Even though long-form content can be broken down into threading, it has to be more succinct and to the point, it can not just replicate a long form into threads. Threads have their own ergonomics from the get-go.
Long form content is valuable part of the platform especially as we get closer to subscriptions. Having both is vital. The question is what is the onboarding feature and to me this is threads.
What I find interesting is that there are threads now that paid higher than my long-form content and yet this did not stop me from writing long-form content.
It's really not about what you want, if you are in the business of creating content then you genuinely want to connect with people. We must remember why we write and why our content has any value.
Thats why threadstorms exist. Also not every point you have make require 350 + words. What thread will do is make creating content more concise. No unnecessary rambling. People will learn to start their point clearly and concisely.
No, I talk too much. I need long posts to actually say all I have to say about each topic. My threadstorms would be hella long if I used them instead of posting
Well fair enough. Different strokes for different folks. I am more about engagement. I am not restricting myself to any content style. As long as I can convey my message and get meaningful engagement and feedback, I am fine.
Same here but would you agree that with time if one provides more utility you are most likely to tilt towards it. If you start getting 100s of comments on your threads and less on your LFC, would you be eager to create more LFC?
i don’t think I’d stop long form posts. Even though I merry thought was yes but at times I tend to write more than 240 words in this small box so writing a football blog will make more write a lot so naa.
The thread with 10 comments or more is more valuable than the long form content. If I was promoting I’ll most definitely promote the short form content. I just feel like some ideas need to be put into long form post.
People will always gravitate towards low effort activities
And neglect the cost as it is deem insignificant in the short run but compounds over time. But we earn to thread 🙃 good for us
Perhaps yes. I m not a regular long-form content creator. I always hav a strong appetite for micro-blogging. So even if I don't earn sufficiently,I would keep threading. But yes, if I start getting sufficient,I will go colder with long-form
Hahahaha I don't hide my age, I'm 27, I used to watch it with my dad. He did't watch other sports, just the F1. Now he watches the nacional baseball sometimes but that's it
And I would like to answer but I also know nothing about it hahaha when it came out everyone was playing and I was watching the same season of naruto over and over
Actually no, and not because I don't want to play, but I wasn't allowed to have consoles, or games on my pc, so I never really got used to it. I tried LOL when a friend wanted me to play with him but I was lost in there
When I tried LOL I got Ari as my first character and that was about all I liked. I didn't understand a thing, and it was to heavy for my pc. I gave up after one hour. My friend said I did good but I don''t know what I did
Lol sorry about that. Football season would be over soon.so you can see more non football threads. For now you can invite your friends and community member so you guys can talk about the things you care about.
when theres an issue that reflects on the leaderboard or with the quest on the user side, usually the creator of the zealy campaign can login to the zealy quest maker side and toggle the quest on & off & it sometimes fixes the issue
Na verdade é uma série de advogados, os cortes tiram totalmente de contexto para fazer aqueles vídeos alphas kkkkkk mas assistindo você perceberá que é muito bom
kkkkkk é cada coisa que inventam, mas tirando os cortes alphas a série é muito boas e os personagens são bastante carismáticos, vale a pena assistir se você está com tempo livre (coisa que esse mês está faltando)
E eu achando que era coisa de alpha por causa dos shorts kkkk os caras fazem uns cortes e botam música de russo pra parecer coisa de homem alpha, sigma e blablabla
se não me falha a memoria são 9 kk. essas primeiras temporadas são muito boas. Rachel é muito linda, da vontade de ver pela terceira vez só por causa dela
Suits is a nice series; I watched it till the end. I cried while watching, also. My best series, however, has to be either Originals or into the badlands.. shame they discontinued the into the badland series. Sunny was my hero
I don't know either of them but I'll leave it noted. I recently finished Vikings, this series is painful to watch but the characters' journey is really good
Vikings is very good, in fact it was the best for me in the sense of narrating the entire life story of the characters. But... It's painful to watch some moments (in the sense of the series not doing what you want)
Oh man. The actor is just great! He made a great performance! The story is too heavy, tho. I understand that some people don´t like it. Besides that is a bit low argumentally speaking.
Oh it’s associated with Vikings. In Vikings you hear them talking of going to Valhalla when they die right? So I think it’s based on after death what happens to the Vikings.
Oh you meant bugs on the Leofinance site. Well, I think this has been addressed. The devs are actively fixing some of these bugs. It is going to take some time to get everything running smoothly.
Get some sleep man. It's not worth it. You need to feel refreshed to take on tomorrow's tasks. The only reason I am up is because I slept earlier than usual. I will be going to bed soon
In my view interactions are the main reason for posting threads, being able to respond to each person who interacts with you allows you to meet people you would never imagine being able to normally on Hive
Yes, it multiplies faster, we just need a proper context to potentially do that. I have seen it many times. But at the same time, it also depends what is the interest areas of the group that are currently threading in Leofinance at d moment
Looks like the Spurs will be drafting their next Robinson or Duncan. Franchise changing pick. Wembanyama will be better than Zion will ever be. #nba #sports
Its just not going to be enough. It will be helpful but there's no way it gets full participation with all maxed cards. That means its going to eat up about 30% of the cards. And that just won't move the needle in a meaningful way. Plus there are 6 or 7 million packs still unopened with CL border, and we have millions more rewards cards coming.
The team is into too many projects and this is creating more challenges for them to focus on what to deliver first. Land is a whale game, small players won't make any benefit out of it, it's way too costly for new players to make a good return, you are right about it.
CL will be burned or rewarded in chests, but it is getting harder for players to play the game what it is intended for Play2Earn.
It sounds like there will be ongoing development on land forever. If that's true I'm not sure when it stops being too early to tell. The way I look at it, even if we burn too much, we know there's more cards coming. 🤣
If you're awake, have you notice how boring #thread is now? Imagine how far it will be if you're the only one threading. Honestly, engagement matters. It's the
There is a particular time during the day when you can find most of the threaders, that is the time when you thread you can potentially intersect with more people. So maybe to time the Leothread section is also one among the other traits.
they should or simply for SPK to support a shorts format. I feel like that platform is so behind and slow moving. It could be such a powerful tool for hive if it worked on 2 core fundamentals ad revenue and shorts
Totally agree with you. Without the video enabler feature in Leofinance, it will have a limited scope and it may not rise beyond a certain degree of popularity.
If you are earning from a piece of content that has zero engagement then it's more or less a gift. Unfortunately a platform can not be sustained on altruism alone.
It exposes the flaw in our system and until we get that fixed I am sorry we cannot attract the best. We will keep giving our tokens to whales at the expense of our community and blockchain.
It makes a lot of sense why many hivians cannot replicate their success here on web 2 platforms because most of the value or reward we are getting isn't merit based, and most of us are too spoilt to know better.
I totally agree! But not in Hive! ay individuals can get away with posting (just to post something) and get high votes... and every time I get sucked into reading their post with no value, I kick myself.
Lol. Sooner or later we will realise how that is doing the platform no good. In fact I predict there would be a hive reward pool in the nearest future. Inflation would be allocated to performing dapps.
1/ Time and effort do not make it good content. It has to be tied to the correct process. Even more so, in Hive we must understand the interest areas of different people in this community.
Yeah, I am trying to find out common areas of interest here in Leothreads, so that I can produce more threads on those topics which could eventually ended up with more active participation, hence better intersection and network effect.
2/ The interest of others matters here because that is how we can intersect with them and produce productive engagement which is the essence of the network effect.
3/ Therefore it is not just about what interests you the most it is also about what interests others and what are the common areas of interest that can bring a social chain of intersection among us.
4/ Initially, it will be a case in point or additional cognitive load for content creators because we are a growing community, when we reach the critical mass or grow big like Twitter......
5/ ........., the intersection will be more fluid and we can easily pair up with others with proper algorithm and even without knowing the interest of others.
Definitely, I agree with you, but on the other end, I do try to examine my content very well even after writing, so while reading again, if am not getting an insight or added knowledge in the process of reading, then am not convinced
the issue with that is that your opinion isn't sacrosanct. There are people who create decent art but hardly get any one to buy. The ffact that somethng is goos (in your eyes) does not mean others see it the same.
I spend first week to find the browser option on Keychain lol
Now feeling conformable but still some time it irritates
Something is better then nothing
Yeah, but in my phone it happens because of the little ram, so it acts like I'm actually closing the app and no just watching for a second another one to for example copy something I need to paste
Nuggets at home and with the lead, they cannot blow this game if not the Lakers will ride a comeback right into the NBA Finals, but Jokic is doing what he can to make sure they hold them off #nba #sports
Leothreads can go on an exponential growth curve. It is too early right now but we are seeing a good foundation place. We have set a couple weeks of high goals. The first one was surpassed handomely.
Considering that the new UI has just been released, I think everything is going very well and there is a noticeable growth. I believe that the growth will continue exponentially. +
hi I got a question about #threadstorm. In order to participate in one when I make a thread in the beginning of it I just put a number and dash or there's something else?
Anyone can create them. Yes use the tag and put up a thread.
After that comment on the original thread so that you have it answering itself. This is how you get 4 or 5 of your own comments underneath, expanding on the original idea.
2/ We set a goal of 30K last week and put up 37K. This week we are aiming for 50K. This might sound like huge growth yet it is well within reach. Here we see how thread can go exponential, pushing higher up on the growth curve.
But are we adding new users at the same time? I hope we are adding although I do not have stat. That is equally important for more diverse and wide engagement, and fluidity, overall.
I dont have a list either. Personally I havent checked to see how many new sign ups there are. I think we have the large MAUs this month already as compared to any other before.
