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Vamos por mitad de semana y seguimos comprometidos con el gimnasio, donde cada dia que pase es donde uno comenzara a ver los resultados. Ayer se cumplió con el objetivo y sobre todo poder pasar un rato con el gymbro y completar el entrenamiento. 😎

#fulldeportes #spanish

¿En qué nivel posicionarías a un creador de contenido? #spanish

Ninguno de los tres ... Relax todo. Sin complicaciones extremas. : p

Me faltó agregarle "ninguna de las anteriores" jajaja 🤣.

Esa va más conmigo. Ya sabes como soy jajajajaja 😂

Ya vamos por 2000mts de desnivel, cuántos mts será el logro este mes? #hiverun #spanish #hiverun

En desarrollo Día municipal del Rock Nacional #mydiary #spanish #threadstorm r

Lo más importante es disfrutar el proceso. Tu proceso, eso que te hace feliz y te permite entender lo que eres. #spanish #writing #reflections

Qué demorado trabajar cuando no se tienen los equipos apropiados 😣
ya estoy perdiendo horas de trabajo por las fallas en mi celular

Todo se demora aún más. Espero que solventes pronto.

Life becomes more enjoyable when you realize the germ theory is used as a means for control, and raw milk is not inherently dangerous.

Lol no lost phone, no software upgrade, no AI backdoor jajaja

#1980s, #serial, #analog, #phone, #tech, #skiptvads

yeah that was a golden time.

LOL very true. At least until this came out.

That's the truth. Advance Technology, Advance Threat.

#threadcast for Today's New Weekly Podcast: Grow INLEO

The title for today's episode is Marketing in Public, as we introduce this new format

Anomadsoul and I will be live on X Spaces & this Threadcast discussing how to grow the INLEO Platform

👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 Join us and help in this mission 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

Inleo is like and island among Hive. We are not as closed and demanding as other communities.

Other projects have everyone afraid of posting and interacting and breaking the arbitrary rules

Very true, inleo is very accommodating and that's why I love being a part of it

I am glad we're talking quality :)) Yes, the content represents Inleo/Hive to the outside world :)

Are you referring to singing a promotional song for inLeo?

That is how you contribute to the marketing of Leo?

Sing a theme song for us.

Alright sir, am on it...

If is a promotional song, just give me feed days, I will compose a song in respect to the inLeo in general..

My first time attending a meeting like this, it's gonna be fun, no doubt.

I stopped interacting on Twitter/X years ago... I interact on facebook through private messages only nowadays.

Not enough people know about the dedicated threads section for the communities and I think that is a functionality with so much potential and actual use cases

Don't forget to share the link of the broadcast on X! Let's get that hits out there as well :D

Tomorrow is The Lion's Den at 1 PM eastern.

We will be speaking about #leoai on it.

Marketing in the marketing threadcast.

What type of content is the people here interacting with while being on X?

For me its sport, politics and Ukraine war basicallly

Khal's talking about content creators on inLeo

The growth is evident 🫡

Threadcasts are a pillar of Leo. It is something that we need to be experimenting with.

100% agree, as soon as you say money, people think it’s a scam or they give up quickly

This! It's like this all the time.

Shows we have to keep promoting that on threads and in the comment section of posts.

lets see if I can attract more photographers with the new community stuff I am trying to get going eheheheh We will see.

There is a huge opportunity for that. Photography is a huge market and a lot of people could share works.

I agree. I think this is ideal for all the photographers on the chain! But lets see how it will go. There are already a few pretty big and popular photography communities already. It won't be easy to grow for sure. But I will give it a go!

Yeah. I am not sure they are against Leo or not knowing that photography can be on here.

I see... I guess some of them, probably also think that the threads will post as main feed posts. and they dont realise that here it is different from other microblogging attempts on HIVE! :( when it comes to the people and projects that dont like eachother on the chain... I am so out of that. I dont know any of the drama LOLOLOL

The thread space didn't just minimize us the stress of writing long form contents but also encourage and increase engagement.

I think INLEO came at the right time for me, I enjoy it everyday

that's an old blog post

3 things I just mentioned are the way to get curated

yeah probably needs to be update, its just that its been use every time the Curation thread gets post, just wanted to mention 👍

Hmmmmm... How old is this article?

Yeah, @khaleelkazi, Question: how close is @leo.voter to its critical mass that makes it not be able to curate everyone? Did it already reach it?

The more, the merrier! But try to utilize Inleo to post in different communities!

In my opinion, more people will mean higher price for HIVE and that means more HBD rewards for the same type of content.

Any promotion of Leo as with anything to do with "earn" or "income" is doomed to fail.

We saw it for years with Hive.

What is Web3?

Forget income. The difference is what makes all the difference.

Yeah, crypto related users wont stay if they not making $$$ period, no matter the features, stability you name it, need to target regular users, I NOT SAYING I know how to or anything about marketing btw

Most of the crypto enthusiast were as not interested in other tokens. Maybe target to non-crypto users would be the best solution.

target traditional finance, travel, sports, games, music people, not necessarily crypto. Crypto people hear about 100 projects a week

Ok maybe I’ll go to the shittiest Tokyo clubs and threadcast about it

It's kinda sad to think of 100 monthly active users as big!

Agree, focus more to the new users than to the old users in Inleo.

That is an term from 35 years ago.

