It's the software maybe? I notice that a lot of posts I hearted don't register at all as being voted on. Maybe lightning DB is so backlogged that there's a time delay in between votes and it actually registering on the frontend?
The biggest problem by far is the frontend does not show the vote value of HIVE votes even though that likely makes up the largest portion of what people earn on threads. They need to change that policy IMO.
I've been testing out Appics lately but it's just not clicking with me yet. Is it more like Instagram you just post up a picture and description and others vote on it? Curation rewards?
It's amazing that some guy I downvoted years ago still tries to wipe out some of my comment rewards. I doubt he takes a dollar a year off me, but I don't care anyway.
Don't worry about me. I'll do okay. I'm sure he manually seeks out comments that he thinks he can zero, but he uses up his DVs on me and others. He could have been earning, but chose the dark side.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @matheusggr ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Not sure I'd say they're in the second layer, to me that connotes something like a "layer two" like hive-engine. As comments, they're definitely on the layer one of the blockchain.
As i understand Leo is using Hiveengine and comments make sure not to spam the feeds. A system that was used well in the past already by another app on Steem. +
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @ksam ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Boss, it still boils down to the question of competency versus incompetency. Unfortunately our country has chosen the latter as the order of the day. If not, it doesn't actually take rocket science to tackle our financial issues
Our financial crisis is one that can be easily tackled when the right government handles the issue. When they cut the cost of governance by taking away those unnecessary expenses, at least it will reduce the waste and...
Before you get tired and irritated like I am, threads 1 - 3 actually portrays what many people think, especially those who don't understand the idea of #scarcity in #currency and #economics.
When i was younger, I would have actually thought the same. In fact, there are some older people that still believe such. The fact is that when you dont know some things and you dont have the opportunity to learn the..
I wonder why there are Money Printing Machines if they can't be used. Or should we beckon on #Netflix to give us a real life version of La casa de Papel (Money Heist)?
I wonder too, the machines are there for the sole purpose of printing money, so why aren't we making good use of it? It would be a really dangerous thing to experience the money heist in our country, I don't know if you copy?
Hahaha, well, giving the level of backwardness emoyed in our financial system, they may not be able to even pull it off even in a movie, talk less of real life.
Well, you know that these guys in government do us Money Heist every now and then. And their own is always successful. In fact, when they are caught, immediately theyll say that snake swallowed the money. and viola!
If you fall into the category of people who think that more money should be printed to solve the increasing rate of debt issues, then I think you need to clear that misunderstanding in your head.
You now know the focus of this thread right? I bet you didn't when you opened it. You hoped to make a fool out of the writer, but I'm glad you opened it. Feel free to share you thoughts also. PS: You can still call me 😅
Frankly, I did wonder to my self, why would an elite of your level make such a statement, but I guess it's by thanks to persévérance that I read further to actually understand better.
Baba calm down with the whinning sha!
I still be pikin!
I began by making a provocative statement, that I was also irritated at myself for saying that. My aim was to draw the attention of people to think I am stupid!
But then, Scarcity tends to increase the value of an object or person. Although, for a person, if you think by being scarce your worth or value will increase... it may not be the case, because you may simply be forgotten.
For instance, in a relationship, if one party feels the need to drop communication for a while (to be scarce), it may not turn out as expected. The other party may decide to move on.
I understand you perfectly well my dear and I agree with you. When it comes to humans, scarcity is not a good option at all except of course you want to be forgotten.
That's also true. When we notice something is #scarce, that's when we tend to be in need of sure things and we are willing to get it at almost any cost.
So when 50 people want to get just 1 particular item at any cost, you'll see that the value of that item will be so high.... and only the richest will be able to afford it.
However, in the case of currency, there should be a balance #scarcity
So when they ignorantly call for printing more money to clear debts, they are trying to make the currency less scarce, and this in turn will lead the the depreciation of the currency.
Honestly, with the level of both corruption and incompetency in their ranks I do believe that their main motivé to print more money is to see what to embezzle!
Honestly, Nigeria's case is just something else. Even if the economy is strong or weak, these guys dont even care. THier aim is just to embezzle money.
Which means when you print more money to clear the state's debt, you may have to print X2 of the original value before you can clear off the debt because the value of the currency will #depreciate.
This is dangerous to the economy and spells doomsday for the masses. Because when the currency value depreciates, the prices of food stuffs and every other thing in the market will increase, except SALARY (income).
It's really so sad to see that our currency keeps depreciating in value and the inflation rate is getting worse but the salaries of workers seems to be #constant.
Salaries remain constant
And not only that it remains constant, the value also reduces.
Because if you were given N20,000 in January 2021, and that N20,000 can sustain you in a Month... August 2021, if you are paid N20,000 that money won't be able to sustain you in 2 weeks.
Hence, while it affects the Government and its economic activities with international bodies, it also affects the masses and the market woman selling onoins and tomatoes in her small shop will also bear the cost.
Borders were closed and exports weren't allowed for a long time. Still yet, the country wasn't producing things. Which means normal food stuffs that would have been easily accessible to everyone became scarce, hence increase in price.
Stupid decisions will las las affect the market people
Our knowledge of Scarcity from the above discussion can also be applied to Crypto dealings. Thus, Scarcity also plays a huge role (together with other core features) in the value of crypto coins like #Hive #Leo
Well, at least you are earning #Hive #crypto, so that is a step.
You now know that sometimes the value of #Hive increases, and other times it decreases, such that whenever you want to withdraw Hive, it will be based on....
Although it isn't solely responsible for the valuation of the #crypto, but when a viable coin is scarce in #circulation, then the sellers can sell off at a higher price thereby increasing the value of the currency.
Yes, but like I said in the 17th thread, "Scarcity also plays a huge role (together with other core features)"
Those other features include use case, viability, road plan, problem it is solving, community... and so many others.
So if all these are settled... then scarcity will now come in in terms of circulation.
When the demand for the coins is high and the ones circulating is scarce.. then those who have it will increase their selling price.. thereby taking the price of the coin high
Our knowledge of #scarcity is also applicable in #NFTs. The level of Rarity of an NFT item determines its worth: if it is common, its worth will be lower but when it is scarce, then it'll have a higher worth.
we began from understanding why printing money recklessly isn't good for the economy of a state, then we saw the need for scarcity in currency, crypto coin and NFT item. I hope you gained a little from this discussion.
#USD, #YEN, #EURO, #GBP arent printed by the government so I dont know what you are talking about. The major currencies are only created through loans by the commercial banking system.
Now I'm wondering where we get the cash from? Is it printed by a private body or the government body? If it's non of these options above, then what is it?
I understand the aspect that the US Federal reserve controls the supply of US dollars, and that the major currencies are created through loans by the commercial banking system, as you rightly said.
However, in some of the underdeveloped and developing economies of the world, the Federal Government plays a crucial role as these Commercial Institutions are not fully independent, like the US Federal Reserve
That's the problem with developing countries and under developed countries.
In developed countries, these institutions are independent of the Federal Government and they act solely based on policies. But in Nigeria and other developed and under developed countries, the Federal Government has powers to encroach into the activities of those institutions, making them somewhat dependent.
and so many people are still rallying around and supporting the one who has the tendency to take corruption to a higher level: a higher ground. In fact, many Nigerians really deserve this kind of government.
For me, I will say Despite the Money Printing Machines. Money will still not have any value, if not invested.I will say I love your entry on this subject matter @ksam. Keep it up
When these currencies become well sought after by trade partners, both within the country and outside the country, then it will create huge demand for the currency.
In the same when, when the said currency has huge demand....
You get the gist. Americans understand the logic of investment and that is why dollar keeps rising above Naira.
Until our leaders understand the concept of Time Value of Money, Nigeria will keep borrowing, not because they are poor, but because they lack basic understanding of investment and return of investments
I love the fact that you pointed out the less supply thing. It's a way of wasting money, and devaluating the countries currency.
One Major thing Nigeria is suffering from is the lack of Identifying problems, and analysing these problems to derive solutions, and this is caused my the self-centred nature of the so-called leaders in position.
Which is why we need a Youth for a leader, a person who thinks about the people and not just some old hags parading themselves as politicians, when they nearly know what the term politics is.
We need someone who can think out of the box, and transparent to the core, and more accountable.
I always ask why Nigeria practised Mixed Economy and yet over half its population are in abject poverty. This is not because of the country is not rich. But it is as a result of Bad Governance and selfish desires of the people in power.....
This is solely the result of bad governance.
If Nigeria were to practice even the weakest form of economic method with competent governance and people who are willing to work. Then you will see a drastic change.
It is actually not just about investing, when you invest, more ideas come to mind, and this In turn will give room for opportunities such as having jobs for the graduates and all. Skill empowerment programs, because now, there are funds that will sponsor these projects
Whereas some of the decisions they take and investments they take are good, the truth is that these investments are not transparent and the way and manner they are handled are not transparent also.
If they were transparent, Nigeria will definitely have inflow of some of the investments made; or rather, let me even begin with the different streams of revenue or income of the nation....
Nigeria has: Unnecessary Spending problem, lack of transparency that do not take the flow or income generated, and government that isnt willing to work.
And this starts with the individual mindset of those in power, if there can be a shift in how they think self-centredly then, probably things might have been for the good of all
It will not just rise again, but it will also enhance creative ideas in establishing more means of income for the country and also birth the establishment of companies which will in turn create job opportunities for the populace.
I am not really an expert on economics, so I don't know if printing money would make a change.
What I do know on the other hand is that even if more money were to be printed by the government, incompetence will land them back to debt.
LNG is 26% of EU’s total energy consumption but only 2% of Russia’s GDP—so they can inflict way more damage on Europe than compared to any loss they incur in return.
Having suspended the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and Nord Stream 1 requiring repairs, that is the reason that Russia is giving to reduce the gas exportation, set back their imports to 40% of capacity.
Germany rushed in laws to build new regasification and LNG terminals. However, it is not enough, and Germany is most exposed to a deep recession risk from this supply shock on individuals and businesses.
They are really trying to boost LNG supply from other countries like Algeria and Libya, but the progress has been slow, and they will need huge improvements on infra.
Finland imports 100% oil, 68% gas and 31% coal from Russia.
Russia already turned off the exportation to Finland when they announced the intention to join NATO. Finland will need to talk with Norway to import more from them
35% of their natural gas is imported from Russia.
Used to be a large exporter at Groningen but was hit by earthquakes and now down 90% on production levels. Also adds costs on Dutch farmer situation and food shortages.
Although 39% of its energy comes from Russia and Russia already cut them off once, it’s access to gas is relatively stable due to having an LNG terminal running at full capacity.
Only 9% total exposure to Russian energy, but that’s because they have big nuclear energy output.
EDF is struggling operationally, leading to multi-decade low energy output pushing French energy prices up further.
But this is not just a ‘Europe problem’ since energy costs will skyrocket globally, and we’ll see higher prices passed on to consumers and layoffs mount as businesses cease to be profitable.
to go further and/or solidify his win in East Ukraine w/ a puppet government and (2) Putin will try to tie energy sales to removing the sanctions, which the West won’t want to look weak on.
It’s definitely not an energy driven crisis, but this will be a real impediment to a healthy recovery and compound the other macro problems noted above.
You got 2 commons and 3 un-commons.
So not a great draw, but the game has not come out yet so they could prove to be great to have when it does.
Hold on to them and you never know
Many of you don't know that I am a fan of creating #passiveincome streams. One of my very first ones was #redbubble My wife and I set up an account there in 2020. And every other day we sell something. #threadstorm 1/a few If you would like to see your designs on products you don't have to leave #hive at the time we set this up we did not know about
this is our very own #printondemand #onlineshop
They have their own token $LISTEveryone with a #hive account can open their own #e-commerce shop. And you even have a platform where you can blog about your products. is operated by @thelogicaldude
By staking LIST tokens you can become a vendor on
You can go with different tiers. Unlimited is the option I will go with. First I need LIST to stake it
Right now there are not many tasks published, so you won't drain your VP at all!
Give a 100% vote follow to this trail and show your support for those creating tutorials, guides, thumbnails, animations and more for the Leo ecosystem!
right here. The trail won't vote more than 2 times a dayThe @leo.tasks trail will vote on those posts who complete a task published by @leo.tasks, read more about this initiative
Adjusting the volume the headlights appeared suddenly. A siren blaring was the last sound Dan recalled in the hospital. Andrea sat holding his hand in prayer. She scolded herself for thoughts at the rehearsal his delay was due to cold feet.
Jason listened in disbelief at Danny's vague plans of his wild prank. Reasoning someone may get hurt, Jason decided to inform the coach of his friend's joke. Upon hearing practice was cancelled, Danny knew he'd made coach's hackles rise.
Sometimes seeing is believing. Prior to the fatality my wife witnessed, she'd nag if I didn't go immediately after a green traffic light. On the day of the accident visibly shaken we pulled over and sat silent. Afterward we rode in harmony.
The community watch group listened intently as the leader distributed flyers. Dissatisfied with recent crime in their neighborhood Allen volunteered. Glancing at the flyer he was shocked he recognized one of the perpetrators. His heart hurt
Glenn sat in the church studying the collages. This last year in counseling helped him realize forgiveness was part of healing. As his ex-girlfriend and his best friend approached his row he smiled then nodded. That scrapbook was now closed
All activities once enjoyed ceased when the noise came. Arturo sat upon his hands ignoring the coldness of the porch. A hunger now replaced his tears, long dried. A smile escaped as the man advanced. He hoped his satchel bore a grammar book
It would be dark soon. Drew wrote quickly in his binder, then smiled at his mom.
"Finished!" His hope pierced deep.
"Great, but it's the last candle. We have to move."
"Not there!" he yelled.
He'd heard about the stigma of being homeless.
The couple's photo enjoying the sophomore dance exemplified the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Their fondness was evident. His borrowed, yellow tie matched her flowered dress. I smiled at the part I played in nephew's life.
Darryl's decline started slowly, then increased over the past two years. His family pleaded with him not to consume alcohol and drugs but he continued. While on a tour he collapsed. Not only was his singing career in peril, so was his life.
8 pm. The doorbell upset Daryl as he watched his favorite episode. Instinctively he turned the volume down and eased toward the peekhole. Identifying the visitor he backed away, furious his friend wouldn't subscribe to the satellite sports.
I wish I had a dime for every time
shuffling feet hurriedly adorned tattered clothes at dawn
whips cracked bent-over backs ripping flesh
blood oozed from open wounds;
runaways' necks hung from limbs.
But Not Forgotten.
Not immediately visible Jaclyn stood ten minutes for access to the ladies' room. Her meal cooled. Her headache intensified. Her patience waned. The hostess' attitude was minor compared to the facility's condition.
HER SURVEY: 2 out of 10
During Phil's nursing home visit, his sister Gwen called to confirm the 50th Anniversary party. Their dad only smiled. An hour later an hysterical Gwen called about their mom's fatal accident. Devastated he couldn't tell his dad. Not today.
Eric flipped through notes trying to remember. Contending with the laughter, squeaking and flushing proved too much. He couldn't leave. He'd already skipped last class. He cursed as his backpack fell to the floor. Mr. Adams called his name.
Naya pressed against the window. Suddenly a truck pull into the driveway next door. Her heart beat fast as she remembered greeting the last new neighbor. "Bruno No." echoed as she leaped off exposing her leg's large gash from the encounter.
Worried about his SAT score and tired from practice, Ned fell asleep. Startled by the alarm he bolted to his dad's room. Smoke obscured the usual cigar odor. Although saddened losing childhood history he felt culpable for his dad's actions.
Given only a 40% chance hair loss wouldn't occur I was hopeful the cold cap I suggested would work. I sat observing its application. What others will think worried my niece. I reassured her but I wish society could see her inner beauty.
Patrons filled the transit stop. As Patrice arrived all watched the storm approach. There was no signal they'd make room. There was no avoiding the downpour. Hurt she turned toward the curb swearing when suddenly a car passed drenching her.
Deidra guided the brush through her curls. On the vanity she glimpsed the sapphire brooch. Beneath it lay notice of her finance's demise. Proposal and gem received a week ago she struggled to understand why. A single drop diluted the words.
All activities once enjoyed ceased when the noise came. Arturo sat upon his hands ignoring the coldness of the porch. A hunger now replaced his tears long dried. A smile escaped as the man advanced. He hoped his satchel bore a grammar book.
I finally finished work early for a change and was able to make it home to my PC to listen in on today's townhall on #splinterlands looking forward to hearing all the big news, future updates and overall roadmap ahead.
O primeiro é indiscutivelmente #Splinterlands. Caso alguém não conheça, SPT é um jogo de cartas NFT colecionáveis e estratégia, com um sistema de turnos automáticos.
É também um dos jogos que possibilitam o maior retorno proporcional ao seu investimento, sendo que mesmo com jogadores com pouca skin in the game podem conseguir lucros decentes, embora dependam mais da sorte.
O segundo jogo na minha lista é #Dcity: um jogo de simulação de cidades, baseado em cartas NFT colecionáveis que representam as estruturas, a população e uma variedade de atributos de uma cidade.
O jogo em si não é tão amigável, mas pode proporcionar um ótimo retorno passivo para os jogadores, principalmente com os Rankings e sua pool de recompensas diárias de quase 200 Hives (atualmente).
Um ponto interessante é que o jogo não depende tanto da adesão de novos jogadores, já que sua pool meio que se renova com parte das taxas do BeeSwap, cujo criador é o mesmo do Dcity.
Apesar de simples, o jogo tem algumas funcionalidades muito legais, como a possibilidade de criar tracks juntando diferentes cartas em sua banda ou, ainda, sair em tours pelo mundo.
Falando em lucro, ele perdeu muito da força que tinha até alguns semanas atrás, mas a melhor coisa é que você pode começar a jogar de graça, então não se tem do que reclamar!
Nele, você pode contratar, vender e treinar jogadores, melhorar as estruturas do seu time, montar a formação, definir quem serão os titulares, além de todo o aspecto voltado pras finanças do clube.
Mas sendo bem sincero, não é possível lucrar muito com Rabona no momento. Minha escolha se deu apenas pelo aspecto da diversão, pois gosto de futebol e acho Rabona um jogo decente.
Há também outros jogos já consolidados e que estão apresentando uma boa evolução como Hashkings, dCrops ou mesmo Exode. Mas confesso que não estou muito por dentro desses projetos.
Estou mais de olho nos jogos que estão por vir, como #WOO, um jogo de cartas colecionáveis que simulam batalhas de Pro Wrestling; e #KOD, um jogo TCG similar a Yu-Gi-Oh que tem lançamento marcado já pro dia 1º de Setembro.
O que mais me chama atenção como um investimento, entretanto, é o Psyber-X. Acho que se realmente lançarem algum jogo e for minimamente decente, é o que possui o maior potencial dentre todos aqui citados.
Según mis cuentas pasaron solamente quince minutos. Cuando Nany salta a la cama y me despierta con lengüetazos. Veo el reloj y habían transcurrido cuarenta minutos. ¿cuarenta minutos? Me pregunto exaltada.
¡Agh! Tanto para tan poco tiempo, como puedo salgo de la cama precipitada. Corro rápidamente de un lado a otro intentando alcanzar cosas, metiéndolas desesperadamente lo que creería podría ser útil a la maleta
En un intento por alcanzar a saltos la blusa de algodón orgánico mas fresca que he tenido en toda mi vida me pego con el filo del lavadero en el dedo pequeño...
La sangre no se hace esperar y comienza a salir a chorros. ¡Justo hoy! Grito. Corro medio cojeando al baño en busca del botiquín de primeros auxilios...
Al final decido lavarme el dedo con jabón y no hacerle ningún otro tipo de desinfección; asegurándome que no se trata de una herida profunda, lo dejo así.
Jajajaja -avena con leche de almendras suena extraño, pero sabe riquísimo se los aseguro.
Me cepillo en menos de un minuto, lo cual es evidente que no cuenta como higiene bucal.
Son las cinco de la mañana, me encuentro en la parada del bus. Todo esta lleno de neblina, neblina que impide un poco la visibilidad, es imporante ver y conducir con cautela...
-Disculpa, ¿es conmigo? No, no señora le digo mientras sonrió y siento sonrojarme.
