Several things here, first of all your stake is delegated to you. You don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in any of this stuff, so it's not quite the same. Also, you ARE actually selling HIVE!
Moving past all of that, if there is a set of established rules and expectations for everyone I would be happy to abide by them. As far as I can see, many people have alts, many people have steem, many people are cross posting on steem, many people tend to vote their friends on here, many people have alts that aren't publicly disclosed, several people are posting as much or more than I am (included with an alt) that are earning significantly more than I am/was.... if we want to impose some general rules, so be it and I would be happy to abide by them but thus far that hasn't really been the case.
So just because I don't have money invested (to your knowledge) I'm not allowed to voice my opinion on how people should and shouldn't abuse the reward pool?
Yes, and buying too. I didn't comment on what you're doing with your Hive, my schtick was with your secret alt you were self-voting and getting a lot of rewards on on a daily basis along with your main. I'm not the one that's been secretly building an alt to get more out of the rewardspool. last time I had an interaction with you was due to excessive votetrading after the EIP when we were trying to break that off, you along with some korean stakeholders and sweeetssj.
I think it should be pretty obvious by now that the one freedom hive gives people, which didn't, is a pretty big no-no to abuse to have a secret alt you can earn more daily post rewards from compared to everyone else.
Feel free to name other people's undisclosed alts if that's who you compare your actions to justify yours to.
I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply pointing out that not everyone seems to have the same rules. Some can post from alts, some can't. Some can cross-post, some can't. Some can vote for their friends, some can't Etc Etc Etc. And I gladly said that I would stop posting from an alt account if that was the issue here.
It's not the same when you say you'll "gladly" do this and that after you get found out and have to admit to an alt. The trust is gone. Of course if you're a bigger stakeholder and raking in more rewards than 99% of the rest you have more eyes on you and more to lose and obviously the downvoters are reacting more strongly to it cause of that.
secret alt account to possibly do the same and self-voting those posts too.I have nothing to gain from voicing my opinion in this thread and only possible witness votes to lose which I'm seeing go already. It's disappointing if one stakeholder has been using more than one account to get more rewards than other users. You can maybe understand it coming from a curator who's focused on a healthy distribution that it's not helping if you're earning this much more than others who may put in the same amount of time and also investment into their accounts. FWIW I don't even post often because of massive autovotes, look at my recent post and often if it's not directly to leofinance I use to send author rewards back to curators on posts that don't have a lot of effort on for a fair reward distribution in my eyes. How do you think that makes me and others feel knowing you're not only welcoming the autovotes (who often are constantly from the same people you also autovote) and as a big stakeholder also self-voting, but also raising another
What do you have to say to the people who were supporting both accounts who had no idea it was you and voiced their opinion on it and that they are disappointed. Go reply to them.
And lastly, what was stopping you from doing 2 posts per day on your main account instead of 50% here and 50% there if it wasn't to allocate more selfvotes to yourself without looking like they are selfvotes.
Come on, man. At what point will you feel like you're making enough rewards, aren't you a big shot trader as @edicted mentioned in the post? Do you really need to stoop down to these levels just for that increased APY on Hive and the other chains?
Something else I can also say with 100% certainty is that you are pathetic. It's certified.
You need to give up Twitter too. You give the impression that HIVE is for idiots.
If you have evidence of abuse, please post it here:
I hope to see this resolved amicably.
A 'go forth, and sin no more' kind of thing.