Unique service porposition

Thanks for explaining. Interesting. I'm sure Khal has the answer, at least.

Maybe. Maybe not.

How many communities have been collaborated in INLEO into HIVE?

Have you noticed that Leofinance made more sense immediately Inleo interface was launched. Look at engagement from all corners.

Oh, I didn't know about this one. Lucky me that I accidentally run into it :)

Data on communities, collected by @anomadsoul

Dynamic = being able to help more lions via bots 😉

I would love to host a thread cast but I suck at planning things in advance

We have quality users!

Me: Don't flatter me so honestly~

Leo have the advantage over most Web 3.0 in that there is now a product.

LeoDex is something to promote.
LeoAI will be another one.

Inleo indeed isn't just an idea. It's a working 'product', getting better and better!

Have you started collecting feedback from people who do not prolong their subscription? Especially from those who were given Premium (did not buy it themselves)?

Doesn't taskmaster have some nephews which he can make addicted?

He killed them.

Now he has no friends or family.

That explains he's active on threads 24/7 or even more! :o

Or they hang around for a month or two then do nothing.

And then it is wasted.

Id say feee yearly subscription to people who onboard a lot of new members who stay 3 months…but we all suck at outreach and get annoying

The question is to whom can be microearning through microblogging attractive. Long posts can generate up to say 200 Hive (the actual reward then depends on its market price). How much can you get by threading once there is 25k users?

What would be shown to a non-registered visitor then? A mix of everything?

yes - filtered by general popularity (top viewed & interacted with threads / posts)

The core of Leo's marketing should be the basis of Web 3.

I honestly think it’d be better to target non crypto people. Crypto people are all jaded as hell

cross pollination is the best best way to do outreach. Individuals should be doing it too.

If @bradleyarrow does #leoshorts topless, does he need the #nsfw tag?

Asking on his behalf; he is shy.

My tits are not that big!

Then you might be able to get through without the NSFW tag.

Even better.

And saves on the bra.

I actually feel many people out there are hoping for give aways and are not really into subscribing themselves.

I know you live in Japan...I think?


If you made the Arabic experience good on INLEO, I might onboard my Arab friends too.

Arabic is a left to right language, so I assume it's difficult... But if Facebook and Twitter did it, it could be done!!

More languages, more engagement ✌️

If you get the Maya community, I'd like to witness some of the human sacrifices. It must had been fun! Unless you were to be sacrified, of course :)

Just out of curiosity, how many non-Hivers have created account and then subscribed premium so far? It feels only "old" users subscribe.

Maybe you can do it now and then as a GIVEAWAY or something... with some fun event

I think that would be a loophope for users to gift to other users with the yearly subscription.

Seriously, some kind of decent promotion within the Chain Chatter could bring a handfull of newbies.

Think about it, there is WWWAAAYYYY more ppl who doesnt use crypto than those who do, focus on targeting non related crypto users and trying to find out a way to sell Inleo to them without having to involve anything crypto related at first, let them discover it and ask about it

The more Chainchatter, the more the users will get to know about what is INLEO and LEODEX

What if some of these spaces or the broadcasts, instead of focusing on the engagement here! 1 of them a week. We all do the engagement on X?

I think bringing in one influencer could help HIVE massively!!!

been there, done that. LOL They come, "steal" all the money! Because All the whales hugely upvote them. And they just dump the same content from the other plaforms, and they run away with the money.

cool idea to hold these weekly. I’ll have to join if my call ends.

I think we all can help market hive and INLEO, make it be what we want it to be.

HIVE and Inleo NEED more NON CRYPTO related content, its a stigma been a crypto related platform but I think Inleo is the perfect front end to get rid of it and bring in more regular average users specially with threads


If one subscribes for a year premium and gifts someone, would it deduct from the person's yearly subscription?

Gave my upvote, good point!

one of the best way to get to know more INLEO is influencers because they have lots of followers.

I’ve been double posting 10% of my posts on instagram and fb to IRL friends. 4 have asked me if I have a blog. Send them to INLEO

now that you mention "content creator", not everyone will be a content creator and there are more about this kind of users out there, trying to get those users that enjoy the platform just because what it is and represent without even having to invest just using it that will help grow a lot, ppl dont need to invest on Hive to earn and tbh dont have to care about earning at all

I hear you now, glad to be here the instant you got live, Khal.

Keep in mind that threadcast do not appear to be autoupdating.

I sent a feedback earlier.

ALright alright... looking forward to this one

btw now that you mention finance, the curation guidelines I think still says the post has to be related to finance, is that still the case?

Looks like we haven't started yet, still waiting for khal.

IMHO, one of the things hindering growth was instability.
Khal said it all, a good product sells itself and even though the core base of InLeo is very understanding of the "pains" of growth, the same doesn't apply to newer or more casual users.

The product is a lot more stable now so I believe we are back in the right course. I hope the team keeps focusing on bringing new features without compromising stability an uptime

I have been brainstorming ideas on what I could do threadcast about. There are basically endless possibilities.


Have you a number for cost per acquisition

Great product is nothing without the users, it has to be marketed, nice one.

My mom doesn't understand a word in English, but she recognizes Khal's

So you are saying your mom is being corrupted?

the thread was longer. It said "khals voice and smiles"

The thread got cut when publishing

Bubbles encountering issues today.