3/ We have threadcasts, a couple that took place today. These two highlight the potential we have. Between the two, there were over 700 comments. One was tied to the #ama and the other to #ucl. Sports is an arena where we can see them.
4/ Imagine if we get a couple of these going each day. There are a variety of topics that can be discussed. We can even make containers tied to a subject such as cryptocurrency. All of this to spur engagement.
5/ We can see a time, in the not too distant further, where we have over 100K threads in a week. This is only a matter of people getting creating and figuring out ways to elicit more engagement from others.
Do not be annoyed by the wrong tag. I will never forget your name but it was a typo error. Still don't not know how to correct it after being published.
I'm so deeply thankful for your kindness and appreciation Sammy, thank you! I hope that I am able to embody that role well! Life is beautiful! Yes, there are challenges, but I'm so very grateful for my life! How are things glowing for you Sammy? 😁🙏 💚 ✨🤙
Yes. I gave her my best! I finished her to her Championship, and the best life a dog could have... and she gave me the love, loyalty and devotion. I couldn't ask for more.
I have gone from consuming an average of 10 long from content a day to just one or two. This is the sort of effect I believe short from content will have on many users in no time. /🧵
Our ecosystem is gradually changing before our very eyes. I called this about a week ago and many thought I was trying to be sensational but the truth is staring us all in the face--microblogging is win terms of engagement
Yes and in a social setting we cannot resume that most people have a rich and refined appetite. So it's best to go with what's commonplaced. threads can onboard billions of non writers. Long form content appeals to mainly writers.
Perhaps some will stop threading after the zealy campaign but they came up with a beautiful benefit to keep the thread going. This is the result of curation which is a very good idea.
I dont think zealy is a one time thing. Khal has said he will continue with the initiative. People will also start to make decent money threading, so I believe things will get a lot better and number of active users will increase.
This is what social media is about. Getting people hooked but here it is positive in the sense that people can earn from their activities. Also Threads have a general appeal, long from content does not.
1/ I usually read at least 7/8 long-form content every day. But it's time-consuming. And most of the time may be nothing new or thought-provoking but in the case of threading, this it is more diverse, quick, and scalable.
This is a valid point. People don't see consuming content as a time investment that's why they do not understand why many people would be reluctant to consume long form content, for the simple fact that uitlity is not guaranteed.
Yes, after all, money-making and content-making have all come together to calibrate your time management as well. Time is a scarce commodity. In that context, people will be increasing becoming smarter.
1/ Exactly humans are always driven by expediency. The tokenized society will make you drive more like that. And in the category of long-form content, anything beyond 900-1000 words is even counterproductive......
The only people that should be making 900+ post are fiction writer. I don't care whatever you have to say but I am only reading a 500+ article if I want to learn something new and not listen to someone's opinion. God forbid!
Expediency, time management, etc are one part, but can we say that today's generations are averse to long-form content with the rise of Twitter-like media?
Yea. Short form content has messed with our attention span.
Long form content has become a laborious chore no one wants to engage in aspect if utility is guaranteed.
As the value of LeoThreads increases in terms of ad revenue and users, we will see more diversity and quality in terms of engagement. This might even attract more long-form content creators to leoThread.
What I am saying in essence is that in the long run being a threader might become more lucrative than creating long form content.
Also, Threads are going to make community building easier and effective (as we can already see)
I think you are right.
Yes, threads is already bringing communities together and with time, after the Zealy quest, more communities will join when they see how beneficial it's been for other.
It’s the same feeling here too. The first thing I do this days when I take my phone is to hop into threads. Short term content is taking over some of us.
Many do not want to admit this. Heck! Many are fighting this new trend but it is here to stay. Engagement is kind but our faux sense of quality. Let the numbers lead.
Ceetainly. Just in a space of a few hours I have spoken to about 10 persons. My vlog that cost me over 6 hours of my time got comment. Tell me, what do you think I am most likely going to do in the future? Create more threads!
That's the reason Tiktok is popular and twitter and reddit are more popular than blogspot and substack. Not sure about others but I think this is the future
There is only so much time during the day and I have noticed that I am doing something similar. Though, what forced me to really change was the fact that LeoFinance was having issues with long-form content on the front-end.
I decided to check it out again on Desktop and it looks like comments work here again. I still don't see all the posts like I did in the previous UI but it's an improvement.
#spanish Estaría bueno que más gente utilice el tag español y también cree algunos threadstorm. Estamos en una participación muy importante en Zealy con motivo de la adopción masiva de LeoFinance.
Por supuesto! Yo soy de los que aboga siempre por la etiqueta #spanish, pero como la mayoría de participantes aquí son anglosajones o angloparlantes, los hispanos nos subordinamos al inglés 😕
En mi opinión debemos interactuar mucho en español pero también algo en inglés, pues ellos nos leen y se interesan por lo que decimos pero tal vez no logran comprender.
Hay que interactuar con todos y no dejar a nadie afuera :3
insisto, me va a tocar ver futbol o jugar a algo para tener tema de conversación con la mayoría por acá. La mayoría de etiquetas ni idea de qué hablan. Y los de la vegana (no soy vegana pero me gusta) solo hacen link drop
I am such a priming in my brain in such a way that whenever I see you or remember you in the morning I immediately rush to Coingecko to claim my candies.
Ahahaha I'm not that narcissistic xD
She taught her how to hunt, how to fight, but also leaved him here to live with us. We hade no choice but to accept him
Yeah haha. He's always doing a pose. Either that or looking funny. He also sleeps in my lap like one hour every morning. Now he's so big, I used to have them in my lap as a baby and barely noticed him.
So fast. His head is now almost like all him was when I met him.
And people says cats are cold. They are not! They just don't love you because you give them food, you have to do a bit more than keeping them alive
Increased error is not an issue, they can be correctly with suitable tools in a faster way, but at the same with lot of practice you can correct then in tandem.
I have kept myself close to handwritten journalling, and it tremendously raised my awareness about myself and my progress. I would encourage you to try it at least for a week and see the difference.
It's really good that you have kept it. I have several written journals in the previous years but somehow lost it these recent. Thank you for the encouragement. I may get back to it, hopefully sooner.
I see that people in Venezuela are doing good to promote the hive platform and this is a good initiative that they are working on. We need more promotion for #hive
Quality matters: It's not just about the quantity of content but also the quality. Focus on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that adds value to the community.
Quality hardly matters, even though the quality is the poster boy, the objective resolution(i.e.reward) does not resonate with this narrative. No offense, but being competitive and bein g qualitative are two different things.
Maybe what you are saying is true to some extent but if you keep on creating quality stuff, some cool people will find you and start supporting you :))
Rewards and support are always fleeting. We can not rely on a particular genre of content creation eternally with the expectation of support. So need to gauge it with the benchmark of today's reality.
Networking and engagement: Hive is more than just a content platform; it's a community-driven ecosystem. Actively participate, respond to comments, and support fellow Hive users to grow your network.
Embrace change and adapt: The Hive ecosystem is constantly evolving. Stay informed, adapt to changes, and continue learning to maximize your success on the platform.
Change is the only constant. Digital evolution is quite faster. We do not know what will be obsolete and when. So developing resilience will keep us afloat here and everywhere.
Diversification is crucial: Explore different communities within Hive to reach a wider audience. Engage with LeoFinance, CTP, and more to grow your Hive Power.
This is amazing and I love those 5 learnings. I am still finding my way with more diversification which I believe would take me to a big level. Congratulations on your 10k HP.
Don't forget how I was able to create my empire on Splinterlands with my rewards including one node that I bought for $2k. So my HP would have been a lot more than it is now.
La cerveza se hace con granos, agua, levadura y lúpulo. Los granos se muelen y se mezclan con agua caliente para hacer una especie de sopa llamada mosto. 🌾💦 #IngredientesDeLaCerveza #Mosto #HiloSobreLaCerveza 2/🧵
La levadura se agrega al mosto y comienza a fermentar el azúcar en el líquido. Esto crea alcohol y dióxido de carbono, que hace que la cerveza tenga burbujas. 🍻🌬️ #Fermentación #Burbujas #HiloSobreLaCerveza 3/🧵
Después de la fermentación, la cerveza se enfría y se filtra para eliminar cualquier sedimento. Luego se embotella o se pone en barriles para madurar. 🧊🍾 #ProcesoDeMaduración #Embotellado #HiloSobreLaCerveza 4/🧵
La cerveza es una bebida social que se disfruta en todo el mundo. Ya sea en una fiesta con amigos o en un bar con desconocidos, siempre hay una buena excusa para brindar con una cerveza fría. 🍻🥂 #HiloSobreLaCerveza #spanish 7/ 🧵
Si no te gusta, no deberías obligarte a tomar cerveza. Por ejemplo, a mi no me gusta el ron, pero cuando lo mezclan con refresco me lo tomo y después me cae mal. Moraleja: No fuerces tu cuerpo cuando no te gusta algo. #spanish
If you have been following the news about the #ledger recover service, this is a good time to remind you that you should be using a passphrase as both L&T can be compromised with physical access. #crypto. Be safe out there.
Good Morning to all
Wish you all a happy and productive day
#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
Good morning to you also. Have a nice day.
So what's the plan for today
Good morning. Have a nice day too!
#gmfrens my friend
Good morning! Good luck today!
good morning. alive
GM to you as well. Have a fantastic day as you go about the things you do today.
GM to you too!
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
If threading could earn you as much as your long form content does, would you stop making long-form content?
No. Plus long form can feed into threading and vice versa. It is all part of the branding.
Even though long-form content can be broken down into threading, it has to be more succinct and to the point, it can not just replicate a long form into threads. Threads have their own ergonomics from the get-go.
