There are 5 pages

Are you a problem solver and people come to you for advice?

#liotes#poll #polls #threads

Solving problems and offering solutions is part of my work, so yeah, and I even get paid for it ;)

Too much, now it happens less, but people always starts with "You that know everything" and ahahaha I do not know everything, but I do research everything so even though is their question, I'll end up looking it up as they should have

For some subjects and persons yes I am

New tokenomics of leo

  • inflation dropped from 25k tokens per day to 5k
  • $10k LEO bought per month for delegators

Is Leo bracing itself for a journey 2 the moon?

#polls #threads #poll

I guess that's what gonna happen soon.

Obviously $leo will going to the moooon. We Leo Army will buy as much as we can

here we go bois

If you're the only one active on #threads, what will you do? #polls #poll #threads247

The best thing is to bring other's to the community, showing them more reason to thread too is very important, let keep the pace going mate

Who cares? you do you and keep threading

Don't you think that it will be boring threading alone

I would keep threading and may try to invite others :D

Yeah, that's just it. We need more users to keep the fire going

true or we will just be talking to ourselves if there isn't anyone else around.

I'll keep posting but a very juicy threadstorm, not random loose threads so when people come back is all me doing spam

Thread and invite others too. It will be boring threading alone.

Do you like maths?

#liotes #poll #polls #threads

I like maths but do not ask me to solve problems please

Am not a fan right from school, this is one subject I do find very hard to attend to, but life goes onon

I like math but math doesn't like me back.

Hell NO!!!!

Under Water, Above Water and into Water I have :)

Who else but our dear Tengo could have done it all ?

hehe have you dived under water ?

Nah not for me. I ain't going near any river or sea.

ah so you prefer the plains, mountains or the deserts ?

I love gardens a lot. Visiting amusement parks too. I only climbed mountain once in my life and it wasn't funny

Oh I see hope you take a lot of good vacations to the places of your choice

Yeah, I do. Thanks.

I really want to but I never had the opportunity

Which crypto has the most bullish potential this year? #poll #polls

I voted for the $leo, because $btc will be bearish soon. So no other coins can survive. But I think #leo will survive. Because we are #threaddicted by Leo virus :p

I am very optimistic about #LEO too.

I'm ready to stake some

I'm ready too, only 7 days left.

feeeeeeling so excited

Exactly and 6 days left.

Voted $LEO

I am super biased but I think a lot has changed in the past few weeks and few months. Really excited for it

I absolutely agree with you. Great things are happening and I believe there will be better things in the coming months.

Are you a day dreamer?

#poll #polls #threads #liotes

Lol sometimes

El calor ha sido un problema estos días, hoy vuelven a aparecer las nubes y un poco de viento para refrescarnos . #spanish

¿A qué temperatura están por allá?

Aquí hemos estado hasta 40 grados y es demasiado.


Hemos estado de 33 a 40, lo que pasa es que así pasó toda la semana, con una ola de calor casi insoportable en horas del mediodía y tarde. Hoy está el clima más fresco. No sabía que por allá estaban pasando por lo mismo.

Espero se quede todo el día. Aunque aun no se han ido los mosquitos por mi casa... sigo trabajando moviéndome para que no me piquen. Hago ejercicio mientras estoy en la pc jajaja

Jajajaja es que me imagino moviéndote en la PC, lo bueno es que a estar en lo alto del edificio no llegan tantos mosquitos, a menos que la gente comience a llenar sus pipas de agua jajaja. Esperemos que el clima siga así.

Ufff por aqui tambien mucho calor, por suerte ha llovido un poco, pero no lo suficiente! No quiero pensar como estaremos en los meses mas calurosos.

Antes al menos se sabía cuales meses iban a ser calurosos y cuales llovía, ahora el clima está tan loco que uno no sabe que esperar para el día siguiente jajaja.

jeje, es verdad por ejemplo este mes siempre ha sido lluvioso y casi no ha llovido... Horrible cambio climático

Por acá igual, nubes que prometen un refrescamiento pero nada, el calor sigue haciendo de las suyas. Ayer me dijo una señora mayor que las lluvias estarán muy fuertes esta temporada. #spanish

Así es, ahora todo es al extremo, cuando es calor es mucho calor, cuando es lluvia son tormentas inundan la ciudad, así estamos en este momento.



Welcome @srav67812.

Thread away.

Hey, welcome omboard

Welcome to the cool spot on the internet!

I guess you are testing how things work here, welcome on board and if you have any questions, you can ask, trust me it will be sorted

My 7-day engagement stat:-

I have spoken to 83 unique people.

Depth-2 engagement(replies of replies)- 152

Total nos of comments- 354

Average per day- 50 (approx)

Great statistics

That is pretty impressive set of numbers and great example to emulate and grow organically

Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Your skill of analysis is your hallmark I really appreciate it

No no. I am still a student and want to be a student who never graduate. I am learning a lot from others.

I am jealous. You talked to 82 users other than me.

Ha ha...I have mostly talked to you in the last 2/3 days.

I know I know I am the spammer.

No, not at all.

I am scared sometimes. People can tag you anything.

Very funny, I guess you should be part of that number, cause you're always everywhere mate.

I know. i am the spam everyone is talking about.

