
eheheheh no pressure. I was just wondering. Because you have so many amazing photos. So few posts? You definitely should start doing some photo series, add them together and make some more posts! I think people would love that :)

I use to post a lot more but kind of hit a wall for doing long form. Trying to work my way back in (threads has helped with that). I like your idea, photographers comm may be the solution to get me to long forming more. 👍

thanks. Yeah the idea is to create a chilled space, for people to find other photographers. Share their works. Appreciate photography in general. And then, the idea as well, is to make sure the photographers also come here to inleo and use it here. Because it is a great tool and easier to share single photos with one liners. It is a win win for everyone. Hopefully will be able to start reaching for photographers and hopefully they will understand the vision. Build a photography community that is based on the appreciation on photos. And also, where real people are interacting with real people. And with the long format posts being made on inleo, bang.... double the rewards as well.