We will have to send a feedback. I am sure they will respond to you immediately.

When we have LeoAi for example, we have a completly new potential crowd to attract

Good data indeed. Thanks for the breakdown Eric

Also, good to have the BRO community onboard.

Most cannot ask the most basic question about their product or service:

What is the USP?

I think LeoDEX was a major win for INLeo and we need to promote it more

Question to ask is, what got you on Hive in the first place and what mase you stay?

If we learn this we should in theory be able to attract similar crowd as is here already and make them stay.

I have a great feeling after listening to "Chain chatter" that Thorchain/Maya/Chainflip as a lot of people that should hang here instead.

I JP not interested in spreading his knowledge here as well?

Getting a lot of engagement here it is awesome. But I think we all should get some engagement going on all the X spaces you do. So more people can discover there.

Without a doubt.

because it is great to get the numbers here but that way it will not reach out of here! ehehhe

Most people think they know marketing but they dont.

I saw that over 30 years.

I was thinking that Tuesday's is only the podcast for each week but since this week, there have been massive podcasts, hope khal do rest?

INLEO is gonna gather crowd in the future seriously

Proud to be one of the people who thread the most under #freecompliments community tag!

Plenty of threadcasts ongoing, that's definitely great!

The thread feature changed my engagement level and making me find a pace on what I do on hive blockchain.

its so dumb that Im going away this weekend. There is going to be a lot of football playing this month in Europe. There is what we call the European championship now. World cup but just with the european countries.

I will try to have some daily things during this event

Is there different marketing ideas for long form creators and short form?

With LeoShorts we should be able to attract a new crowd.

I think that the thread feature is helping to market hive Blockchain and Inleo very much.

People are thinking that inLeo is on for finance blog..

It's intuitive to think of Inleo as a threads-first platform because of the home page being thread. If you want them to post long-form more, you have to encourage it.

Be me, posting to almost every community other than LeoFinance through, not including my 3speak vids for obvious reasons.

WIth the growing number of Premiums, Leo Voter will need loads of extra HP. Otherwise the rewards will drop.

I think maybe Leofinance pays more attention to crypto, finance and AI related contents much more than others.

From my point of view, the Inleo editor still cannot match the others for long posts - I still write my post elsewhere and then copy paste them. If you want to get people onboard, get inspired in Ecency and Peakd. Starting up with a gallery to simplify working with photos would be great. In many communities, images are very important.

Attraction of people is one thing, but keeping them and hopefully let them engage is another thing..

Look at many channels of engagement on threads, we can turn things around here. Thread is cool.

Imagine the number of page views per week, number of increase in the MAU, I think the thread space has changed the whole ideology.

Do you think once the wheel of long form content kicks in and is stable growing, curation needs to focus more on threads than long form?

Higher hive price indeed gives higher $ reward, right?

One can literally turn the thread space to be more interesting if we all engage.

Lets go guys!!! only 22 views on the broadcast! EVERYONE share the link to the broadcast on X! Lets get new eyes on all of us!

Is Inleo planning more contests for its marketing?


What is your market strategy to present and market Inleo and her projects.


When will the affiliate scheme start that you mentioned @khaleelkazi?

How about the Klingon community?

They are small but dedicated.

Get the Trekkies.

Is the marketing rather aimed at Hive people or at general crypto people or at web2 people?

I'm waiting for my current premium to expire so I sign up for the yearly plan

With our delegation to leo.voter we might have higher upvotes.

a contest with a yearly premium subscription? that's awesome.

I think you should stick to rewarding people with 1 month... That way more people will taste INLEO, but what do I know?

Marketing idea

Once LeoAI is live, maybe do a universal trial like Tesla did where anyone can use it for a month.

Open it up and give people a taste then close it down and require the payment after that.

lol that’s what I just said!

I like the idea but we’d need some kind of condition to not spam posts and spam inleo, instead make some kind of project like in Ghana that onboards new people

Maybe a good incentives to people who gift to other users to someone.

We should attract more feet people to dip in their toes

Can someone try me by gifting me. Premium?


I wanna enjoy premium for the first time, gift me khal.

I believe you'll have enough of our behavioral data to maximize giving the type of people who'd resub the first sub. AI can do that for you and the data is already on chain.

A free trial version for becoming premium is also a good idea for users to continue to subscribe to premium.

After thinking about it for a long time, I think it won't get the Yearly sub. It may be better put the LEO in the LEO/CACAO pool over time, instead of saving for a few month for it.

Still considering my options.

I still think you should give more 1 month Premium subs to people who haven't gotten Premium yet.

Totally agree with @khaleelkazi would be better to create a culture of renewing premium instead of giving out 1 year straight up

Inleo has lots of users now and it gives value to the hive community.

Understanding what it takes to house engagement and keep it going is what many of us lack.

I hope you guys follow up with the collabs. Get their community to hear about us two or three times

By birthday is coming soon, feel free to gift me any premium of your choice 😜😜.😜

Your birthday was cancelled.

Come back next year.

Hahahahahaha, i gat no problem with it as long as i have fun and earn on leo...

Here is your cake.

i always appreciate you!!!

You should. I am a peach.

Using the Primersion RC Tool: to just delegate RC to people without enough RC. Inleo should implement a checking system and auto-delegate.