That is how engagement works. Plus you have truly engaged based upon our interaction; not one word replies.

Thank you so much. That's what it should be. We should optimally utilize the 240-character limits to produce useful, creative, and thought-provoking content. The qualitative aspect should not be compromised in any way.

Agreed. You would think it not a difficult challenge. Threads should explode especially looking at the long form content over the past three years. Most were microblogging there before it was offered on Leofinance.

Human psychology is primed in such a way that they used to be hesitant towards long-form content, but that's not the case with micro-blogging, the same people ended up reading a threadstorm when they read the very first thread in it.

I was implying that most of the long form were not. So many posts of 100 words and people expecting to be taken seriously.

Yes, even some of them are getting good payout.

This is awesome, you have done well for yourself, good to see you come out with such stats

Thank you. And you are also doing good. It's now turning out to be a collective public good.

Memories of Spring from a couple years ago on this beautiful, Sunny day. I love light!

#alive #threads #liotes #photography

Looks a really good place to have some peace and take a fresh air.

Nature is awesome..
Perfect place to calm your body and soul.

What really makes one a lion? Is it by being a member of the leofinace community ? or , participating in the LPUD ? or having a high Leo stake? or creating content on the leofinace communityregularly? Someone clarify me please #leo

I would say any of the above. I am not sure there is a set criteria.

Being part of the community and engaging on here seems to meet the guidelines in my opinion.

Thank you for your opinion. Any of the above , that's better

Just engage and you are a lion. That is all that is needed.

Engagement here I come #now.

It is waiting for you. A black canvass which you can do your Picasso.

I think the best one is Creating content/threads on Leo Finance

Thats ok too. Thanks for your opinion

I do not think we'd see the the end of meme coins, it's like an integral aspect of crypto. One dies another starts out

Some shitcoins will appear in the bull market

Of course, everything thrives during the bull market

I remember the last bull market. I lost some of my asset by investing scam project. Though I was so noob then.

People will always buy into things that do not make much sense on the surface. So I agree with you, we will see a lot of them created over the coming years.

I think so too, a lot more will be created over the coming years and even people who lose previous will still continue buying

I prefer a foundation. That is why I like $HIVE and $LEO. Noth focus upon building and not hype. This is something that could really help to skyrocket them in the future (and be sustained).

I don't think so, unless all the people change their mentalities.

People like to speculate in microvalue coins

I've gotten a lot of comments in the past on my post asking how engagement is properly done


For it to be engagement, there should be some meaningful exchange of ideas and thoughts between the author and the reader. A great comment is the first step. But if it ends there, then that is not engagement for me.

Well, true. Unfortunately not a lot of people knows this. I've had my fair share of appalling conversations, and people still do not want to develop and be better. I just ignore rather than criticize.

Pay attention to what people write and think a bit before replying. Try to add to the conversation in all you do, not just give bullshit comments or replies.

That is my suggestion.

Thank you for the addition. Sometimes I see some unappealing attempts at engagement, it can be such a bummer

I would say speak and interact with other the way you want others to interact with you.
Broadly that is my way of interacting with people both off and on chain

However you choose to. The intent of interaction determines what one aims to achieve


What I normally tell people is that, creating a conversation rather than marking one's presence is important

It's better to avoid an attempt at engagement, If you want to be generic


It's just like real life: conversations are great when we become creative

If a post is just too long to engagement with, you can just pick what excites or makes you curious, if you must engage at

Trying to ask meaningful questions to keep the conversation going. Some comments are just to shoe that they've read and you don't even know how to reply

A lot of people actually confuse making a comment and engagement. A proper comment is the first step towards engagement. I think there should be several exchange of meaningful thoughts to the point that it becomes a conversation.


I'm hatting the spam replies just to get up the thread numbers. Not to my threads, that has been great, but when I comment to someone's thread and they just answer "thanks" when there is no reason for a thanks. Keep the conversation going!

ha ha thanks :P

My dear, I noticed it too but there are more genuine ones I've met on threads than those spam promoters 😊

I do like seeing peoples threads and commenting on them, but there are a few that kill the conversation so fast, also others that thing they are a funny troll. They must be so annoying in real life. I'll keep the genuine ones hehe

Lol I can totally understand what you mean, as I've met a few of them while being active here

Let's keep the genuine engagement going, it's best and fun 🥳

That is true. It is important to "converse".

Of course, many appear to lack that ability. To test it just hop on a dating site and see the interaction.

Not exactly wordsmiths.

You should see the amount of "Hi, hey, hello" I got at my DM when I used facebook. Then they get mad because you don't answer, answer what? And the conversation also keeps up the number of threads, I don't see the point on that kind of spam

Yeah. We know the mentality online isnt the deepest in the world. Kind of shows how ignorant humanity can be.

But alas, we keep pushing ahead, trying to find those gems in the abyss of social media.

If your reply is conventional, let's go there

Because people are frontrunning their thread count. Some sort of filter ( a min amount of characters) should be considered for preparing the thread leaderboard.

It's more about value engagement, not kinda cringe or spam comments.

Yeah, but conversation elevate the numbers too. I can get it if people isn't answering, but if people do answer use that, no need for more spam. I don't know, I cant bring myself to cheat And there is people with a high count doing it right

That is why I have emphasized the importance of character weighted count while preparing Thread Leaderboard.

