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Good morning everyone, happy Sunday and happy mother's day to all mother who's love is always unconditional. Have a great day ahead everyone. Here's a simple 🌹 for you.


Good morning beautiful. I wish you a splendid Sunday

Likewise have a great day.

Happy Mother's Day. My boys are washing dishes for me today. Hope you have a great day too💐

Wow! That's a great way of making you happy in this special day. My son is still asleep this time, might be because he had a great day yesterday and need enough sleep.

GoOd morning to you

I wish you a lovely day ahead, and happy Mother's day to all our lovely mothers.

Likewise to all mother's there. Keep safe.

Thank you so much... Keep safe also

Good morning Jen and Happy Mother's day to you too. Enjoy and have a fab one with your family

Likewise. Hopefully you will enjoy your day too.

Salamuch sis. It's a wonderful morning and yes, it's going to be a lovely day.

This is beautiful. Good morning to you and happy mothers day to all the mothers in the house.

Thank you so much

You're very much welcome ✨

Good morning, Happy mothers day to you too. What's your plan for the day?

Actually I don't have plan but my brother invited us for a swimming in the pool

happy Sunday, Wish the mothers allover the world all the best 🌸

Thank you so much. Have a great day ahead.

same to you, have a nice time

Burning through voting power as always! I guess it's time to call it a night!

Thanks for a great day #threads! See you tomorrow!

It's also late night here . Good night and have a good sleep. See you tomorrow morning.

#gmfen! Looking forward to another great day of buzzing!

Have a good lazy night!

looks like you had a splendid day. Now go and rest my friend. #GN

I torched my voting power also.

Easy to do as you just can't upvote everything.

Yeah and it is so tempting. I love using VP on threads.

Have a wonderful night rest. Be represhed for tomorrow's

you can’t sleep now, there are threads you need to do first.😂
Just kidding, have a wonderful night

I was all threaded out! today is a new day and a new chance for #slothbuzz!

way to go, Today you can do even better hopefully 💪

I've been burning most of my VP on threads these days. Have a good night

I'd say it's worth it! Every vote makes a difference! we just need to get some more LEO under our belt! We keep burning it all!

For sure! The guys on the #ctt show yesterday talked a lot about the importance of distributing rewards through votes

Pond action shots

#birds #photography #nature

Very nice photography, nature has always been a good way to look for inspiration.

Absolutely. I'm glad these ones turned out well. The ducks were not moving much, so that helped

That's a ducking great image!

A whole lotta ducking going on :D

The photo is of good quality, I like it. Pretty animal

The ducks have wonderful colors. I'm glad the light played nice.

Does a walk to a market at the foot of the Alps look like a fun activity for a holiday? #gosh #threads #poll #polls #travel #photography

quest prize think what all can be done with the prize money ?If @jelenaa or a reader joins & gets the $10000 $leo #threads

Have you experienced a day when you are so busy that you do not get the time to make the #gmfrens #thread ?

Having such a day now
#poll #polls

nope takes less than 30 seconds

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I always take a few minutes to do the basics on Threads

Honestly, it happens. I am done with most of the tasks I have to do today, However, I still have one task pending but I am threading now. :)

Oh yes, I've had it a good number of times but I want to change that... Love what I'm reading in your comment section haha

I have faced it several times. But nothing was I could do there.

Hi fellow threaders, how was your day, hope your weekend is going well. Well, today was full day for me, since 5:am

#threads #aliveandthriving. #threadstorm

I did know I will be so busy today that I will not have time to threads as I planned. Am happy that everything was susucc despite the stress

1/📌 #threadstorm

It is 9:18pm, am still in the office trying to arrange things because tomorrow is Sunday and I will be going to assemble

2/📌 #threadstorm

Am through, am leaving the office now. I will be back when be back when am through in the house

gn, hope your day was good, my day went well.

Well weekends are kind of exciting for me. I love it cause I get to watch football.

Permanently suspended over - activity? Twitter allows all kinds of trash but bans me for activity? Careful review?
We're done.

"You have been banned for using Twitter, go to Leofinance"

I wasn't promoting Leofinance with that account. It was for the website.

They are very sensitive about many issues even if they are not making any mistakes. Many Hivers have been suspended from that platform proving that it is a place of much censorship.

That's why Hive is much better by far.

An account was not affiliated with Hive, but as far censorship goes, a bit farms are not limited in any way. My DM and mentions were only bot spam.

That cannot happen on Threads.

Prior I notified Binance that their newsletter has error, so that may add up.

I doubt that Leofinance would suspend me for saying the app part sucks, which I did, you can ask them. They said screenshot &submit bug report instead ticket...

Leofinance cannot suspend your account. Nobody can stop or halt your Hive account. You have the keys that is what gives you full account control.

They can suspend me from their Discord server easily. I also believe that the HIVE frontends maintain a level of autonomy that allows depreciating certain content possible and individual posts can always be depreciated over low rating. Also having a downgraded account just to post for nobody willing to interact out of a fear of negative affiliation is useless.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

this is becoming unbecoming. Sorry

It's a good thing that it happened before I invested more into it.

We are all being let down by web2...

Well, aside of networkers or bloggers sharing their work, nobody I know uses Twitter. That says a lot.

So sad to know that am going to miss out on this upcoming #LPUD . I have to trade the 300leo tokens for cash to settle my son hospital bill.


300 $leo ... that's like $2.. what kinda hospital bill is it?

I have to trade the Leo token and add it to the hive tokens I got to raised the fund for my son hospital

sorry about that buddy but hope you are well now.

Yeah, things are in order right now and am glad about

Sometimes life takes over. At least you had the resources due to Leofinance and Hive.

It's all thanks to leofinance and hive

I'm sure the Lions will be in a way happy to know that you can use the token to help your family! Hope everything goes well with your son 💜

Yeah, everything is alright now

Sometimes we have to take money from where we don't want to, but health is more important. May your son get well

Health is surely more important. Amen, thanks

Sorry about your son, I hope he is getting better. Sometimes we just have no choice especially when it is health-related. Good thing it was available, If not the story would have been different.

Am glad it was available and I was able to make use

Soo sorry to hear about that. Do what you need to. There’s always time to stack up some Leo for the next lpud.

#threads Contenedor para hablar de lo que he hecho durante el día.

