The road to #1000premium Day 2
Our Surge Goal: 1,000 Premium Subscribers by the end of Q1, 2024
Current Status: 161/1,000 Premiums (Up 8.7% or 13 new Subs since yesterday)
Today's Focus: Why does 1,000 Premium Subscribers Matter? See next Thread
Add another premium member after two hours. HBD trickling in #1Kpremium
Hell yes! Thank you for supporting us
I'll make sure a big @leo.voter upvote is waiting for ya on the other side. Publish a blog post after you go premium ;)
I am premium now. Let's hope I make one long form post in the next 31 days :P
Getting 1000 premium user's is quite possible, I just hope there should be a strategic plans that will gives premium user's some attractive reward on weekly basis, that's should serve as an incentive for subscription.
With this , we can get more user's to key into subscribing.
As long as you make 1-4 quality blog posts per month so @leo.voter can curate you, it should be super easy to make more than the cost of premium + have all of the premium features
Communication is key in a community or project and it is great you are doing this
Thank you! Yes, I’m trying to get the community aligned
I’ve got the team all lined up in accomplishing this. Having each and every one of you helping as well will ensure we get there
That's the way to do it
I spent the beginning of the New Year thinking about INLEO and where we are headed
If you saw a recent blog post from me, I outlined my thinking about INLEO, our upcoming 5 year anniversary and the building of products
I am a product-centric founder. I focus mainly on designing, building and iterating the product
I believe that having an amazing product is the key to having an amazing company with an amazing userbase
So with all of this in mind: what is INLEO's product?
Obviously the Application is our main product. That's what our "customers" AKA Users utilize on a daily basis
Monetizing the product is key. We're entering an era of startups where the funny money VCs are gone. Everyone is focused on how much profit your startup generates and how long of an operating runway you can build
INLEO is no stranger to this. I want us to be building for the next 10, 20, 30 years unhindered by the restraints of capital
And in order to operate in this manner, we need to be a profitable organization. We need to drive in more revenue than our expenses
For the past 5 years, I've been bootstrapping all of the costs of operating, growing and developing INLEO
I have plenty of capital to do this for the next 5 years. But with that in mind, as a startup, we are far more attractive to the outside world if we are actually generating revenue and sustainably building an even longer Runway
This is where INLEO Premium comes in
Yes, our product is the INLEO UI... but our monetization of that product has been lacking. We have Ad Revenue and that's great but it also provides a ceiling
We can only monetize so much when our traffic is at the current level. Growing the traffic means generating more ad revenue and that's great, we need to keep doing that
But Premium offers the holy grail of business revenue, especially in the world of software: Recurring Subscriptions
Recurring subscription revenue is the holy grail of generating revenue for a startup or really any kind of business
That's why #1000premium matters. To me, 1,000 premiums is a signal. It's a signal of the baseline revenue we should generate as an organization, every single month... on autopilot.
$10,000 per month. It's not enough to make INLEO a "profitable" organization from a cost/revenue perspective, but it a decent chunk.
It's enough to make a huge impact on the $LEO Token Economy which will kickstart a positive flywheel
So I have aligned the entire team from devs to marketing on this surge goal. For Q1, 2024, nothing matters except getting to 1,000 Premium Subscribers. We're continuing our work on the UI in terms of bug fixes & Stability (as always) but outside of that, everything is focused on this goal
Will you help us reach it?
fantastic work, I'm proud to be the 75th Lion to become premium and I love the service and support.