
Considering that the new UI has just been released, I think everything is going very well and there is a noticeable growth. I believe that the growth will continue exponentially. +


If people continue to get involved and do their part of engaging, then we can have it.

Absolutely so true. We also need to attract people here and make them aware of it.

Right now the target is to reach 50K, but after a few months, I think we will talk about 200K.

Leothreads is amazing and I share the same thought that you shared here and its just a matter of time to get more users here.

We need more users. Having more power users is always helpful. That is where the foundation comes from.

hi I got a question about #threadstorm. In order to participate in one when I make a thread in the beginning of it I just put a number and dash or there's something else?

Anyone can create them. Yes use the tag and put up a thread.

After that comment on the original thread so that you have it answering itself. This is how you get 4 or 5 of your own comments underneath, expanding on the original idea.

It is a good idea to number them.

2/ We set a goal of 30K last week and put up 37K. This week we are aiming for 50K. This might sound like huge growth yet it is well within reach. Here we see how thread can go exponential, pushing higher up on the growth curve.

Of course, this can be possible on threads. Engagement here has been amazing and 50k is quite possible.

We have to be consistent. If we do that, then yes I believe 50K is on the table.

But we will see how things unfold.

Alright then. I will be here for updates from you and others.

But are we adding new users at the same time? I hope we are adding although I do not have stat. That is equally important for more diverse and wide engagement, and fluidity, overall.

I dont have a list either. Personally I havent checked to see how many new sign ups there are. I think we have the large MAUs this month already as compared to any other before.

Yes, you are right, MAU is constantly expanding on an MoM basis.

50k? Can I contribute a thousand to that goal? 😅

3/ We have threadcasts, a couple that took place today. These two highlight the potential we have. Between the two, there were over 700 comments. One was tied to the #ama and the other to #ucl. Sports is an arena where we can see them.

People love sports and this brings more engagement because everyone is here to contribute and share ideas on what is going on around sports.

The passion around sports is something that is universal. So I would think that is a valid part of the platform push for engagement.

4/ Imagine if we get a couple of these going each day. There are a variety of topics that can be discussed. We can even make containers tied to a subject such as cryptocurrency. All of this to spur engagement.

5/ We can see a time, in the not too distant further, where we have over 100K threads in a week. This is only a matter of people getting creating and figuring out ways to elicit more engagement from others.

100k threads per week. I wonder how long will it take for us to achieve that.

Oh! I read that "exponential growth curve again." I !love it.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Leothreads is certainly a habit. We have to keep the idea of promoting how things are unfolding.