#spanish será extenso y en cuanto menos detallado, si quieren pueden contar su día por acá vengan no sean timid@s #thread247 #hive

Este sub thread va ser para hablar sobre mis pensamientos de la campaña zealy:

Han pasado 13 días restan 28 y hay 249 personsas participando

Estoy de acuerdo que ha sido bien manejada la campaña, las misiones han sido bien enfocadas tratando de llamar la atención de las personas de afuera, tanto de hive como de twitter. Sin embargo yo veo un problema que tiene que ver con hive

Y es que la creación de una cuenta debe ser menos tediosa para las personas, esto se está intentando con el log in con twitter y con google, pero ayer lo intenté con un primo a la distancia por discord y la experiencia fue mala

Intentamos diferentes navegadores, chrome, firefox y opera pero siempre nos daba error. mi primo tiene cuenta en hive pero no la usa, entonces iba a buscar las claves para ver si lo seguíamos con el proceso mañana domingo.

No sé cual era el error que tenia, porque la calidad de la transmisión por discord era muy mala, pero estoy seguro que el internet estaba bien y el computador también porque es un rayzen 5, igual que el mio.

asi que si eso es para un usuario no regular con la guía de un hiver de 3 años, no quiero imaginar lo tedioso que puede ser para un usuario normal sin ayuda de nadie.

Siento que 249 personas son muy pocas para la cantidad de dinero que está en juego, haciendo cuentas hasta el momento son 40 dolares por persona obtenida y convertida con éxito, lo cual es bastante malo

porque es un precio muy alto, no estamos vendiendo un producto que vaya a recuperar esa cantidad de dinero en el corto plazo, hay que darle un enfoque a la campaña de otro manera. mis ideas:

jugársela y desde ahora meterle un capital extra a la campaña y pagarle a influencers que capten personas que al mismo tiempo traigan más personas a participar los 10,000 del premio.

creo que se les puede ofrecer desde $100 hasta $200 con unos $2,000 adicionales, yo no soy de marketing pero he visto que cuando un guru te muestra algo que él considera bueno uno va directo, hasta incluso podría servir para vender $LEO

Poner una orden de venta por parte de los tokens del proyecto para que esas mismas personas que compren, paguen la promoción que se está haciendo con los influencers que siguen, esto es muy común, pero no tan bien visto

es una especie de DAO o de una oferta inicial del token para poder reunir capital y poder dar una mayor divulgación del proyecto mismo y del token a más personas, no solo dentro de hive, pq seamos realistas el capital es limitado en hive

Si no fuese limitado en este instante, ya estaríamos hablando de futuros perpetuos en binance con la posibilidad de comprar un long o un short apalancado al menos a 20X y no es el caso.

Lo otro, es necesario, no creo que sea de algo por gusto, o por capricho de los que lo solicitan, que se apunte a estar listados en un exchange grande, que piden miles de requisitos y una cantidad minima de dinero tradeado al día.

repito, no soy de marketing, pero eso debe ser prioridad, paralelamente mientras se saca adelante el producto que es el blog de leofinance y los threads.

De nada sirve tener un producto excelente, sin bugs, pero con 250 personas participando activamente en una campaña del calibre de 10k USD.
La difusión masiva es necesaria, hay que ir a por los influencers pagos y probar suerte

No sé porque los mismos hivers no quieren participar de la iniciativa, he invitado a 10 personas diferentes, pero oh vaya sorpresa, no han hecho su primer thread, me siento tranquilo yo hago los números por ellos

creo que por el momento tenemos que enfocarnos en los que si estamos y mandar más trafico a twitter, hablar nuevamente de los tokenomics de $LEO e impulsar a las personas a comprar, solamente con la compra llega el compromiso de los nuevos

Bueno, pueden ser diferentes factores los que determinen que no haya gente que quiera participar. Uno de ellos puede tratarse de que se entra a un ambiente que no ha sido explorado.

Nosotros lo hemos hecho antes de la campaña.

Sí, hay un premio interesante en juego pero también puede existir el desgano al ver que los demás están muy avanzados.

Y si no es así, puede que se trate de desconocimiento. Deben tener experiencia en todo lo demás sobre la web3.

A decir verdad, yo he estado en otros proyectos en los que no sentí motivación para continuar. Así que si no existe una representación o pertenencia, podría costar un poco más.

Muchos de los que lo intentamos es porque amamos Hive y Leo.

Yo creo que la adopción está por buen camino, los resultados serán graduales. No llegarán 50mil usuarios de golpe, tal vez lleguen los intermedios y en futuras ocasiones varias ballenas que traerán consigo la mirada de los demás peces.

Lo que habría que construir, si no es que lo están haciendo, es una orientación hacia donde están las ballenas, que muchas veces son personas muy jóvenes que ya han ascendido a lo más alto que pueden.

Ethereum y Bitcoin.

Si hay gente dispuesta a pagar altos fee y aparte tiene una colección enorme de costoso arte digital, llegar hacia ellos de alguna forma y tomarles de la mano para que exploren nuestro ecosistema e inviertan en él, veremos crecimiento.

Creo que no hay que ir de forma individual sino de forma colectiva. Más aún si existen grupos de personas que desarrollan en un lugar donde se mueve mucho dinero y les presentamos otro lugar en el que pueden hacer cosas grandes.

En fin, no dudo de que vendrán buenas noticias y se hallará aquello que se busca en este proceso de adopción.

Me levanté temprano para estudiar pero como siempre el profesor llega un poco tarde (una vez llegó 40 minutos tarde). Por suerte fue en la modalidad virtual, aunque también llega tarde en forma presencial XD

una pregunta, esto te sucedió hoy en la mañana? que clase era?

Sí, hoy a la mañana. Una clase de programación II por así llamarle.

Estuvimos viendo la utilización de punteros sobre una frase que había que modificar para que se pudiese leer.

suena algo que es bastante dificil, no quisiera tener que ver esa materia por obligación, porque con seguridad me sentiría abrumado

de esa cuando hay examen?

What?! El profesor llega tarde? Qué loco 😂

Luego desayuné un café de esos que preparas. Es de gusto "cortado", creo que en otros países no lo tienen y acompañe eso con unas facturas (es el nombre para las masas dulces).