Long form content is valuable part of the platform especially as we get closer to subscriptions. Having both is vital. The question is what is the onboarding feature and to me this is threads.
Arguably yes, simp,y becoz of the reason that it lowers the barrier to entry.
I might do it less but nope. There's always lots of details I can put in long form over short and it's a lot more SEO friendly.
I like to make long content, it's with them that people can understand my ideas, concepts, strategies and other things (mainly about Splinterlands)
What I find interesting is that there are threads now that paid higher than my long-form content and yet this did not stop me from writing long-form content.
In a publication you can talk about something in detail, at length and with total freedom.
In a thread you could go to the summary, taking into account the characters.
As much as you can make many threads one under the other, I don't think you can detail all the points you want to talk about.
Both are good if they complement each other.
It's really not about what you want, if you are in the business of creating content then you genuinely want to connect with people. We must remember why we write and why our content has any value.
Thank you for offering your point of view. We are definitely here to learn and then grow :p
Certainly. I don't know it all either. I am just here to rub means with people and alos test my premises and knowledge
Thats why threadstorms exist. Also not every point you have make require 350 + words. What thread will do is make creating content more concise. No unnecessary rambling. People will learn to start their point clearly and concisely.
No, I talk too much. I need long posts to actually say all I have to say about each topic. My threadstorms would be hella long if I used them instead of posting
Well fair enough. Different strokes for different folks. I am more about engagement. I am not restricting myself to any content style. As long as I can convey my message and get meaningful engagement and feedback, I am fine.
I would keep doing both. My main topic has been recipes so those go well with long posts
Nah. I love it all.
Same here but would you agree that with time if one provides more utility you are most likely to tilt towards it. If you start getting 100s of comments on your threads and less on your LFC, would you be eager to create more LFC?
i don’t think I’d stop long form posts. Even though I merry thought was yes but at times I tend to write more than 240 words in this small box so writing a football blog will make more write a lot so naa.
Question: do you think a blog that gets less than 5 comments is more valuable or important than a thread with 10+ comments?
If you were a third party bying for your content to be promoted which would you go for?
The thread with 10 comments or more is more valuable than the long form content. If I was promoting I’ll most definitely promote the short form content. I just feel like some ideas need to be put into long form post.
An even better question:
If you get 10k comments on your threads and less than 50 comments on your blogs, which would you do more? Certainly threads
The point is we are all motivated by reward and creating thread is becoming more rewarding
Oh yes I agree on that. For now I might say no but who knows. I have an open mind so I can adapt.
I already stopped making long form content and micro earning is negligible.
You are already getting into the programme
People will always gravitate towards low effort activities
And neglect the cost as it is deem insignificant in the short run but compounds over time. But we earn to thread 🙃 good for us
You mean I need to go blogging? :P I will do that. I am just lazy
Perhaps yes. I m not a regular long-form content creator. I always hav a strong appetite for micro-blogging. So even if I don't earn sufficiently,I would keep threading. But yes, if I start getting sufficient,I will go colder with long-form
Good morning frens!
Hump day for me. Woke up late, feeling like a zombie, lol! Anyhow, let's get the bread for today. Cheers!
Grab a cup of coffee. It should come in handy during the day. Wishing you a productive day. Cheers!
Thank you. Was avoiding coffee for a while. Cheers to you as well
I am probably going to wake up by 8 feeling like shit. Thankfully my major task tomorrow is to draw. So I am chilled.
Get your rump in gear and get threading on this hump day.
It think I put the words in the right order or I might have to use the NSFW tag.
Threads here I come. And you did placed the words in proper order. But do we even have the NSFW tag on threads?
Can use it anytime you want. I dont think it blocks anything at this moment.
Have a good day, and may it be filled with good things!
Thank you for that. I wish you the same. Thread on!
Waking up late makes you look more tired than waking up too early
That's very true. It feels as if my body clock has changed somehow.
Cheers, hopefully today will be as productive as we have all planned it to be.
Amen to that Rubilu. Thank you and cheers to you all through.
Have a good one :)
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
it's bbq time. i'm starving. #food
I doubt you are starving.
You're correct. I was very hungry and had a ton of coffee
Its always a good time for having a BBQ, enjoy your meal!
Thanks fren
Simply the best food in the world!
pulled pork sammich and smoked chicken. it was bomb
I like my steak rare!
i'm a medium rare guy but i can get down with rare too
I'm gonna have to watch football or something to talk to people here. Is the only think in my feed and I don't like it hahaha
There was quite a football conversation earlier it seems.
Yeah hahaha, I'm temped to go watch a video to see who is everybody talking about, they drop names and I'm clueless
I dont know. To me, football is #nfl.
So I have no idea what the heck they are talking about.
I stopped watching anything like that years ago. I used to like F1 when Michael Schumacher was a thing there.
Damn you are now dating yourself with your age.
Hahahaha I don't hide my age, I'm 27, I used to watch it with my dad. He did't watch other sports, just the F1. Now he watches the nacional baseball sometimes but that's it
Same here. I write about csgo but hardly anyone reply it :(
And I would like to answer but I also know nothing about it hahaha when it came out everyone was playing and I was watching the same season of naruto over and over
Do you like to play some games?
Actually no, and not because I don't want to play, but I wasn't allowed to have consoles, or games on my pc, so I never really got used to it. I tried LOL when a friend wanted me to play with him but I was lost in there
I tried LOL too but I just didn't like the game. I like to play something about car racing or fps.
When I tried LOL I got Ari as my first character and that was about all I liked. I didn't understand a thing, and it was to heavy for my pc. I gave up after one hour. My friend said I did good but I don''t know what I did
I got straight to playing because the tutorial/ practice mode never loaded
I typed #csgo into the search and nothing came up.
How do you expect these strangers that you want to have a conversation with to find the topic that they're interested in if you're not tagging?
I'm tagging lol. There's a lot of threads I've made about. Maybe it's some bug...
I can see all of my threads about this tag by clicking in.
the tags are not updating realtime, there is a bunch of threads in a tag I created that are not showing
Lol sorry about that. Football season would be over soon.so you can see more non football threads. For now you can invite your friends and community member so you guys can talk about the things you care about.
Hahaha I wouldn't mind if I had something to say, but I just can't reply to them, no idea who or what are yall talking about
I understand. I feel the same way when people start talking about deep financial stuff as well. It mostly flies over my head.
Hhahaha that I want to understand, so I pay attention and research, but still clueless on what to reply
So I am not alone in this one. Thankfully no one makes you feel stupid here. Perks of being part of community with sane people
Yeah, the whole point es for us to learn so it's something to expect that we don't already know all the terms and factors that affect finances
What are you interested in?
The only way you're going to find like minded people is if you start creating content and consistently tagging it.
I'm interested in a lot of things, I'm answering when I see them, the issue (not really an issue) is that football overtakes the other threads
I thought I was the only one facing this. Everything seems to be about football
It gives the boys a lot to chat about hahaha. I wish I liked it but I'm just unbothered by it. I have no idea what they say
I know a little too, but we can chat about it for a bit, hehe.
Oh there are a lot of other things. You seem them because it’s champions league seasons and you know boys are crazy about the #ucl.
I know. The other things are lost in the feed so I have to go look the tags. Which are not working properly actually, a lot of threads are missing
Hehe, it will be same this evening as we have the second semi final coming up. After this one you’d be free for at least a eeek or two hehe.
zealy users are about be enraged when they see that quest leaderboard lol
ya'll might want to turn it off and turn it back on or turn the quest off & turn them back on to reset it
#zealy #threads247
why? lol
why what?
I dunno
i didnt understand if you were asking about the problem or possible solution
i'm so sleepy i don't even remember what the thread was about
let me know when youre able to re-read it
LOL I have no idea what this means but it sounds like a challenge.
when theres an issue that reflects on the leaderboard or with the quest on the user side, usually the creator of the zealy campaign can login to the zealy quest maker side and toggle the quest on & off & it sometimes fixes the issue
hahaha Zealy seems to have a lot of bugs with the Leaderboard, so the best thing to do is follow its own evolution and ignore it while it has a bug
yep, threads has prepared us for times like this lol
Yes Hahaha
I just woke up now and checked it. Then I decided to close it and do something else. Its too early to allow anything to stress me
nah, no need for stress, it'll get fixed, just continue as normal, just sucks that zealy is buggy from time to time
Yeah. I trust that it will always get fixed. It's just inconvenient at times
that’s literally the only time it doesn’t work, when we need it too lol
I’ve learned not to wait to the last minute to complete quest because of how off and on it can be at times.
Suits and enjoying it so far!What's your favorite #series? I'm watching
#tv #hivebr
I just started watching the silo and so far been enjoying it.
Never heard of this series, what is it about?
people living in a fall out shelter bunker but the history was lost as to why they have to stay in it. I seems to be an apple TV series
It seems to be interesting and agonizing, it must be sad to live in a Shelter lol
lol big time would be depressing. Sunlight has so many positive impacts
Já vi alguns shorts sobre essa série aí, parece ser interessante. Tem bastante a ver com empreendedorismo né?
