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RE: LeoThread 2024-06-13 13:55

in LeoFinance5 months ago

I have an idea for this - we're working on a Dynamic Island feature

One of the aspects of this new feature is a display which will show a "Goal" for the monthly affiliate fees earned by LeoDex

We'll start it at $500 per month as the goal (100% of these fees go to buying $LEO and pooling it in LEO-CACAO)

This way, all of us who use the UI have a collective goal. A mission to strive for on a monthly basis. Each time we hit the goal, we'll raise it slightly. Perhaps we can even do rewards that we raffle to people who swap and contribute toward hitting the goal - but we only do the raffle if we hit the goal


Gamification, quantification, and numbers are a great way to track and motivate.

Keep pushing the numbers so the focus is there. It is all part of the flywheel process.

Having a shared goal is always a good idea as it will usually push people just a tiny bit to do more effort! Ofcoure the goal should make sense, not too high nor too low