Una hora y media después estoy en el terminal de transporte haciendo fila para comprar los boletos en la taquilla que dice:
“expreso Riohacha” Riohacha capital de la guajira. después de mi arribo ahí, me dirigiré a Uribia. Punto clave para llegar a Punta Gallina, mi destino final.
you need to do 20 things
1.- Pay yourself first#threadstorm here I come. #Leothreads has been the most addicting format in the community.
Money has different meaning to people but if you consider having a million #hive
20.- The riskiest thing you can do is to take no risk.
Keep breathing cause you have 19 steps to get you a million Hive. Keep vesting, keep hassling#threadstorm
Back then, LBI was only worth 1.6 LEO per token, but I knew that this was a medium term play, and that the longer I held, not only would LBI's management come into play, but also I would be earning LEO dividends in the meantime.
I managed to sell some at 0.288 HIVE, and I wrote a post about that experience, and expounded a bit more on my strategy at that time, one which made a simple 2x look small.
But other than that, there hasn't been much action. All the fundamentals are good, the price points are still in my favor, I am making good dividends, but this trade is in the doldrums!
Lol are you up for a round of challenge, I know am out of your league but brave enough to challenge you, I have nothing to lose lol. Am currently online please send a challenge invite if you accept.
Thanks to @ctpsb & @achim03 for the initative...
Main idea is to encourage the users to earn CTP by posting with #CTP tag or purchase the token form the market and power up the same.
3/20@achim03 is the person behind the @ctpsb project also. You can earn the CTP token by delegating the hive to the @ctpsb account. The APR is aprox 10%
Their are prices too.. the CTPSB tokens will be distributed as price.
Best part is everyone will be rewarded for participation...
Best stakers will also get the CTPSB NFT as price.
After the 6 day 26 participants has shown in interest and 17 out of 26 participants has started staking the tokens. Till now 22342 CTP tokens have been staked by the contestants.
7/20Today I also staked the #CTP token. I was accumulating the CTP token and waiting for the moment.
In total Power up with 11911 CTP token and now holding 54279 CTP power in my kids (@gurseerat) account.
This question is too important for me to answer right away. I'm going to have to meditate on this for a couple of months in a faraway mountain somewhere.
Ah that makes sense. I heard Raymond had been using listnerds over the last few months. I guess he is convinced about the long term success for the project now
I could already play in Diamond League with maxed out cards in Splinterlands, if it weren't for #RisingStar Almost two thirds of my monthly investments are in this great #play2earn project on #hive. Something for #leo users as well IMHO.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @niallon11 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
#threads are great for comment engagement, but "heart"ing a thread counts as engagement too. I don't see a lot of that on all the threads!
It's the software maybe? I notice that a lot of posts I hearted don't register at all as being voted on. Maybe lightning DB is so backlogged that there's a time delay in between votes and it actually registering on the frontend?
That's an interesting point, I hadn't thought of that!
One thing I can be sure #threads is on its third day right? So expect a lot better #threads as the week, month go by.
#life #heart
Very true. It's off to a good start though!
You're right about that :) It would be awesome when we get hearts on our #threads :) You got a few which is nice!
I gave you an upvote. Let's find out how long it takes to register on the frontend.
The biggest problem by far is the frontend does not show the vote value of HIVE votes even though that likely makes up the largest portion of what people earn on threads. They need to change that policy IMO.
After long FIVE years - I am back.
Like Arnold Schwarzenegger 😁
Welcome back! Liketu has been a pretty legit little platform!
Welcome back. We missed you.
Places were I am a lot more active:
linaklm - on APPICS
as_esu_lina - on INSTAGRAM
Come and join me !
I've been testing out Appics lately but it's just not clicking with me yet. Is it more like Instagram you just post up a picture and description and others vote on it? Curation rewards?
Yes, many similarities to Instagram. Most info you can start diging from here:
That's just shameful! Why be more active on instagram than on hive! :P hahaha
You're still on time to join the #thread contest with 5k $LEO in prizes! Remember you can thread about ANY TOPIC!
It's amazing that some guy I downvoted years ago still tries to wipe out some of my comment rewards. I doubt he takes a dollar a year off me, but I don't care anyway.
Maybe the poor soul set you on auto-downvote. I'll upvote your stuff right now @steevc :) we got your back!
I did the same. Stupid downvoters sux...and so anoying
Don't worry about me. I'll do okay. I'm sure he manually seeks out comments that he thinks he can zero, but he uses up his DVs on me and others. He could have been earning, but chose the dark side.
View or trade
Hey @alex-rourke, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.persistence :))
Not sure what it is, but I don't let it get to me.
View or trade
Hey @acesontop, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
Are you trying to build your HIVE stack faster?
Here's a #threadstorm showing you some of the best places to put your HIVE to work for faster gainz.
#forexbrokr #hive (1/🧵).
Pro Tip:
These APRs are insanely high and certainly won't last forever, so grab them while they're hot.
Impermanent loss can certainly fuck you if you're not careful.
SWAP.HIVE:SPS LP on Splinterlands
Currently offering: 140% APR.
What is Sprinterlands? :)
Oh, just a little blockchain game we have here on Hive.
It's probably no big deal ;)
Bullish on both SPS and Hive.
The LP Reward is huge!
Pro tip:
If your end goal is to stack HIVE, then track your impermanent loss and keep selling your rewards into bHIVE.
BeeSwap is just a Hive-Engine front-end that displays all Diesel Pools.
But on top of the rewards offered for providing liquidity to Diesel Pools, BeeSwap also pays BXT rewards for 10 select LPs.
Want more threads like this?
Smash that upvote button and leave a reply to get the conversation flowing!
Pro tip:
Just like CUB, the POLYCUB token is extremely risky to hold, so track your impermanent loss and keep selling your rewards into pHIVE.
Currently offering: 30% APR.
The original BSC based DeFi platform from the LeoFinance team now offers LPs featuring HIVE.
Wrap native HIVE into BSC compatible bHIVE and then pool with CUB for a 55% APR.
Any of these LPs can be used to stack HIVE faster than simply holding.
While this is just a regular Diesel Pool, Splinterlands are offering much higher APRs than you see on the other front-ends.
Access them via the Splinterlands site > SPS > Pools.
Just make sure you weigh up the risk:reward on offer for each before going all in on an LP.
Pro tip:
I have featured the SWAP.HIVE:BXT LP because it has a HIVE side and offers the highest APR.
But I encourage you to look at the other LPs featuring BXT rewards to find the best fit for you.
The LeoFinance team's second foray into DeFi on Polygon also offers LPs featuring HIVE.
Wrap native HIVE into Polygon compatible pHIVE then then pool with POLYCUB for a 30% APR.
bHIVE:CUB LP on Cub Finance
Currently offering: 55% APR.
Don't you know this?
#cub WEN moon? 😀 #sooniverse
Never moon.
Waiting for these DeFi tokens to moon isn't the game here.
We want to increase our HIVE stack, so just need them to remain steady and sustainable.
I'm happy for it to stay soon forever.
If you're using the LP rewards to try and increase your HIVE stack then sustainability is all that matters ;)
HIVE POWER on LeoFinance
Currently offering: 3% via inflation as well as another 10% via curation rewards.
Currently offering: 95% APR.
Pro tip:
If you don't have time to curate but still want a safe, simple 10% return on your HIVE POWER, then follow someone else's curation trail via
For me, the ability to securely stake your tokens and earn rewards is the most underrated aspect of Hive.
Power up your HIVE via your wallet page at, then upvote on the content that you like and you will earn 13%.
This thread is a goldmine. xD Thanks a lot for the juicy info Dane. :')
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
I gotchu, Fing :D
Salut les amis, êtes-vous prêts pour le 3ème #lpud?
Un grand cadeau est attendu cette fois-ci. #fr
De quel cadeau?
Esperant que ca marche assez bien pour la communité francophone
Je suis toujours prêt pour #LPUD comme avant. #thread #fr #LPUD
C’est l’esprit, mon ami.
J’espère que cette fois, quelqu’un de la communauté francophone devrait recevoir le LP délégué par cadeau. #fr #lpud
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Je vérifie l'utilisation combinée du #fr et du #lpud
The Hive Story Animation
Haha, this is awesome!
Thanks, it was fun. 🙂
Hi guys!
#threadstorm starting now!! 20 #threads!!
Why i love hive?
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @matheusggr ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
I also love and play #risingstar!
I'm already a millionaire there! Who knows I will be at hive at some point too!!
#Hive is a blockchain conceptualized as proof-of-legitimacy.
A victory over the power of money x community.
I participate in the coolest community, made by people, and underappreciated, called #HiveBR.
I believe that language is a major barrier in attracting investments. But HiveBR will be great!
Web3 to the mass, is at #hive!
Here we win with curation, as an author, or with curation and being an author!
The hive ecosystem is for everyone!
But wait, there's more...
If you're not an author or curator, you can be a player too! I'm also a player!
Speaking of gaming, we have the most played game built on blockchain technology around here!
And there's even more! I have my farm here too! Just waiting to open the beta packs!
Calm calm!
We're still halfway through!
I still have to show you my #dcity!
Why so many games?
What do you gain from it?
Here at hive!
A lot of tokens!
And you can exchange for many other tokens, including hive or leo!
But for swapping the hive-engine is not so good...
No problem!
We have #Tribaldex!
If you like to help with the liquidity of the hive blockchain and the tokens that participate, and you like to see the yield.
Or don't like the previous ones...
Still have the #beeswap!
Whaat?! participate in liquidity?!
Hive has its own pools from the diesel pools!
Ok, ok... I can play, invest, have returns, but what about posting? what do you like to post about? Did you think I would forget?!
You can post about finance and crypto on #leofinance!
On #threads you can post about anything!
We can still post about games, and still earn a lot from it in contests. Like Splinterlands' weekly promoted contests!
Or we can look for a tribe we like, and use very intuitive frontends!
Like #peakd!
Or if you want to earn points and convert your post and your community into a promotion or incentive, intuitively, in a very complete dapp...
Meet #ecency!
Ohh noo!It's the 20/20 #thread!
There are still a lot of dapps from hive missing! I didn't even mention the first move-to-earn dapp actifit, or Cub, or even the Polycub...