We already did and I mentioned it will be live by monday

I don't get it though why people keep on hunting airdrops when you can have a more sustainable 'income' through Inleo?

Airdops have higher reward to effort value in my opinion, especially if you're good at bringing in referrals.

I am trying to be consistent in make 100 and above threads every day 😄😄😄.

And make a daily blog post.

That's a great goal!
I try to have 1 blogpost/day and 30 threads a day :D

I think it's great that Inleo is organizing more and more of these threadcasts! Should help to spread the word!

We are almost finished for the part 1

Hoping to see more part of INLEO because I know INLEO has lots of potential.

When people join in! They have no RC credits, so they can't be active straight away, and that is a turn off for people that dont know much about the blockchain. Wouldn't be possible to give them automatically a small temporarty delegation, so they get some RC?

Not sure if influencers will do the trick at this moment to be honest

It's funny how close this sounds like Brainwashing, and how it's being done to us by everything every day!!

It about the newsfeed - you enter and see people telling the weather in a random country or wishing good morning. I showed Threads to two of my friends and they did not find it worth the few cents you can earn for sharing a few things a day.

atleast 23 times?

When I hear about hive, I directly signed up to it.

I think it'll be great if you bring back the people to Chain Chatter in 6 months or so to let them talk about improvements on their side, and that will bring INLEO to their mind more.

If you want to attract a crypto user, you need to play the greed card :)

I think focusing on smaller influencers 5k-10k followers but enough engagement. I think they will be more loyal because they aren’t married to YouTube or X yet.

Actually a good point if there are more users, we will probably not earn as much for our threads

I actually think everyone will earn more because there ill more users voting and not depending on just leo.voter and the big delegations

I think you'll be right! On Hive, there are plenty of people earning as well and not just depending on just 1 huge account :)

And, for example my little vote, means something on threads, well I delegate almost all my hp so it's way too little, but in general my vote compared to the length of a threads is worth something, now when I upvote a post it's laughable xD

I got the same situation 😅

Because people don't know about INLEO yet, if they know, I don't think they can get away from inleo because it's addicting.

I think niches are great as well. Like the #sgs community, they are able to onboard fellow silver/gold stackers

We need Leo this...

I meant gear your perverts

yeah I’m 1000% waiting for shorts. I’m gonna kill it

#leoshorts will really be a huge boost to pageviews if we start building libraries and we can find the content.

It would be interesting to see the possibility for Leoshorts to support the TikTok format, in some countries TikTok may become unavailable, but bloggers have remained with their habits :)

I would say that people will be able to do the same thing on Leo as with TikTok. Much smaller platform of course but no blocking that I am aware of.

We will see what it looks like when it rolls out.

I will wait for the technical implementation of these ideas :) !VSC

We tend to always be awaiting the technical implementation.

Since I don't have developer skills, I can only wait :)

Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

@barski has sent VSC to @taskmaster4450le

This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
Join our photography communityVisual Shots
Check here to view or trade VSC Tokens
Be part of our Curation Trail

@barski ha enviado VSC a @taskmaster4450le

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
Consulte aquí para ver o intercambiar VSC Tokens
Se parte de nuestro Trail de Curación

Uses: 4/25

The new LeoAI should be available to the newbies to answer basic questions and guide them - many things may not be that intuitive for a newcomer.

Videos by Monday will be awesome. Hopefully the UI is supportive of it.

That can really enhance the utility.

Post a short on Leo then share the URL on other media.

When #nsfw tag?

Filter it out so Nifty can post more freely.

there was a porn token and UI in the past on HIVE in the past no? I think I remember

Yes Dporn.

It was designed to be a user submitted content community but ended up people simply posting stuff from the Web.

They also didnt update much or develop the UI.

Typical Hive stuff.

yeah! there was a time everyone wanted to come out with a UI to make money from the creators... but 99% never lasted long. OOPS!

I think long form having a bit of oversight isn’t bad as long as people don’t become strict or bullys. Short form go wild!!!

The problem is i've seen how they bully people so they don't "abuse" but end up limiting them a lot. Can't use the same image twice, can't post about other ecosystems, can't post on a single niche every day, and so on.

The issues is that they are not just ignored, but punished. If you don't like it, don't curate it, but don't punish people for doing their thing, unless its actually harmful

totally agree. I almost raged quit when 2 or 3 innocent friends were targeted by a bully. It’s the closest I’ve gotten to quitting since 2017 steem

Yeah, I saw 2 guys that were starting and shared some videos from youtube and commented on them, and they were just acting like it was web 2, not trying to abuse anything. And were treated like they took over the DAO lol

What happens in Japan, stays in Japan. Except for Godzilla, obviously.

never heard of pickleball

I'm already smarter for attending this space

Like tennis for people who dont want to move around as much.

Lazy tennis


LOL yes good for old people...smaller court.

How many threadcasts can fit at the top of the page?

Yet I doubt most of the off-Hive people actually considered signing up, there was no call to action or any incentive.

He said cross posting not cross dressing @bradleyarrow.

Settle down.

Ouch, this one

He will be disappointed.

I doubt if he will 😅

Will you be topless in your leoshorts?

If so, we have to get the NSFW tag going.

Well, you may not know. Anything is possible 😉


That's not quite true - nobody askes you such intro. However, a great one can get up to $100, so many people opt for them voluntarily.

