
that he gets to use Metamask intensively

He's what you call a "metamask power user"

their gas fees, We love them xD

I mean, who doesn't want to pay $20 to swap some crypto?

the best $20 spent in our lifes, so we can swap each day, 365, 24/7

Damn task stole my answer

Runner-up: Metamask UI/UX

He loves the ease of use also.

I heard he spends a lot of his time just admiring the awesome feature set

He also spends a lot of time standing in front of the mirror naked so be careful with him.

Wait a minute... You mean to tell me you don't spend a lot of time naked in front of a mirror?

I do this daily. Standing naked in the mirror, saying "your wife thinks you're great" 69 times. It's part of the routine

I dont spend time looking in the mirror. All my time is spent looking in the neighbors windows.

I will tell you, the old lady down the street, well she sags in all the right places.

your wife thinks you're great

That should be a given. She is lucky to have you.

I tell myself that lol

damn I’m trying to get to the original context of this thread group lo not easy on mobile sadly!

mm thinking 🤔

another one, maybe is the airdrops there, I had one, of 2,000 USD with Gods unchained