#I think you could see a little bit how much I love #hive!
Very pleased with the release of #threads! Good to see some friends from #hivebr putting the name of our community out there!
Great times are ahead of us
Boa! Vamos manter #hiveBR no topo das trendin's!
It's amazing how many people from all over the world are already avid thread users!
You're still on time to join the #thread contest with 5k $LEO in prizes! Remember you can thread about ANY TOPIC!
Testing out #leothreads. Curious to see how they interact with the #Hive base layer.
Comment on original thread.
They are in the second layer and appear as comments :) Nice to see you here!
That always made most sense to me out of any microblogging solution.
Hopefully more work will be done on the UI front over time as well.
Not sure I'd say they're in the second layer, to me that connotes something like a "layer two" like hive-engine. As comments, they're definitely on the layer one of the blockchain.
As i understand Leo is using Hiveengine and comments make sure not to spam the feeds. A system that was used well in the past already by another app on Steem. +
I think you're right about the desire to keep feeds clean. I didn't know aboout H-E. Seems to me that the threads are simply Hive comments to posts like which become filtered on the threads front end. Yours is at, but I don't know. Even if H-E is used, the comment/data does seem to end up on the main chain.
It seems to be quite separate.
welcome fren
These numbers are showing just how powerful the #gaming space is for #crypto right now. We also take a look into #splinterlands on #hive
Your best #Threads Memes on #threadstorm … Let’s see where we go. 1/20
#threads #threadstorm #memes 2/20
#threads #threadstorm #memes 3/20
What, no more memes?
Nope… I was hoping others would join in but no… oh well… at least we got to 4/20
#hbd allows people access to the USD without having to try and get it. Also no worry about theft.
HBD is my best investment ever.
What’s the tax rate? I heard because it’s over regular banking ARP it’s going to be Taxed like income and not how interest is.
Just seems to me with real inflation over 10% or let’s say 9.1% for argument sake, that’s half the gain then 30% of the total will be owed to IRS.
Just curious what thoughts are on this?
Good questions … I have no idea. Maybe I could use any HBD gains to offset my other massive crypto losses.
The IRS is coming….
I keep on hearing that my Country is in serious debt, owing Trillions upon Trillions.
But, I wonder why the Government can't print more money to clear the debts. Isn't that insane?
A threaded thread 🧵
⚠️ Be Open-minded
1/20 #threadstorm
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @ksam ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Or am I Naive?
Aren't others as reasonable as I am?
Or am I the only one blessed with such insight on how to tackle state debt issues?
Hehehe, I'm not sure you are the only naive one here, that's it you are naive though 😂.
That wasn't me talking ooo
Although I thought like this when I was little though
Oops, my bad 🙈.
It is fine
It is expected 🥰
No it's not fine, see you were expecting it 😏.
Boss, it still boils down to the question of competency versus incompetency. Unfortunately our country has chosen the latter as the order of the day. If not, it doesn't actually take rocket science to tackle our financial issues
This is true!
Our financial crisis is one that can be easily tackled when the right government handles the issue. When they cut the cost of governance by taking away those unnecessary expenses, at least it will reduce the waste and...
unnecessary spendings.
Doing this, they will solve the issue of consumption, then the next focus will be to focus more on production.
After this, there should be transparency in the revenue income, because na there some of these guys...
dey siphon money.
With all these things, there will be enough money to clear the debts, run the country and develop the country.
But No! Some people still prefer to chop agbado and shout "Emi lokan"
Before you get tired and irritated like I am, threads 1 - 3 actually portrays what many people think, especially those who don't understand the idea of #scarcity in #currency and #economics.
Well, quite a number of persons are ignorant of the inner workings of economy and financial institutions.
They anly suffer the aftermath.
This is so true bro.
When i was younger, I would have actually thought the same. In fact, there are some older people that still believe such. The fact is that when you dont know some things and you dont have the opportunity to learn the..
the right thing, then you may fall victim of thinking you know, when infact you dont know anything at all.
That's why learning is important everyday.
I wonder why there are Money Printing Machines if they can't be used. Or should we beckon on #Netflix to give us a real life version of La casa de Papel (Money Heist)?
I wonder too, the machines are there for the sole purpose of printing money, so why aren't we making good use of it? It would be a really dangerous thing to experience the money heist in our country, I don't know if you copy?
Be calming down oooo 😅😅😅
If we over print money, e no go good ooooo
But I don't think it would be easy to experience that high class Money Heist in Nigeria. But Money Heist happens everyday in Nigeria
Yes, I know now after reading all you had to say concerning the matter, hehe.
Yes oo, normally the money heist is really going on here but in a very little way that it is even becoming a very normal thing.
It is becoming normal thing and people aren't complaining.
How can you say snake swallowed money or monkey chop money, and you aren't investigated. Mhen!!!
This country sha
Na to leave una comot 🥲
As in ehn, that one is even the one we know, what about the ones we are clueless about? 😪.
Hahaha, well, giving the level of backwardness emoyed in our financial system, they may not be able to even pull it off even in a movie, talk less of real life.
Well, you know that these guys in government do us Money Heist every now and then. And their own is always successful. In fact, when they are caught, immediately theyll say that snake swallowed the money. and viola!
If you fall into the category of people who think that more money should be printed to solve the increasing rate of debt issues, then I think you need to clear that misunderstanding in your head.
I was In that category at a point, but now I know better, thanks to the enlightenment and instrumentality of my economics teacher at school, hahaha
You na boss na!
I believe you even thought you economics teacher
What do you think printing more money would result to?
If money becomes easily accessible and available like tissue papers (toilet rolls), do you think it would have any value (aside for shit stuffs)?
For me personally, I think it would result to abuse and worthlessness of the currency when it becomes too much 😌.
Exactly 💯
It will be semi-wortyless
Or worthless sef
Yes, that's just the truth.
It will loose its value before I can say potatoes. It would make money almost irrelevant.
It will become irrelevant and worthless. 1000 Naira will not be able to buy agbado and corn again.
If the paper money is at every corner of the country, do you think it would have any value again?
Perhaps, maybe, we may have to rely on sales of our tooth as it may replace it as a currency of High value.
I don't think so, it would depreciate in value.
Yes, the value will so so depreciate
Hahaha, that's quite hilarious, well, we might as well go back to trade by barter
exactly! We'll go back to trade by barter!
Can I buy your electric guitar with my Oraimo Phone Charger?
Na original phone charger ooo!
Boss na sweet deal be this ooo
Hahaha, have you been whipped with original oraimo cord before? Precisely on the neck?
You now know the focus of this thread right? I bet you didn't when you opened it. You hoped to make a fool out of the writer, but I'm glad you opened it. Feel free to share you thoughts also. PS: You can still call me 😅
Yes, the picture is a lot clearer now and I'm so happy I opened it.
#threadstorm, I just might really end up calling you, you know right? 😂.
Only a patient person can read my work oooo...
Because, each piece I write I pre-empt the emotions of my reader.
Like I wrote in the 4th thread, I was also irritated with the ingorant talk from the 1st to 3rd threads.
Hence, I expect my reader to be irritated also 😅😅😅
That's why I put a caution at the beginning to be open minded 😅
Yes, I tried as much as possible to be open minded and it really did help me 😁😉.
My type of people oooo
That's why it's just to set aside all Prejudice before reading something... then after reading it, you can critique it...
Yes dear, you are right but I'm still a victim sometimes though 😪.
Frankly, I did wonder to my self, why would an elite of your level make such a statement, but I guess it's by thanks to persévérance that I read further to actually understand better.
Baba calm down with the whinning sha!
I still be pikin!
I began by making a provocative statement, that I was also irritated at myself for saying that. My aim was to draw the attention of people to think I am stupid!
But, it will take patience for people to wait. Many will easily feel irritated without getting to know the real deal.
That's why I gave the caution
Threads 1 - 8 have indeed provided a foundation for us to understand what #scarcity means and how it affects the #economy and #state.
Thus, to build on this, I'll explain scarcity in this way:
Yes #scarcity might be both dangerous and good at the same time but let me see what it is you have to say about it in your next #threadstorm.
But then, Scarcity tends to increase the value of an object or person. Although, for a person, if you think by being scarce your worth or value will increase... it may not be the case, because you may simply be forgotten.
For instance, in a relationship, if one party feels the need to drop communication for a while (to be scarce), it may not turn out as expected. The other party may decide to move on.
Wetin I dey talk sef
I understand you perfectly well my dear and I agree with you. When it comes to humans, scarcity is not a good option at all except of course you want to be forgotten.
Although being too available can make you lose your worth.
Virtue lies in the middle
Yes that's true.
Indeed, I seek after virtue 😄.
This keeps getting better. Quite an intresting subject.
Shoot captain!!
Thanks boss
I am grateful that you followed this piece all through
You are welcome, it's worth the read. Keep it coming!
The more #uncommon an item is, the more it is hard to get; and when the #struggle to get that item is high, the more #value the item gets.
This is the #idea of #scarcity.
This is indeed a very true theory for the #scarcity. #threadstorm
Thank you 😊
You're welcome my dear. Thank you for sharing 🙏.
Thank you for your time
I'm grateful 🙏
You're welcome dear, anytime 😉, abeg no oo, not anytime oo, I go sleep sometimes 😁😁.
I couldn't agree more!
That is about right!
Thank you so much!
Thus when a #currency is #scarce it gives room or opportunity for the #value to increase when the #demand for transactions in that #currency increases.
That's also true. When we notice something is #scarce, that's when we tend to be in need of sure things and we are willing to get it at almost any cost. #threadstorm
Exactly 💯
So when 50 people want to get just 1 particular item at any cost, you'll see that the value of that item will be so high.... and only the richest will be able to afford it.
However, in the case of currency, there should be a balance #scarcity
That's correct, the more the merrier I guess 😉😜.
That's true, there has to be a balance.
More the merry gini? 😅
Abeg ooo
Yea, virtue lies in the middle 🥰
Yes na 😂, the more the people in need of sure things, the more tendency of the thing gaining more value 😉.
So when they ignorantly call for printing more money to clear debts, they are trying to make the currency less scarce, and this in turn will lead the the depreciation of the currency.