Happy Monday #threads

What are we working on today?

Just more data 😭😭

Can never have enough lol


Never 😂

#threads and regular jobs, what a beautiful combination

Absolutely! Can't think of anything better!

Nothing. Why are you asking?

Big brother is watching!

Just got off work, hoping to thread till I pass

Very nice!

just shipped 100 pounds of product to the warehouse for Amazon. now on to some writing.

100 pounds of product...DANG!

Happy Monday!

Working on scheduling this week plans and threading.

A Thread a day keeps the doctor away!

Happy Monday to you too.
It's all about Threads

Indeed! It always is!

Happy monday to you
I am working on simply browsing through the threads and lots of interesting stuff keeps popping up in terms of ideas that one could use

It's got some great content out there for everyone to check out!

We are working on increasing the eengagement on Threads.

Did you get my message about next Tuesday?

Yes ser! Sounds good!

Okay good. Put it on the calendar. This week appears to be us.

Work went well thankfully

Always good to hear!

I got another vacation today

Nice! Enjoy it!

Is the bull right around the corner? This is something I am contemplating. I will express my full thoughts when I have them clarified.

For now, I am following Raoul Pal's view. Watching the ISM for a bottom.

Whenever the bull arrives, inform us as your fellow #

Well I am not exactly the one making the cal. And like Web 2, we can only see it in hindsight.

i think bull run is coming next month 🚀🚀🚀🚀

What do you bast that upon? It is a view that is out there.

We are patiently waiting for your full thaughts.

Might be, the "30K BTC rejection" might as well just be the cup (on the daily) we're looking for, all it needs is a handle. On the other hand, the 55EMA is where it's supposed to be. Looking for a bottom myself as well.

Talking about the bull, I can't wait, have being saving some tokens in my wallet for a while, hoping to be visited by the bull one-day

Jeez, didn't realize it's just a few minutes and it's midnight. GM folks!

Been an awesome day. Time for me to go to dream land xD

its 5pm here. Goodnight farmgirl

Good evening and thank you :) Going to snooze after this.

Dream about threading. That is how we know you are truly dedicated.

Time flies so fast. Goodnight.

great to hear you had an awesome day! Good night

oh it’s still 16:00 pm here so no good night here hehe. Anyways goodnight and have sweet dreams. Actually, I just woke up from my afternoon nap.

Haha and here is the sun all the way up. Good night!

I thought i would be able to spend time outside but the work is taking its toll on me. Not spending time outside today. #threads247

Next time!

Hopefully tomorrow. Blame Khal if my VP questions my integrity at work. Too much threading.

Big up @rmsadkri, after all there is dignity in labor.

That means we will be seeing more of you here on threads :D

That's true. More time on my screen and more time on threads ha ha

Good! Really good xD

I need to invest on my mental health. Too much thraeds is injurious to your head

What's up frens. Any news on Leo to be highlighted?!

A user with the id @garorant is doing great on leo :P

oh I think he has multiple personalities, bcz he's also known as Anakin Skywalker on Discord and #zealy. But yes, I've heard they both are doing a decent job for the sprint😂. Thanks bro!

ha ha see you are on the headline with alternate personalities everywhere. Keep doing the good work.

Yeah u too. Good luck and thanks for the comment!

Sure. i will stop people will come after me for redundancies :)

Let me find

did u find?

Omg, something distracted me. Can you you give me another chance?

Khal made an appearance on threads this weekend so he was able to leave the foot fetish club that he was attending.

That is newsworthy.

Let's start this football #threadcast #epl #game

Do we have to scroll down to the bottom to see the latest replies in a threadcast?

Anyway pissed off as Millwall blew a 3-1 halftime lead and fucked their playoff chance for the epl!

#football #tengocrypto

Yes. We need to fix that and bring the new threads on top. I am still sulking for NCFC to slump to mid table

NCFC as in Norwich? ah well would be good if Boro were back in the top league.

Newcastle Sunderland and Middlesborough have some of the best fans number wise in England!

yes, NCFC fan here. It is tough to explain to others who I support ha ha

Do we have to scroll down to the bottom to see the latest replies in a threadcast?

Sadly yes and click refresh in your browser. I am hoping that the comments get reversed in the UI at some point so they appear on the top.

Thanks for that, that is a bummer, I was hoping I just had a goosed version as I am using a chromebook!

It would be way cooler to get them reversed, not easy unless a dynamic feed which am thinking is not on the horizon for a while.

I do not know the capabilities of Leoinfra. But since there is a middleware between the UI and the blockchain, there is the potential to do something, or so I would think in my non technical mind.

That's the only option we have for now. Sadly it's tiring

ah well, if we want to join in, then I guess we just get used to it

Of course, I had to scroll all the way down to get the gist of the post.

Everton needs this match the more and they're currently holding out, I just hope they can end up surviving the relegation battles

I agree. Everton needs this result more. But I wish Brighton play in Europe next year.

Hey friend, @taskmaster said I was gonna find you here 😂, How's it going with the match? #threads247 #threads

All good in the hood. Southampton losing 1-0 so far

Oh, it seems like they didn't see that coming. Which side do you think will win?

Forest are winning 2-1 so far. It can go either way.

