Which means when you print more money to clear the state's debt, you may have to print X2 of the original value before you can clear off the debt because the value of the currency will #depreciate.
Which means when you print more money to clear the state's debt, you may have to print X2 of the original value before you can clear off the debt because the value of the currency will #depreciate.
Yes, that's just the truth. Is just like hiding a lie, you need more lies to hide a lie, lol.
Ahn ahn
Why did you use lie as an example? 😅😅
Hehehe, that is what came to my mind and it's also what is so obtainable too 😅.
True true
Ya right sha
Why sha? I'm right 😜.
Oya sorry ma
You're rice 😅
Thank sir, you were beans 😉.
I wish their stone hearts and blockheads will allow them to embrace this truth, then things would be perfect!
I wish so too brother!
Nigeria can be great again!
I just pray things get better.