
Brewed coffee is gone. I will go for a tea alternative, but it seems something is lacking. 😆

tea is good too

Is it correct that brewed coffee is an upper and tea a downer? 😆

You should give a background story as to why brewed coffee is gone. 😆


lol I know that feeling. But the caffeine keeps me working!

yeah, i forget to eat and drink too much coffee.

Just incase you looking for a food buddy, call me

Being energetic is essential to interact with quality

Do u drink a lot of coffee?

most of the time, not really

lol I didn´t understand. That´s a yes? You drink a lot of coffe?

You will hurt your stomach with so much coffee, and if you delay eating even more!

it's a bad habit

I got my coffee and now I need to sleep

sleep well

i am trying but threading is fun

this is true

few more mins and I am done

one more thread

ha ha for sure. I am almost done now.

Sounds like you are ready to rock :)
