First, may I start with the good part of having institutional investors in the Crypto world.
Before the coming of Microstrategy into bitcoin, there were few notable institutions in the cryptocurrency world. The buying spree of such a firm like Microstrategy made it possible for other institutions to consider crypto. It also helped some individual who was skeptical about crypto.
Now coming to the institutions that manage people's finance. I believe that people who are rich most times feel reluctant to do things their way. They will believe that the little fee they will pay is better than the stress of managing the fund themselves. ( a wrong assumption because technology has made it easy).
Yeah, institutions ate able to gain entries that individuals are not able to utilize because of the amount of reserve they have in their possession of which most are people's money. It is said that this is happening.
The coming of decentralized finance was meant to bridge this gap but this seems not to be the case. People are so attached to having an intermediary in their financial services. **A clear evidence is the rate at which people ate rushing Bitcoin ETF as against having the real asset. **
Nice discussion here Sir.
It is true that many seem to prefer having their hand held and carried along. They do not want to take responsibility for what happens in their lives (financial).
As for the institutions, I believe Bitcoin is now completely hijacked. Wall Street took hold of it and will eat it all up.
The futures are more of the Wall Street players in the market as compared to retail. That opened a door up for other institutions to partake.
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