Okay, let's see how it goes then

I dont know. I am just here to make fun of @rmsadkri.

Task is learning @luchyl. he will be writing blogposts on EPL pretty soon :P

LOL going to need a lot more education.

I cant name one player in the league or the name of one team.

You know Manchester United and you now know Haaland from Manchester City

That would be great @taskmaster. Are we expecting one soon.

But I think he beat you to it, hehehe

That might be true @luchyl.

He is a quick one. Have to be careful of @rmsadkri. He is a witty one.

Hehehehe, you noticed that too?

Yeah. He is a bit of a whiner but he is witty. Do not sleep on his intelligence.

But good you made it in here.

I don't decline invites especially on threads. 😂

I dont decline invites anywhere because I dont get that many.

Seems we are on the same table, hahaha. I'm more of an

LOL yes. We are just looking to get invited somewhere.

And thanks for the invite. It was worth the read

Wow 150 comments in this threadcast. Awesome jobs all you #epl lovers.

We managed to do this without many to contribute. Imagine if we have all the #EPL people around. It can easily be 500 comments threadcast.

Just think if the #epl threadcast could do 500, we only did like 3200 per day last week.

It would be a massive impact.

Add Champions league football to that. Cricket matches between Australia, England and India and NHL

I expect @jongolson to lead #nfl threadcasts each Sunday when the season kicks off. He has a #sports show so they should all show up and talk football (American).

We just need Hive to stop by and check out the show lol

I am well aware. I spend most of my time in the #mets threadcast talking to myself.

But have to do it to set the foundation. Yes get half a dozen #epl fans in a threadcast, you will hit 500 or so during the course of the day.

yes. EPL is huge and has global appeal

What team do you root for @rmsadkri?

My team plays in the second division. Norwich City Football Club

Oh, and I don't see you people coming to #epl anything time soon

:| i know

I support Brighton in the premier league this season. Just to promote an underdog team doing good without much resources

So you dont have a lifelong team?

I know it can be very territorial and generational over there. People root for their teams and it is like a religion. Serious stuff.

I support Norwich. They are not in the premier league.

What is the non-premeir league called? Is there a name?

Championship. The second division football in England. Norwich is 13th in the second division league.

Brighton is playing #everton right now. #epl Everton is turning the heat on by leading.

Funny enough, Everton is leading by 0:3 , this is unbelievable for me, especially a team that defeated machester United last time.

I know. i am shocked. Not sure what happened to the home side today.

What is the score?

It is 3-0 for #everton. They were in the bottom waiting for relegation. With this win, they may save relegation. This is a huge result.

This scoreline has so many consequences in terms of relegation battle and the top 5 finish #epl

Everton are second from the bottom waiting for relegation. If they manage to win this game, they will jump to 16th place above the relegation zone #epl #football

Honestly they're doing themselves that favour right now beating Brighton will be a big statement for them and now they're doing that

They will be crying tears of joy

Absolutely. I am all for #football threadcasts. Where are all the #pl fans?

@nonsowrites who are the others?

@stevenson7 is another one. Btw tasky's football is American football. Our football is their soccer

I do not care what he says. It is #football :)

Aye aye captain

Brighton on the other hand will have to stay mid table. With the win, they can may be play in Europe next season #epl #football

Way to go mats

Can someone explain in here what it means to move up or down in a division?

How does that work?

There are multiple tiers. EPL is the top league where the top three teams from the Championship side (second division) are promoted every year. Last three from EPL are relegated down every year. There are two other leagues below that.

What is you were a stud team for a decade, always at the top of the league and, due to injuries, had a very bad season. Does tha tmean the team drop down a division based upon one year of performance?

Yes. That can happen. Many good top tier teams from yester years are now playing third tier league. The competition is fierce. The Ryan Reynold's team was promoted to the fourth tier league this season.

How many tiers are there?

Four tiers of competitive league and the national league below that. Ryan Reynold's team won the national league to get promoted to the lowest tier of competitive football

With as little bias as possible, where is the best football in Europe?

Is it #epl? Or another league?

Has to be Epl but that's highly debatable because when it comes to the most successful in Europe, were taking Spain and Italy but when we're taking competition and maybe most watched league, #epl takes the crown home.


Which do you prefer? #epl or Spain or Italy?

What is your favorite?

Epl is definitely my favourite because it has my favourite team and also because it is albeit arguably, more competitive.

No other place than the English premier

A lot seem to lean that way. I wonder if the Italians and Spanish would agree with that. LOL

#epl is the most watch league game right now anywhere In thr world, the stats are there.

#EPL is the most successful league in terms of viewership. Spain, Germany and Italy are in par with EPl in terms of quality of the top teams. France is also good but not all the teams are as good.

Everton made it 3-0. An own goal buried Brigthon deep into the trouble hole. I am not sure if they are coming back from this mess.

It is halftime. Let's see what will happen in the second half #epl #football

The second half is on and miracle's are yet to happen, honestly I don't see them turning this over

Me neither. Brighton almost scored though.

With that loss against Fulham, Leicester is back in the battle for relegation. What a game #epl #football

That's good for them.
I hope they are ready for the next match.

I did not watch the game live but it is interesting to watch the replay. An eight goal #EPL thriller #football

That's one good thing about replay matches. It gives football lovers the opportunity to watch live matches they missed.