Na verdade é uma série de advogados, os cortes tiram totalmente de contexto para fazer aqueles vídeos alphas kkkkkk mas assistindo você perceberá que é muito bom
Ah sim. Esse negócio de alpha, beta, sigma tá muito na moda pqp kkkkk, tô esperando virem com o ômega, e o que mais falta?
kkkkkk é cada coisa que inventam, mas tirando os cortes alphas a série é muito boas e os personagens são bastante carismáticos, vale a pena assistir se você está com tempo livre (coisa que esse mês está faltando)
É, vou ter que deixar pra daqui algum tempo isso.
kkkkkkk eu assisto durante o café da manhã, no jantar e quando eu deito para dormir, são os únicos momentos livres por enquanto
muito bom mesmo, amo demais!
essa série é muito boa cara, é sobre advogados
E eu achando que era coisa de alpha por causa dos shorts kkkk os caras fazem uns cortes e botam música de russo pra parecer coisa de homem alpha, sigma e blablabla
parece mesmo. o harvey que é o principal, tem cheiro de sigma kkkk
kkkkkkk bem como imaginei
I think my favorite so far was the money heist. I really love the idea of the professor with his tricky decisions and stuff. #series #hivebr
Money Heist is the original serie name in your country? Here it is called "La Casa de Papel" translating The Paper House
yeah, we call it here Money Heist too but we also know it to be La Casa de Papel too.
mine is "you" from netflix
Seems to be a psychopath series, is that right?
XD, yes it is, i liked it, all season , give it a try
I'll bookmark it to watch soon
já assiti essa série duas vezes hahaha #teanLouisLitt !
MDS se gosta do Louis eu já estou julgando kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
você ta no começo né? depois vai mudar de ideia haha
Estou mais ou menos no início da segunda temporada, na verdade eu nem sei quantas temporadas a série tem
se não me falha a memoria são 9 kk. essas primeiras temporadas são muito boas. Rachel é muito linda, da vontade de ver pela terceira vez só por causa dela
nossa então é uma série bem grande, gosto assim! A Rachel é realmente muito bonita mas não faz muito meu tipo, acho que falta resPEITO ASUDHAUSDHAU
Suits is a nice series; I watched it till the end. I cried while watching, also. My best series, however, has to be either Originals or into the badlands.. shame they discontinued the into the badland series. Sunny was my hero
I don't know either of them but I'll leave it noted. I recently finished Vikings, this series is painful to watch but the characters' journey is really good
I have not seen Vikings, I just remember Game of thrones... It among the top rated on my book
Vikings is very good, in fact it was the best for me in the sense of narrating the entire life story of the characters. But... It's painful to watch some moments (in the sense of the series not doing what you want)
I heard the main character died at the end or so?
This could be a big spoiler so I won't say much about it, but if you're interested keep clicking on the replies
I tried watching it, but I never got far. I don't even think I finished the first episode
I'm at the beginning of the second season, enjoying it a lot so far.
Maybe this is my sign to get back to it
You will not regret
I sure won't
Far from my favorite but an excellent series. Was one that held its quality throughout.
You will enjoy it if you like the beginning few episodes.
I will probably watch until the end, I find the characters charismatic and I like the theme
It is terrific. There was some good writing on it. Many characters to draw emotion out of you, both positive and negative.
That is how you know it is a good show.
Vikings does this very well too, it was the best narrative of the entire hero's journey I've ever watched
That was a powerful series. I thought Sons of Anarchy was a good one too.
There was a bad season though.
Sons of Anarchy is on my list to watch soon, even though my list is getting really long hahaha
I am enjoying the neightborhood, Power and The last kingdom. Very exciting and interesting movies
I've seen the cover of The Last Kingdom a few times and it caught my attention, I think I'll consider seeing it when I finish Suits
You better do. Its very interesting. Its a historical/classical film. Telling a story of love, betrayel and loyal.
Sounds good
I hardly watch anything these days. My favourite series has to be the big bang theory. I love sitcoms and geeks. I fancy myself to be one (maybe not)
I watched many seasons but I didn't finish it, I plan to watch it again someday with my girlfriend so we can finish the serie
The Office, since I love comedies and this one is different from all. But now I´m enjoying a lot Dahmer: History of a Murderer
I saw a few episodes of Dahmer but ended up stopping, I didn't like so much this serie
Oh man. The actor is just great! He made a great performance! The story is too heavy, tho. I understand that some people don´t like it. Besides that is a bit low argumentally speaking.
Suits will always be one of my favorites. I love everything about it. What season are you on?
Legends of Tomorrow is one of my favorite shows. No the deepest one but it really matched my personality. Batshit crazy but serious too.
Oh suits. My brother loves it a lot. Am currently trying so hard to finish watching Vikings. My favourite so far is Game of thrones.
I finished watching Vikings before starting Suits, I really liked this serie
Have you see the new one (Valhalla). I wanna watch Valhalla so bad but then I wanna understand what Vikings is about so I’ve got to finish this one.
I saw this series on my timeline but I didn't watch it, I don't know if it has the same quality as Vikings but if it does it will be worth watching
Oh it’s associated with Vikings. In Vikings you hear them talking of going to Valhalla when they die right? So I think it’s based on after death what happens to the Vikings.
If so, that should be interesting.
It seems everyone has gone to bed. I might as well do the same
I should go rest in a few hours but for now I'll keep doing Threads
I'm almost doing that. A lot of bugs happens to me around these hours
Bugs? Kindly explain this please.
Some replies made by other users are not showing up. I saw it in others frontends, but here nothing. And sometimes notifications disappear too.
Oh you meant bugs on the Leofinance site. Well, I think this has been addressed. The devs are actively fixing some of these bugs. It is going to take some time to get everything running smoothly.
I hope that. Sometimes it's sad, but heads up.
I am here with you m, haha, but my eyes are also trying to close lol.
Get some sleep man. It's not worth it. You need to feel refreshed to take on tomorrow's tasks. The only reason I am up is because I slept earlier than usual. I will be going to bed soon
yeah, that’s right I am going off to bed now. Have to get my energy restored.
I just woke up; you wanna talk about something, I am here.
Well maybe you should. So that you can wake up refreshed and #thread more
The far east has to wake up.
I am still awake but getting late here in North America.
Have some caffeine
I wanted to do that, but I still need to do some things. I'm very tired.
yeah, looking like it
And you are still up :)
👀 the conversation got really interesting
Haha. Can't blame you :)
If it is past 12, you should immediately rush to bed.
I have overcompensated. The sleep is kicking in now. Goodnight. We can continue this conversation later in the day. Good morning
Sure, take rest, I will join you when you woke up fresh.
Thank God the activities are a bit slow tonight. Let me use that opportunity to attend to all notifications before doing some daily task
Exactly what I am doing here. Finish up for new tasks
wow, welcome.. How was work yesterday?
You are welcome. Yesterday was a blessing. Great things achieved and more open doors. Have a blessed day bro.
Thank God for your testimony. Happy for you
Yeah. He is great. Keep sustaining and protecting us all. Its of his kindness
Enjoy the moment! I only have a few more minutes to interact and I wish I had fewer tasks in my day, haha
The notifications can add up quickly.
Go for it and I hope you have them done already.
Keep in mind that each thread you place has the potential to expand into other activity. Not only can there be upvotes but others can comment.
A single thread can easily turn into 10 activies.
In my view interactions are the main reason for posting threads, being able to respond to each person who interacts with you allows you to meet people you would never imagine being able to normally on Hive
Without a doubt. There are people I regular converse with on threads that I never engaged with before. It is easy to interact with dozens in a day.
Yes, it multiplies faster, we just need a proper context to potentially do that. I have seen it many times. But at the same time, it also depends what is the interest areas of the group that are currently threading in Leofinance at d moment
That's the magic of threads, a great opportunity to interact and meet more people.
Yeah, the potential of threads "to branch out" is impressive.
or 69
Only special type of threads can do that.
This is true
Yes. It's good to see some threads with a lot of engagements. The activities are increasing.
Looks like the Spurs will be drafting their next Robinson or Duncan. Franchise changing pick. Wembanyama will be better than Zion will ever be. #nba #sports
if that kid lasts a year without breaking his legs. miracle.
So you thinking he's going by way of Oden @jongolson ? lol
Hope not. But he just looks so frail.
I was about to go to bed but then @threespeak decided to throw a mobile app on Google Play Store and now I can't sleep with excitement 🤣
Yooooo! That's sick! hope its on ios too 🤞🏾
IOS normally takes its sweet time but fingers crossed for a quick addition 🤞
wow this is a great release
Well, that's cool! I didn't know that!
gonna make me buy an android phone now.
I did see the update. I’ve not download it yet but I do feel it would be more or less like the YouTube we have on our phones. This will be exciting.
I've been so caught up with many things that I keep missing to do my Xploring on #ctpx. I'm gonna correct that right after this.
#ctp #random #thinkingoutloud
So many things to do.The fun here on threads can keep one busy too.
That's really true. Can't imagine a day without coming to threads.
So much to do!
Yeah. Life is such :)
You get some CTPM just because you are awesome! #ctp
Yay! That's so very awesome of you. Thank you lots!
Been weeks or months since I logged on there!
Stop slacking and get to it CJ!
Hehe just teasing and good morning to the wee Kingdom :)
New post about how we can burn through some #Splinterlands cards. Land is not even going to be close to enough utility.
Why land has no utility?
Its just not going to be enough. It will be helpful but there's no way it gets full participation with all maxed cards. That means its going to eat up about 30% of the cards. And that just won't move the needle in a meaningful way. Plus there are 6 or 7 million packs still unopened with CL border, and we have millions more rewards cards coming.
Then rebellion comes at the end of the year.
The team is into too many projects and this is creating more challenges for them to focus on what to deliver first. Land is a whale game, small players won't make any benefit out of it, it's way too costly for new players to make a good return, you are right about it.
CL will be burned or rewarded in chests, but it is getting harder for players to play the game what it is intended for Play2Earn.