Hmm, that's right. If the government does that, it might solve the problem at hand but the one coming might even be worse.
I won't categorize that as solving a problem, because they are only creating room for a bigger problem.
So for me, they aren't solving any problem.
Yes it's not really solving any problem 😏.
They should sha dash me the money 🥲🥲🥲
Money man 🤑.
Honestly, with the level of both corruption and incompetency in their ranks I do believe that their main motivé to print more money is to see what to embezzle!
Honestly, Nigeria's case is just something else. Even if the economy is strong or weak, these guys dont even care. THier aim is just to embezzle money.
Which means when you print more money to clear the state's debt, you may have to print X2 of the original value before you can clear off the debt because the value of the currency will #depreciate.
Yes, that's just the truth. Is just like hiding a lie, you need more lies to hide a lie, lol.
Ahn ahn
Why did you use lie as an example? 😅😅
Hehehe, that is what came to my mind and it's also what is so obtainable too 😅.
True true
Ya right sha
Why sha? I'm right 😜.
I wish their stone hearts and blockheads will allow them to embrace this truth, then things would be perfect!
I wish so too brother!
Nigeria can be great again!
I just pray things get better.
This is dangerous to the economy and spells doomsday for the masses. Because when the currency value depreciates, the prices of food stuffs and every other thing in the market will increase, except SALARY (income).
It's really so sad to see that our currency keeps depreciating in value and the inflation rate is getting worse but the salaries of workers seems to be #constant. #threadstorm
Salaries remain constant
And not only that it remains constant, the value also reduces.
Because if you were given N20,000 in January 2021, and that N20,000 can sustain you in a Month... August 2021, if you are paid N20,000 that money won't be able to sustain you in 2 weeks.
The purchasing power is really poor
Ah! You got that calculation right, God help us 🙏.
Amen oo
Amen 🙏.
At the current rate its already a suicide and difficult situation that they've put ordinary citizens instead. I wonder how and when we may recover
N10,000 can not sustain you well for a week. Bro! This is really bad.
Their clueless decision is affecting everything!
Hence, while it affects the Government and its economic activities with international bodies, it also affects the masses and the market woman selling onoins and tomatoes in her small shop will also bear the cost.
That's even the problem, it always affects the masses more, while those that are the root cause are affected small or even not at all.
Nigeria as a case study
Borders were closed and exports weren't allowed for a long time. Still yet, the country wasn't producing things. Which means normal food stuffs that would have been easily accessible to everyone became scarce, hence increase in price.
Stupid decisions will las las affect the market people
That's really so so unwise sha 😪.
When they put an unwise man into power
What do you expect
Hope you have your PVC
Well, HOPE 😜
That's the problem, I don't have mine 😏.
Indeed, it definitely affects every one but not equally I would say, I that the poor will suffer it more!
The poor suffer it more!
But infact, nowadays in Nigeria there is no middle men again or middle class.
We only have those who are stinking rich, at the upper echelon and then the masses. Even the middle men don turn masses like this
like this ooo...
This government is quite scary.
The middle class has gone into extinction!
They are also struggling to price Yam and tomatoes in the market.
By now we all understand what #scarcity is right?
We now know how it affects the economy greatly, and why the masses should also be aware of the ills and negative impact of the printing more money.
Yes, yes I know now, it's a really bad idea to just start printing excess money just to clear up out debts.
Yes ma
Omniknowest 😅
Hahaha, I don't have any thing to say to you 😂.
Yes, you have...
Talk ya talk 😏
Abeg go, be doing your face like what I don't know there 😝.
Crystal clear! I understand it totally
Our knowledge of Scarcity from the above discussion can also be applied to Crypto dealings. Thus, Scarcity also plays a huge role (together with other core features) in the value of crypto coins like #Hive #Leo
Yes, it should play a role there too because crypto is still a currency right?
Exactly 💯
When it comes to item that needs valuation in terms of its circulation, then scarcity is highly important.
Hmm, absolutely correct 👍😉.
I am a bloody newbie when it comes to Crypto currency, thanks to you now I can apply your theories to crypto
Well, at least you are earning #Hive #crypto, so that is a step.
You now know that sometimes the value of #Hive increases, and other times it decreases, such that whenever you want to withdraw Hive, it will be based on....
...the current price. This is another step, and this is what we call #volatility in #crypto (price goes up and down).
You also know that the best time to #sell #Hive is when the value or price of #Hive is higher. hahahahah..
...that is the rule of trading in #crypto: buy when it is low and sell when it is high.
To an extent, you are learning some crypto terms practically through #Hive.
I believe you will get better little by little
Although it isn't solely responsible for the valuation of the #crypto, but when a viable coin is scarce in #circulation, then the sellers can sell off at a higher price thereby increasing the value of the currency.
Hmm, that's really true, when coins are made scarce, it helps increase its value.
Yes, but like I said in the 17th thread, "Scarcity also plays a huge role (together with other core features)"
Those other features include use case, viability, road plan, problem it is solving, community... and so many others.
So if all these are settled... then scarcity will now come in in terms of circulation.
When the demand for the coins is high and the ones circulating is scarce.. then those who have it will increase their selling price.. thereby taking the price of the coin high
Noted 👌.
Haunty Secretary is taking note 😅
Yes oo, very important 🙈.
Our knowledge of #scarcity is also applicable in #NFTs. The level of Rarity of an NFT item determines its worth: if it is common, its worth will be lower but when it is scarce, then it'll have a higher worth.
That's right, we always attach more importance to things that are rare.
Remember #blockchaingame and the idea of #Rarity? Even in #Splinterlands game we have different Rarity of cards.
The higher the Rarity level, the higher the value of the card.
Yes I remember 😊.
Why are you not using the other front-end?
I can't see your comments from Leofinance frontend
Okay, it's ecency I used.
we began from understanding why printing money recklessly isn't good for the economy of a state, then we saw the need for scarcity in currency, crypto coin and NFT item. I hope you gained a little from this discussion.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us @ksam, it's very much appreciated. #threadstorm
Thank you so much dear
I'm so happy you came to my post and checked all the threads.
I'm blushing here no be small 🥺
I'm really grateful 🙏
It's my pleasure dear, it was so fun reading through your #threads, I loved you topic of discussion 😍.
Thank you so much dear
I'm grateful 🙏
Superb conclusion, I have learnt a great deal.
I am so glad you gained from this piece, and i am very happy that you followed it till the end.
God bless you so much, and I am truly grateful
#USD, #YEN, #EURO, #GBP arent printed by the government so I dont know what you are talking about. The major currencies are only created through loans by the commercial banking system.
Now I'm wondering where we get the cash from? Is it printed by a private body or the government body? If it's non of these options above, then what is it?
I understand the aspect that the US Federal reserve controls the supply of US dollars, and that the major currencies are created through loans by the commercial banking system, as you rightly said.
However, in some of the underdeveloped and developing economies of the world, the Federal Government plays a crucial role as these Commercial Institutions are not fully independent, like the US Federal Reserve
But that isn't the concern of this piece. Just like I said in the 4th thread:
But that isn't the concern of this piece. Just like I said in the 4th thread:
"threads 1 - 3 actually portrays what many people think, especially those who don't understand the idea of #scarcity in #currency and #economics."
So this piece actually sets out to debunk that assumption and clarify the idea of scarcity as well as its importance.
Thank you so much for responding to my thread
I've wondered that too, why won't they just set themselves free by ordering the CBN to print out more money?
In developed countries, the Agency in charge of the policy making and control of the currency is independent of the government, to a large extent.
But in Nigeria... mbaaah
And that's why somebody like Tinubu can coerce CBN to print more money, if he wants.
Because they aren't independent
Exactly, that's the problem then, why would they be so dependent on the government, Nigeria things will always be different 😂.
That's the problem with developing countries and under developed countries.
In developed countries, these institutions are independent of the Federal Government and they act solely based on policies. But in Nigeria and other developed and under developed countries, the Federal Government has powers to encroach into the activities of those institutions, making them somewhat dependent.
Really so sad it true 😏.
The first thing is we're electing people who aren't economically sound.
and so many people are still rallying around and supporting the one who has the tendency to take corruption to a higher level: a higher ground. In fact, many Nigerians really deserve this kind of government.
For me, I will say Despite the Money Printing Machines. Money will still not have any value, if not invested.I will say I love your entry on this subject matter @ksam. Keep it up
This is so true!
Investments and trade (international) go a long way to increase the value of currencies.
When these currencies become well sought after by trade partners, both within the country and outside the country, then it will create huge demand for the currency.
In the same when, when the said currency has huge demand....
You get the gist. Americans understand the logic of investment and that is why dollar keeps rising above Naira.
Until our leaders understand the concept of Time Value of Money, Nigeria will keep borrowing, not because they are poor, but because they lack basic understanding of investment and return of investments
... and less supply, then we will see a rise in the valuation of that currency.
The value will appreciate to the favour of the currency.
I like the way you reason these matters.
I love the fact that you pointed out the less supply thing. It's a way of wasting money, and devaluating the countries currency.
One Major thing Nigeria is suffering from is the lack of Identifying problems, and analysing these problems to derive solutions, and this is caused my the self-centred nature of the so-called leaders in position.
Which is why we need a Youth for a leader, a person who thinks about the people and not just some old hags parading themselves as politicians, when they nearly know what the term politics is.
We need someone who can think out of the box, and transparent to the core, and more accountable.
I always ask why Nigeria practised Mixed Economy and yet over half its population are in abject poverty. This is not because of the country is not rich. But it is as a result of Bad Governance and selfish desires of the people in power.....
This is solely the result of bad governance.
If Nigeria were to practice even the weakest form of economic method with competent governance and people who are willing to work. Then you will see a drastic change.
The reason, as you have rightly said, is just that these guys at the helm of government are only there for their selfish desires.
They just go to Abuja to eat and share money, nothing else.
Exactly, and that is why we need a new system, and change.
If they were hell bent on working and doing something good for the country, then we will get the desired change we are in dire need of.
But still yet, we have some youth who are rooting for them to still come into power...
I still wonder how a sensible Youth, undergraduate or graduate will open his or her eyes and say he or she wants to put BAT into power.
Mhen, some people really deserve this kind of government in Nigeria.
Investments are what yield good returns, and with the selfish government the country have today. Nigeria is bound to owe debts.
When money is not put to good use(Investments) definitely money will be scarce in a country.
This is so so true!
Investments yield good results, and when there is transparency in the mode of transaction, then there will be maximum profit.
But in the case of Nigeria it is something else...
It is actually not just about investing, when you invest, more ideas come to mind, and this In turn will give room for opportunities such as having jobs for the graduates and all. Skill empowerment programs, because now, there are funds that will sponsor these projects
Whereas some of the decisions they take and investments they take are good, the truth is that these investments are not transparent and the way and manner they are handled are not transparent also.
If they were transparent, Nigeria will definitely have inflow of some of the investments made; or rather, let me even begin with the different streams of revenue or income of the nation....
These guys aren't remitting anything at all...
Instead of remitting, they'll be telling us that snake haff swallow the money.
And then nobody will be arrested instead we will all laugh about it... then the next thief will thief his own
Nigeria has: Unnecessary Spending problem, lack of transparency that do not take the flow or income generated, and government that isnt willing to work.
And this starts with the individual mindset of those in power, if there can be a shift in how they think self-centredly then, probably things might have been for the good of all
In all these, if the Nigerian government work on them, and then make good investments with the currency, definitely, the Naira will rise again.
It will not just rise again, but it will also enhance creative ideas in establishing more means of income for the country and also birth the establishment of companies which will in turn create job opportunities for the populace.
I appreciate the time you took in going through this piece, and your wonderful input.
I am grateful
You are welcome dear.
I hope to still learn more from you as well
That was wonderful bro. I have never paid much attention to economics for no reason. Yes, for no reason. But I have really learnt a lot from you today
Thank you boss for enlightening me. You too much bro
You are welcome baba
Na you try pass 🙏
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment
I'm glad this piece was enlightening for you.
I have always known that printing money might not really be the reason behind strong economies, but never knew what it was and I never cared.
As a child, I felt that the government should be more responsible by printing more money so that everyone will have money 😅😅😅😅
How naive was I
I am not really an expert on economics, so I don't know if printing money would make a change.
What I do know on the other hand is that even if more money were to be printed by the government, incompetence will land them back to debt.
Incompetence will land them into debt and devaluation of the currency will land them into the pit... hahahahah
Thank you so much brother
The best thing to do in this country is to Japa. Everything about our government is just so wrong.....
Let’s do a #threadstorm about the economic impact in Europe if Russia creates an energy supply crisis due to gas exportation reduction.
This is the Europe current situation about energy importation
EU-nations imported 37% of gas, 20 % of coal and 25% from Russia.
Unlike coal and oil (fungible), gas is piped or transported as liquefied natural gas (LNG) using pipelines that take years to build.
LNG is 26% of EU’s total energy consumption but only 2% of Russia’s GDP—so they can inflict way more damage on Europe than compared to any loss they incur in return.
Hence, Russia cut off LNG supplies to Finland, Poland, and Bulgaria when they refused to pay in Roubles.
Having suspended the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and Nord Stream 1 requiring repairs, that is the reason that Russia is giving to reduce the gas exportation, set back their imports to 40% of capacity.
28% of their total energy consumption is from Russia (12% from LNG).
Limited supply has nearly bankrupted their key energy provider
Germany rushed in laws to build new regasification and LNG terminals. However, it is not enough, and Germany is most exposed to a deep recession risk from this supply shock on individuals and businesses.
Even if Germany be able to resupply 50% of natural gas they will have an economy contraction between 3%-6%.
Austria has the same problems as Germany since 21% of their energy comes from Russia.
Italy sources 40% of its natural gas from Russia.
They are really trying to boost LNG supply from other countries like Algeria and Libya, but the progress has been slow, and they will need huge improvements on infra.
Finland imports 100% oil, 68% gas and 31% coal from Russia.
Russia already turned off the exportation to Finland when they announced the intention to join NATO. Finland will need to talk with Norway to import more from them
35% of their natural gas is imported from Russia.
Used to be a large exporter at Groningen but was hit by earthquakes and now down 90% on production levels. Also adds costs on Dutch farmer situation and food shortages.
Only 2% of LNG from Russia but imports 36% of its coal, 67% of its oil (35% of total energy) from them so quite exposed in other areas.
Although 39% of its energy comes from Russia and Russia already cut them off once, it’s access to gas is relatively stable due to having an LNG terminal running at full capacity.
UK it is the only European country that does not have energy dependencies from Russia since they import from Norway, US and Qatar.
Only 9% total exposure to Russian energy, but that’s because they have big nuclear energy output.
EDF is struggling operationally, leading to multi-decade low energy output pushing French energy prices up further.
The problem with the LNG shortage is that the supply shock will be (partly) filled by Australia, Qatar and the US as big LNG exporters.
EU imports are already up 50% in the summer months and could be at the ~200% level in the winter.
Due to this war situation US is now 15% of EU’s supply since new contracts were assigned to start to remove some dependency from Russia.
The June fire at the Freeport liquefaction facility in Texas will take facilities down for 90 days adding further pressure on global access.
Unfortunately it’s all connected…
LNG prices are now 5x higher!
This has led to soaring prices in fertilizer, glass, steel, metals and ceramics.
EU this winter will be in huge trouble as businesses and individuals struggle to afford rising prices.
But this is not just a ‘Europe problem’ since energy costs will skyrocket globally, and we’ll see higher prices passed on to consumers and layoffs mount as businesses cease to be profitable.
The only way to slow down the pain is a resolution to the Russia/Ukraine war and for Russia to agree to fully restart energy sales.
My base case is no end until at least Q2 2023 as (1) the Sep referendum in East Ukraine will likely embolden Putin as he claims a mandate…
to go further and/or solidify his win in East Ukraine w/ a puppet government and (2) Putin will try to tie energy sales to removing the sanctions, which the West won’t want to look weak on.
I therefore believe that this bear market rally won’t last into Q4 as the impacts of rates rising, QT and energy prices all collide together
Q1 2023 you’ll see a cold winter plus high rates mean homeowners get squeezed on mortgages
By that time the unemployment data…
Could be hideous and lead to a recessionary snowball.
It’s definitely not an energy driven crisis, but this will be a real impediment to a healthy recovery and compound the other macro problems noted above.
A beautiful summer day on Lake Superior. #canada #photography #kayaks
Coleman Hawkins
This will be an incoming #threadStorm, where I will try in the following 19 #threads to speak about the benefits of #threads.
A benefit can be that posts can be linked like this one. an the #threads can improve SEO
Another would be that images can be posted in #threads
twitter for a higher traction
#Threads can be shared on
If the #thread is good, it can bring some income in #LEO and #Hive #Threads can increase income.
#Threads are censorship resistant, as they are written on the #Hive blockchain.
#Threads are decentralized compare to other microblogging options.
A lot of info can be condensed in #Threads, without worrying that the post is too short.
#Threads increases number of users, with the microblogging niche.
Also, #Threads increase the number of interaction on #Leo and implicit on the #Hive blockchain.
#Threads came and relieved us from the #ProjectBlank chase that we have been doing for so long.
@taskmaster4450le together with @taskmaster4450 will have 10000 comments in a week thanks to #threads
#Threads can be done everywhere, like twitter, but better, as it has more benefits.
#Threads changes the way we see posting on #Hive. It does not have to be 5000 words post to pull attention. 240 characters are enough.
There are many options on how to use #Threads, one can be for selling under action, where replies count as bids.
#Threads can help new accounts with resource credits, by using less and earning more.
#Threads increase the ad revenue of the #Leo team, without affecting the great user experience.
#Leo #Threads are easy to use and intuitive
Also, #threads are fun as they brought the fun back to engagement.
#Threads are for everybody!
#ctp community pushing me to want to be the best entrepreneur I can be. Jon keeps me posting and driving to be active on chain. #threads helps too.
Already have my week planned out for more content...Hope it helps push even more people lol
Time to open up my airdropped #psyberx crate!
What will I jag?
I hope you got something special !
Haha, can you help me out and tell me if I did?
You got 2 commons and 3 un-commons.
So not a great draw, but the game has not come out yet so they could prove to be great to have when it does.
Hold on to them and you never know
Haha damn, thanks for letting me know ;)
I'm definitely HODLing and really keen to see what comes of the game!
I totally forgot about this and ended up with two crates!
Airdrops for the win :)
5 chances to jag something good...
(Actually I have no idea. Can anyone tell me how I really went with this haul?) psyberx3
The threads of life connect us all together....LeoFinance is helping make it easier
It's only been 3 days and we're already above the 7k mark!
You're still on time to join the #thread contest with 5k $LEO in prizes! Remember you can thread about ANY TOPIC!
Many of you don't know that I am a fan of creating #passiveincome streams. One of my very first ones was #redbubble My wife and I set up an account there in 2020. And every other day we sell something. #threadstorm 1/a few
One of our best selling products is this stupid button:
If you would like to see your designs on products you don't have to leave #hive at the time we set this up we did not know about this is our very own #printondemand #onlineshop
They have their own token $LISTEveryone with a #hive account can open their own #e-commerce shop. And you even have a platform where you can blog about your products. is operated by @thelogicaldude
By staking LIST tokens you can become a vendor on
You can go with different tiers. Unlimited is the option I will go with. First I need LIST to stake it
Very interesting tip! Also, not surprised that particular button is the best seller xD
We can do clocks as well!
Phil Woods
While sending in your #threads, don't forget #CUB. Staking #HBD on #CubFinance is still paying an insane 65% APR.
SPS continuing to rise to $0.083 today... I wonder what the announcement will be on Monday???
I jumped into the SWAP.HIVE:SPS LP last week.
My goal with LPs is always to accumulate more HIVE.
So with SPS rising faster than HIVE, I'm happy to be able to convert rewards at a higher price and with my 'impermanent loss'.
Great News.
Do you want to support an initiative by and for the community? Follow @leo.tasks vote on and support members who benefit the Leo ecosystem!
Right now there are not many tasks published, so you won't drain your VP at all!
