
Yes, it's my favorite pet. They don't make too much noise like a dog and is usually calm.

Yes, I agree with you, I love the cat, it is beautiful pets, thank you for the comments, have a great day, best regards 🙋🙋

Me gustan bastante, pero soy más de perritos. A mi mamá se le coló en el patio una gata con sus dos gaticos 😵 así que ahora tiene gatos aunque no los estaba buscando😝

Jjjj yo tengo mi patio llenos de gatos de los vecinos, es bueno, así me espantan los ratones, gracias por comentar, saludos

Don't like them.

Not after watching the my cat from hell show, lol

Dogs for the win

Thank you so much dear friend for the comments, best regards 🙋🙋

Love kitties

Thank you so much dear friend, have a great day, best regards 🙋🙋🙋

I love them. They know how to show love... mine is so cute inside but feisty af outside. It's always tired and hut because he likes to fight with his brother... but with me is all love

Thank you so much dear lady for the comments, 🌺🌺have great day, best regards 🙋🙋