I think it's still too early to be sure, there's a lot to be implemented in the lands (but burning is always welcome)
It sounds like there will be ongoing development on land forever. If that's true I'm not sure when it stops being too early to tell. The way I look at it, even if we burn too much, we know there's more cards coming. 🤣
This is true xD
If you're awake, have you notice how boring #thread is now? Imagine how far it will be if you're the only one threading. Honestly, engagement matters. It's the
I don't see it that way, maybe it's because of the time zones, people maybe at work or sleeping. lol
With the numbers some users are managing, I wonder why I see so little threads
There is a particular time during the day when you can find most of the threaders, that is the time when you thread you can potentially intersect with more people. So maybe to time the Leothread section is also one among the other traits.
Just creating threads is not enough, you need to interact with other threads and generate engagement
hard to grind out 100 threads when it's low. wake up people
Oh yes that’s the ultimate aim. We can make threads by engaging with others too. It makes it more exciting.
Leo Threads and SPK should work together to provide the platform for short contents! https://leofinance.io/posts/cryptothesis/my-wish-for-short-contents-on-threads-through-spk-network #leofinance #threads #hive
they should or simply for SPK to support a shorts format. I feel like that platform is so behind and slow moving. It could be such a powerful tool for hive if it worked on 2 core fundamentals ad revenue and shorts
Come on! Use your clout! :)
100% agree
Totally agree with you. Without the video enabler feature in Leofinance, it will have a limited scope and it may not rise beyond a certain degree of popularity.
Hopefully they pick this up and act on it. !PIZZA
🧵/1 I think many of us here are of the opinion that our content has value because we put in time and effort into it, which is fine.
However, if you are going to make money from that content it must add value to other people.
There are quite a lot of that here on Hive. Posts getting rewarded rather hugely but the comment section is just saddening.
It exposes the flaw in our system and until we get that fixed I am sorry we cannot attract the best. We will keep giving our tokens to whales at the expense of our community and blockchain.
Indeed. Hope things will change for the better overtime.
Engagement is good. The more you engage with other authors, they engage with you too.
Damn, that's bomb you dropped right there. Is that the reason my threads are like barren land? :P
Lol you do a lot to engage and people love engagers. Sooner or later they will return the favour. It's only normal.
Let's see how that goes. Right now 99% of my threads are like that. On the other hand not all my threads are upvote worthy I guess ha ha
Another important point, we need to be more greatfull what we receive
Value is the key point. People come to your post when they know that they will get value from it.
I totally agree! But not in Hive! ay individuals can get away with posting (just to post something) and get high votes... and every time I get sucked into reading their post with no value, I kick myself.
Lol. Sooner or later we will realise how that is doing the platform no good. In fact I predict there would be a hive reward pool in the nearest future. Inflation would be allocated to performing dapps.
We should do our best to add value to what we are posting on hive
1/ Time and effort do not make it good content. It has to be tied to the correct process. Even more so, in Hive we must understand the interest areas of different people in this community.
You have made it more clear. Is about what you are giving not how many hours spent
Yeah, I am trying to find out common areas of interest here in Leothreads, so that I can produce more threads on those topics which could eventually ended up with more active participation, hence better intersection and network effect.
2/ The interest of others matters here because that is how we can intersect with them and produce productive engagement which is the essence of the network effect.
3/ Therefore it is not just about what interests you the most it is also about what interests others and what are the common areas of interest that can bring a social chain of intersection among us.
4/ Initially, it will be a case in point or additional cognitive load for content creators because we are a growing community, when we reach the critical mass or grow big like Twitter......
5/ ........., the intersection will be more fluid and we can easily pair up with others with proper algorithm and even without knowing the interest of others.
Definitely, I agree with you, but on the other end, I do try to examine my content very well even after writing, so while reading again, if am not getting an insight or added knowledge in the process of reading, then am not convinced
the issue with that is that your opinion isn't sacrosanct. There are people who create decent art but hardly get any one to buy. The ffact that somethng is goos (in your eyes) does not mean others see it the same.
Messing with mobile tonight. On Keychain browser. Not the best experience but I’m sure it’ll get better. We are super early.
I use my laptop in everything Hive related!
This way I am not too attached!
Does that makes sense?
Me too. I mean I have Ecency, but rarely use it, only to check updates. Never create and rarely engage on it.
I'm also sure it will get better, the hardest part (which is getting started) is over, now just adjust
True, we all get stuck in our ways
It's gotten a lot better, but still has much to be improved upon. I'm using it right now to write this comment! ✍🏻
Threads mobile app would be awesome lol
I spend first week to find the browser option on Keychain lol
Now feeling conformable but still some time it irritates
Something is better then nothing
What I don't like, it mostly is about my phone but affects me more with keychain, is that anytime I move to another app it closes the session
Yeah I think that's a security thing more than anything.
Yeah, but in my phone it happens because of the little ram, so it acts like I'm actually closing the app and no just watching for a second another one to for example copy something I need to paste
It is not good tbh. The UI needs fix. I use safari browser on my phone
How do you sign in with Safari?
hive signer
urgh, dang I was hoping for another way
You don't like hivesigner?
It will only get better. We just have to be patient as they work on things.
Absolutely. I have no doubt in my mind!
another writing quest down. what next?
I need to take the writing quests more seriously. Are you done with the drawing quests?
just one of them, working on the other
Oh ok. I’ve done one so far. Working on the second one with a lot of ideas running through my head lol.
you got this
#og nifty getting things done
told yall i'm not playing
And what about Diablo IV?
comes out june 6th. i have time
anotha one!
take a break and chill pill
nah, #gaming
#petition for the vote slider to be BELOW the vote button on mobile, it's difficult to see the percentage under my finger 👇🏻
I second that.
I agree. MOAR mobile friendly features
Alternatively, bring back the user definable default vote value so I don't have to change it everytime 😆 #feedback
Interesting that would not be good the way it is
Posted @ LikeTu:
-- Octavia Butler
More @ quote & Octavia Butler at https://ecency.com/hive-147010/@magnacarta/index4index-card-219-octavia-butler
CTPX, we will upvote itIt's not much but...It's our little delegation account, and if you are creating content on #ctp if you promote it in
Spreading the love
Every cent adds up :)
Let's explore and promote content on ctpx
#ctp #aliveandthriving
And it's got like 400k #ctp on it so....Lots of token distribution for all! Yay!
I tried to login with Hive Keychain, but it's showing error.
Did you sign up for an account first and then try to log in?
Do I need to separately open an account there?
That does not accept Hive account login ccredentials?
Not at first, you have to have an account. And then link it inside the platform to your Hive account. That way, it pays our #ctp when you win prizes.
Okay. I created an account. Now it asks to add a new website. Can I just add my Hive Blog page, or it has to be a dedicated professional website?
Most front ends don't allow to be shown inside iframes which we use, right now CTPtalk.com can be viewed, and I think the new version of LEO as well.
My deepest condolences @clairemobey !
#gosh #ladiesofhive #threads https://ecency.com/hive-124452/@clairemobey/mommy-s-mental-health-chapter-c4a4a4d8c48b9
Thank you so much ❤️❤️
Nuggets at home and with the lead, they cannot blow this game if not the Lakers will ride a comeback right into the NBA Finals, but Jokic is doing what he can to make sure they hold them off #nba #sports
That's good to know. Hope they won't blow it
Nuggets got the win.
Happy Wednesday @jimmy.adames
Leothreads can go on an exponential growth curve. It is too early right now but we are seeing a good foundation place. We have set a couple weeks of high goals. The first one was surpassed handomely.
Considering that the new UI has just been released, I think everything is going very well and there is a noticeable growth. I believe that the growth will continue exponentially. +
If people continue to get involved and do their part of engaging, then we can have it.
Absolutely so true. We also need to attract people here and make them aware of it.
Right now the target is to reach 50K, but after a few months, I think we will talk about 200K.
Leothreads is amazing and I share the same thought that you shared here and its just a matter of time to get more users here.
We need more users. Having more power users is always helpful. That is where the foundation comes from.
hi I got a question about #threadstorm. In order to participate in one when I make a thread in the beginning of it I just put a number and dash or there's something else?
Anyone can create them. Yes use the tag and put up a thread.
After that comment on the original thread so that you have it answering itself. This is how you get 4 or 5 of your own comments underneath, expanding on the original idea.
It is a good idea to number them.
2/ We set a goal of 30K last week and put up 37K. This week we are aiming for 50K. This might sound like huge growth yet it is well within reach. Here we see how thread can go exponential, pushing higher up on the growth curve.
Of course, this can be possible on threads. Engagement here has been amazing and 50k is quite possible.
We have to be consistent. If we do that, then yes I believe 50K is on the table.
But we will see how things unfold.
Alright then. I will be here for updates from you and others.
But are we adding new users at the same time? I hope we are adding although I do not have stat. That is equally important for more diverse and wide engagement, and fluidity, overall.
I dont have a list either. Personally I havent checked to see how many new sign ups there are. I think we have the large MAUs this month already as compared to any other before.
Yes, you are right, MAU is constantly expanding on an MoM basis.
50k? Can I contribute a thousand to that goal? 😅
3/ We have threadcasts, a couple that took place today. These two highlight the potential we have. Between the two, there were over 700 comments. One was tied to the #ama and the other to #ucl. Sports is an arena where we can see them.
People love sports and this brings more engagement because everyone is here to contribute and share ideas on what is going on around sports.
The passion around sports is something that is universal. So I would think that is a valid part of the platform push for engagement.
4/ Imagine if we get a couple of these going each day. There are a variety of topics that can be discussed. We can even make containers tied to a subject such as cryptocurrency. All of this to spur engagement.
5/ We can see a time, in the not too distant further, where we have over 100K threads in a week. This is only a matter of people getting creating and figuring out ways to elicit more engagement from others.
100k threads per week. I wonder how long will it take for us to achieve that.
