Getting words on paper is a difficult thing to do. Not everyone is a born writer although exceptions are always there. But I believe that by practicing constantly one can learn this skill over time. For that matter, any kind of skill. Consistency is the key, WRITE? 😂
Freewrite To Learn 'How To Write'
I am not a PRO writer but I have been blogging (for others) for the past two years across a variety of domains. Mostly about Social Media, Digital Marketing & starting from this year, Finance & Crypto/Blockchain as well. I have done this to make an extra buck, nothing life-changing but yeah, it has helped me to go through stupid times. Not getting into the details of what I exactly do because now I do multiple things and that information will consume this post. Don't want to distract ourselves from the main topic.
We all are writers, aren't we? When you publish a comment, you wrote it first! (Unless you C&P)
I just want to let you know that writing every day has changed my life for good. At least 10 minutes of writing every single day (Starting from 31st January). This particular habit led me to this place because I spend my time online reading random stuff just to learn the skill from other people. I read a tweet about #HIVE randomly, I don't even remember what was it and who wrote it. Must be one of those active Hive-Twitter ninjas. Anyway, let's not distract ourselves again.
Sometimes I don't read for the 'main topic' but to observe the writing style of the author. It helps you to structure your sentences in a better way. I also learn a few new words. But then you don't necessarily have to use each and every fancy word, you know, while you are writing. I prefer to keep it very simple. No high-level mumbo jumbo! Also, I use a lot of slang words. Please don't do it if you want to make money through writing. 😂 But who knows, you still might make it. Because "Content is the King". Language, grammar, and all that technical bullshit don't matter if your post got viral and it has helped a large number of readers. Quality is subjective, WRITE? Again, don't take my advice if you want to be a professional writer. Haha!
Freewriting is for those who want to get the words out on paper. Without caring too much about technicalities. One does not plan what to write but begins writing. This is what I am trying to do here but with a slight twist. I have a topic in my mind.
What Is Freewrite Saturday?
On Saturdays, I am generally not free. But I cannot break my writing routine. So this is what I will do from now onwards. I am gonna choose a random topic every Saturday and do a 'freewrite' about it. I will follow this routine on #LeoFinance. So, that I will become a better writer without breaking my consistency due to a tight schedule. Since it's LEO FINANCE, I won't diverge from the topics related to Finance, Money, Investment, Crypto & Blockchain. And if I do, I will not post in this 'Hive Community' so that I don't get downvotes, lol. I am not stupid! 😂 Soooo.., without further ado, I will start with my first topic.
Why Do I Crypto?
I joined the space in 2017 with several others who saw an opportunity to make a quick buck from highly volatile crypto markets. I came as a rookie investor, hungry for money & capital gains but found myself going deep into the philosophy behind this path-breaking technology called Blockchain. Over time I learned the real value of it i.e. DECENTRALIZATION.
It wasn't a 'buzzword of the decade' for me anymore. It gives power to the people rather than a single entity or a group. I come from a country (India) that has a rich culture but poor financial state of most of the people. The top 1% owns 99% of the wealth which is quite unfair imo. Decentralization of power & wealth, both are required if we want to develop at a faster pace. Thanks to blockchain technology, we have a trustless system which means that 'trust issues' are now resolved. There are no intermediaries like the government or the banks. As taskmaster4450 mentioned in his post yesterday, they are not invited into this system.
Last night, we were having a conversation at @leomarkettalk about how big institutions and bankers are now getting into the crypto world and why it's such a weird thing. @jfang003 mentioned that apart from Finacial Freedom, he is here for decentralization. Which made me ponder upon this question the whole day - Why am I in this? Why Do I crypto? In the evening my friend's little brother called me up to understand how to buy & invest in his first set of cryptocurrencies. He told me that he has done a ton of research about Bitcoin, Crypto & Blockchain and we went into a long discussion about something similar. Just to let you know guys, I told him about Hive too :D But first I need to help him take those baby steps into this world of life-changing possibilities. Hive will come later. ;)
FREEDOM is another thing why I like this space. Move funds anywhere, whenever I want to within 3 seconds (Hive). Nobody is going to fuck with my transaction but me. Nobody is going to close my account even if they want to. Nobody is going to censor me if they do not agree with me. On hive, they can downvote. Well, they can downvote the fuck outta me but I will still be able to raise my voice. Now I truly have the ability to own my funds & my data.
Through various opportunities that this space has to offer, I can now finally think of being Financially free. It's very much possible and I have seen life's getting changed in front of my eyes. I know for a fact that I am here at the right time. By getting enough knowledge and hustling my way out, I will be able to create a passive flow of income from multiple sources. I have already set things in motion and within the next five years, I will enable myself to get into this full-time. Without Crypto & Blockchain, it wouldn't have been possible.
Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below if you have made it this far. Feel free to freewrite yourself and make your own version of it and let me know if you choose to do so. See you next Saturday with a new topic. ;) Hope you enjoyed reading my bullshit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta