Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: DIEM Sold (01/28/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It’s very quite today…. Don’t you think.

I’m saving up some hive for the PUD soon. Will be my first. Shall be fun to join in that day 😎

Pullbacks in price tend to lead to people not being as active. We see that each time the price of $HIVE drops.

As was stated just keep active and growing your wallet. When the bull returns, so were the people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Pullbacks in price tend to lead to people not being as active.

If they were smart however, they would do the opposite.

Remember that you receive a higher number of tokens for your rewards when prices are lower.

So they should be taking the opportunity to earn more tokens for being active while prices are down.

Then stop posting and sell what they've earned when prices rise and the number of tokens you receive for rewards drop.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's always this way. People get excited and motivated when things are going up, and lazy and depressed when things are going down.

That's why we need to disassociate ourselves from focusing on price, and focus instead on number of tokens in our bags. The price we can't do anything about. How many tokens we have in our bags when the price returns to higher levels is almost completely within our control. Stick with what you can control. Your future self will thank you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Amazing how many people's emotional state depends upon the market. It is pure foolishness to allow the insane to dictate how you feel. Yet that is what they do with the bi-polar being called the market.

I agree about just keep filling the bags. Every token of a quality project that goes in is going to pay off that much greater in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"How many tokens are in our bags" I like that. Keeping that number in mind, while building and engaging with the community is the way forward.

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Has anyone written a long-form post based on this topic or explanation? I think it would help the light bulb turn on over people's heads when they understand what's happening.

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Alright, it's now on my to-do list ;)

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If they were smart however, they would do the opposite.

Isnt that the practice of most people. Do they not sell in the markets when they should be buying and vice versa?

I agree they should do the opposite: get busy when markets are down. Alas, for years we saw the resistance so it is not likely to change anytime soon.

Ironic that each time they come back they do an announcement post like we were waiting for them. Many talk about how they missed out by being away yet repeat the same behavior.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You know what? I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it pisses me off. As with the last HIVE price run over $3 in 2021.

One unnamed dude published a well-rewarded "I'm back!" post after a friend alerted him that Hive was pumping. He'd fled last time when the price was down, and now returned to a hero's welcome once he heard the price was up. Wash, rinse, repeat.

If you have a good reason to be gone, that's fine. But it's the same people time and time again.

Let the HIVE price drop, and they scatter like cockroaches when the light comes on.

(deep breaths EverNoticeThat... Think of Unicorns and sandy beaches...)

We need to keep the people top of mind who hang around through the good times and the bad, and keep building Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true, this is the best time to even work harder and do

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is what I found. When things slow down, time to increase the activity.

Strive for larger goals in terms of what you are doing on here. In fact, double whatever you are doing, especially in terms of comments if possible.

That is how we can take advantage of the situation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@taskmaster4450le That is just strange to me. Like the others say… they should remain active. As you can buy more Hive now. But noticeable… there is a lot less engagement lately.

But… I’m just doing what I’m doing. Continue building… growing. FOR ALL! 😎

As stated above, it is the opposite of what people should do yet that does not stop them. We are the ones who benefit since we can stand out more and less "competition" in the reward pool.

Keep doing what you are and growing your account. In 6 months, you will be in much better shape. The last week has been a great start for you.

How may LEO did you accumulate over the last 7 days? Are you monitoring that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will @taskmaster4450le looking forward to it. The next 6 months. 😎

I just started receiving LEO in the last 7 days. So can track it. I have right now 7.12 Leo staked and the coming 7 days… pending are 29.15 LEO. If the stats of hivestats are correct. Most of the time it still shows 000000 everywhere. But I keep track of it.
This is all earnings, as I’m not buying anything.
Small beginnings 😊 still proud of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Once again, when we look at the percentages, you are looking at a huge jump.

Starting with 7 and getting 29 over the next 7 days, that will give you a 5X in a week.

Nothing like 400% growth.

Keep it up. Your influence on Leofinance, as well as Hive, is growing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, a big jump… 😎 will do my best. I do know the longer you are here the harder those jumps will be.

I remember when I first started on LeoMarketTalk, and after awhile noticed all of these LEO tokens coming seemingly out of nowhere.