No estuvo nada mal mientras prestaba atención.

a ver eso es nuevo, no conozco ese café acá en Colombia haces café y luego le agregamos leche de vaca, sera lo mismo?

para las masas dulces, te refieres a harina de trigo con agua y la mezcla frita en la estufa? acá son masitas dulces, con azúcar al gusto, y depronto un huevo por si se quiere que queden esponjosas

Bueno, en Cuba le llamamos cortado al café con un poquito de leche.

Más café que leche.

Una vez me pasó algo gracioso. Pedí uno de los cortados en una máquina de la universidad. Me llevé la peor decepción, pues los vasos son muy pequeños y aparte de eso la máquina me sirvió menos de la mitad XD.

Una porquería.

Aquí no tenemos de esas máquinas. Cada día que converso con alguien "de fuera" me convenzo más que este país está hundido en un atraso inmenso.

Ahora estas máquinas aparte de aceptar billetes acepta usar la tarjeta del bus (que también es la tarjeta del subte jaja). Lo pusieron hace poco y está muy bueno.

Anteriormente estaba disponible para pagar con MercadoPago (QR) pero fallaba

Ya llegará, en algún momento. Aquí estábamos muy atrasados y tuvimos que esperar a un buen presidente para que maneje el gobierno de una mejor manera.

Así ya no se cortó más la luz y tuvimos una mejor internet.

No me gustaría quedarme a esperar que las cosas cambien, creo que primero me largo de una vez. En eso estoy.

Pero no fue esa sola la mala experiencia. Al otro día volví a una de las máquinas y pedí otro café pero era un Capuchino. Me salió sin la cuchara para revolver, así que tuve que improvisar con una hoja del cuaderno y revolver con eso.

Cualquiera pensaría que las máquinas te están troleando 😂

De hecho lo hicieron.

Pero una vez la jodimos con un compañero. Había saldo cargado de no sé quien. Le dijimos a alguien y no se hizo cargo y teníamos hambre, entonces compramos algo y nos fuimos XD

Miramos pero jamás apareció alguien.

Ah bueno 😂 un regalo del universo 😂

Ese día nos compramos unas papas fritas y unas galletas, estuvo muy gracioso.

Cada tanto se ve saldo cargado en la máquina, creo que es porque sobra y no da vuelto, entonces se van porque no les alcanza para algo más.

Como se recarga el saldo? Con monedas y billetes?

No dan el vuelto... Son todo un negocio las máquinas: para el dueño 😂

Ya después de unos días venía el colmo. Volví a pedir algo en una de esas máquinas pero no en las mismas, pues me habían decepcionado (unas ganas de patearlas).

Resulta que me pedí un té de limón y cuando veo era pura agua caliente.

Ríndete, las máquinas te están viendo la cara 🤣

La quedó grabada aunque ahora que me doy cuenta no la descargué, tendré que hacerlo muy pronto antes de que expire.

Empezó sencillo pero luego se convirtió en un caos y muchos se perdieron, no entendían nada.

Si, mejor hazlo de una vez, en mi universidad también le permitían a uno tener las clases ahí por solamente una semana, entonces tocaba bajarla al pc desde google drive. Es normal perderse en una explicación complicada de la universidad

Ni bien terminó ayudé con algunas cosas de la casa y después me fui a almorzar.

Luego me puse a hacer threads para aumentar la cantidad que tenía y ahora presenciando el podcast.

Yo también escucho el podcast mientras estoy comentando a las respuestas que obtuve mientras estuve fuera de la casa. Me equivoque en una de las misiones y la mandé mal. entonces perdí dos misiones para shows que si escuche

Se te olvidó contarnos cuál fue el almuerzo... por lo de tener mas threads digo 😂

Hoy comí pizza pero esta vez era de cebolla con queso cremoso encima.

No estaba nada mal a decir verdad :p

No me gusta la pizza de cebolla... en realidad quien no me gusta es la cebolla.

Jajaja, a mí antes tampoco pero el paladar puede cambiar con el tiempo.

Creo que me dejó de no gustar cuando probé una pizza rellena que habíamos pedido a un delivery. Tenía mucho queso dentro, la comí con precaución pero luego me gustó.

Tenía ganas de salir a caminar un rato con el sol pero ya está cayendo y aún no dan la palabra clave jajaja.

Aún así me sirve para ir afinando el oído el idioma inglés. Noté diferentes acentos, uno británico.

Si el británico tiene un acento bien marcado. Recuerda salir a caminar pero que todavía haya luz para que no vaya a ser tan peligroso, creo que el país ha pasado por mejores momentos que este

Es un acento muy fino, no está nada mal. Cuando estudié Inglés II me tuve que ver los videos del profesor y tenía el mismo acento. Ahora tengo que anotarme al nivel 3 y todavía me faltaría uno más.

Ya regresé de caminar y de paso fuimos a hacer unas compras. Volvimos haciéndose de noche pero por suerte no ha sucedido nada extraño, igual por lo menos está cerca.

Hoy ha sonado una alarma varias veces pero mejor no ver que fue.

¿Qué hay acerca de tu día? Te habías ausentado un rato, te estaba escribiendo y no respondía nadie jajaja.

Espero que estés pasando un buen Sábado.

Foto casi que personalizada, esta fue ahora saliendo en el auto a hacer algo que necesitaba salir a hacer

Que alegre se te ve :p

Espero que hayas tenido un gran día. Está bueno salir a pasear con el auto un rato, sobre todo si el clima acompaña ese disfrute.

Ha sido un sábado de enfoque en threads, no llevo la cuenta exacta pero espero romper mi marca personal hoy, le he puesto empeño. En cuanto a mi día lo estaré relatando en el thread de arriba, entonces tal vez no te llegue notificación.

este sub thread va a ser para comentar sobre el juego de F1 que tengo instalado en el computador:

Los cambios son buenos, pero cuando se trata de adaptarse a los cambios gigantes que ha hecho tu juego favorito, tengo que decir que es negativo aprender todo desde cero

hay costumbres o estrategias que antes funcionaban que ya no, y los resultados son de derrota. hoy quiero relatar algunas imágenes del juego de F1 clash que esta semana lanzaron la nueva temporada 2023