I read most of them, and there are like 1-5 per day. Unless there's an event somewhere in LatAm, then you can have up to 20 people at once.

It is very true actually. Not to every user, but there is people managing onboarding projects, or curation accounts like love sniper, that force people to do an intro or they will not support them. And if they don't, then they are also not taken into consideration for curation for a long while if ever.

The problem is that they go to those people some times and if they don't do as instructed they would also add to blacklists or downvote them.

It's pretty wild, that is why there is many people that left hive being hateful

Oh, I missed that. Awful. We have a completely different approach in the Czech community, most people have never revealed their identity, nor have shown their photos. We don't take any on meetups, and if we do, we then blur faces before posting them anywhere... Whatever gets online once never gets completely deleted...

Yeah. Some communities also have rules about having to show your face, and I don't agree because web3 is not about it.

I show my face because I'm a speaker, and I actually have no problem with it, but everyone should be free to decide if they want to be anonymous. Our reputation system is about our actions on the blockchain, no whoever we are.

And I don't care if people have 3 or 4 accounts... if all are so good they get curated well. good for them. No idea how they have the time to have all of them working

I use two, one for random Actifit reports and this one for anything else. Nobody has ever complained on that. I am a dolphin though, people would hardly come just to bully me :)

I agree though, you should not be forced to show your face online.

Oh, I am an orca already :) I thought so, just double checked.

Ohhh! nice! you right they are not going to bully you hahhahahaha

I'm barely getting close to being a dolphin xD I don't even know how much HP is needed

The news threadcast calls for tag filters. Nobody really cares about news on anything and from everywhere - you'd likely use a filter to see only the relevant ones. By countries, topics, events...

how about you get a free year subscription if you gift monthly to 6+ new users who subscribe for a 2nd and 3rd months

Also guys, don't be stingy! 5 likes on the threadcast??? WOW are you all sleeping? LOL

People love a lot of rules on social media.

What could go wrong?

yeah 2 am 😊 and I’m always reading your mind. I speak Japanese and mandarin yeah

I have to go. It was a nice to listen and have a conversation with you all. Have a nice day!!!

big Delegation to any influencer would be nice, and give them half their pay before and half if they onboard 5% of their following

what if I’m only looking for it after midnight?

Outside of bringing an influencer, what is that one addictive or initiative ha w every user can add to Inleo.

That's a good start to get into INLEO. atleast 100 users will be good to be in inleo community.

Ooooh~ A higher up in MAYA!! Hope I don't miss that like I missed yesterday's chatter.

If three wonderful threadcast are held every week, it might be more than the total number of threads per day if checked from leaderboard.

Nice week is choked up for good, I will be there

I could imagine certain groups being onboarded more easily than others. No idea if there's evidence / research on this topic?

I can't wait to hear that chainchatter next week. I would be one of the first to attend on the chainchatter.

That would defnitelly need a boost of Leo Voter's voting power :))

One of the things about Inleo is that it isn't just growing Leofinance community alone but all communities on hive cause they are ably represented on INLEO

For any new community leader who is making an effort, give them 100k delegation and then an extra 1 for 1 extra delegation of any amount they buy and power up

Thread feature is one of the major weapons of increasing MAU.

Besides, the other front ends allow you to pick the thumbnail photo, and that's kinda important too. The thumbnail sells your post.

If we can get them, then, LEO and HIVE will pump.

Thank God for the big free Inleo am enjoying it much more now.

Chainchatter of next week sounds like a great one!

What are the preparatory ways to help people engage much more on INLEO.

ok it’s 3 am. Love you all. Leo shorts!!!!!!!!! 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 I shall become as popular as @taskmaster4450

Inleo engage Twitch....when tub stream/threadcast ...the studio

I particularly is a football lover, I would be hosting Euro matches in here through threads and keeping us updated.

What would strengthen the mindset of people to always enjoy their engagement on threads and INLEO

if we had an auto translate checkbox in settings I could probably onboard a lot more Japanese and mandarin speakers

Community moderators driving in their members to Inleo and using the interface is a great idea.


Talk is worthless. We all can ask for a million features.

Show Khal there is a utility and use case for the feature and people will actually us it.

ok! Yeah. I busked around China for a few years. Feel free to reach out to me.

External as in outside of HIVE?

Will this call be every Thursday?

Communities to onboard on InLEO ✌️

Let's work together to get the LEO to the moon.




after that is working you probably will come out with the mute option here, just so you can mute me LOL I will be so annoying when that comes out LOLOLOL

"Dynamic Resource Credits Pool"

I love the idea!!

I have a ton of resource credits I’m not using, where should I delegate it?

Anyone who runs out of RC who is active. I will delegate to them if they are interested in getting even more active.

What about trying to bring @coruscate back! I remember she kind of started here. But now she have grown a lot on mainstream and still do crypto related content???

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 RC solved!!!!! Bless you guys

I love the diversity of content on InLEO.

It is pretty nice to find something new to read every day 🔥

Damn it, I gotta get new friends, none of them is a hot chick 🤣🤣🤣

I have no friends, hot or otherwise.

My vote is for Bubbles as the official Leo girl.

It would be good if we had a blueprint of what we can offer different communities as an incentive so that can become a conversation starter in terms of what we can offer.
Things like delegation ...
Curation for community etc

Content Filtering will be amazing... That way, I can link people to a specific topic on INLEO!

You can send the links to the tags feed. I do that with spanish.

And the communities have their own thread section so that is another option

I know but I'd like more attractive filtering features in addition to tags.

ok screw languages. I’m going for hot chicks!

That is a motto for life in general.

Hmmmm... Not much, maybe 10-20 people and they may not be active, so I don't think any data I can provide will be attractive. !LOLZ

I really want to buy one of those grocery checkout dividers
But the lady behind the counter keeps putting it back.

Credit: marshmellowman
@khaleelkazi, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

if I can get 10 mandarin speakers it will spiral cause there is a huge community and they socialize more than Japanese friends

Helping inleo to grow should be everyone's business

I thought she was going to attend the Hive Fest, wasn't she?

Back then it was different, threads now allow the short content ppl didnt before, go a post a selfie on a long form and just watch the downvote rain

Not from Inleo tho, you will get ignored maybe, but it's those other projects the ones that are downvoting

yeah, thats why I mention back in the day, when Inleo didnt exist ✌️

Did I read Leo shorts coming soon? Woosshh Woosshh.
@taskmaster4450, get ready to view my crazy videos,


Crazy is allowed on Leo, especially with shorts.

Thank you. I know you'll agree with me 😂

Checkbox preference like Pinterest and Twitter = UNLEASH LEOAI

“I love cats. I love every kind of cat. I just wanna squeeze them and hug them but I can’t hug every cat!”

edit: I hope this wasn’t plagiarism

More than 300 comments, that's cool.

Sure, there's a community for people who want to post and see cat pictures only. It's called a lunatic asylum :)

Limitations never work in the long run, better products change the minds of people 😉

lol weekly dick pics…I’m sure you could build a community around them 🤮


Combine to two. Get ahead of the curve.

now that leo.voter was mention have you consider focus more curating threads than long form post? considering upvoting more small accounts to give them that first push

well, its offseason... lol jk lets get some football threadcasts going when the time comes

People said that last year.

And we didnt see much.


Typical people. A lot of talk, low on action.

any F1 fans? there is race next weekend in Barcelona, F1 threadcast?

Damn, maybe threadcast are generating more engagement here on threads.

@khaleelkazi will be doing the pickleball threadcast.

i Think the issue is not many people will notice it cause I’m not khal or task level just yet

jajajaja I knew someone was going to mention flying to Barcelona

when Leoshorts become a thing I will become task level here 😃

DEVELOPMENT THREADCAST 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 now thats fire, that will get a lot of input and ideas

We go live on Spaces in 50 minutes - set a reminder, tag a fren

What if I have no friends?

Lets go promoting in our various areas of specialization 🥂🥂🥂🥂..

4 minutes to go✨✨✨🥂🥂🥂..

All way to the space with your X 😜😜😜😜

Anyone talking? Cant hear anything yet

It's not just about the numbers, the quality matters.

Quality is hard to meassure and different for each person.

I want to do a contest but is there a way to choose winners from a list using any decentralize solution on Hive?

I need the yearly premium so badly!

Oh my, why does people keep using headlines around here? Have some decency! Don't shout!

Leo AI is paving way for what khal just said

Have my nudes ready for when the subscriptions are out :D ehehhe

Leo shorts wen?

Khal said hopefully by Monday.

Okay boss. Thanks

I actually need some resource credit boss.

You have 113 liquid Hive. Power it up. That will give you more than you need.

Okay boss. I will was thinking it's small and can't be okay for me.

possibly by monday

Okay, that's a good news

indeed :D I am very excited about it :D

Is Leo growth metered to what and how we use Leodex?

Freemium is a good way to get more people onboard using premium features
AI etc.
Those who see value would pay and stay back

Will there be referral bonuses?

damn I can’t wait til I can pull random quotes from myself on a given topic!!! Wen AI?

Am disconnected from X

Thanks for the podcast. See you tomorrow!

see ya guys
good one

Thank you guys ✌️

To make things convenient for inleo users and make them thread more, try brining a mobile app. is a mobile web app ;)

A playstore app I mean :P

We went down that route in the past and actually had an IOS + Playstore app

I'm not a fan. They're slow and clunky. Web apps are faster to develop and have 0 risk of being de-listed from app stores

Perhaps some day we'll release one when LEO is more mature. In the meantime, web app is far better for our needs

I personally think having that app would help increase activity on inleo.

Hopefully sooner than later I won't be uploading the youtube shorts and will directly be uploading #leoshots in here :D It is coming and I am ready :D

Sooner would be better but, alas, we are at the mercy of the development team.

Khal teasing us early again? We shall see.

I agree with you. Like about now would be the best time lolol let's see if he is just edging us 😆😆😆 eheheh

Yeah. Freaking not putting out but getting us all worked up. He is cruel.

It is the marketing. To get us all talking about it before the release!

I am not sure he is really that strategic.

I think he just likes pissing me off.

Just got the coloring fixed up on the Goblin Camp level mini-boss "Da Chef"
portal brawlers is coming along. New demo out soon!

Oops! Just deleted (Shift + DEL) a whole folder containing a gazillion photos. Now desperately trying to recover it 😂

Ahh you need to scan all day.

Yeah, the recovery tool is giving me a parsing error. I may just have to give in to sleep and check it tomorrow. 😅

That is really crappy. Sorry to hear that.

