My 7-day engagement stat:-
I have spoken to 83 unique people.
Depth-2 engagement(replies of replies)- 152
Total nos of comments- 354
Average per day- 50 (approx)
My 7-day engagement stat:-
I have spoken to 83 unique people.
Depth-2 engagement(replies of replies)- 152
Total nos of comments- 354
Average per day- 50 (approx)
Great statistics
That is pretty impressive set of numbers and great example to emulate and grow organically
Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
Your skill of analysis is your hallmark I really appreciate it
No no. I am still a student and want to be a student who never graduate. I am learning a lot from others.
I am jealous. You talked to 82 users other than me.
Ha ha...I have mostly talked to you in the last 2/3 days.
I know I know I am the spammer.
No, not at all.
I am scared sometimes. People can tag you anything.
Very funny, I guess you should be part of that number, cause you're always everywhere mate.
I know. i am the spam everyone is talking about.
That is how engagement works. Plus you have truly engaged based upon our interaction; not one word replies.
Thank you so much. That's what it should be. We should optimally utilize the 240-character limits to produce useful, creative, and thought-provoking content. The qualitative aspect should not be compromised in any way.
Agreed. You would think it not a difficult challenge. Threads should explode especially looking at the long form content over the past three years. Most were microblogging there before it was offered on Leofinance.
Human psychology is primed in such a way that they used to be hesitant towards long-form content, but that's not the case with micro-blogging, the same people ended up reading a threadstorm when they read the very first thread in it.
I was implying that most of the long form were not. So many posts of 100 words and people expecting to be taken seriously.
Yes, even some of them are getting good payout.
This is awesome, you have done well for yourself, good to see you come out with such stats
Thank you. And you are also doing good. It's now turning out to be a collective public good.