Primer encuentro:
mis puntos 689 vs 708 del rival. vemos que es un jugador con experiencia porque ha clasificado a la liga semanal y llego a finales 1 vez

la primer pista es la de baku, en azerbaiyán es una pista exigente porque es una city pista donde hay puntos específicos que no se puede adelantar

la arquitectura y la calidad de los gráficos es muy buena, por eso el celular se calienta y se descarga rápido, es mucha la info que debe procesar

vamos con un jugador por delante de los otros dos pilotos rivales, pero nuestra ventaja no es total, porque nuestro piloto 2 quedó por detras de todos

blandas para el más rápido, llantas medias para el jugador en el puesto 15. Las duras no valen la pena en este caso pq son más lentas y son = vueltas que M

En la primera vuelta siempre es importante gastar el turbo, para quedar en una posición favorable luego es más dificil adelantar que sostener y defender

salió el safety car y me dañó la carrera porque el jugador 2 decide meter a unuo de sus pilotos, tendrá llantas frescas para adelantarme jugada clave

pude haber metido a mi piloto de adelante a pits para cambiar las llantas y ponerle llantas frescas pero decidí bajar velocidad y cuidar neumáticos, grave error

el coche de seguridad no permite que adelantemos a los demás de la linea, no permite que vayamos rápido tampoco,

el piloto 2 rival sale justo detrás que mi segundo piloto pero con llantas nuevas, mi error se paga caro, spoiler la carrera se perdió

Este sub thread va a ser para contar mi experiencia con el trafico de ahora y de la ciudad:

Hace un par de horas salí a hacer una vuelta cerca de mi casa, pero la autopista simón bolivar estaba en caos, la gente está muy agresiva, tengo mi teoría

primero, salir del barrio es complicado los días sabados, porque cerca hay un centro comercial grande y la gente siempre quiere ir allá para almorzar, mercar y comprar mercancía.

es tan tedioso el trafico que los guardas de transito tienen que cerrar ciertas calles para intentar aliviar la cantidad de carros que pasan por una calle en especifico, la calle del centro comercial.

pues adivinen quién no pudo pasar por esa calle que necesitaba hoy? muy bien adivinaron yo, me tocó girar por otra y hacer como 15 minutos adicionales de conducción gastando más gasolina de la necesaria

$12.273 pesos colombianos por galón vale, el año pasado estaba en 10,000 de la nada ha subido un 20% esto ha hecho que el precio de todas las cosas haya aumentado de maneras impresionantes

el panal de huevos que antes estaba en 12,000 ahora está a 18,000, el arroz que estaba en 35,000 ahora está en 54,000 es algo que lo deja a uno sin aliento, porque no se sabe cual precio nuevo será cada vez que se va a comprar

hablemos del trafico. Pienso que las personas están agresivas porque mañana es el día de la madre y acá en Colombia pagan los días 15 y 30 entonces muchos no tienen dinero para gastar y salen a gastarse lo poco que tiene de mala gana

esta teoría la he desarrollado a lo largo de los año, porque siempre he sido una persona de energías, y siento la energía del trafico, según la amabilidad o agresividad que demuestran los otros conductores

hoy estaban pitando mucho y no cediendo el paso de manera amable, por lo que asi uno quiera o no quiera, se intenta pegar esa mala energía a los sentimientos de uno en el volante.

otra imagen del retrovisor derecho que muestra la autopista

foto de uno de los semáforos del trayecto.

un medio de transporte informal de la ciudad

lo utilizan las personas que mercaron pero que no van a hacer largas distancias, sino que van a unas pocas cuadras de 2-10 cuadras, aunque puede darse que hagan carreras más largas, pero cobran más

en la casa hemos contado con automóvil, cuando no teníamos, pedíamos uber o taxi, asi que no he montado nunca en uno de esos transportes informales.

para ir finalizando lo que quería expresar en este threadstorm:
hay dos productos que venden en el dollar city, productos para el olor interno del carro, hay uno que si recomiendo pero otro que en definitiva no.

1,3 USD para una fragancia de olor, recomendada y no se acaba rápido, dura bastante.

este otro es una basura de producto vale 1,08 USD se pone en el auto, vienen 3 en paquete sellado, el olor no dura ni una semana

yo creo que no dura porque en la ciudad hace mucho calor, depronto en una ciudad que haga frio puede que sea mejor el desempeño del producto. Pero a 30 grados centígrados, al menos no es nada recomendable.

no es que un dolar sea mucho, sino que comparado a otros productos de precio similar, como el #1 que les mostré, no vale la pena comprar ese producto #2

este sub thread va a ser para comentar mis sentimientos y deseos inmeditos:

siento que puedo hacer threads todo el día hablando sobre mi, sobre mi vida y sober mis gustos, creo que si bien no es una estrategia optima para tener engange, si es una manera optima para cumplir con los 3k threads

Este pantallazo es de hace 3 horas, cuando contaba con 457 comentarios para poder ser publicados en la block chain desde lefinance threads

esta otra imagen es para mostrar que se han hecho 24 threads desde entonces, pero yo creo que han sido ligeramente más

porque los créditos no pueden irse recargando de manera inmediata, sino que cada minuto que va pasando se va recuperando una parte de dichos créditos, en ese sentido, han sido más de los 24 threads que aparentemente se han publicado

Me siento con energía, no he tomado ninguna clase de energizante, pero si tomé café con leche anoche a eso de las 9 pm, y hoy en la mañana, también me tomé un café con lechera, que es bastante dulce, por lo que no necesita azúcar

Se ha convertido en una de mis prioridades en este instante, quiero ver ese número junto al nombre de andrewmusic con un lindo y ganado con esfuerzo 3,000 con ceros redondos.

Quiero que sea de esa manera para hacer otras misiones

Hay diferentes misiones que son de hacer post, que requieren investigar, también quiero hacer más post musicales, porque para los que no saben, me gusta cantar y tocar la guitarra, les comparto mi post mas reciente abajo:

también puede ser de interés mi más reciente post en leofinance sobre mi introducción a manera de introduce yourself

ambos post fueron muy bien valorados, en el musical se llegó a $40, fueron diferentes ballenas las que ayudaron a lograr ese gran premio de recompensas

el segundo post lleva $6 pero también es verdad que me tomó menos de dos horas empezar y terminarlo por lo que una recompensa menor es razonable, pero bienvenida.

