Na verdade é uma série de advogados, os cortes tiram totalmente de contexto para fazer aqueles vídeos alphas kkkkkk mas assistindo você perceberá que é muito bom
kkkkkk é cada coisa que inventam, mas tirando os cortes alphas a série é muito boas e os personagens são bastante carismáticos, vale a pena assistir se você está com tempo livre (coisa que esse mês está faltando)
Nesses horários eu gosto de silêncio total. Por isso eu tento acordar antes de todo mundo. Se começam a fazer barulho enquanto tô no café da manhã já fico puto kkkkk
E eu achando que era coisa de alpha por causa dos shorts kkkk os caras fazem uns cortes e botam música de russo pra parecer coisa de homem alpha, sigma e blablabla
se não me falha a memoria são 9 kk. essas primeiras temporadas são muito boas. Rachel é muito linda, da vontade de ver pela terceira vez só por causa dela
Suits is a nice series; I watched it till the end. I cried while watching, also. My best series, however, has to be either Originals or into the badlands.. shame they discontinued the into the badland series. Sunny was my hero
I don't know either of them but I'll leave it noted. I recently finished Vikings, this series is painful to watch but the characters' journey is really good
Vikings is very good, in fact it was the best for me in the sense of narrating the entire life story of the characters. But... It's painful to watch some moments (in the sense of the series not doing what you want)
Oh man. The actor is just great! He made a great performance! The story is too heavy, tho. I understand that some people don´t like it. Besides that is a bit low argumentally speaking.
Oh it’s associated with Vikings. In Vikings you hear them talking of going to Valhalla when they die right? So I think it’s based on after death what happens to the Vikings.
I just started watching the silo and so far been enjoying it.
Never heard of this series, what is it about?
people living in a fall out shelter bunker but the history was lost as to why they have to stay in it. I seems to be an apple TV series
It seems to be interesting and agonizing, it must be sad to live in a Shelter lol
lol big time would be depressing. Sunlight has so many positive impacts
Já vi alguns shorts sobre essa série aí, parece ser interessante. Tem bastante a ver com empreendedorismo né?
Na verdade é uma série de advogados, os cortes tiram totalmente de contexto para fazer aqueles vídeos alphas kkkkkk mas assistindo você perceberá que é muito bom
Ah sim. Esse negócio de alpha, beta, sigma tá muito na moda pqp kkkkk, tô esperando virem com o ômega, e o que mais falta?
kkkkkk é cada coisa que inventam, mas tirando os cortes alphas a série é muito boas e os personagens são bastante carismáticos, vale a pena assistir se você está com tempo livre (coisa que esse mês está faltando)
É, vou ter que deixar pra daqui algum tempo isso.
kkkkkkk eu assisto durante o café da manhã, no jantar e quando eu deito para dormir, são os únicos momentos livres por enquanto
Nesses horários eu gosto de silêncio total. Por isso eu tento acordar antes de todo mundo. Se começam a fazer barulho enquanto tô no café da manhã já fico puto kkkkk
muito bom mesmo, amo demais!
essa série é muito boa cara, é sobre advogados
E eu achando que era coisa de alpha por causa dos shorts kkkk os caras fazem uns cortes e botam música de russo pra parecer coisa de homem alpha, sigma e blablabla
parece mesmo. o harvey que é o principal, tem cheiro de sigma kkkk
kkkkkkk bem como imaginei
I think my favorite so far was the money heist. I really love the idea of the professor with his tricky decisions and stuff. #series #hivebr
Money Heist is the original serie name in your country? Here it is called "La Casa de Papel" translating The Paper House
yeah, we call it here Money Heist too but we also know it to be La Casa de Papel too.
mine is "you" from netflix
Seems to be a psychopath series, is that right?
XD, yes it is, i liked it, all season , give it a try
I'll bookmark it to watch soon
já assiti essa série duas vezes hahaha #teanLouisLitt !
