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RE: Overexposure: One Surprising Cause of Downvotes on Hive

in LeoFinance5 months ago

Happened to me when the so called Experiment on steemit was going on....

Some whales did not like it that various other whales supported me a little bit once in a while.

I just kept going and didn't care until all nonsense finally stopped again and some other stuff came up.

Part of blockchain life 😉😜


Hello, it's been such a long time. It happened to me as well. I think some people will support during the period of downvotes but these supports will not last forever.

I'm glad that they finally stopped, I hope you can finally start posting again just like you used to to.

Greetings from wonderful Afrika!
The Universe presented me with huge challenges healthwise but Tanzania is the next phase of my healing progress. It's a long story of "no pain no gain"

Very grateful You do remember me still ☀️💗🙏

"Pole Pole", They say here in Zanzibar and Hakuna Matata!

Step by step back to be alive also on the blockchain world. I am already getting used to again by reading more and also writing comments 😉

Happy to see you are still going strong

I understand, I do have my own health challenges and I have talked about them for over 6 months. I didn't know you were planning to go to Tanzania, I thought you were in Germany/Austria I'm actually in Nigeria, and I've been here althrough.
Yes, I remember you from way back, and yeah, hopefully some day you can make a full return.