If Nottm Forest managed to win the next game, Leicester will be back in the relegation zone. #relegation battle is always interesting in #epl #football

They are up against Chelsea so that's out of the question

You again? :P ha ha

Always me bud 😂

Yes yes. A game with Chelsea is not looking bad after the 4-0 thrashing :)

Brighton made four substitutions in the second half. Let's see if that pays #epl #football

Am not currently seeing them getting out of this 0:3 down is something huge

A goal from Brighton could quickly change things.

52 minutes and it is still 3-0 for #everton #epl #football

OMG. It is 4-0 for #everton

Brighton fought back 4-1 is the scoreline

Look at this, over 50 comments in the #epl threadcast.

Good job so far.

Thank you for pitching in.

Need to set the tone. People need examples of what is possible.

The #ctt threadcast had roughly 400 on Saturday between the two they set up.

We need to have a daily #epl one topping 100 per day.

We have another game where we are using the same threadcast. #EPL is easily one of the top, engaging threadcasts if managed well

Certainly I would think the same threadcast for now is the way to go. If there are more people, can break it out based upon the game.

We need the threadcast scheduler.

Yes. It would be super easy if we have a place to post #threadcasts on the home page

Threadcast scheduler sounds like a great idea

That threadcast was a boom.
You know when interesting topics are brought up on threadcast and the link shared out too , it will surely get massive engagement.

Yeah. It is a great way to engage based around certain events. Elections, awards shows,

That's it.

I can do with the compliments too

You are all compliments 100%

Thanks you. 🤗

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/2)Dear @rmsadkri, you just got hugged. on behalf of @luchyl.

That's great. Didn't know @rmsadkri is a sports analyst. You are doing well Gee.

I am not. I am a sports fan and that's it

Well, a good fan is usually an analyst especially when it has to do with in sports banter,😂

That I agree. True.

I'm glad you do. So more of it and don't forget to tag me on the next EPL threadcast.

Who is the big dog?

I know Manchester United is one of the best known clubs.

Right now it is Manchester City. Arsenal is coming back to life after many years of slump.

Yeah there is usually a rotating cycle of talent in most #sports.

Yes. for #EPL it is also about the oil money that is being pumped into clubs

Money is money. Look at American politics. Dig into where some of that money comes from.

ha ha true

It is 5-1 full time. Brighton thrashed. Everton elated.

What a display of character by Everton to play against Brighton away from home. The aways fans must be singing all night long. #epl #football

This threadcast needs to top 100.

There has to be at least 100 things to comment on in #epl today.

We have another game coming up in 10 minutes. That may add more comments.

Who is playing? Where are those teams ranked?

We are five minutes away from the Nottm Forest vs Southampton game. Predict the score #epl #football

Love Forest but have a soft spot for Southampton, not looked at the table, but guess Southampton are done already or will be if they lose?

Yes. They will go down if they lose. they are losing 1-0 so far.

Almost 100 comments here... Ain't watching football 😒

You should. Fun times :) What do you watch?

I watched Football world cup first time wen hive hfpl was ongoing... I do watch and play Cricket 🏏

Of course you watch cricket. Loving the series in New Zealand?

Yeaaaah, it was 5th and last odi yesterday... My team lost and new Zealand won.. tho we won the series by 4-1.

That's comprehensive. Who are they playing next?

You know while growing up, I was a fan of wrestlemania but now the interest has waned. Can't remember

For football, I only wait for when the team scores so I can shout goaaaalll

But the comments are enlightening enough. Seems like one is actually watching a match. 🤣 Courtesy of @rmsadkri

Who is the stud player in #epl these days? The Lebron James of that league?

It has to be Haaland he is the best of the best who is storming the league this season with flurry of goals

Southampton conceded a goal pretty early. it is 2-0 for Forest. Looks like the relegation battle will continue till the very last game this season #epl #football

A goal for Southampton


Southampton is not going down easy. This is an exciting match. #epl #football

A penalty for Forest. 3-1 it is. A costly penalty for Southampton right before half time.

This game has huge implications to all 6 teams playing to avoid relegation.

This game is not over yet. Southampton managed to score again. it is 3-2 and this is anybody's game now.

Not a blow out. That means it is a close contest. Always good to see.

Who was favored in this match?

These are the two teams battling out the relegation. The last and and the second last in the board. With this win, Forest can come out of the danger zone. They are 4-2 up. Southampton will relegate if they lose (almost).

I presume going down in league means a lot less money, both for the team and players.

yes. That's true. Less funding and losing top players.

Are players on multi-year contracts like in the states? Or are they one year deals over there?

The pendulum swings on Forest's favour again. They score to make it 4-2. Southampton playing for the PL now.

This game is so competitive. Southampton made it 4-3 in the 96 mins. The game is still on #epl

11 mins of extra time and it is still 4-3. Forest can't breathe a sigh of relief yet


The final Score. Forest prevailed and Southampton may have lost the crucial match. #epl

What does it mean for Southampton?

Are they going to get dropped down in league?

We have three more games left until the final confirmation. They are likely going down. Pretty confident about that.

Are there #epl games everyday?