Está haciendo mucho calor y a pesar de que ayer llovió fuertemente durante varias horas, hoy ha salido un sol impresionante, como todos estos días. Uno no puede sentarse sin sudar

Es necesario tener prendido el ventilador por varias horas al día porque de otra manera se siente mareo y dolor de cabeza por el calor. Ha sido necesario implementar tomar mucha más agua, porque sudar es muy normal

me ha costado hacer los post de música porque para grabar toca tener el ventilador apagado, porque sino todo el ruido queda capturado en la grabación y suena mal. Sudar grabando canciones de guitarra es normal y caluroso

si se fijan en los videos donde estoy tocando la guitarra pueden observar a un cantante bastante bañado en sudor, antes sentía cierta pena de presentar un material asi, pero me puse a pensar que es natural

los grandes cantantes y los grandes guitarristas dejan ver en el escenario que son humanos y que sudan como cerdos, yo no entendía esa expresión de sudar como cerdo, hasta que un día en una finca lo entendí

yo no sé si los cerdos sufren de calor, pero pierden muchas gotas de sudor, todo su cuerpo es impresionantemente mojado y los pelos que tienen, ayudan a retener ese sudor sobre ellos, eso y el popo llaman las moscas

me siento agradecido por los pocos amigos que he hecho en la blockchain, siempre están ahí presentes para dar apoyo emocional y para dar soporte en momentos de necesidad.

no pienso que en otra plataforma eso fuese posible, en otras partes se siente la envidia, se siente que no quieren que los demás progresen, mientras que en hive es distinto, yo nunca he podido explicarlo

porque es una energía que contagia y acá en realidad si a alguien le va bien, a los demás les va bien, por los votos, por la influencia, por los comentarios, por los deseos, por el compañerismo

sentí ganas de prepararme otro café, entonces fui a la cocina para hervir el agua, me gusta prepararlo en la cafetera francesa, porque no toca lavar el filtro de tela, sino que es metálico, se limpia mejor

La energía tiene mucho que ver sobre como te sientes. Si estás inclinado hacia cosas buenas, absorberás energía y te sentirás mejor.

Estoy sintiendo una mejor energía en mí que hace unos cuantos días atrás estaba por el piso.

Tal vez eso se logre con pensar en lo bueno y dejar atrás todo lo malo. Se trata sobre tener una misión que hacer y por la que luchar, pues enciende el entusiasmo y uno se siente fuerte para lograrlo.

Esto me ha ayudado mucho la verdad.

En cuanto a tus posts de música son simplemente geniales y puedes notarlo porque las ballenas eligen votarlo; les produce algo bueno al leer y reproducir las canciones que tocas con tanto entusiasmo.

Ese es tu camino. Un Andrew músico.

Creo que las prioridades en este preciso momento son las de crear muchos threads para permanecer o ascender en la lista. Sin embargo, hemos ganado cosas que no teníamos pensado ganar. El compañerismo, algo muy valioso.

En cuanto a las misiones, la investigación va a tener que hacerse tarde o temprano. Hay quests que son sobre criptomonedas, pero aún estando en el tema, habrán cosas que nos exceden o desbordan.

Debemos educarnos y proseguir sobre ello.

El café ayuda mucho a la productividad. Quizás es por ello que estamos tan activos.

Nos dirigimos hacia el éxito rotundo, luego habrá tiempo para descansar un poquito :p

My egg haul this morning.

I’m drowning in eggs, but that is a problem I don’t mind having.

How do you cook your eggs?


How do you cook your eggs?

In a pan. How about you?

I like to fry them, and I enjoying eating them with rice, noodles or bread.

Your eggs are huge by the way. This days the ones we have down here in Ghana are so small.

How do you cook your eggs?

Well, I fry them in a pan.

Fried eggs is my favorite, also in omelets or boiled eggs.

I thought twitter was bad for sucking you in and spending hours!

#Hive #threads are soooo much more engaging! time flies when you're having fun!

I can relate buddy, threads have turned us into addicts, but it is a good addiction.

It's a happy addiction for now! The possibility to earn is always a bonus!

especially when you're double-dipping Zealy!

Threads is really shaping up. We are doing a lot of things to make it better.

It starts with what you post is not controlled by anyone since it is on the blockchain.

Always a bonus to have 'freedom of speech'!

I noticed we're all totally #rightwing nazis on Hive...

oh wait...

It hasnt been launched only because we are under the radar. But as we grow, it will come.

I'm sure we'll eventually have to deal with it, key is to build enough content before it happens to be able to brush it off

Yeah. That is the motto for hive in general. Get things pushed in enough directions and a massive amount of people involved.

Then the aspertions they cast at us, they will mean nothing.

If you're not careful, you'll spend hours making Threads and you won't even notice the time pass hahaha

I agree, it's fun. One only needs to share their thoughts with a few words.

Zealy campaign!It's great! Especially when you can earn bonus rewards from the #slothbuzz

I haven't spent much time on twitter but threads is definitely a lot of fun to engage in.

Zealy!Yes there's always something exciting happening here! Like the #slothbuzz

Yes, here time flies so fast that we can't even realize and here we all enjoying more than Twitter.

Hopefully, I don't get sucked in this morning, too much to do! Quick session replying to people then I'm off out for the day! Have a great Sunday!

More of Tuesday’s after work meeting

#dogs #ladiesofhive

Gm Monika!

Long time no see... Glad to see ya agaiagain!

Haha, I come and go. Mostly I come bavk ;) How are you?

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

How does the daily container work? I'm too tired to figure it out so I'm asking the way I always prompt ChatGPT, "Can you explain it like I was 5 years old?"

I have no idea too, I think @taskmaster4450le will be able to give you a response to this because he is the one I have seen making a daily container.

#threads247 #update

hehe.. I hope someone would help you out my friend.

It is a place to put all your threads. Just start a contrainer (a thread) and then post all your threads as comments. It is like a threadcast but just for your stuff. Then drop the link to the main thread to others so they can comment.

Hey, that's a good idea! Thanks for explaining.
... I was thinking if you'd a certain hashtag with a date added, you would, in theory, be able to find it afterward?

I am not sure how long the tags but worth a try. Why not?

Yeah, worth a shot. It would come in handy if wanting to search for older stuff.

I don't quite understand the concept, I need to see some practical examples.

Yesterday I saw quite a few people using the concept

Imagine the power of AI if you could aggregate all of Google's, Facebook's, Twitter's, Uber Eat's, and Amazon's data into a single database, and then match it to unique smartphone IDs. Do you think it would be easy to impersonate someone?

Imagine the data that we could feed into machine learning engines if we all did on Hive what they do on social media platforms.