I thought it must be a bug or something, and I'd have to pay it all back! :) The guys here were happy to tell me that it was all from upvotes related to my comments.

I had no idea, and was just enjoying the interactions with the community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is funny 😉 yes… earning and at the same time having so much fun interacting. A great combo 😎

I'm working on a couple of posts, and when I do that my engagement drops. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep both posting and engagement high. Sooner or later I'll figure it out, but it won't be today.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I work on one post at a time. Engage in the morning and evening a little. Not sure if I can continue this rhythm but for now it works for me. Everybody needs to find what works for them. It will be all different for different people.

My preference is to work on one post at a time and do comments here and there. Unfortunately for me, when I work on a post I end up in a rabbit hole or a block hole, so commenting takes a hit. If I have to make images for a post beyond the cover image, that's my day right there. As a result, I end up publishing 1 post a week, maybe 2; some weeks go with 0 posts, and that's not good for me.

Recently I started experimenting with working on a massive post which I can break up into chunks which can get posted one time each day. I'm also experimenting with meta-posts: the post I want to publish, plus a "behind the scenes" post explaining tools and processes I used to make the original post. Both take me a while and I may be missing for a bit, but after they're done I can publish them 1 a day for maybe a week or longer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I understand @magnacarta that takes time.
Sounds like you are on to something. Yes, publish them in bits. It will give you more posts. I was thinking about that. If I would have posts with over 50 photos… breaking it up. Part 1, 2 etc.

My daily posts… on a weekly basis, 3 of them are contest posts and the others are my own blogs… photography and artworks with progress steps. So I mix it all up.

I luckily have folders from my photos, tons of them. Organised them over the years. Haven’t publish them on-line though…. Some are in my printshop.
So easy access to my photography now.
My art… I finished over the last 10 years. I already shared most steps /how to progresses on-line. Some are even published in magazines. ( which I will share soon )
So again I have it ready to include in a post. I now just add steps or leave a few out.

The only thing for me that is really hard…. Writing the blog around it. The written part. Never done that to this degree. Blogging… I mean. So learning as I go.
Also my English… still learning English since 2011.

Hope it works out for you and you find what is best… time wise and how much to post. 😊

PUD you say,what is PuD.

Really wished I get to know more about this, pretty new and just getting used to things on leofinace

You power up some HIVE and you get a little badge in Hive.buzz. Plus, depending upon how much you have, you are entered into drawings for prizes that usually include HivePower delegations. Like 500 HP or something. They're fun and give people a reason to build their accounts. The key to this place is building enough power that you can keep increasing how much your votes are worth. You get half of your upvotes returned to you in HP after all. So the more your votes are worth, the more you get back.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive PUD is Hive Power Up Day.

On the first day of every month, the community is encouraged to power up their HIVE.

All a bit of fun :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What's the difference between Power Up Day and powering up HIVE whwnever, especially if every day is Power Up Day for some people?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No difference.

The whole PUD thing is just a bit of fun and to get the community educated and engaged.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You get a badge from @hivebuzz for Powering Up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day (which is held during the first day of each month) and get listed among those who participated on the PUD. Other than that, there are no benefits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Before November, I wouldn't have been able to participate in HPUD even if I wanted to. Now that I have the HIVE to do so, I'm still not feeling it. Someday I may participate in an HPUD, but for now I'll just let the HP accumulate as it had been.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's totally up to you if you want to participate in #HiveBuzz challenges (and how you will participate in case you decide to join).

Have some !ALIVE.

This is a good time to consolidate and accumulate, so we can punch through when things recover. I feel good about what's coming up in 2022.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt. It is really not a tough concept. When things are down, add to your bags. Then when the bull returns, in USD terms, you will be that much further ahead.

I am not sure why this is not noticed by most people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Every little bit counts. Just take your time and you can always save it for next month if you can't get enough.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Managed it well @jfang003 when I saw a post (January and now February) from @traciyork about it. I will have a little over 10HP to power up. Still 2 conversions today and tomorrow. 😉 so just in time.

Are we going to see some LEO powered up alongside your HIVE? ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Every day is Leo Power Up Day in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well there will definitely be some LEO powered up along with my HIVE when the 1st rolls around for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We will definitely power up some Leo, I still consider Leo as a good buy

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't see a reason why I'll not go for the old ones or other alternatives.

This is creepy as hell, there might be some glitch or other disadvantage, that might one way or the other affect user.

We'll see how things turn out later, but, ain't buying anything with such features. Never

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many companies in the tech industry like to copy whatever Apple does. If this takes off, I could see others aping it as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Many company?? Yes, but not all I guess. This is a business world so I think we'll have one who is anti-apple someday.

I never bought and apple product before which I don't see myself buying in the future too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think I would like them to know about all that information. If they release something like this, I refuse to buy it and I hope other people agree. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Doctors started tracking the information and sold it to Apple instead...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Or the other way around...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely creepy. Probably innovative but...I can't imagine wanting to put someone else's earbuds in my ear anyway. Gross.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can’t have headphones on or in my ears. No idea why. But they annoy and irritate me. Some even painful. Will never buy anything like this anyway.

(I do have tinnitus… what drives me nuts. Since a few years. A high pitch ringing in both ears. No obvious cause I could say is the origin. Wished they invent something that works for that… )

That sounds gross.

It's also another form of biometric scanning. We're used to finger prints, palm prints, full body scans to capture blood vessel patterns, even retina scans. Ear canal scans seem to be more invasive.

I stick to old-school headphones in the form factor of Beats by Dre, gaming headphones, or whatever is used in radio stations and music studios.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's the wild west in crypto. I doubt anyone is surprised that these things will happen. After all, there is no verification required to create NFTs and then sell them. By the time the big companies can do anything, the NFT has probably exchanged hands multiple times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And if it is being swapped on decentralized systems, or in a peer-to-peer manner, there is nothing that can be done legally.

It just shows how the laws that are in place potentially have no impact upon what is going on within crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is going to be one of the major issues going forward. IP and copyright are going to come under attack.

If something is decentralized, people are going to realize there is no recourse. The laws cannot cover something like that.

Hence why communities can completely hijack a brand of a major corporation. It will be really interesting when this happens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The one thing I don't want to see (which I likely will) Is that scenarios like this used as a pretext to demonize crypto.

Thank goodness for decentralization. Now I see the wisdom of Satoshi in keeping his identity secret with the creation of Bitcoin.

Reminds me when Phil Zimmerman, the inventor of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), had to risk an upload of the program and source code in order to avoid US export restrictions. Once it was out in the wild, there was nothing they could do.

Strong crypto software was seen as a munition, and back then publishing it was seens as a violation of the Arms Export Control Act. Can you imagine? Thankfully, we've come a long way since then.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Who didnt see this one coming? Mentioned this in a post a few weeks ago.

“It’s a very thought-through doctrine about how to stop the crypto industry from growing too fast and too much,” says Maya Zehavi, a crypto entrepreneur and investor who has advised regulators.

For this reason, we need to step on the accelerator and kick things up another level.

We really need to put a lot of attention on HBD and get that operating in a manner that makes it a transactional currency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think anyone is surprised that the mainstream banks are trying to grab whatever financial control that they can. After all, they are losing their fight against FinTech. We need more decentralized options that the big banks can't control and it will be an option that people can opt into.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are being aided by their friends in the government. This is something that the industry is going to have to work very hard to fight off.

It might come down to the only solution is algorithm based stablecoins like HBD.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What a bunch of power-hungry, money-grabbing hypocrites. I just said the other day that I think the governments are going to go after the stablecoins for exerting control. I didn't expect to be this right, this quickly.

Totally agree. We absolutely MUST get HBD into a more stable and liquid currency. The use-cases could literally be endless and being that it's completely decentralized, could very possibly be one of only a very small number of currencies outside government control.

The fight is real. We need to keep building...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Totally agree. We absolutely MUST get HBD into a more stable and liquid currency.

It was the topic of my blog post this morning.

As for power hungry, that is what they are. The stablecoin attack is going to be quick and fierce. This will not be up to debate for too long. I have a feeling the government will move quickly on this one.

We have to out develop them. That is our solution.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's all going to be trials and errors, banks can't handle the heat, but they can try.

It's early for them to even know what serves as a threat and what's not.