Is in it in your recycle bin?

Yeah, it was so fast that I couldn't cancel the deletion. It didn't go to the recycle bin since I use the Shift + DEL key

Oops. Maybe the experts on here can help you.

@simplegame you have any tricks ?

or @l337m45732 or @khaleelkazi

wondershare recoverit has work for me in the past, I even think I have a license

Thank you, I will check it out tomorrow. I'm very sleepy already, haha

Just go to your recycle bin and click the folder, then click restore

Thanks but files deleted using SHIFT+DEL don't go to the recycle bin.😉

ohhhh didn't even realize you used that. maybe recover a backup if you have one of the full computer

Wow that's too much. Do you think it can e recovered

these just Reminds me of when I mistakenly deleted my sister's photo (I wiped the whole gallery) she refused to eat that day 🙈. Hope you find a solution soon

Thinking about improving these buttons, thoughts?

Yeah. Threadcasts need work. There is a lot of potential. Have to figure out ways to make it more appealing.

We could easily have 10 of them going each day.

Like the new design better. How will it look if not dark mode?

😂 Dang that would be the day!

Its not a question if, it's when

Foolish way to spend money.

When it hits $10, take out a bigger loan and get more $LEO.

All Lions might not be that financially smart, they might just wanna spoil themself ;)

Remember, dont get drunk and get tattoos on your holidays!!! or do it... why not? have fun, live life! #photography #london #streetphotography

The hangover will wear off, the tattoo will not.

But you will have a fun memory and a fun story to tell for the rest of your days hehehehe

A cyber punk cat generated with AI.

#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo #cat

That could be the lead character in an AI film.

Yeah but guess I need to wait a little longer before I can prompt that with ai :)

The tech isnt quite there yet so I agree with you. But at some point it will be.

I am just thinking🤔. Why chose INLEO over other platforms like FACEBOOK. I just need some answers.
#lifestyle #aiimages


That is what #web3 is all about.

Yes I can see the reality

Ownership, aka Elon can't ban me here because I talk about crypto.
Rewards, Inleo has gamified engagement, but you have to put in effort!
Plenty of upcoming and already existing opportunities on Inleo!

Yes. We have to make it work

I love how this one turned out !!!

#art #gaia #generativeart

That looks like it could be the album cover for a 1960s San Francisco band.

i know right ? It has a retro indie vibe to it .!!

It is awesome. Keep producing them and sharing them.

Great stuff.

I feel psychedelic flower power vibes.

Definitely Psychedelic .!! 😀 And inspired from mother nature .!

Wow. So Lovely 💕

Thank you .!! Fren . 😀

You are welcome.👍

LOL you might want to work on that.

Or maybe you dont.

Lunatic as a brand is a viable strategy.

It worked for Dennis Rodman.

Today in #historyonleo

On June 13, 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson nominates U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Thurgood Marshall to fill the seat of retiring Supreme Court Associate Justice Tom C. Clark. On August 30, after a heated debate, the Senate confirmed Marshall’s nomination by a vote of 69 to 11. Two days later, he was sworn in by Chief Justice Earl Warren, making him the first African American in history to sit on America’s highest court.


Always look on the bright side of life. 🎶 #meme

Happy lions. ✌️

Optimistic outlook.

#leoai is going to set this place on a different level. That coupled with #leoshorts could have a major impact.

Yes. Always being positive 👍
#mindset #lifestyle

Some movies are for ever, creating new meta, setting the bar high for the genre or even change things for ever, Bloodsport (1998) was one of them back in the day

#moviesonleo, #bloodsport, #vandamme, #skiptvads, #poster

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.


ignore the existential dread

let's get this bread

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN $80?!!!!"

My instant reaction was anger at the asking part of $80 for Kingdom Hearts III on Steam, then I realized it's $80 for all these games and it's currently 31% off!! #hivegaming #freecompliments #cent

Love it :D For when the first post on the photographers community? Or do you already post in a different photography community?

I have only been doing about 1 or 2 long posts a month lately. I kind of spread them around to different communities. My next one will probably go into the silverbloggers community then I will look at doing one in the photographers comm. 🙂

eheheheh no pressure. I was just wondering. Because you have so many amazing photos. So few posts? You definitely should start doing some photo series, add them together and make some more posts! I think people would love that :)

I use to post a lot more but kind of hit a wall for doing long form. Trying to work my way back in (threads has helped with that). I like your idea, photographers comm may be the solution to get me to long forming more. 👍

thanks. Yeah the idea is to create a chilled space, for people to find other photographers. Share their works. Appreciate photography in general. And then, the idea as well, is to make sure the photographers also come here to inleo and use it here. Because it is a great tool and easier to share single photos with one liners. It is a win win for everyone. Hopefully will be able to start reaching for photographers and hopefully they will understand the vision. Build a photography community that is based on the appreciation on photos. And also, where real people are interacting with real people. And with the long format posts being made on inleo, bang.... double the rewards as well.

This ‘Kill’ trailer is wild! 🔪😨 A Bollywood action thriller about a cop hunting a serial killer who targets corrupt officers? With slick, stylized action and dark humor? Yes please! It looks like the perfect genre mashup, giving us hard hitting thrills but with that distinctly Indian cinematic flair.

#Kill, #Bollywood, #ActionThriller, #linkincomments, #moviesonleo, #skiptvads

Photographers? Are you going to post any long format post today?

Have you chosen which community to post?

And are you creating it on INLEO?


What is the name of your community? Or the URL?

Jon Anderson & The Band Geeks "Shine On" - Official Music Video


Take That - You And Me (Official Music Video from This Life On Tour)


1/🧵 With AI's rise, our work and daily lives have transformed dramatically. Many now rely on AI tools like chatbots. Can you imagine life without them? 🤖 #outreach #threadstorm #AI #Technology

2/🧵 AI helps us solve problems quickly and cost-effectively. I often use ChatGPT for coding queries and assignments, while Google Gemini assists with research #Productivity #Innovation

#gmfrens having a little swim at work, hope you have a great day , who is looking forward to the weekend???

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

MY day was bored but I still look forward to these weekend

Hopefully the weekend is more fun for you !BBH

What do you think will have a bigger impact on the Leo platform?


Short term vide, AI is a tool that requires more skills to exploit, ppl only use it as a Google replacement, videos everyone can pick up their phone and upload

You dont think that having a "google replacement" on Leo could be huge?

Especially since it is trained on Hive stuff which means we can actually find stuff?

Hopefully both will have a massive impact. But lets see if any of them can have a greater impact than Taskmaster4450le has had yet to Inleo!

I think it will be, in part, to when they are released. If we do not see LeoAI for a few months, then obviously that is of no impact.

I think the video uploading will do more impact on Leo than LeoIA. Though the both will be very useful. What do you think

It depends upon the timing of release. Video will be a nice addition but AI is a game changer. The number of clicks that can come from that will be amazing.

With video it will also depend upon what else is included. Without proper search and recommend, the videos will be least until LeoAI appears and can help us find it.

I understand better now and I seriously hope it happens soonest

I hope we get it soon also.

Voted for "video" because I'm not interested in AI at all :) !LOLZ

Why didn’t the teddy bear want dessert?
He was stuffed.

Credit: reddit
@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of barski



Im a sucker for any Rome Empire related entertaining content, its Peacock so this could turn out a gem or very Meh, hope for the best

#peacock, #tvonleo, #thoseabouttodie, #skiptvads, #trailer

That Miami chase in ‘Bad Boys II’ still probably the best one from the franchise 🚓💥 Michael Bay cranked the spectacle up, it’s just pure adrenaline fueled mayhem from start to finish! The way they tore through those narrow streets, jumping bridges and crashing through shops, that was some dopamine rush

#BadBoysII, #MichaelBay, #ActionMovies, #linkincomments, #moviesonleo, #skiptvads

I am rounding up my days work at the shop now, in about half an hour I will be home to settle down for more threading.

Thank will be nice.

‘Venom’ movie is shaping up to be wild 🕷️ The Klyntar symbiotes are getting a major visual upgrades, with a new hive mind connecting with each other 😈 I’m ready for the chaos when Venom faces off against his own kind! Plus Andy Serkis is back directing, he’s gonna make those symbiotes look sick 🔥

#Venom, #Klyntar, #BodyHorror, #linkincomments, #moviesonleo, #skiptvads

Pick Your Poison

#wordoftthedayinleo #liotes

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I have an idea for this - we're working on a Dynamic Island feature

One of the aspects of this new feature is a display which will show a "Goal" for the monthly affiliate fees earned by LeoDex

We'll start it at $500 per month as the goal (100% of these fees go to buying $LEO and pooling it in LEO-CACAO)

This way, all of us who use the UI have a collective goal. A mission to strive for on a monthly basis. Each time we hit the goal, we'll raise it slightly. Perhaps we can even do rewards that we raffle to people who swap and contribute toward hitting the goal - but we only do the raffle if we hit the goal

Gamification, quantification, and numbers are a great way to track and motivate.

Keep pushing the numbers so the focus is there. It is all part of the flywheel process.

Having a shared goal is always a good idea as it will usually push people just a tiny bit to do more effort! Ofcoure the goal should make sense, not too high nor too low

My wife advanced my happy father's day./Mi esposa adelantó mí feliz día del padre.
@omarrojas en @family-friends by #hive #family-friends #celebracion #gosh

Great, I hope you enjoy it and happy father's day in advance.

Thank you, kind regards. Best of luck.

🧵 1. Landslide on Teton Pass disrupts commute between Jackson Hole and Victor, Idaho, raising concerns of a worker shortage in the area. #world

🧵 2. Wyoming officials working on a solution for the collapsed roadway, but no timeline for reopening Teton Pass after the landslide.

🧵 3. Closure forces low-skilled workers in Jackson Hole to endure longer commutes, adding strain on their already challenging living situations.

🧵 4. Teton County exploring camping options for Idaho workers to ease the commute burden as the community faces potential worker shortages.

🧵 5. Local reactions vary, with some suggesting unconventional solutions like immigration to address the possible labor shortage in the Jackson Hole area.

Jonathan Major, actor who perform Kang before getting fired by Marvel after got into a assault case on his ex girlfriend, now getting the Perseverance Award at Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards on June 21.

“given to an individual who has shown that no matter what adversity they face, they will continue to aspire to inspire.”

TF happen here?

#kang, #hollywood, #moviesonleo, #skiptvads, #marvel

There are 4 pages