
Well it does seem pretty good. If I have a bit of time, I might go back and see what I can fill in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hopefully @amr008 is back on track. He could add a lot since he wasnt online much of the day. He could really add a few dozen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder if he is fine since he got the vaccine recently. Maybe he isn't feeling that well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He did put up a couple of comments a little bit ago. In addition to being sick he was dealing with HF25 changes. I dont think he was getting the data he needed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's great news. While I'm here, is anyone else having problems logging into LeoFinance as I am?

When I enter my information, it hangs at a blank page with "entry token" (or something like that) followed by a long string of numbers in the URL address.

It never let's me in, and the only way I was finally able to even leave these comments, was I had to open up a new tab and type my profile addy in, then it would let me login. But never from the main page.

Maybe it's a bug from the recent HF.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see . Haven't seen that , try to take a pic next time and post it here . I will take a look at it .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok. Just now, here's me logging into leofinance:

Screenshot 2347.png

Next, the screen blinks and then moves to the logging in screen.
I call this the "access_token" screen as that's what is showing in the URL bar.
It just sits there. I can wait an hour and nothing happens for it to transition to the next screen.
Just below, is the actual URL. Maybe this is where the problem is?:

Screenshot 2348.png

Then I have to open a new tab in order to be logged in
(never had to do this before the HF)
it automatically loaded the screen:

Screenshot 2349.png

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh okay this looks like an issue on LeoFinance side .

After they get the access ( posting key access ) to the account , they aren't redirectly it properly I feel . I will try to login with HiveSigner later on myself and see if it gives me the same problem .

But just out of curiosity , why aren't you using KeyChain ? It is very simple and far more easier than HiveSigner . Any particular reason ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Possibly because it was offered first and doesn't use the Chrome web Store. At the time the site mentioning it used PeakD which requires your active key, which we new people back then were told not to give out. So some veterans in help, told me to use Hivesigner to avoid having to give PeakD my active key.

I was astounded that you couldn't login using your posting key, so I never use PeakD.

I'm also leery about something like keychain, "holding" my keys as Sam Stonehill got hacked when I first joind Steemit, so I try to be careful.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looks like I also can't do anything related to using my active key as it needs me to press the "import account" button, which doesn't show up as the screen never transitions, even when I open a new tab. This is becoming a real headache.

Might be time to consider switching to keychain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I havent had any problems but I use Keychain. Been flawless through the hard fork.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No issues so far for me when using Keychain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was off my game yesterday. Did not feel well. We all have bad days I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta