People get excited when they see Wall Street asset managers starting to dip their toes into cryptocurrency. There is little doubt these firms are starting to line up to add to their holdings. The numbers we see are incredible.
Wall Street has money. They operate at a level that nothing else can rival, including governments. Liquid assets run into the tens of trillions of dollars. They can literally make or break markets.
The leading asset manager, according to assets under management, is Blockrock. They are assets totally almost $7 trillion. Think about that for a second. Their AUM is near 2.5 times the entire cryptocurrency market.
That is how much money we are dealing with. And keep in mind, this is only one firm.

Doing For Us
What is at the core of much of what is discussed in the cryptocurrency world is that fact that others "do for us". Wealth management firms take care of our money. It is their job to grow our holdings. For this service, of course, there are fees levied. Wall Street firms make billions in fees every year. This occurs whether they actually make their clients money or not. In the end, the company always wins.
Obviously, these entities are catering to some very rich people. They do not accept accounts of a few thousand dollars. People who go to these firms are showing up with millions of dollars to transfer over.
The question is do they really provide much of a service? On the surface, the answer is no. However, if we understand how the system works, they we reveal that there is a major advantage.
Managing one's money is not difficult. There are millions of videos online that detail what needs to be done. In this era, learning about all aspects of finance is fairly simple. The material is out there. Topics such as stocks, bonds, commodities, risk management, and Alpha are all explained. If one dedicates a few months, he or she can have a strong comprehension of how to handle personal resources.
Naturally, one is not going to have the quants of the major firms or the trading algorithms employed to take advantage of things such as high frequency trading. That is not required, however, for one to generate solid returns over time. After all, Warren Buffett is known for his half century of near 20% returns and he doesn't even have a computer on his desk.
We also see a system where access is limited. A firm like Blockrock is involved in many different aspects of the financial world. With the amount of capital they have access to, they are able to enter the Venture Capital world, something most of us are excluded from. This is the major advantage these companies have. They get into projects long before the general public has a chance.
In short, the major benefit to these entities is access.
Removing The Intermediary
Cryptocurrency is designed to eliminate gatekeepers. It is a system that is created to allowed direct access between interested parties. From the most basic level, value can be transferred between two wallets without a 3rd party. That is unheard of in the present system.
When it comes to a firm like Blackrock, this is an intermediary. It is a 3rd party instilled to provide a service for which they take a percentage. Since the most valuable benefit they bring is access, it is easy to see how our wealth is dependent upon them. In other words, it is with their approval that we can participate.
With something such as Decentralized Finance (DeFi) we can see a different model forming. Here we have a system where anyone with a wallet and some tokens can participate. There is no access granted based upon account size or firms being dealt with. One can invest $10 or $1 million.
By removing the intermediary, we set the financial world on a different path. The value of cryptocurrency is rising as more projects come online. We also see the present chains growing, helping to increase their value. The industry is rather young but the power of compounding is starting to be felt. As the numbers get larger, the growth, in totality, will be incredible.
The bottom line is we are going to be dealing with some enormous numbers in only a year or two. This is vital to our success going forward.
Taking Responsibility
There is another factor to consider: personal responsibility.
We live in a society that does not embrace this concept. Instead, we are reared to partake in the "blame game". It is always the fault of someone else. With money management, if our account goes down, it is Blackrock's fault. Since we are not the ones making the decisions, we are relieved of the responsibility.
This is a bad approach. It is time that we all start to take responsibility for what takes place. Who can forget Mark Cuban being part of a rug pull and then screaming for regulation? Why is it so hard to accept where the blame lies? As opposed to blaming himself, it is the fault of the crooked developers who staged the rug pull. Or, perhaps, it is the regulators dragging ass and not doing their job. Either way, Cuban feels better by not blaming himself while calling for "Big Brother" to step in.
We need to resist this temptation. People often discuss the desire for freedom. As the saying goes, with freedom comes responsibility. If the power is in our hands, we need to understand what we are doing.
Cryptocurrency is opening up an entirely new world to everyone. We are seeing the pathway where anyone "can sit at the big table". The problem is few are ready for that. Another saying is "a fool and his money are soon parted". To phrase another way, like Buffett says, markets take money from the impatient and give it to the patient.
If we want to sit at the big table, with large accounts, we need to learn what it takes to be there. Failure to do this will mean we get slaughtered. The powers of fear and greed are always in operation with markets. They need to be tempered for long term success.
In conclusion, we are moving towards a realm where we are our own asset managers. It is our job to ensure that we act in a responsible way. We are tasked with gaining the understanding of what is taking place. This requires time and effort. Are you willing to do that?