Give a 100% vote follow to this trail and show your support for those creating tutorials, guides, thumbnails, animations and more for the Leo ecosystem!
right here. The trail won't vote more than 2 times a dayThe @leo.tasks trail will vote on those posts who complete a task published by @leo.tasks, read more about this initiative
Following the account now, I need to do some tweaking with my autovotes anyways. So #SOONtm I will go there too :D
Not enough forexbrokr on that list! ;)
I still don’t your name there! :P :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
(1/20) My #threadStorm by @justclickindiva. #threads; new? microblogging; the future? I've written weekly flash fiction challenges from Hive #Freewritehouse. If you like microblogging, then check out: #zapficmonday: 240 characters or less!
Adjusting the volume the headlights appeared suddenly. A siren blaring was the last sound Dan recalled in the hospital. Andrea sat holding his hand in prayer. She scolded herself for thoughts at the rehearsal his delay was due to cold feet.
Jason listened in disbelief at Danny's vague plans of his wild prank. Reasoning someone may get hurt, Jason decided to inform the coach of his friend's joke. Upon hearing practice was cancelled, Danny knew he'd made coach's hackles rise.
Sometimes seeing is believing. Prior to the fatality my wife witnessed, she'd nag if I didn't go immediately after a green traffic light. On the day of the accident visibly shaken we pulled over and sat silent. Afterward we rode in harmony.
The community watch group listened intently as the leader distributed flyers. Dissatisfied with recent crime in their neighborhood Allen volunteered. Glancing at the flyer he was shocked he recognized one of the perpetrators. His heart hurt
Glenn sat in the church studying the collages. This last year in counseling helped him realize forgiveness was part of healing. As his ex-girlfriend and his best friend approached his row he smiled then nodded. That scrapbook was now closed
All activities once enjoyed ceased when the noise came. Arturo sat upon his hands ignoring the coldness of the porch. A hunger now replaced his tears, long dried. A smile escaped as the man advanced. He hoped his satchel bore a grammar book
It would be dark soon. Drew wrote quickly in his binder, then smiled at his mom.
"Finished!" His hope pierced deep.
"Great, but it's the last candle. We have to move."
"Not there!" he yelled.
He'd heard about the stigma of being homeless.
The couple's photo enjoying the sophomore dance exemplified the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words". Their fondness was evident. His borrowed, yellow tie matched her flowered dress. I smiled at the part I played in nephew's life.
Darryl's decline started slowly, then increased over the past two years. His family pleaded with him not to consume alcohol and drugs but he continued. While on a tour he collapsed. Not only was his singing career in peril, so was his life.
8 pm. The doorbell upset Daryl as he watched his favorite episode. Instinctively he turned the volume down and eased toward the peekhole. Identifying the visitor he backed away, furious his friend wouldn't subscribe to the satellite sports.
I wish I had a dime for every time
shuffling feet hurriedly adorned tattered clothes at dawn
whips cracked bent-over backs ripping flesh
blood oozed from open wounds;
runaways' necks hung from limbs.
But Not Forgotten.
Not immediately visible Jaclyn stood ten minutes for access to the ladies' room. Her meal cooled. Her headache intensified. Her patience waned. The hostess' attitude was minor compared to the facility's condition.
HER SURVEY: 2 out of 10
During Phil's nursing home visit, his sister Gwen called to confirm the 50th Anniversary party. Their dad only smiled. An hour later an hysterical Gwen called about their mom's fatal accident. Devastated he couldn't tell his dad. Not today.
Eric flipped through notes trying to remember. Contending with the laughter, squeaking and flushing proved too much. He couldn't leave. He'd already skipped last class. He cursed as his backpack fell to the floor. Mr. Adams called his name.
Naya pressed against the window. Suddenly a truck pull into the driveway next door. Her heart beat fast as she remembered greeting the last new neighbor. "Bruno No." echoed as she leaped off exposing her leg's large gash from the encounter.
Worried about his SAT score and tired from practice, Ned fell asleep. Startled by the alarm he bolted to his dad's room. Smoke obscured the usual cigar odor. Although saddened losing childhood history he felt culpable for his dad's actions.
Given only a 40% chance hair loss wouldn't occur I was hopeful the cold cap I suggested would work. I sat observing its application. What others will think worried my niece. I reassured her but I wish society could see her inner beauty.
Patrons filled the transit stop. As Patrice arrived all watched the storm approach. There was no signal they'd make room. There was no avoiding the downpour. Hurt she turned toward the curb swearing when suddenly a car passed drenching her.
Deidra guided the brush through her curls. On the vanity she glimpsed the sapphire brooch. Beneath it lay notice of her finance's demise. Proposal and gem received a week ago she struggled to understand why. A single drop diluted the words.
All activities once enjoyed ceased when the noise came. Arturo sat upon his hands ignoring the coldness of the porch. A hunger now replaced his tears long dried. A smile escaped as the man advanced. He hoped his satchel bore a grammar book.
I finally finished work early for a change and was able to make it home to my PC to listen in on today's townhall on #splinterlands looking forward to hearing all the big news, future updates and overall roadmap ahead.
Essa é uma #threadStorm voltada para a comunidade #HiveBr, comentando sobre os principais jogos da Hive na minha opinião.
O terceiro jogo é o idle game #RisingStar. Também é um jogo baseado em cartas colecionáveis, mas voltado para uma carreira musical.
O primeiro é indiscutivelmente #Splinterlands. Caso alguém não conheça, SPT é um jogo de cartas NFT colecionáveis e estratégia, com um sistema de turnos automáticos.
#Splinterlands é o Dapp de maior sucesso na Hive Blockchain e um dos jogos Play2Earn mais bem sucedidos, com uma incrível base de usuários ativos.
É também um dos jogos que possibilitam o maior retorno proporcional ao seu investimento, sendo que mesmo com jogadores com pouca skin in the game podem conseguir lucros decentes, embora dependam mais da sorte.
O segundo jogo na minha lista é #Dcity: um jogo de simulação de cidades, baseado em cartas NFT colecionáveis que representam as estruturas, a população e uma variedade de atributos de uma cidade.
Ele possui um sistema "político", no qual os jogadores podem influenciar em certos aspectos do jogo, trazendo mais dinamismo.
O jogo em si não é tão amigável, mas pode proporcionar um ótimo retorno passivo para os jogadores, principalmente com os Rankings e sua pool de recompensas diárias de quase 200 Hives (atualmente).
Um ponto interessante é que o jogo não depende tanto da adesão de novos jogadores, já que sua pool meio que se renova com parte das taxas do BeeSwap, cujo criador é o mesmo do Dcity.
Os NFT's são basicamente cartas de músicos e instrumentos, além de veículos e outras coisas que o ajudam na jornada de sua banda.
Apesar de simples, o jogo tem algumas funcionalidades muito legais, como a possibilidade de criar tracks juntando diferentes cartas em sua banda ou, ainda, sair em tours pelo mundo.
Falando em lucro, ele perdeu muito da força que tinha até alguns semanas atrás, mas a melhor coisa é que você pode começar a jogar de graça, então não se tem do que reclamar!
O quarto jogo é #Rabona, um jogo Play2Earn de gerenciamento de times de futebol.
Nele, você pode contratar, vender e treinar jogadores, melhorar as estruturas do seu time, montar a formação, definir quem serão os titulares, além de todo o aspecto voltado pras finanças do clube.
As partidas são simuladas automaticamente, ocorrendo 4 por dia, com a temporada durando aproximadamente uma semana.
A moeda que circula no jogo é o RBN, que pode ser trocado na exchange in-game por um token atrelado ao Hive e assim sacar para a sua carteira.
Mas sendo bem sincero, não é possível lucrar muito com Rabona no momento. Minha escolha se deu apenas pelo aspecto da diversão, pois gosto de futebol e acho Rabona um jogo decente.
Há também outros jogos já consolidados e que estão apresentando uma boa evolução como Hashkings, dCrops ou mesmo Exode. Mas confesso que não estou muito por dentro desses projetos.
Estou mais de olho nos jogos que estão por vir, como #WOO, um jogo de cartas colecionáveis que simulam batalhas de Pro Wrestling; e #KOD, um jogo TCG similar a Yu-Gi-Oh que tem lançamento marcado já pro dia 1º de Setembro.
O que mais me chama atenção como um investimento, entretanto, é o Psyber-X. Acho que se realmente lançarem algum jogo e for minimamente decente, é o que possui o maior potencial dentre todos aqui citados.
Isso por se tratar de um jogo FPS, um gênero extremamente popular no mundo gamer.
Como a maioria dos jogos cryptos ou não são jogos de verdade ou são extremamente simples, um jogo como esse poderia se destacar e muito!
Today I have activated my voting trail for it.
Read about this project here: Rea
Awesome. I am about to finish the first three tasks. xD I am loving it. Here's a little sneak peek for you:
Good. I was afraid you have forgoted them...
Haha. Nooooo. Can't forget anything LEO related. 🔥🔥
Comparto un relato narrativo en primera persona, de lo que sería mi día, desde el amanecer hasta mi llegada a la Guajira.#threadstorm #thread
Suena la alarma, doy media vuelta para alcanzarla. Para de sonar. Me arropo nuevamente y continúo durmiendo plácidamente.
Según mis cuentas pasaron solamente quince minutos. Cuando Nany salta a la cama y me despierta con lengüetazos. Veo el reloj y habían transcurrido cuarenta minutos. ¿cuarenta minutos? Me pregunto exaltada.
Tengo veinte minutos para alistar la maleta, bañarme, vestirme, desayunar e irme.
¡Agh! Tanto para tan poco tiempo, como puedo salgo de la cama precipitada. Corro rápidamente de un lado a otro intentando alcanzar cosas, metiéndolas desesperadamente lo que creería podría ser útil a la maleta
En un intento por alcanzar a saltos la blusa de algodón orgánico mas fresca que he tenido en toda mi vida me pego con el filo del lavadero en el dedo pequeño...
La sangre no se hace esperar y comienza a salir a chorros. ¡Justo hoy! Grito. Corro medio cojeando al baño en busca del botiquín de primeros auxilios...
En cuanto lo abro recuerdo que las ultimas gasas las emplee en Nany.
Cuando un perro en el parque la ataco. ¡Otra vez! Reniego mirando al techo.
Al final decido lavarme el dedo con jabón y no hacerle ningún otro tipo de desinfección; asegurándome que no se trata de una herida profunda, lo dejo así.