Also, wouldn't it be nice if we were rewarded for our contributions to these machine learning engines!

that is quite scary just looking at what web 2 platforms do with user data currently

Hmm, I think anything is posible with technology

Or ask the AI program, "What would person 'X' be likely to do in situation 'Y'", for example.

Well, with VPN and some other techniques, getting the Mac address of a device could be tough. AI can only try

Hydroponic jungle. Some lettuce, mustard, cilantro, basil, oregano, and more. I'm not expecting a bounty but looks great in the bedroom.


They look healthy and beautiful.

Thank you! I recently changed the plant food, and they're now looking better than before.

Looking great! 👍

Thank you!

Your mission: Cure my boredom.

Share links to uniquely entertaining posts you've found today so I can enjoy them and maybe vote. Share them under this thread and don't be shy.

Hurry. I don't have all day.

This one has tits in it. Hope you’ll be entertained.

Lol just joking,…just me sharing what’s presently exciting me.

I suppose I should I have been more specific. I'm not knocking your content. Was looking for something unique and entertaining.

ah okay…like some art then…if I find I’ll drop here

Some comedy. An interesting story. Unique personality. Someone having fun. Some music. Someone not using a template. There's gotta be something...

I thought this would make it quick.

Let me entertain you with my Dragon Slayer NFT design for the adoption campaign … 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

I should have straight up said no leo content/templates. I'll split one vote between you and @mistakili. I should have been more specific though. That did look cool by the way.

Thanks, I’m still on the lookout though

You're both cool cats. I apologize for not being clear. Really I'm just trying to find some new and interesting people. But I'm not saying you're not interesting.

This is so awkward.

lmao it’s cool 🤣

awkward silence 👉🏽 . . . 👈🏽👀 😜🤙🏽

Your mission: Cure my boredom.

And if I fail?


Damn hardcore.

What about the women?


And I better include the part about how I'm just joking.

#gmfriends, the new Leofinance curation update is an all inclusive update that I love so much. It comes to align with the Leothreads acronym "No Threads No Gain".

Thread until it hurts and then thread until it feels better.

It gonna get better going forward

actually and specially in the threading issue, i just loved it and sometimes if i don’t have ideas i feel mad like i just want to thread ao i start looking for threads to reply on. It’s really fun thing to do

You are right, it's becoming my go to social media to relax and have fun.

sharing your thoughts and ideas in an easy way is relaxing by itslef

This curation update came to improve everything at Leofinance!

My main reason is to meet new people, the second is to advance in Zealy missions and the third is to learn new things

Oops replied on the wrong thread lol

hehehe.. “No Threads No Gain” indeed.. the team are doing a great job.

Haha "No Threads no Gain" that makes a lot of sense... Real good update from the team.

If you won $10000 HBD would you throw it all into a single token, or spread it out equally over 10 different promising projects?

I'll spread it out to different project to impact a greater number of individual!

#gmfrens #threads

Convert to Hive and then convert back to HBD when Hive is at $3 or $5 making it into much more HBD.

I like your optimistic outlook

Just believe in this place so much and have seen how much hard work has happened to get us to this point. $3 and $5 is nothing in comparison to what can happen so I don't really see it as optimistic, but more of a done deal.

This is also a good idea...Hmm
I guess I would just do the same hehe.
Hive is promising

I see no other project offering this as being able to swap between the two you win either way depending on what the price is doing.

I would spread it out over 10 different promising projects. Remember not to put all your eggs in one basket.

That's definitely the safer way to go about it.

I prefer to distribute it between 10 different projects, it's much less risky and you can get interesting risks and returns

You'll also have broad knowledge of ten different projects, instead of specialized knowledge of only one.

I’d probably spread but hello i think that’s for the winner to decide😁.

I have two main tokens to invest on mind and others will be spread for future plan and target

Hmm that’s 10000 dollars. I’d probably put a few dollars into my favourite meme coins who have a potential to maybe 100x. I’d save some to enjoy the 20% APY. Even if I’d put all in one coin it’d probably be btc.

You'd definitely get higher returns on the meme coins, the problem is finding the right one is a major gamble.

I will choose the second opinion because I love to diversify all of my asset.

Yes, diversification is important in such a nascent market..

It probably wouldn't be 10 projects but probably more like 5-7 core projects with some getting more and others getting a little less.

A nice, balanced approach, without overextending yourself. Could be a good strategy.

Always diversify is the best option!

for sure spreading your money is way much better than putting them all in a single token. Always making portfolio is the best choice

Oh I'll definitely invest in more than 10 tokens that are promising, take a lot of risk with it

There's a lot of potential out there, that's for sure.

I would probably put some of it into savings. That 20% is too nice to pass

It is tempting, but I imagine the tokens of high quality projects will do much better than 20%!

Yes, I would also alocate some on those but I like to have some low risk high reward play as well

1/🧵Hey guys, the past week was tough in Crypto. Pepe bubble burst nd every token has been down. Even $BTC may hit $25k soon, $Hive isn't spared either. Bt tough times don't last rigt?Let’s talk about the bright sides
#outreach #threadstorm

LEO is doing great despite the market. I expect him to send it high on the 15th.

2/ 😄🔆 The silver lining? #Leofinance! The perfect blend of social media and finance for #web3.0. Their innovative #Zealy campaign is all about bringing the brilliance of Leofinance to the world. 🌐🚀

3/💻 User-friendly UI, easy sign-up, and constantly improving features are setting up Leofinance for mass adoption. Users earn Leo tokens through a transparent curation system.

4/ grow your social reach, skills, earnings, and contribute to the growth of the community. Everyone who participates wins💰

Una linda tarjeta, un detalle para acompañar ese regalo especial para mamá

#hive #spanish #art

Bonita tarjeta que sera motivo de felicidad para la afortunada mamá que la reciba. Muchas felicidades a todas las madres en su día. #spanish #diadelasmadres

tu manualidad es muy creativa, a veces a las mamás les hace falta eso, para recordar los tiempos cuando estábamos más pequeños y le hacíamos estos pequeños detalles desde cero.

No hay mejor detalle que mostrarle afecto a esa persona tan especial en nuestra vida, felicidades por esa tarjeta. Un gran saludo

Engagement is the key. Will make a post for it. Awesome

@flaxz I love that you are sharing on #threads


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(4/20)@bradleyarrow! to your account on behalf of @flaxz.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

#threadcast for the #mets at the #nats.