Thanks for this. This is my first long-form content for this day.
Oh! I read that "exponential growth curve again." I !love it.
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Leothreads is certainly a habit. We have to keep the idea of promoting how things are unfolding.
Just completed my today's Millionaire mission
Are you playing #risingstar
#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
That's cool! Congrats and all the best. Yes, I'm playing but not too often. Anything new on the game?
I like it as you can do other work and game playe is happened in background no need to keep your browser opened all time.
#risingstar #ctp
That's what I like about it too with RS. Just click on Start Mission and do other things.
No, I am not playing it. I am only play @dcrop
If not playing then why not give a try.
Similar to drop but need to run singing missions.
Let me know if wanna my referral link
#risingstar #ctp #aliveandthriving
Not playing now but I started once, I think almost over 2 years ago. I didn't understand much. So, left :O
#alive #aliveandthriving
Yay! Congrats!
What is next?
Next is to complete the different mission and complete the 25k starbit target
#Starbits #ctp #aliveandthriving
I am, I did stop for a while but now back playing, well I say playing I mean running that mission and that is about it!
I play Rising Star but I don't do too much. I just do a few missions a day and the millionaire mission is one of them.
But the starpro are rocking.There was time when #starbits were trading at good price but now its down like anything.
Millionaire mission is the one I preffer to do at start of day
#risigstar #ctp #aliveandthriving
These are spotlighted posts on Alive and Hive.
@heartbeatonhive make this post: https://ecency.com/hive-110144/@heartbeatonhive/heartbeat-on-hive-we-are-alive-tribe-curation-collection-401
#gosh #gmfrens #aliveandthriving
One of the post, @ianraincrystal shared some of achieved Larry's activities. Check it out: https://ecency.com/hive-105809/@iamraincrystal/cozy-like-bruno-oror-aatyr4-oror-larryisalive
#alive #larryisalive #aliveandthriving
Your tag is not correct, brother :)
It is @iamraincrystal
Do not be annoyed by the wrong tag. I will never forget your name but it was a typo error. Still don't not know how to correct it after being published.
(4/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
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You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(8/30)@hafiz34! to your account on behalf of @iamraincrystal.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Yes. Thanks so much for the correction. I found out after I have published it. I still don't know how to edit a published thread. Teach me please
I do not know how to edit a thread. Is there even an option for that? No idea.
#alive #aliveandthriving
Same here. Reason why I left it uncorrected. Thanks for the mentioning.
tysm i appreciate it ✨
You are welcome. Your post and activities on Alive especially on hunting down Mr. Larry is very exceptional. Keep it up dear.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/5)@sammyhive! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @iamraincrystal.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(9/30)@sammyhive! to your account on behalf of @iamraincrystal.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
One of the spotlighted posts. @emaxisonline shared his plan for the week.
Thanks for sharing my weekly plan. !PIZZA
You are welcome. Your post is very thrilling and educative.
Congratulations to @amakuaz, @alovely088, @tydynrain and @oasiskp2 for the 30 rising starbits received.
Thank you so much Sammy! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
You really worth it and my mentor. How is everything going?
I'm so deeply thankful for your kindness and appreciation Sammy, thank you! I hope that I am able to embody that role well! Life is beautiful! Yes, there are challenges, but I'm so very grateful for my life! How are things glowing for you Sammy? 😁🙏 💚 ✨🤙
Challenges abounds too. I am expecting less, thankful and be happy. These qualities gives me contentment and peace of mind
Indeed they do, and challenge is the nature of life. That's beautiful! Excellent! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
I sent 1.0 HUG
(2/3)Dear @sammyhive, you just got hugged. on behalf of @tydynrain.
You are welcome. Your post is very worthwhile and appreciated.
Thank you
You are welcome
Thank you.
You are welcome
One of the spotlighted posts, @flaxz shared the updated information on the rewards. https://ecency.com/hive-155221/@flaxz/we-are-alive-tribe-apr
You are welcome sir.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(6/20)@sammyhive! to your account on behalf of @flaxz.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
One of spotlighted post. @dimascastillo90 shared a very wonderful work of photography https://ecency.com/hive-132248/@dimascastillo90/a-photographic-production-in-the-old-house-in-belgrano-ba-eng-esp
#photography #gosh #hive
One of the spotlighted posts, @pinkhub shared his fitness activities and pictures of the neighbourhood. https://ecency.com/hive-193552/@pinkhub/actifit-pinkhub-20230516t124141592z
Congratulations to @houhou, @alovely088, @jmis101 and @dailyspam for the draw wins.
Thank you very much dear
You are welcome dear. You really worth the acknoledgement and appreciation. Keep it up
One of the spotlighted posts. @dailyspam shared a medieval market while keeping fit. https://ecency.com/hive-193552/@dailyspam/actifit-dailyspam-20230515t094536859z
One of the spotlighted posts. @mypathtofire shared a great tuesday tune and it focuses on bollywood. https://ecency.com/hive-193816/@mypathtofire/threetunetuesday-bollywood-sightseeing-selection
One of the spotlighted posts, @adysscheryl shared some exciting movies to see and enjoy. https://ecency.com/hive-125125/@adysscheryl/tv-through-my-life-favorites
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Thanks so much
Hive is alive and burning I people's hearts I like the picture
5 awesome and highlighted #hive posts from the team #alive on 16th of May 2023.
Visit and appreciate the authors!
#alive https://ecency.com/hive-155221/@aliveandthriving/alive-and-thriving-may-16-2023-awesome-posts-collection
544 ALIVE tokens burned in our weekly staking contest, and 8 winners today.
#threads #gosh #alive #aliveandthriving #liotes #ctp
Awesome work, Erik. The tribe is doing well.
AKC CH MySweetPea is Queen of Everything is my dear Yorkie. She was 15 years old when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
#gmfrens #ladiesofhive #threads
She's a lovely queen. Sorry to hear that she crossed over the rainbow bridge... 15 years with you must have been so wonderful.
RIP, cutie
She is a cutie!!! I love and miss her!!!
She has such attractive eyes. Those 15 years must have been wort it. Too bad she couldn't stay around longer.
Yes. I gave her my best! I finished her to her Championship, and the best life a dog could have... and she gave me the love, loyalty and devotion. I couldn't ask for more.
That's beautiful ✨
I have gone from consuming an average of 10 long from content a day to just one or two. This is the sort of effect I believe short from content will have on many users in no time. /🧵
I Am struggling with one itself lol
#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
Lol such is life.
Certainly, it has such an effect but the number of long-form content one can consume depends on the interest of the person himself.
Yes and in a social setting we cannot resume that most people have a rich and refined appetite. So it's best to go with what's commonplaced. threads can onboard billions of non writers. Long form content appeals to mainly writers.
I agree.
I believe this reward pool for threaders will increase with the value of Leothread.
There is a saying: A task that is rewarded gets done. This is very true in all instances.
Perhaps some will stop threading after the zealy campaign but they came up with a beautiful benefit to keep the thread going. This is the result of curation which is a very good idea.
I dont think zealy is a one time thing. Khal has said he will continue with the initiative. People will also start to make decent money threading, so I believe things will get a lot better and number of active users will increase.
This is amazing then. Let it continue and we are here too. Thanks for the update.
The short form offers a snapshot of the whole thing and this platform is a bit atddictive
This is what social media is about. Getting people hooked but here it is positive in the sense that people can earn from their activities. Also Threads have a general appeal, long from content does not.
1/ I usually read at least 7/8 long-form content every day. But it's time-consuming. And most of the time may be nothing new or thought-provoking but in the case of threading, this it is more diverse, quick, and scalable.
Yes, after all, money-making and content-making have all come together to calibrate your time management as well. Time is a scarce commodity. In that context, people will be increasing becoming smarter.
1/ Exactly humans are always driven by expediency. The tokenized society will make you drive more like that. And in the category of long-form content, anything beyond 900-1000 words is even counterproductive......
2/.... because that will chase the readers away unless it is of specific interest.
The only people that should be making 900+ post are fiction writer. I don't care whatever you have to say but I am only reading a 500+ article if I want to learn something new and not listen to someone's opinion. God forbid!
Expediency, time management, etc are one part, but can we say that today's generations are averse to long-form content with the rise of Twitter-like media?
Yea. Short form content has messed with our attention span.
Long form content has become a laborious chore no one wants to engage in aspect if utility is guaranteed.
2/ Threading has arguably reinvigorated our tendency of content consumption and engagement thereof.
Also, Threads are going to make community building easier and effective (as we can already see)
I think you are right.
Yes, threads is already bringing communities together and with time, after the Zealy quest, more communities will join when they see how beneficial it's been for other.
me too. trying to balance
I am paying more attention to the one that gets me more engagement
for sure, me too. conversations for days over here
It’s the same feeling here too. The first thing I do this days when I take my phone is to hop into threads. Short term content is taking over some of us.
Many do not want to admit this. Heck! Many are fighting this new trend but it is here to stay. Engagement is kind but our faux sense of quality. Let the numbers lead.
To be honest, if there was no threads i would stop using $HIVE actively. Short form content is king.
Ceetainly. Just in a space of a few hours I have spoken to about 10 persons. My vlog that cost me over 6 hours of my time got comment. Tell me, what do you think I am most likely going to do in the future? Create more threads!
That's the reason Tiktok is popular and twitter and reddit are more popular than blogspot and substack. Not sure about others but I think this is the future
btw where is your vlog? :)
Here you go:
Not my best vlog. I struggled so hard to make this one.
let me go and upvote. I will watch it after :P
Thank you very much.
I hear you. Guilty of that as well. Used to consume a lot more than 20 a day but now, threads get majority of my time.
This would be the whole hive blockchain very soon. You are only an early adopter
That's right. Glad we are on it early.
There is only so much time during the day and I have noticed that I am doing something similar. Though, what forced me to really change was the fact that LeoFinance was having issues with long-form content on the front-end.
yeah i cannot even comment on long-form content on my phone. Makes it harder to interact with long-form content
I decided to check it out again on Desktop and it looks like comments work here again. I still don't see all the posts like I did in the previous UI but it's an improvement.
Yeah. I think they are working on the UI still for long form content. We just have to give them more time
🎉 Just hit 10,000 Hive Power! 💪 Sharing my journey, lessons learned, and future plans in this blog post.
Link in the next thread.
congrats fren
Thanks fren. 100k HP wen? ;-;
soon, hopefully
Amen 🔥
@finguru thats a major cause for celebration congrats 🚀🙌
Thanks a lot, brother. LFG!! 🔥🔥🔥
awesome! congratulations on 10k!
Tysm Jessica :')
Check it out: https://leofinance.io/posts/finguru/10000-hive-power-milestone-the-journey-the-lessons-the-future
#gosh #hive
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Thanks Bro. !!!
#spanish Estaría bueno que más gente utilice el tag español y también cree algunos threadstorm. Estamos en una participación muy importante en Zealy con motivo de la adopción masiva de LeoFinance.
Ayudémonos a completar misiones.
Por supuesto! Yo soy de los que aboga siempre por la etiqueta #spanish, pero como la mayoría de participantes aquí son anglosajones o angloparlantes, los hispanos nos subordinamos al inglés 😕
En mi opinión debemos interactuar mucho en español pero también algo en inglés, pues ellos nos leen y se interesan por lo que decimos pero tal vez no logran comprender.
Hay que interactuar con todos y no dejar a nadie afuera :3
Yo respondo según el idioma que veo pero sinceramente poco me encuentro con cosas que pueda responder en #spanish... mucho es de woo y ni idea
Yo cuando los leo me quedo igual que tú, ni idea.Esos de #woo son muy activos por acá 😂
insisto, me va a tocar ver futbol o jugar a algo para tener tema de conversación con la mayoría por acá. La mayoría de etiquetas ni idea de qué hablan. Y los de la vegana (no soy vegana pero me gusta) solo hacen link drop
Hahah pero entonces crea el tema tú. Comienza a crear etiquetas de veganismo y seguro hay gente interesada en el tema
Ese será mi tema de mañana
Hoy seguiré en mi ranting de por qué legends of tomorrow merece seguir más que the flash!
Ah, y en el tag de fotografía, ponen el tag hablando de fotografía sin poner ninguna foto -.-
Now I can get back to this. Food did the trick. I was a little over caffeinated as usual
Brewed coffee is gone. I will go for a tea alternative, but it seems something is lacking. 😆
tea is good too
Is it correct that brewed coffee is an upper and tea a downer? 😆
for me, yes
You should give a background story as to why brewed coffee is gone. 😆
(5/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
lol I know that feeling. But the caffeine keeps me working!
yeah, i forget to eat and drink too much coffee.
Just incase you looking for a food buddy, call me
will do
Being energetic is essential to interact with quality
very true
Do u drink a lot of coffee?
most of the time, not really
lol I didn´t understand. That´s a yes? You drink a lot of coffe?
You will hurt your stomach with so much coffee, and if you delay eating even more!
it's a bad habit
I got my coffee and now I need to sleep
sleep well
i am trying but threading is fun
this is true
few more mins and I am done
one more thread
Sounds like you are ready to rock :)
Drew Smith was a bright spot for the Mets BP.
Did you get yoru #candies today?
Time to grab then again.
I haven't been there for a while. Thank you for this. Going now.
I will try to be more consistent with my reminders.
That would be great :) Thanks in advance.
I am such a priming in my brain in such a way that whenever I see you or remember you in the morning I immediately rush to Coingecko to claim my candies.
I dont always remember. Sometimes I go a couple days. I tend not to remember to post a thread reminding people.
I have such a priming*
Sorry for the grammatical error.
I have been doing that everyday for as long as I can remember.
Me too. We will see if they turn into anything ever.
I've forgotten about them since I wasted them on that token drop.
If I showed you what I had for dinner almost every day, would you kill me
Where? What #candies?
aye aye captain
Today is a #pawfectwednesday! So I'll allow you to see my handsome Bonito. I love his eyes, they look like they had eyeliner
Hello Bonioto!
Oh yes I see his eye line, a gorgeous cat.
Just like his moma. The mom is beautiful, and a very agile hunter
jeje I read his moma and thought you, but then read a very agile hunter, so I realised it was his cat mother that was beautifu!
Ahahaha I'm not that narcissistic xD
She taught her how to hunt, how to fight, but also leaved him here to live with us. We hade no choice but to accept him
So cute!
Ahhh que bonito, Bonito jaja. Realmente Muy bellos ojos. Saludos para él
Mi mamá lo vio, vio que era bonito y le puso así. Yo le había puesto otro nombre pero ya se me olvidó jajja
Beautiful. What is she insinuating?
He is Bonito. Just look at him. That is best name ever xD
Without a doubt.
Hello lovely one :) He knows how to pose too :)
Yeah haha. He's always doing a pose. Either that or looking funny. He also sleeps in my lap like one hour every morning. Now he's so big, I used to have them in my lap as a baby and barely noticed him.
He knows how to be pampered and love it when cats make some funny gestures. How old is he now?
Now he's just one and a half. Still a baby to be, but a big one
That's amazing! Cats grow big so soon. Even so, they are still cuddly
So fast. His head is now almost like all him was when I met him.
And people says cats are cold. They are not! They just don't love you because you give them food, you have to do a bit more than keeping them alive
Caught this young lady hiding under the wheelbarrow out the yard during a really hot afternoon sometime ago.
#pawfectwednesday #hivepets #cats
When the sun is too hot, all of them will go into hiding
Yes. They are smart to do that actually.
Beautiful. Looking so cute.
Thank you. She's a little darling.
GM tiny one
GM too.
Aww she is a wee corker!
Have you ever had a cat CJ?
#nbtask6 #newbieshive #spanish #cuba #hive #blockchaingames #gosh
Sexta tarea del curso newbies hive
Por acá nuevas experiencias en #spanish sobre casos de uso de nuestro #hbd en Cumaná Sucre Venezuela. #hive #posh #gosh #leofinance @leofinance #threads https://peakd.com/hive-11800/@omarcitorojas/capturing-and-paying-sucre-hbd-eng-esp
Muy bien por uds 👏
Gracias amiga
How many of you have improved your typing speed since May 1st, and also strengthened your vocabulary? Both of them are the by-product of threading.
You are right. Everything has improved
My typing speed has increased with increased errors, hehehe!
Increased error is not an issue, they can be correctly with suitable tools in a faster way, but at the same with lot of practice you can correct then in tandem.
ha ha true> I was always crazy but others have joined the fun too
I'm not sure if I did, lol!
I am sure you might have reaped those benefits. You can assess yourself if you regularly do journaling on your self-progress.
That's a good thought. I may have become a bit more expressive.
Unfortunately, the journaling (in handwritten form) has been set aside.
I have kept myself close to handwritten journalling, and it tremendously raised my awareness about myself and my progress. I would encourage you to try it at least for a week and see the difference.
It's really good that you have kept it. I have several written journals in the previous years but somehow lost it these recent. Thank you for the encouragement. I may get back to it, hopefully sooner.
improved? i dunno
I sure got more efficient on telling a piece of information in just 240 characters
When we have to tell people in just 240 characters in the first place. We are becoming content savvy these days.
That is why I mostly use English, just because I can write more words with 240 character than in Spanish haha it's just a practical decision
Not me
Because you have already achieved certain feat in that context.
Yeah I can type fast when I want to, and I do have a pretty comprehensive vocabulary, but you made a good insight!
#gmfrens , I'm here to pump out ten 100% votes. I don't have a lot of Leo Power but I do it at random to help newer thread users. (and old ones too)
A new threader here. GM boss
That really sounds good. We need more such curators with decent Leo Power.
I am not a new thread users but you can upvote me no probme :P good morning
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
I just finished reading this post about Hive-Sucre
It is awesome to see how it is growing.
#threadstorm #HiveSucre #threadsforever #ctp
It's easy for the readers...Hello friend its always good to reply first thread when your create #threadstorm
#ctp #aliveandthriving
I appreciate the guidance.Thanks, @guurry123
Sucre? Doesn‘t that mean sugar? 👀 Gotta go read that article to understand …
but it is the name of the Venezuelan State.I believe it does, @moretea
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(5/10)@moretea! to your account on behalf of @beststart.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Wow, this is amazing work in a country where using HBD can really help a lot of people, I hope their project turns out really well!
It is very exciting to watch.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(6/10)@underlock! to your account on behalf of @beststart.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
These incredible people in Venezuela are literally going door to door and convincing shop owners to start using HBD for payment.
#threadstorm #HiveSucre #threadsforever #ctp
I see that people in Venezuela are doing good to promote the hive platform and this is a good initiative that they are working on. We need more promotion for #hive #threads
Absolutely, @alokkumar121
This is an amazing work that can be replicated in other areas of the world.
We just need to find people to pick up the mantel and run with it.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(9/10)@alokkumar121! to your account on behalf of @beststart.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
That's a very good one, I remember buying a phone from a colleague with hive some week's ago and he accepted, I think things like this will help the
And thisis example for those who ask how we can use Hive jn real life..