No. They are normally on the weekends. They had these games to adjust the calendar to accommodate other cup games

My final design was a defeat for the dragon;

Has your mission been accepted yet? I saw that few of the artist's roles were completed so far.

Yeah, mine has been approved as well. #gosh

You have done well, but I guess you can do better mate, this is nice, I wish it will count

Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here. I hope to have fun and meet new people. Come on, let's have fun together..

Hello, Timmy! Have a fabulous day.

Thank you

Hello! Welcome to the Lions!

Thank you so much

Am happy to see you too. Fun all the way to #

Welcome to Leothreads #ezuntimmy.

Dive right in and thread away.

it’s crazy how many people complain about curation

If you are here only to get upvoted, probs best to move on

Upvotes and financial incentives are def a big part of the economy here but there’s more to community building than “payoffs”

By the way, for those threading, I see you upvoting a lot of threads. I know i am torching my VP with threads.

Seems micro-earning is a great way to get curation rewards.

I am fixed on 5% upvote to threads

Me too. It gives people a little bit of HP and LEO.

Nothing wrong with the return for effort put in regarding Threads.

yes. My upvote will give some earnings on $LEO but not on $HIVE

there’s more to community building than “payoffs”

There is the ability to make fun of @khaleelkazi endlessly. What can top that?

Have you ever stopped to think that your reality and your aspirations are very different from those of many users who swim aimlessly in the wide sea of Hive and Leo?

I do think that sometimes

But LEO is the biggest community on #hive. Product-market fit will always win in the end

If I am wrong about the long-term direction, then the whole project would lose its userbase

But, we’re growing 🤷🏽‍♂️

I guess this is from individuals who don't understand, how things are being run here, this is not a get rich quick scheme, I guess users should be enlightened more on upvote issues

I am almost scared to comment on this thread :P Upvote me please :D

When I am motivated, I am going to use Peakd to open half a dozen of your threads and downvote them.

Lucky for you I will forget before I get around to it.

I like to thank god for giving you the ability to forget. P.S. 100% of upvotes on my threads are yours :P

Yeah well I has a soft spot for those the foolish. Most simply step over you.

But I am a sweetheart, even if forgetful.

Do you remember that though? That you are a sweetheart?

Certainly. Something like that is impossible to forget.

Along with losing ones virginity and first arrest.

Actually we don't want to waste any small amount. With that little amount we can do a Kitten Attack by staking $leo

That is absolutely correct. I'm really enjoying the engagements here.

Elon Musk has announced their plans to purge all Twitter accounts that haven't been active for the past few years. This would be impossible to do on Hive because the blockchain is immutable.

At some point everyone needs Active Users as d real projection of network strenth be it Hive or Twitter or Facebook,otherwise based on d accounts,it will be graveyards after 20/30 years,imagine those having a social account will die one day

Don't scare me please. :P

The only eternal truth is death. It's not scary. Art of Dying is a beautiful chapter, I will someday talk about that too.

Tag me in when you do.

Sure, I will.

Yep. Plus there is nobody to purge the accounts. That is what comes with true account ownership.

That is the foundation of #web3

it can be not possible. Because Hive is decentralized

Hello everyone My Name is Zitalove. I'm here for the Leofinance campaign.


Hey welcome onboard. Thread your way up

Thank you
I will

Good to see you, more users are joining on daily basis, it shows how important the contest is becoming.... welcome onboard

Thank you dear.
I can't wait to participate fully

Welcome @zitalove.

Jump right I and thread away.

Alright then
Thanks for the warm welcome 🤗


Warm welcome to you. Let's thread.

Hey Zita, you are most welcome. If you need any kinda helps just make a thread about it

Thank you @cyclopshive I can't wait to thread my problems and thoughts

Poll was posted while most of Europe was asleep.

Vote on your favorite sports league.

#threads is taking 30 % of my daily activities. What about you?

  1. No take 96% ha ha

Somehow too, I have to multitask today at work, threading and doing office duty at the same

You are an amateur until it takes up 70%. Then you are a true Lion.

It's taking more than 30% of mine.

Perhaps you are giving #threads too little of your time [30%], why not try 80%and see how

it's taking 100% of my spare time to be honest

Ok so today I learned there is a profession in the uk called tree surgeon. It's very important as they keep trees from growing into power lines

They have that job here but without the fancy title.

But yes the utility company is always cutting back the trees. And they hack the hell out of them, no contouring whatsoever.

I didn't know that yet. So interesting. I think we need one of these here.

Never heard of one around here. Mostly, people would just cut the trees when they grow big and near power lines.

Yea, it's the same here. We don't have someone dedicated to that role. People just do it if they see a situation like that

But it will be good if places have such a profession :)

The market cross in Alnwick, North East England !

#travel #england #teamuk #fun

The architecture and monuments around the world are truly amazing. It is stunning to see what some people created.

This one is a masterpiece

Is that a street market?
It looks like a park

Love the cloudy sky

Making a customer wait for so long isn't ideal. It's been 2 long hours already when it was just supposed to be 30 minutes.

#gosh #feelings #liotes.

Then go ahead and attend to the customer quickly, so that you can continue *threads

If only they know that they are eating into my threads time.

You can still make up for it

It's late at night already.
But I'd see what I can do.

That seems to be the norm within the corporate world. Seems to be the epitome of the culture, to take customers for granted.