They can't stop and think anymore, so they just do what they think would stop the decentralization revolution.

they get to print $$$ but we can't do that, so we got better, now we're the threat🙃

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The key is we can create money just like banks. We are all bankers now. That is what makes crypto such a threat. We are treading upon the commercial banks monopoly over the money supply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We sure are all bankers now and we even do a better job than them. Not the same for everyone but the fact that we are a threat means we are doing a great job and now they want to join in since they can't beat our existence.

Hbd will be a huge deal in the future of Hive and cryptocurrency. That's another marketing strategy on it's own

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is #CANDIE time here in Candieland. Load up and fill those jars, sacks, or piggy banks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gotten and good to be here against today

Done as always. 10,700. One week from 11k...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Got 20...I missed a day and had to reset yesterday.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oops. I hate when that happens.

I do the post and miss it at times too. What does that tell you? LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you didnt see the news, Facebook sold the rights (along with some IP) of DIEM (Libra) today.

It is interesting how that one fell off a cliff. I am thinking about writing an article about that tomorrow morning. I did a video earlier covering it. Such interesting news.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The writing was on the wall early with this one. They were never going to be able to get away from the negative connotations created when they first started the project.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah the financial entities that were involved with them, that signed on to do block validation, quickly bailed when government pressure started. Paypal and the likes didnt want to lose their gravy train by messing with that.

The silence over the last couple years really told the story.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Mark just can't pull it off.

He'll be off better creating and curating on hive, but censorship and ego won't.

Is there a possibility he's never heard of web3 social??

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have a feeling he got a lot o head from around the world. Facebook isnt exactly beloved by governments and regulators. The EU is going after them big time.

I wouldnt be surprised if they were threatened by Anti-Trust if they proceed with this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It all stems for 2016. Someone had to be blamed for Brexit and Trump, and Facebook was more convenient/insidious villain than Russians.

Zuckerberg didn't help his cause by widely publicised visits to Iowa, which was widely interpreted as preparations for his own Presidential run. And TPTB apparently didn't want another Trump and tried their best to nip Zuckerberg's Caeasarian ambitions in the bud.

What happens with Diem/Libra is just aftermath of bad publicity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Who did they sell it to? I don't really think it was going to succeed but I am wondering whether or not the new person will have better chances of getting things done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Silvercapital or something.

I have no idea what took place so hard to guess whether it will succeed or not. It went silent for so long, not really surprised it is dead at this point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Tech is bouncing around like a Mexican jumping bean. The NASDAW is up bit after being hit earlier in the week.

Gold is also getting hit hard the last couple days. The DAX ran after the Fed's comments.

Interesting times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here are some numbers out today that tell the story.

PCE (Month) up .4%
Personal Income up .3%
Personal Spending -.6%

Not a hard concept to figure out. As price increase faster than incomes, something have to give. When people spend less, that causes inventories to rise (record pace in Dec).

This means that economic activity slows down, eventually pulling prices back down. It all starts in the areas of discretionary spending.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment report out.

Bad numbers again.

Down in all three categories. I havent delved into the report but with yesterday's release of durable goods orders (down), it is no surprise.

This is a forward looking indicator unlike inflation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here is the link to the report.


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We are below where we were at the worst of the COVID 19 lockdowns....far below.


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Yeah, but at least we have a kinder, more civil country that is united under a strong, experienced leader....

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St. Helena's?

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Headed out of town tonight for an overnight reffing gig so I may or may not get back in time to curate things tomorrow. Have fun without me. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Safe travels.

And most importantly, don't take any shit from the players!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Prices for some cryptos, 28 January 2022:

CryptoUSD (Previous)USD (Now)24h Trend
Bitcoin36,279.00037,811.000UP ↗
Ethereum2,410.2802,520.100UP ↗
Litecoin105.04109.57UP ↗
HBD0.9600.975UP ↗
Hive0.8670.931UP ↗
Cub Finance0.2400.247UP ↗

Sources: CoinGecko via hive.ausbit.dev, except for Litecoin (CoinMarketCap).

6-for-6, which is good! Everyone's a winner. Even Litecoin is a winner, although I was hoping for it to keep dropping until it went back below USD 100 so I could buy some then. As it is, it beats the USD 162 or even USD 134 Ihad been paying in recent weeks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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