Una vez salgo de la ducha, comienzo. ¡bragas, jeans, blusa, chaqueta, medias! ¿medias? ¿y ahora donde he dejado los calcetines?
Cuando volteo a ver la canasta de la ropa sucia me doy cuenta que lo que la llena calcetines. Así que esta vez será sin calcetines, digo ya resignada.
Intento meter mi pie herido en el zapato torpemente hasta que lo consigo.
De desayuno me preparo avena con leche de avena y arándanos.
Jajajaja -avena con leche de almendras suena extraño, pero sabe riquísimo se los aseguro.
Me cepillo en menos de un minuto, lo cual es evidente que no cuenta como higiene bucal.
Salgo apresuradamente de la casa, no sin antes despedirme de Nany. Chao mi amor hermosa nos vemos en unos días, le digo mientras le beso la cabeza.
Son las cinco de la mañana, me encuentro en la parada del bus. Todo esta lleno de neblina, neblina que impide un poco la visibilidad, es imporante ver y conducir con cautela...
Así que lo único que se puede distinguir son las luces de los móviles; la aplicación me muestra que el bus estará aquí en cinco minutos.
Espero que sea cierto, digo en vos alta. Olvidando que no me encontraba sola. La señora del lado se me queda mirando extrañada y me pregunta.
-Disculpa, ¿es conmigo? No, no señora le digo mientras sonrió y siento sonrojarme.
Una hora y media después estoy en el terminal de transporte haciendo fila para comprar los boletos en la taquilla que dice:
“expreso Riohacha” Riohacha capital de la guajira. después de mi arribo ahí, me dirigiré a Uribia. Punto clave para llegar a Punta Gallina, mi destino final.
1/20Is your girlfriend on #LeoThreads? #threadstorm
My wife has a hive account, but she barely ever uses it. I hope that changes SOONtm... if you read this join the fun!
If she's not, I wonder why. 🤔 #threadstorm
you need to do 20 things
1.- Pay yourself first#threadstorm here I come. #Leothreads has been the most addicting format in the community. Money has different meaning to people but if you consider having a million #hive
2.- Invest in yourself like I always say keep on vesting.
3.- Do what you enjoy
4.- Don't be afraid to have big vision.#threadstorm
You want #hive so you have to go after it.
4/20#hive #focus
5.- Be versatile the way you approach your problem, find solution quick#threadstorm
6.- Get a second job.
#threadstorm It is up to you how quick we want to make it. #hive will not stay at 50 cents forever.
6/20#hive #rich
7.- Work hard and diligently
No time to be lazy. Lucky for you if you can write 2 posts a day. Stay busy#threadstorm
8.- Use time at your advantage
Early bird gets the worm. You want one million Hive do not wait for the next whatever.#threadstorm
8/20#Hive #momentum #time
9.- Realize that you can have obstacle on the way.
Be ready for any unfortunate issue that can derail you from the million.#threadstorm
9/20#focus #million
10.- Focus on having no debt
This could be a tough one. This is the way forward.#threadstorm
#debtfree #hive
11.- Material things do not buy happiness.
Hope you realize there is more happiness in giving than receiving#threadstorm
#happy #hive
12.- Spend less than you earn
Crypto can teach us that well. This is wealth 101. Stick to it.#threadstorm
#wealth #hive
13.- Buy only things that you need.
If you buy something and it cannot help you in any way get rid of it. Move on#threadstorm
#focus #hive #wealth
14.- Buy ONLY what you can TRULY afford.
Why waste your money on a BMW when you can truly afford a Ford Focus.
14/20#threadstorm #plan #focus #debtfree
15.- Be patient when reaching your goal.
It is easy to deviate and seek quick result.
#threadstorm It will become hard to reach that million #hive. #patience #hive
16.- Save as much as you can
This one sound like invest in yourself but you need to go up a notch.#threadstorm
16/20#yourself #hive
17.- Set Goals that you can reach.
So go after it.#threadstorm 2022 is your year to reach x amount of #hive.
17/20#goal #hive
I leave this one to you cause you want that million Hive so you have to do some dig in
18/20#threadstorm 18.- Change the way you think about #Hive #hive #network #vesting #education
19.- Develop your strategy.
No need to follow x y z way of making it in #hive. #focus at what you are good at.
20.- The riskiest thing you can do is to take no risk.
Keep breathing cause you have 19 steps to get you a million Hive. Keep vesting, keep hassling#threadstorm
I have made some legendary moves in my trading career, but they don't always feel that way in the middle of it.
Holding until your convictions come true is the only way to reach the legendary stage - Here's a thread
On January 14th of this year, I bought into an underpriced token called LBI - read more about that experience here:
LBI is a 'LEO-backed token' run by the same people that run SPI - You can follow the project on the @lbi-token account.
The idea is that the growth gets compounded back into LEO and also pays out dividends each week.
In fact, you can check out their most recent fund update post here and see that each LBI is backed by 2.13 LEO worth of value now!
Back then, LBI was only worth 1.6 LEO per token, but I knew that this was a medium term play, and that the longer I held, not only would LBI's management come into play, but also I would be earning LEO dividends in the meantime.
I managed to sell some at 0.288 HIVE, and I wrote a post about that experience, and expounded a bit more on my strategy at that time, one which made a simple 2x look small.
In the meantime, I've been earning more from LBI divs than I do from making posts!
But other than that, there hasn't been much action. All the fundamentals are good, the price points are still in my favor, I am making good dividends, but this trade is in the doldrums!
What am I waiting for?
So when you are in the doldrums, you have two choices - let the trade go - or keep holding on.
How to make the decision?
One thing I like to do is review the fundamentals of the trade - why you got into the trade in the first place
Today's game plan....
#Splinterlands gaming. All day long because....I have no life!
living that good life though if you get to play all day. Someday I will make it there.
ha ha ha ha I'm just a loser and have no life man lololol
Lol are you up for a round of challenge, I know am out of your league but brave enough to challenge you, I have nothing to lose lol. Am currently online please send a challenge invite if you accept.
ha ha ha i'll get destroyed. i really do suck at this game lol
ha ha I got SUPER lucky!
As soon as I saw Uriel, I thought I was done.
Hahah I knew I was going to get beaten lol! Nice battle, thanks for the challenge. Awesome stuff
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Why? Because of this:
Today i'm feeling blesed , while looking at the #crypto markets.
I wonder what could be achieved if the average IQ of government was more than that of a brick.
Cattails on the Rideau. #canada #travel #photography #threads
Powerup CTP token before 23rd of August 2022. Here is the official post link
1/20#threadstorm 6th edition of #CTP PowerupChallenge is live
2/20#ctppowerupchallenge Thanks to @ctpsb & @achim03 for the initative... Main idea is to encourage the users to earn CTP by posting with #CTP tag or purchase the token form the market and power up the same.
3/20@achim03 is the person behind the @ctpsb project also. You can earn the CTP token by delegating the hive to the @ctpsb account. The APR is aprox 10% #ctp
4/20Last week the @ctpsb paid a total of 2420 CTP tokens to the delegators of @ctpsb.
Their are prices too.. the CTPSB tokens will be distributed as price.
Best part is everyone will be rewarded for participation...
Best stakers will also get the CTPSB NFT as price.
5/20 #ctp
After the 6 day 26 participants has shown in interest and 17 out of 26 participants has started staking the tokens. Till now 22342 CTP tokens have been staked by the contestants.
6/20 #ctp
7/20Today I also staked the #CTP token. I was accumulating the CTP token and waiting for the moment. In total Power up with 11911 CTP token and now holding 54279 CTP power in my kids (@gurseerat) account. #ctp
Serious question, does pineapple belong on pizza? Yay, or Nay? #realissues #importantstuff
Decentralise pizza opinion!
People should be able to eat whatever they want on their pizza.
A pizza without pineapple is like PB&J without bread.
I dont care. I don't eat pizzas.
That's too bad, you are really missing out! All four food groups in one tasty package!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes if it's Hawian pizza!
Yes with ham.
This question is too important for me to answer right away. I'm going to have to meditate on this for a couple of months in a faraway mountain somewhere.
Thanks, #LISTNERDS for providing me the fund to buy 100 #DHEDGE, 2 #WORKERBEE, 400 #CENT, 300 #CTP, and 55 #SPS.
I forgot to include 2,000 #LVL
#listnerds is up 1600% on #hive-engine! #ctp
What’s the reason for that?
That makes sense. Brofund has the habit of going in hard. But only after they’ve done some research.
I heard Raymond was using listnerds a few months back.
Yep, brofund is buying. They are probably building a position from which to start growing.
Ah that makes sense. I heard Raymond had been using listnerds over the last few months. I guess he is convinced about the long term success for the project now
That's if you sell to the market price. Which is VERY WRONG, especially which such a high spread.
Legend has it that if we all learn South Korea's national anthem, Upbit chads will pump #hive to $10
challenge accepted. bring on the chads
Where is the group chat let me join
I could already play in Diamond League with maxed out cards in Splinterlands, if it weren't for #RisingStar Almost two thirds of my monthly investments are in this great #play2earn project on #hive. Something for #leo users as well IMHO.
Wow, 2/3 of your monthly purchases go to splinterlands? That's a bold move, I hope it pays off!
You're still on time to join the #thread contest with 5k $LEO in prizes! Remember you can thread about ANY TOPIC!
When 2 cats and 3 chickens get lined up I think there's a ley line running through our garden. The chair could be part of that too.
When you share a post to #twitter, lets all use the tag,
overhead the link.
Let #crypto people know that it's a thing now.
Make it visible. And share as much as possible. bring traffic back to the site.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @niallon11 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
good idea.
Edit: Deleted because image sizes were too big to display properly via threads.
I hope you get something special!
Good Luck!
In simple terms, can someone break down what #leofinance is for a newbie?
#threads #leothreads
"Crypto social media"
Learning about financial matters, especially cryptocurrency, while potentially earning as you do it.
It's a blog community for finance and crypto stuff with it's own token.
I have a handful of photos in my camera roll that are pictures of the sky, day or night. This one is one of my favorites. MOMENTS IN BLUE #liketu @liketu #photography #nature