Sometimes, it feels like they are paid to fraustrat customers. The annoying part is that they aren't always remorseful about it.

It stems from the fact that employees do not care. Of course, the way companies treat their employees, it is understandable why.

You are right. Someeemployers treat their workers as slaves. Owe them salaries and still expect them to be committed at work. It doesn't work that way. But the employee are afraid to revolt cos they wouldn't want to loose their jobs

That is very true. We had a bunch of that in the US for the last 40 years. The demographics created a situation where few had any power. The numbers were simply against the workers.

Yours was 40 years ago, ours here is still ongoing. Workers have no right to complain or protest. Try it and it's a sack for you.

Most of them aren't at all. How would they be when they know nothing about ethics and professionalism

Some of them actually need proper training for these things.

No they rarely are. They feel that they are are doing you a favor

When in actually sense, we are both doing ourselves a favor.

Exactly. It's a two way thing. Without the customers, the business won't exist, and without the business customers needs won't be satisfied

That's exactly how it is supposed to be seen.

Good morning dear.

Oh, dear. I understand that feeling. It's just frustrating. Some businesses do not know the value of customer relationships. Just hang in there, it will be okay

#threads247 #threads

Another long wait!

Just when decided to step out.tch

Right, but sometimes the system or other things fail, sorry to hear that

This was a clear case of favouritism.

Thank you so much.

Quiero volver pronto a este sitio, #playa del caribe venezolano... Estoy enfocado, así que pronto les traigo más noticias.


Beautiful and captivating picture.

Thank you, you are invited to the Venezuelan shores.

brother que chimba de playa, pa quedar insolado de tanto disfrutarla, te queda muy lejos?

Hey amigo, siii. Me queda algo retirado pero ya en planes para ir y volverla a conquistar

Sé que lo lograras, es cuestión de decidirlo y trazar el objetivo, ya nos compartirás algunas imágenes en el futuro de esa playa

Pronto volverás a esa playa mi hermano, esos azules mezclados de cielo y mar, ese contraste, esa brisa marina, casi puedo aspirar ese olor natural de mar. Ya me dieron ganas de ir a visitar a mi madre. #spanish

No se diga mas manito, cúmplase🙏

Threaders are missing Khal's juicy upvotes for two days. Where are you Khal? See the incremental increase of activity and engagement in Leofinance. It's making headlines everywhere in the Hive ecosystem.

Might have run into some trouble. I am not sure the foot fetish club has all of its permits. There might have been a raid and he was caught up in it.

Ha ha ha...are you joking...or seriously.

It was the weekend, mind you not seen him for a while here, I guess I am not active at all!


I like the tag #tengocrypto

hehe back in Aug & Sept I used to use it & was right up there in top tags, been asking what the fluff is #tengocrypto

So thought with this zealy , it gives me an idea of how many thrads I am doinf, of course I don't use it all the time.

Nice. I like the rhythm.

Leofinance people must be crazy with so many things to take care of and solve

Definitely, with lot of Quest and tasks to meet up with right now, it is definitely not an easy one mate

After a insane comeback, from 3-12 to 16-14, Grayhound lose to Apeks 0-16. What a roller coaster of emotions this must be. #csgo Paris Major

I guess they didn't see that coming

#threads247 #threads #liotes

Yeah, they even laughing after the match haha

Laugh, that's a good one. They are jolly good fellows.

They have 2 chances yet, is not time to desperate.

I now get it. 😅
But what if they loose those chances?

They are out of the tournament. 1Win 1Lose at the moment, 3 wins advance for the next stage, 3 losses, eliminated.

This week Hive engagement league list of active Engagers is out and I have made a big jump into top 15 this time.

Next week aim is to enter in top 3! Let's begin with the engagement.


Seeing myself doing well on that list too shocked me, but it as a result of my consistency here anyway

Yeah man you're so consistent... Well deserved! Gotta keeeep it up.

Kick ass and get typing.

I dont follow that one closely enough but threading has to help.

Yeah on it.

Threading helped a lot like top 15 are mostly those who engaged a lot on threads.

This is my first time here posting about #woo #woogame for their zealy quests. @wrestorgonline

A great topic to post about! I hope you voted in the ongoing #woo #woogame thread polls too!

Welcome to LeoThreads #ladymisa.

Dive in and thread away.

Good to have you around, I want to believe you're enjoying your time here mate


The #epl threadcast has gotten over 50 comments in about an hour. Can you imagine was a few of us can do in a #nfl threadcast come regular season?


We need to get these North American sports fans active lol

Is a cat able to cry like a baby?
The cat I heard crying outside my window last night was scary.
It felt like witches and wizards were having a meeting.

hahaha, when last did you attend their meeting? If none, then how did you know their routine? You're a suspect

Are you sure it's not bushbaby

Hmm, I really don't know what it is and it was so scary

😂 and how do you know the cries of wishes and wizards

I think cats do. We have a neighbor's cat at the other place who often cries at night and the sound of it is like a baby's cry.

They actually evolved to sound like a human baby, I remember reading a study about it, that is how basically they domesticated us and not the other way around haha and that is why they are so cute to us, until they scare us at midnight lol

Yes they cry like a little baby and I have also observed.. lol
Hope you understand before calling the ghost busters lol

Really, people around where I live call it bad omen. Hehe

They can do an eerie howl. Males fighting sound awful and female cats in heat also cry loudly.

