Do we have to scroll down to the bottom to see the latest replies in a threadcast?
Sadly yes and click refresh in your browser. I am hoping that the comments get reversed in the UI at some point so they appear on the top.
Do we have to scroll down to the bottom to see the latest replies in a threadcast?
Sadly yes and click refresh in your browser. I am hoping that the comments get reversed in the UI at some point so they appear on the top.
Thanks for that, that is a bummer, I was hoping I just had a goosed version as I am using a chromebook!
It would be way cooler to get them reversed, not easy unless a dynamic feed which am thinking is not on the horizon for a while.
I do not know the capabilities of Leoinfra. But since there is a middleware between the UI and the blockchain, there is the potential to do something, or so I would think in my non technical mind.