I'm gonna have to watch football or something to talk to people here. Is the only think in my feed and I don't like it hahaha
I'm gonna have to watch football or something to talk to people here. Is the only think in my feed and I don't like it hahaha
There was quite a football conversation earlier it seems.
Yeah hahaha, I'm temped to go watch a video to see who is everybody talking about, they drop names and I'm clueless
I dont know. To me, football is #nfl.
So I have no idea what the heck they are talking about.
I stopped watching anything like that years ago. I used to like F1 when Michael Schumacher was a thing there.
Damn you are now dating yourself with your age.
Hahahaha I don't hide my age, I'm 27, I used to watch it with my dad. He did't watch other sports, just the F1. Now he watches the nacional baseball sometimes but that's it
just a baby. at least you didnt watch Mario Andretti.
Same here. I write about csgo but hardly anyone reply it :(
And I would like to answer but I also know nothing about it hahaha when it came out everyone was playing and I was watching the same season of naruto over and over
Do you like to play some games?
Actually no, and not because I don't want to play, but I wasn't allowed to have consoles, or games on my pc, so I never really got used to it. I tried LOL when a friend wanted me to play with him but I was lost in there
I tried LOL too but I just didn't like the game. I like to play something about car racing or fps.
When I tried LOL I got Ari as my first character and that was about all I liked. I didn't understand a thing, and it was to heavy for my pc. I gave up after one hour. My friend said I did good but I don''t know what I did
The only thing I remember when I played is me playing on my friends pc for almost a hour and then I said "I don't like this sheet, I will not play anymore" haha
I got straight to playing because the tutorial/ practice mode never loaded
I typed #csgo into the search and nothing came up.
How do you expect these strangers that you want to have a conversation with to find the topic that they're interested in if you're not tagging?
I'm tagging lol. There's a lot of threads I've made about. Maybe it's some bug...
I can see all of my threads about this tag by clicking in.
the tags are not updating realtime, there is a bunch of threads in a tag I created that are not showing
Lol sorry about that. Football season would be over soon.so you can see more non football threads. For now you can invite your friends and community member so you guys can talk about the things you care about.
Hahaha I wouldn't mind if I had something to say, but I just can't reply to them, no idea who or what are yall talking about
I understand. I feel the same way when people start talking about deep financial stuff as well. It mostly flies over my head.
Hhahaha that I want to understand, so I pay attention and research, but still clueless on what to reply
So I am not alone in this one. Thankfully no one makes you feel stupid here. Perks of being part of community with sane people
Yeah, the whole point es for us to learn so it's something to expect that we don't already know all the terms and factors that affect finances
True that. And I have learnt a lot just being in this community. It's been a huge blessing
What are you interested in?
The only way you're going to find like minded people is if you start creating content and consistently tagging it.
I'm interested in a lot of things, I'm answering when I see them, the issue (not really an issue) is that football overtakes the other threads
I thought I was the only one facing this. Everything seems to be about football
It gives the boys a lot to chat about hahaha. I wish I liked it but I'm just unbothered by it. I have no idea what they say
I know a little too, but we can chat about it for a bit, hehe.
Oh there are a lot of other things. You seem them because it’s champions league seasons and you know boys are crazy about the #ucl.
I know. The other things are lost in the feed so I have to go look the tags. Which are not working properly actually, a lot of threads are missing
Hehe, it will be same this evening as we have the second semi final coming up. After this one you’d be free for at least a eeek or two hehe.