But what does it mean spiritually?

Have you seen the latest Tweet by @leofinance?

This is going to drive you crazy and turn you from being a Lion to being a Bull

#inflation #tokenomics

But but but I need more $LEO ser

Ples leave some $leo for me too

You are the next big $LEO personality :)

Dream ser dreaaaam.

Not that tough though. Remember we are only 1000 users. Don't you think you can be one of the leaders of that pack?

those old days.

I'm giving my best and hopefully one day we gonna be leader of the lion pack. I'm sure you gonna become one of leader real soon.

😲 wow wow, some more

It is never enough.

At all, we always want some more

Bulls coming back for $LEO

Yes. Good updates :)

The rapid growth is so interesting, i

guess something great is about to happen in the community

Burn those tokens!!


I am enjoying this low price right now as I buy leo everyday. Let's keep it like that...hehe.

I see that this tweet is now part of the Zealy campaign to (liked, retweeted and commented)

I did, and this topic is something I'm just recently learning about. The whole movement makes me realize why economics in my country are so messed up. Like all the bad decisions they could take, they did. But I'm here now to lets go up!

Great things are happening. These are really awesome

Lion bull hybrids

You think you've got everything figured out on Hive? wait till #Hive surprises you, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you HiveDesk 😄

#ladiesofhive #culture #newbieshive #gosh

Hive is to big for one to know everything. I will check it out later

It sure is


Wow what could it be about? I'm checking it out

Thanks for sharing it here

You sure should and you are welcome

I just did, that was one good one from Finguru

Yeah it's a good one

It is interesting to see what you did in just 5 minutes. Am waiting for the tutorial

Lol it's not for me o, I saw the post and decided to share it on leothreads

That is boost to hive blockchain

It sure is


This is a summary of my Leo Finance introduction post, #threadstorm style for the TL;DR among us ;)

(Link to full post at the end) 👇


Me in a nutshell:

  • I’ve been writing all my life, both professionally and personally
  • I am Canadian 🍁
  • Went to school for psychology & business, ended up in marketing

Psychology + Business = a killer combo for marketing. Why am I not surprised reading this?

Aye, that's what I was thinking when navigating the ol' university experience. I focused on Social Psych too so social media was also a solid alignment. It's all served me pretty well so far 😊


My main hobby besides writing is playing board games or strategy games (I love game design and have dabbled in that before). I try to play a heavy (3 hours+) board game once a week at minimum.


Finance-thinking is increasingly important in my field (e.g. identifying marketing ROI), and I’ve always self-directed the majority of my personal investments. Math and finance tie neatly into many aspects of game design too!


🦁 How I can help @leofinance

  • Content and/or marketing expertise as LF grows
  • Connecting LF to Web3 communities outside of Hive
  • Helping in the LF mission to demystify finance for Hiveans in general


My goals in #Web3 are to stay close to the Hive revolution, keep tabs on what’s going on in the other big spaces, & look for signs & opportunities to create interoperability, partnerships, & chances for magical serendipity.


Found #hive through @splinterlands (shocker). But what really sealed the deal was a surprise @ocd curation on one of my first ever posts. Blew my mind. And $HIVE was close to $1 back when that happened.


I've been involved in many Hive projects since:

Lots of fun promoting CTPX and Being Active on the Site!
Got 5 CTPM as a random reward for getting a couple of referrals this last week.

#gosh #ctp #xplore

That's really awesome, Lisa. Congrats! I've not been there today.

It is on my agenda every day.
Have a great one! 😆

Thanks very much, @ifarmgirl-leo!

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(14/50)@ifarmgirl-leo! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961.

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(14/20)@ifarmgirl-leo! to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

Awesome dear lucky one..
I am trying my luck every day too lol

It's well worth it and not very much effort at all.
Have a Happy Midweek Day! 😆

Thanks very much, @guurry123!

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(15/50)@guurry123! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961.

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(15/20)@guurry123! to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

@luckyali has explained the market and $HIVE price affect

#threads #gosh

Do you like cat?
What do you think about it?

#leofinance #threads #liotes #cats #nature #hive #cuba

Yes, it's my favorite pet. They don't make too much noise like a dog and is usually calm.

Yes, I agree with you, I love the cat, it is beautiful pets, thank you for the comments, have a great day, best regards 🙋🙋

Me gustan bastante, pero soy más de perritos. A mi mamá se le coló en el patio una gata con sus dos gaticos 😵 así que ahora tiene gatos aunque no los estaba buscando😝

Jjjj yo tengo mi patio llenos de gatos de los vecinos, es bueno, así me espantan los ratones, gracias por comentar, saludos

Don't like them.

Not after watching the my cat from hell show, lol

Dogs for the win

Thank you so much dear friend for the comments, best regards 🙋🙋

Love kitties

Thank you so much dear friend, have a great day, best regards 🙋🙋🙋

I love them. They know how to show love... mine is so cute inside but feisty af outside. It's always tired and hut because he likes to fight with his brother... but with me is all love

Thank you so much dear lady for the comments, 🌺🌺have great day, best regards 🙋🙋

There are 5 pages