Firms like Blackrock cater to those who are not willing to do that. They make billions of dollars because people will not invest in their own knowledge. For those with massive success under the present system, that works. However, for most, who are left looking in from the outside, it is time for a new path.
Cryptocurrency offers that path if one is willing to put in the effort.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Except if you live under the minimum wage. Well, that is also not difficult in some cases, but literally impossible. Literally, because there is literally nothing to manage. Imagine having to choose between paying rent/bills and buying food. I went through this multiple times. At least I will not have to choose between these things in this winter. And all thanks to the generous and kind people on the Hive blockchain.
Managing one's money is not difficult, but getting said money can be. It is very difficult in the existing system for people to get ahead. There is no doubt about that.
This is why getting involved and active in what is being developed in blockchain is such a wonderful opportunity. There are more ways for people to get rewarded and grow their stake.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
First, may I start with the good part of having institutional investors in the Crypto world.
Before the coming of Microstrategy into bitcoin, there were few notable institutions in the cryptocurrency world. The buying spree of such a firm like Microstrategy made it possible for other institutions to consider crypto. It also helped some individual who was skeptical about crypto.
Now coming to the institutions that manage people's finance. I believe that people who are rich most times feel reluctant to do things their way. They will believe that the little fee they will pay is better than the stress of managing the fund themselves. ( a wrong assumption because technology has made it easy).
Yeah, institutions ate able to gain entries that individuals are not able to utilize because of the amount of reserve they have in their possession of which most are people's money. It is said that this is happening.
The coming of decentralized finance was meant to bridge this gap but this seems not to be the case. People are so attached to having an intermediary in their financial services. **A clear evidence is the rate at which people ate rushing Bitcoin ETF as against having the real asset. **
Nice discussion here Sir.
It is true that many seem to prefer having their hand held and carried along. They do not want to take responsibility for what happens in their lives (financial).
As for the institutions, I believe Bitcoin is now completely hijacked. Wall Street took hold of it and will eat it all up.
The futures are more of the Wall Street players in the market as compared to retail. That opened a door up for other institutions to partake.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Being our own asset managers is not quite easy and I am investing quite a lot of time in tracking and expanding my investments. I feel we still have to learn on this, how to track the crypto assets positions, how often and how much to diversify and jump on new projects. We are faced with a lot of complexity and some learning posts on this could help us tremendously.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It requires time and focus. Of course, having the tools helps which isnt readily available at this point since we are still young.
A lot more development is required.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This chances the rules of wall Street completely, un the pasta we could not investment because it was a privilege of elite with money the rest poor like Is, are excluding completely, fortunately this was chanced with blockchain right now i could invest $100 if i could in 100 diferent proyects.
And be my own manager od asset as you Said
Best regard.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is change the game completely. This something that is very disruptive to many aspects of the business. There is now more than $200 billion in DeFi, most of that outside Wall Streets hands. That has to irk them a great deal.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I personally haven't need anyone's help to manage my finance, I like doing that myself, been doing that since I was a child.
But if wall street management companies money flow into the market, we all will benefit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have around traded 200 hives and I'm planning to move them in saving
I am building up my HBD as a baseline savings.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
great to hear
As I understand you are proposing that blockchain gave us a fishing rod, but now it is our turn to learn how to fish?
If so I completely agree with you.
To use a very traditional analogy, yes that is correct. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Excellent reflection @taskmaster4450 the cryptographic environment provides us with infinite opportunities, not only to invest, but to take responsibility for our finances and learn the rules that dominate the market, I totally agree with your opinion and I consider that we have a great opportunity in front of to us to achieve our financial independence
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We all have roles to play and the more money out of the hands of Wall Street and into the hands of everyday people, the better.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is really informative. Great insight
I don't think being your own asset manager is for everyone. There are a lot of people who want more passive approaches and that is why the demand for things like ETFs are so much in demand in the stock market. Of course most of them also don't have any sense of taking responsibility but I think it's probably more a result of our current environment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
Learn more at @pixresteemer tipped @taskmaster4450 (x1)
Definitely true and we need to look after what we already have. We know for certain what we have already is worth a hell of a lot more over the next few years and it is worth safe guarding. Compounding what we have is only making what we have even more valuable so we are on to a winner for sure.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for information.
It comes down to this basic truth... "nobody is better incentivized to look after your wealth than yourself"... furthermore, the lower you are on the list (investment size) means only one thing, you are the last to know when trouble strikes!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cryptocurrency has made being rich look so easy. Thank goodness for its simplicity