#ctp #aliveandthriving
The shop owners like HBD since there is no fee for a transaction
#threadstorm #HiveSucre #threadsforever #ctp
This is one of the best benifit using Hive and
It most certainly is, @guurry123
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(10/10)@guurry123! to your account on behalf of @beststart.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
The patrons in Sucre love having a stable currency exchange for goods and services.
#threadstorm #HiveSucre #threadsforever #ctp
We are currently working on a Hive/Leo adoption campaign.
In Sucre, they are doing it one on one.
#threadstorm #HiveSucre #threadsforever #ctp
553 blogs, 14,372 comments & 2 years later, I hit 10k HP milestone.
Here are my the top 5 learnings that could help some who just started their journey 🧵
Congratulations on reaching these milestones. And thank you lots for sharing these valuable tips.
You don't need tips from me IFG. You already got this. xD
Thanks a ton. Keep growing.
You never know but I need them too :)
Thanks as well and yes to growing.
Quality matters: It's not just about the quantity of content but also the quality. Focus on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that adds value to the community.
Quality hardly matters, even though the quality is the poster boy, the objective resolution(i.e.reward) does not resonate with this narrative. No offense, but being competitive and bein g qualitative are two different things.
Maybe what you are saying is true to some extent but if you keep on creating quality stuff, some cool people will find you and start supporting you :))
I see a ton of creators publishing shit content and they get busted soon when suddenly their favorite whales stop supporting them. 😂
Rewards and support are always fleeting. We can not rely on a particular genre of content creation eternally with the expectation of support. So need to gauge it with the benchmark of today's reality.
That I can only find in contests where quality matters.
Contest pehle hota tha indiaunited main, wo bhi band ho gaya bhai....aapne hume dukhi kar diye...
Sorry bro. I really enjoyed reading your long posts.
Shayad fir shuru karden hum soon!
Rewards ki funding band hogayi.
As you can see, LeoFinance has changed a lot since then.
Ok bhai thanks...contest par fir se vichar karna....
And yes Leofinance has restructured their platform a bit with a full focus on threads now.
Along the line, many people slack because of lack of votes or exposure but i am one to believe that a quality content creator would always stand out.
Networking and engagement: Hive is more than just a content platform; it's a community-driven ecosystem. Actively participate, respond to comments, and support fellow Hive users to grow your network.
I do agree. Engagement is the quintessence of Hive and so to speak for any social media by default.
Yes. Social media is to get social. Content creation comes later.
Engagement is one of the things i take seriously on my hive journey.
Embrace change and adapt: The Hive ecosystem is constantly evolving. Stay informed, adapt to changes, and continue learning to maximize your success on the platform.
Change is the only constant. Digital evolution is quite faster. We do not know what will be obsolete and when. So developing resilience will keep us afloat here and everywhere.
Diversification is crucial: Explore different communities within Hive to reach a wider audience. Engage with LeoFinance, CTP, and more to grow your Hive Power.
Even though true, at some point, people will have a tendency to settle with one niche or very few niches for two reasons--
Yes. One or two niches are enough. Try them until you find your tribe.
I started with LeoFinance but lately, I have been trying to explore more communities, apps, and projects.
Consistency is key: Whether it's content creation, engagement, or learning, being consistent in your efforts is crucial to achieving success on Hive.
I have always known you to be consistent on Hive and how you have always brought inspiring content which I was able to read most of your content.
Thank you Princess. It means a lot. ♥️♥️
You are doing a great job yourself when it comes to consistency.
It´s my pleasure. Thank you.
'Consistency is the playground of dull minds' ---Yuval Noah Harari.
This is indeed very correct.
Congrats. Such a massive milestone. It must have taken a lot od discipline.and consistency to get to this height. Keep it up and you will get higher.
Thank you so much my brother. Wasn't easy but totally worth it.
It worths it. Hoping to get to your height eventually.
This is amazing and I love those 5 learnings. I am still finding my way with more diversification which I believe would take me to a big level. Congratulations on your 10k HP.
Tysm once again Princess. Keep trying different things until you find what you enjoy the most. You got this, I believe in you. :)
Thank you for these encouraging words. Have a good day.
That's a great stat, by the way, u did not buy any hive from the open market, and all the 10k HP from earning?
Don't forget how I was able to create my empire on Splinterlands with my rewards including one node that I bought for $2k. So my HP would have been a lot more than it is now.
I bought some initially. Then everything was made just by posting and trading Hive on Hive-engine by dumping shitcoins into liquid gold. xD
That's really paid off well. I should emulate those traits.
Yes, man. 5 saal mein kaafi set hojayega scene. Mere 2 hogaye, 3 aur bache.
Uske baad I will spend the money my money makes.
Money begets money.
You can generate surplus value with that.
A big congratulations to you. This shows perseverance.
Congratulations on the milestone. I haven't gotten to 10k HP yet but I do think it will be just a matter of time before I do.
Happy to see a brand new day, i don't deserve it but grace saw me through, good morning all from this part of the world.
#gmfrens #khal #leo #leofinance #threads247
Good morning! Hope you make the best of the new day
Surely by his grace.
Good morning and make good of the new day :)
I will, thanks for stopping by.
Pleasure. Cheers!
Thanks for stopping by. Appreciate that.
good morning. hope you are getting well
Yes boss, am better of than yesterday
that's good. you will be healthy in no time
Awww... be thankful!
Have a great day, @mrhive001
Thank you very much. Be blessed.
Good morning mate
have a great day
and you too
Yes the best moment of the day, is when you realise that you are Alive!
GM frens
Humpday is here! What are your plans for today?
I have a free day for once, so will be sorting some of these #zealy quests and perhaps making a few videos for zealy and for Mrs T & friends!
#gmfrens #silverbloggers #liotes
Nice! I have to make two posts, but I'm finishing another goal today before going to sleep, it's 1:14 for me
Ah you will be sleeping now, so sweet dreams
GM and Happy humpday Tito Ed. I look forward to seeing your vids :)
Thank you CJ and good afternoon and Happy humperoo day :)
La cerveza es una de las bebidas más antiguas del mundo. Se cree que se empezó a hacer hace unos 5,000 años en Mesopotamia, que ahora es Irak. 🕰️🍺 #HistoriaDeLaCerveza #CervezaAntigua #HiloSobreLaCerveza 1/🧵 #threadstorm
La cerveza se hace con granos, agua, levadura y lúpulo. Los granos se muelen y se mezclan con agua caliente para hacer una especie de sopa llamada mosto. 🌾💦 #IngredientesDeLaCerveza #Mosto #HiloSobreLaCerveza 2/🧵
La levadura se agrega al mosto y comienza a fermentar el azúcar en el líquido. Esto crea alcohol y dióxido de carbono, que hace que la cerveza tenga burbujas. 🍻🌬️ #Fermentación #Burbujas #HiloSobreLaCerveza 3/🧵
Después de la fermentación, la cerveza se enfría y se filtra para eliminar cualquier sedimento. Luego se embotella o se pone en barriles para madurar. 🧊🍾 #ProcesoDeMaduración #Embotellado #HiloSobreLaCerveza 4/🧵
A lo largo de la historia, la fabricación de cerveza ha sido muy importante en muchas culturas. En la Edad Media, los monjes en Europa hacían cerveza en sus monasterios. 🏰🍺 #CervezaEnLaHistoria #MonjesCerveceros #HiloSobreLaCerveza 5/🧵
Hoy en día, hay muchas variedades de cerveza, desde las ligeras y refrescantes hasta las oscuras y cremosas. Cada estilo tiene su propio sabor y aroma únicos. 🍺😋 #VariedadesDeCerveza #SaboresYAromas #HiloSobreLaCerveza 6/ 🧵
La cerveza es una bebida social que se disfruta en todo el mundo. Ya sea en una fiesta con amigos o en un bar con desconocidos, siempre hay una buena excusa para brindar con una cerveza fría. 🍻🥂 #HiloSobreLaCerveza #spanish 7/ 🧵
En eso te doy toda la razón, y mas en este clima tan caluroso nuestro!
Una buena cerveza en una tarde calurosa es la mejor manera de refrescar. #spanish
Siempre me pregunté que debo hacer para que me guste la cerveza. ¿Será cuestión de adaptación y luego viene el buen gusto?
Por cierto, muy informativo este threadstorm. Aunque no tomo cerveza sí me gustó informarme sobre ello. ¡Genial!
Bien fría, ese es el secreto para tomarla con gusto. y que haga un calor de los mil infiernos. si te vas a tomarla cerveza con mucho gusto.
Así si tiene sentido jajaja. En ese caso creo que sí tomaría una cerveza.
Si no te gusta, no deberías obligarte a tomar cerveza. Por ejemplo, a mi no me gusta el ron, pero cuando lo mezclan con refresco me lo tomo y después me cae mal. Moraleja: No fuerces tu cuerpo cuando no te gusta algo. #spanish
Tiene sentido, muy buena recomendación.
Lo que sí me gusta es el vodka con un poco de Sprite o las bebidas que ya vienen preparadas también con vodka.
Oh vodka entonces. Eres una rusita 🤣
If you have been following the news about the #ledger recover service, this is a good time to remind you that you should be using a passphrase as both L&T can be compromised with physical access. #crypto. Be safe out there.
Good advice and been watching it all on twitter!
Word For Today is "This too Shall Pass"
Everything passes and we must learn from these moments
The best lessons are the hard one's
For sure
This too shall pass. a positive attitude to keep the spirit high
When you need to hear it, that's when it will come
I like it. We all need that at one point in time
Great words and cheers to you on your growing HP
Thanks, I am closing in on 17K HP
That's amazing! Congrats and all the best as you continue to build.
That is awesome, I do Power Up 1 Hive daily.
every bit counts