Joey Lucchesi starts for the New Yorkers.


Hey @taskmaster4450le - was out all day, but saw the game was suspended with Mets on base of course. Williams was on the Mets last year.

Yes he was and was moving the #mets down.

He looked like vintage Maddux.

Here is the Mets lineup.

Here is the #nats lineup.

We will see if Lucchesi can show up and give the Mets a good start.

I will have to try and get a decent feed. Had no audio yesterday. pitch and one out. Come on Brandon.

We need to slap Trevor Williams around. We know he is a decentr pitcher but not great.

LOL 3 pop ups in the first inning. Not exactly a potent offense to start.

Raining in Washington. I wonder what the forecast is.

There goes the no-hitter.

Already down 1-0.

Lucchesi is showing what he is.

Feed got lock. Come back and now bases loaded and nobody out.

The umps looking at the rosin bags.

This is going to be messy.

Dom Smith grounded into double play. That was needed really bad.

This is a messy game. The forecast must be okay since they are progressing forward.

A 4th pop up. This is amazing. Williams suddenly because a HOF pitcher.

Baty looks at three strikes.

Marte with a fly out.

I dont remember Williams being this tough.

Another bullet off Lucchesi. He is fooling nobody.

Big strikeout. That is huge. See if he can get out of the inning.

Got out of the inning.

Vogey blasting a hard single up the middle.

The new catcher,Perez, is up. No idea what this guy is like.

Wow he hit the ball harder than any Nido hit this year.

And ow the tarp is being rolled out. 2nd and 3rd, 1 out.

Do you think about this flowers?
Do you like it?

#leofinance #threads #liotes #flowers

I love the focus, the red petals is beautiful and I must commend the one who took the picture, it's so nice!

Thank you so much for sharing this with us on threads ❤️.

#threads247 #hivegarden

You are welcome 🌺

🤭🤭 is a pleasure 😘

🤭🤭 Leo threads is amazing 🙋🙋

this flower’s color is so attractive do you know its type?
When you look at such flowers you just know that life is beautiful

Yes, of course I agree with you, thank you so much dear friend for the comments, best regards 🙋🙋🙋

ur most welcome have a nice time

Beautiful flowers of very showy colors. What is the name of the plant?

I don't know it name, I only know that it beautiful, thank you so much for comment, have a great day🙋🙋

I don't like it. I love it.

Thank you so much dear friend, I love the flowers too, best regards 🙋🙋

You're welcome 😊


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(13/50)@lindoro! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

Thank you so much dear friend 🤝

They are the most beautiful flowers I have seen today! What is her name?

I don't know it name, I found it walking in the park, it so beautiful, thank for the comments 🙋🙋

Quite very beautiful stuffs

Thank you so much dear friend, best regards 🙋🙋

I think it looks beautiful.

Thank you so much dear friend 🙋🙋

You're most welcome.

Feel free to use #hivegarden tag next time ☺️

Ok, thank you, I will do🙋🙋

Slay the Dragon 🐉 Design

1/🧶 Just completed the first artist mission
over on #zealy and here‘s the #design 💪🏽😎👍🏽

this is awesome, I am so inspired to draw my own.

thanks 🤙🏽 go for it!

I would hit you up when am done.

Great Design


Thank you 🤙🏽

Wow, thats actually great!

thx 🤙🏽

Wow, that is splendid, you really made a nice design. Keep it up, All the best. #threads #arts

Thank you 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

I really liked your image, it was very well done!

Woah this is dope!

Thank you 🤙🏽

Dragon Slayer 🐲 Design

2/ 🧶 Check out my article about the design with more eye candy 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

pretty interesting which software are you using?

Check out the article for more info 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

It looks awesome
I have to color my creation but to be honest it is not as good as yours.

Thanks 🤙🏽 Enough time to revise your work. Have fun coloring 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

sketching has been done will start coloring

This is top notch. It looks super cool and would look badass as an NFT.

thx 🤙🏽 check out the article for my NFT proposal 😎

I am still going to do a few threads outside my daily container. Things ibthink people might miss.

Like today was swap.hive payout day from @bbhbot.

If you received some please put a screen shot up.

Hi Bradley, it's so nice to be here tonight 😊.

I've been hearing about this daily container, how does it work?

You can make a threadstorm about it if possible 😌.

#threads247 #update #info

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(11/50)@hopestylist! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

Thank you so much for sharing Bradley, I'd check it out 😊.


You're welcome 😊


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(12/50)@hopestylist! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

What is the daily container thing about? Taskmaster mentioned the same thing on his thread.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(10/50)@jessicaossom! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

Goid evening everyone.
How was your day? Mine was a busy one, much people came to the Barbershop

Good evening. Although it's late night here. My day was well and productive.

Good evening sir. Today is Saturday so it's understandable why the shop was busy, hehe, everyone wants to look good for service tomorrow.

My day was a little bit stressful but it went well 😊. Thank you so much for asking 🤗.


That was great to hear because a lot of customers would definitely fetch you some money.

Yeah! You know the more customers the better.

Yeah, for sure. Enjoy your day man.

you reminded me a need a hair cut i was busy for a lot of time that i am not finding time to do that.
I think most of us are having busy days maybe that’s what life need now unfortunately. Wish you all the best bro

I woke up late today! Then I went out to get some fruit. I got mangos and guavas. Great for juicing.

Mine was chill. Played D&D, listened to #ctt and now just threading

Thanks really nice. Good to hear.

Mine was busy too! Working and just now sitting in front of the computer to do some quests

I've come to realize that replying to New threads works better than old ones. For those having issues just like me, do well to reply to more of new threads than old ones. I'll try to reply to comments as early as possible then.


I have been off threads since this morning, was there a problem? Well I hope it is sorted for Hope!

Hehehe, yes I think it's sorted partner, I've been having some trouble replying to comments but now it's all better.

It's nice to have you back on threads, how was your day?


Oh that is good, once the new UI is totally sorted, then this will be a joy to engage in!

My day was great, my team beat their enemy so yes a fluffing good day, and how was yours?

That's right, it will all be even more fun when the UI is totally sorted out.

Woott!!! It's so good to know that your team won, congrats to them. I'm happy you had a great day, mine was a little stressful but okay 🥰.