MDS se gosta do Louis eu já estou julgando kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
você ta no começo né? depois vai mudar de ideia haha
Estou mais ou menos no início da segunda temporada, na verdade eu nem sei quantas temporadas a série tem
se não me falha a memoria são 9 kk. essas primeiras temporadas são muito boas. Rachel é muito linda, da vontade de ver pela terceira vez só por causa dela
nossa então é uma série bem grande, gosto assim! A Rachel é realmente muito bonita mas não faz muito meu tipo, acho que falta resPEITO ASUDHAUSDHAU
a cara, parei de falar com você! ahhahaha vai falar que sua preferida é a Donna Paulsen?
Suits is a nice series; I watched it till the end. I cried while watching, also. My best series, however, has to be either Originals or into the badlands.. shame they discontinued the into the badland series. Sunny was my hero
I don't know either of them but I'll leave it noted. I recently finished Vikings, this series is painful to watch but the characters' journey is really good
I have not seen Vikings, I just remember Game of thrones... It among the top rated on my book
Vikings is very good, in fact it was the best for me in the sense of narrating the entire life story of the characters. But... It's painful to watch some moments (in the sense of the series not doing what you want)
I heard the main character died at the end or so?
This could be a big spoiler so I won't say much about it, but if you're interested keep clicking on the replies
click here if you want to read a spoiler
I tried watching it, but I never got far. I don't even think I finished the first episode
I'm at the beginning of the second season, enjoying it a lot so far.
Maybe this is my sign to get back to it
You will not regret
I sure won't
Far from my favorite but an excellent series. Was one that held its quality throughout.
You will enjoy it if you like the beginning few episodes.
I will probably watch until the end, I find the characters charismatic and I like the theme
It is terrific. There was some good writing on it. Many characters to draw emotion out of you, both positive and negative.
That is how you know it is a good show.
Vikings does this very well too, it was the best narrative of the entire hero's journey I've ever watched
That was a powerful series. I thought Sons of Anarchy was a good one too.
There was a bad season though.
Sons of Anarchy is on my list to watch soon, even though my list is getting really long hahaha
I am enjoying the neightborhood, Power and The last kingdom. Very exciting and interesting movies
I've seen the cover of The Last Kingdom a few times and it caught my attention, I think I'll consider seeing it when I finish Suits
You better do. Its very interesting. Its a historical/classical film. Telling a story of love, betrayel and loyal.
Sounds good
I hardly watch anything these days. My favourite series has to be the big bang theory. I love sitcoms and geeks. I fancy myself to be one (maybe not)
I watched many seasons but I didn't finish it, I plan to watch it again someday with my girlfriend so we can finish the serie
The Office, since I love comedies and this one is different from all. But now I´m enjoying a lot Dahmer: History of a Murderer
I saw a few episodes of Dahmer but ended up stopping, I didn't like so much this serie
Oh man. The actor is just great! He made a great performance! The story is too heavy, tho. I understand that some people don´t like it. Besides that is a bit low argumentally speaking.
Suits will always be one of my favorites. I love everything about it. What season are you on?
Legends of Tomorrow is one of my favorite shows. No the deepest one but it really matched my personality. Batshit crazy but serious too.
Oh suits. My brother loves it a lot. Am currently trying so hard to finish watching Vikings. My favourite so far is Game of thrones.
I finished watching Vikings before starting Suits, I really liked this serie
Have you see the new one (Valhalla). I wanna watch Valhalla so bad but then I wanna understand what Vikings is about so I’ve got to finish this one.
I saw this series on my timeline but I didn't watch it, I don't know if it has the same quality as Vikings but if it does it will be worth watching
Oh it’s associated with Vikings. In Vikings you hear them talking of going to Valhalla when they die right? So I think it’s based on after death what happens to the Vikings.
If so, that should be interesting.
Yep but I still have to finish Vikings to watch it hehe.