, a lot of people would learn as they go, many wouldn't. However with Hive, you just have to be that observant and learn, and try to grow at one's pace.

That's why I say, intentional engagement and targeted at the right people is the main way to go. It might be slow but it's better, and that's what I wish a lot of people would learn.

This was really nice Jose, more enlightening posts like this would do our newbies a lot of good.

Thank you, I have noticed this trend and that's why I decided to talk about it, so that many people would pay attention and learn about this.

I have noticed that one account has recently stopped posting due to downvotes from a large orca account, and I just noticed another account being downvoted a few days ago. I believe it will be the same MO; the latest account to receive downvotes will eventually be forced to stop posting because they can not take it any longer.

I've seen this happening every once in a while. It has an impact on how active some people are on the blockchain, and on their sentiments. And that's especially hard for newcomers.

However, I do see a case where I agree with a downvoter, even if I rarely downvote myself (but I can skip upvoting). That's when someone uses alt accounts to mine rewards through comments, sometimes commenting with multiple alts on posts where they are likely to receive upvotes, and withdrawing most of the rewards regularly. And here I'm thinking more about the fact that these kind of comments rarely bring any value to the post they are commenting on, even though others may dislike the deceptive farming operation more.

I have downvoted some type of comments here and there, in the past because like you, I didn't find them useful and that's just about it. Also, I'm in full support of going after malicious intents and accounts and abuse as well as they pollute the chain.

I've seen this happening every once in a while. It has an impact on how active some people are on the blockchain, and on their sentiments. And that's especially hard for newcomers

I've been seeing it a lot and I won't really think it's good, I think we should find a way to mitigate it. We should go after outright abuse but limit other forms of downvotes. I'd rather not support a person than downvote them. I think when you constantly do this, they'll get the memo

I'd rather not support a person than downvote them. I think when you constantly do this, they'll get the memo

That what I generally prefer to do.

I saw quite a big influencer being also down voted on Hive. I am not sure this is the best way to encourage people to come and stay in Hive as people take it personally. Ironically policing someone earning $2 takes a higher priority when other whales upvote their own comments for $250. The world is upside down sometimes.

Some people believes influencers are there for the cash, and nothing else, while this might be true, it's not always true. I think it's down to communication. Some people are quick to speak with their stake rather than with dialogue and all that.
It's truly upside down like you've said

Its really hard trying to grow and do something creative with your ideas and absolutely put in your best to creating content that resonate with everyone out there, and someone's happiness is to see you crumble and never to rise to their level, whatever be the case ....it's shifting Minds

Well I think everyone can and should adapt, especially when they've been targeted. Hive will not always be full of good people, we just have to adapt and do better and hope the DVs can stop

You are very correct about all you said here brother. There are things which we do not like even as we are a lone person. And i feel the down votes is not really something too good but also doing the right thing will help the community grow well. You have stated a lot of great points here brother. Thanks for sharing this educative content.

Thanks for reading, everyone don't like one or two things about Hive but it's also not perfect anywhere out there..

You are welcome. Actually you are right, nothing now is just free out there and won't come with one or two sacrifices.

This is enlightening... Learnt so much from this...
It takes time and it's equally tough for smaller accounts to have a meaningful connections with whale accounts, as genuine relationships take time, regular interaction, and mutual respect to build. This resonates deeply.

Yeah, exactly you translated it well. It's not every big accounts that wants to be friends with a smaller accounts. There's no harm in being friends with fellow smaller accounts. A little leaven can leaven the whole lump, that is, smaller accounts can also influence themselves to grow

Where I come from, people always think you should surround yourself with those who are better than you, but many of these people forget that the best kind of acquaintances are those who share a stronger affiliation with you, and the same is true for Hive.

Agree with you! Many people (not just from your place) are doing exactly as you described... Chasing big accounts in the hope that they will be upvoted... It's like begging for a vote and doing whatever is needed to get there...

IMO, that's the opposite of what HIVE should be, I mean, what HIVE is offering! HIVE can empower you to be better, to add value, to be creative, to be YOU! And to get there, the best way to do it is to share the journey with people who are like you, stake-wise, interests-wise, and who "click" with you... Growing together is much better than begging for upvotes...

Sorry, I went off-topic, but I do believe that through "healthy" growth, it is possible to avoid these DV and shady stuff happening... I do understand DV, but I also know that there are people who like to abuse them... Until we don't have "coded" stuff that can prevent abuse, it will happen...

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Chasing big accounts in the hope that they will be upvoted... It's like begging for a vote and doing whatever is needed to get there...

I know a guy who once said a certain account never rolls with smaller accounts, and it was only recently that it dawned one me. That person was only following people he felt were in his level. On Hive, the chaste or class distinction is a phenomenon, and that's why it's quite difficult to follow big accounts with the hope that they'll curate you in return, it just won't happen in most cases.

You didn't go off topic, infact you were on-topic. It's mostly about interest and there's no shame in choosing to grow with those who you find common grounds with.

There's no fast way to get it done. It's better organically. Class wants to row with class. I see some of those accounts doing all that with big accounts and it has earned them scrutiny and downvotes which might not be fair, but it's just how it is and they can only learn.

Finally, we can not stop downvote abuse, until maybe there are some brilliant idea that ends up being implemented, for now, I think people should just do the best to avoid confrontation and those shady things.

Very well said; I remember when I joined Hive, I used to think following the big accounts would get me even more noticed and upvoted. But that didn't work; they didn't even visit my blog, lol; it was after I joined the newbies initiative I learned that following people who share the same niche and values are the ones that would support you even more.

I wish more newbies would come across this post because it's very educative.

That's a good learning curve for you, and I'm glad you've done a long way. Big accounts want to roll with big accounts, and you must've noticed that. So that's why people should roll with the people who wants to roll up with them. Although it's a learning experience that comes with time.

I think many people have figured it out and they're now realizing it doesn't work that way

Thank you ☺️. Yh I noticed 😅, I think it's the norm here .

Happened to me when the so called Experiment on steemit was going on....

Some whales did not like it that various other whales supported me a little bit once in a while.

I just kept going and didn't care until all nonsense finally stopped again and some other stuff came up.

Part of blockchain life 😉😜

Hello, it's been such a long time. It happened to me as well. I think some people will support during the period of downvotes but these supports will not last forever.

I'm glad that they finally stopped, I hope you can finally start posting again just like you used to to.

Greetings from wonderful Afrika!
The Universe presented me with huge challenges healthwise but Tanzania is the next phase of my healing progress. It's a long story of "no pain no gain"

Very grateful You do remember me still ☀️💗🙏

"Pole Pole", They say here in Zanzibar and Hakuna Matata!

Step by step back to be alive also on the blockchain world. I am already getting used to again by reading more and also writing comments 😉

Happy to see you are still going strong

I understand, I do have my own health challenges and I have talked about them for over 6 months. I didn't know you were planning to go to Tanzania, I thought you were in Germany/Austria I'm actually in Nigeria, and I've been here althrough.
Yes, I remember you from way back, and yeah, hopefully some day you can make a full return.

I follow some big accounts too and do comment on interesting posts, but these days I rarely do so. I find it more interesting to interact with people who truly want to engage.

Those new accounts that post four or five times a day are hard to want to follow, because it's not generally all that meaningful writing. I agree though that they shouldn't just down vote they should try to educate them first. Many are clueless and at first think the more I post the more I can earn.

Downvoting will just drive people away from Hive, educate them and they might become a great resource for the community down the line. My opinion anyway!

You're right, when an account doesn't seem to want to curtail how they do things, it's very hard for them to follow. However, I personally don't want to make it a duty to talk, and I won't downvote either. I prefer they get to learn on their own, but some people would rather downvotes accounts that make mistakes rather than actually correcting them.

You're right, many things it's the more they post, the more they earn and it can be very problematic for them.

Overall, I think there should be way more diplomatic ways to get things done rather than just downvotes though.

I agree with you one hundred percent. It's better to talk to someone than downvote everything. Hivewatchers do the same, just accuse someone of using AI and downvote rather than reach out and educate. It just drives away potential great Hive members...

I think using Hive should be more than just being a goody goody with the community. You should use your web 3 blog to sell web3 items. Not just settle for vote income. Make your blog profitable by talking about your business or things that will make people understand your product or service and eventually land you clients.

That's another angle to it. I have seen people who sold their craft and businesses as well and it's really good. Although creating content is not bad, it's a good way too, but it takes a lot to get going

It reminds me of how Hive was when I first started. You don't know anyone and you try to chase those big accounts. I remember doing so as well but it doesn't help that much. I think that the downvoting situation is not what I would like, but everyone has a right to do what they want with their stake. It does make it harder to want to onboard users and keep them retained on Hive when they see situations like this.

Yeah, I think a lot of people was guilty of that, I mean chasing the big accounts, including me and many others too. It doesn't really seem to work. Well I agree that people can do whatever they want with their stake, but communication is also very important

I agree. Giving a warning first should be done by the whales/orcas. It really hurts but I think talking things through makes thing less complicated.

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