What really makes one a lion? Is it by being a member of the leofinace community ? or , participating in the LPUD ? or having a high Leo stake? or creating content on the leofinace communityregularly? Someone clarify me please #leo
What really makes one a lion? Is it by being a member of the leofinace community ? or , participating in the LPUD ? or having a high Leo stake? or creating content on the leofinace communityregularly? Someone clarify me please #leo
I would say any of the above. I am not sure there is a set criteria.
Being part of the community and engaging on here seems to meet the guidelines in my opinion.
Thank you for your opinion. Any of the above , that's better
Just engage and you are a lion. That is all that is needed.
Engagement here I come #now.
It is waiting for you. A black canvass which you can do your Picasso.
I think the best one is Creating content/threads on Leo Finance
Thats ok too. Thanks for your opinion