Hehe. Still,I didn't realized it because It's my first threads after 12/13 hours. I will give a feedback later.

Sure partner, you can give your feedback later, maybe it's just for me, hehe. I'm just happy I can reply to a few comments now without any glitches.



I cannot comment on haunty thread???

lol... sorry, i typed one long message before, e dinno go... no vex ooo, i don forget am already

Ohk, that's a good update then, I would also try to be checking out for new threads. Thanks for that. #gosh #gmfrens

1/🧵War ravages lives, tearing families apart. The price of conflict is paid in blood, leaving scars that last generations. #threadstorm

2/🧵War breeds destruction, reducing cities to rubble and wiping out centuries of culture. It's a tragic loss for humanity. #threadstorm

3/🧵War fuels hatred, poisoning hearts and perpetuating cycles of violence. It's a vicious cycle we must strive to break. #threadstorm

4/🧵War displaces millions, forcing them to leave behind everything they know. The plight of refugees is a heartbreaking consequence. #threadstorm

5/🧵War undermines progress, diverting resources from education, healthcare, and development. It hampers the future of nations. #threadstorm

6/🧵War dehumanizes, turning soldiers into pawns and reducing lives to statistics. We must remember the human cost of conflict. #threadstorm

7/🧵War breeds fear, casting a shadow over communities and instilling a sense of constant insecurity. Peace is the antidote we seek. #threadstorm

8/🧵War perpetuates cycles of revenge, as pain begets pain and vengeance consumes hearts. Healing and forgiveness break the chain. #threadstorm

9/🧵War robs children of their innocence, replacing laughter with trauma. They deserve a world free from the horrors of conflict. #threadstorm

10/🧵War teaches us the value of peace. It's a reminder that diplomacy and understanding can resolve differences without bloodshed. #threadstorm

Honestly, the effect of war on families, communities, nations and ethnicity cannot be overemphasized. It can breed enmity for generations to generations. and it destroys...

war is only about solving personal problems of big leaders on the account of poor people


They cause confusions because of their laws... they send in innocent soldiers to the battle front because they have the authority... while they hide behind the pen, without lifting sword.

It is scary

It’s always the poor people pay the check, and the leaders get paid for it


In my place we say. "This life no balance" in other words, "this life isn't balanced."

Situations like these affirm that statement, because, while the poor suffer for no fault of theirs, the rich benefits from their suffering

too bad but it’s a true saying, but at the end the right thing is going to happen (i hope so)

The great thing about LeoThreads is your account cannot be closed or banned.

That is not the case with Twitter.

what are your thoughts about the new CEO is a WEF member?

Ironic she was also part of the Trump team. So Elon pissed both the right and left off with this.

At the end of the day, Twitter is the establishment. Elon owns it so he might push the Free Speech but he is not a web3 guy.

Also government can't shutdown Leothreads.

Man, twitter is down.. can only use with VPN. #centralization sucks.

Well they can if they go after the URL.

But if other UIs start to incorporate threads, this is how it becomes something they cant take down.

I remember my first time on Twitter, I got my account banned simply for following people. Then I came back some time later on the account I currently have.

LeoThreads is a thousand times better, I feel good here.

We are trying to keep it pushing forward.

Leothreads has to make it home for people who are disgruntled with Web 2.0.

And I think It's the reason which make leothreads more better and more alive that Twitter.

It is the difference between web3 and web2.

That is why I stopped wasting my time on twitter now, shadow-banning is also a very big issue IMO.

That is true also. No way to shadow ban anyone or any topic.

True as my twitter was suspended for a good 12 months and had no idea why.

That is the more reason why LeoThreads is better than that bird app.

true 👍🏽 true

We have crossed 250K threads in total from the start if my calculations are correct. This is since Leothreads started in August. More than 160K are since the new UI was released in Alpha.

That's absolutely unbelievable, I still believe, the coming months will yield more incredible stats

Yes. It is actually a rather poor number when you think how far back August was.

However the fact that we are likely going to cross 30K this week alone puts it in perspective.

this is huge task

What is huge is the numbers are growing. That is what we want to keep going. Pushing towards 50K per week in a month or two.

That's amazing numbers and I believe that the number will continue to rise even more

That's pretty wild. I've been starting to notice some stuff/people I'd want to mute though lol

There is a lot of what I would call spam around and this must have been expected.

These will only increase and get higher.

#threadstorm En los deportes

Confieso que no soy un gran deportista, de hecho, era uno de los ultimos niños en llegar a la meta cuando se hacían competencias, sin embargo, mi padre siempre cultivó el deporte en mí.


#threadstorm En los deportes

El primer deporte en el que estuve fue en Karate, era un niño y fue el deporte en donde tenía un buen desempeño, tenía buena técnica al punto de ser ejemplo para los más grandes.


eso de ser ejemplo para los demás se siente muy bien, me solía suceder en futbol, que era muy bueno en la técnica, pero a la hora del partido no era tan bueno.

El futbol fue en donde mejor me fue, a pesar de todo tengo buenos recuerdos a pesar de que no era muy bueno, simplemente me gusta.

Recuerda solo usar # threadstorm en el primer thread de tu storm, eso hace que la audience pueda navegar el tag mas facilmente!

Luego de que en una competencia me dieran un fuerte golpe ilegal en la nariz lo dejé, le dije a mis padres que deseaba intentar otra cosa. Pronto me inscribieron en Béisbol, donde no me fue muy bien.


que mal ese golpe, historia similar acá, golpe en la espalda con la rodilla, retiró del futbol para siempre.

cuanto duraste en beisbol?

En beisbol no dure prácticamente nada, no me gusta jugarlo me gusta es verlo jajaja, lamento lo de ese golpe, debió ser algo muy duro

Que bueno por parte del padre, siempre motivando al hijo aunque no fuese su fuerte, sabiendo que el amor a veces es el mejor apoyo

Jajaja totalmente, además en el deporte se aprende disciplina y eso nos sirve para toda la vida.

En béisbol, nunca me adapté, no me gustaba más Alla de verlo por televisión o en un estadio, me gustaba verlo más no jugarlo, por lo que no duré mucho en ese deporte. Hasta que encontré el futbol.


En el futbol me pude adaptar, más que por la condición física que desde niño nunca me ayudó, era por comprender el juego y hacer jugar a los demás, tuve muy buenos momentos en futbol y sigue siendo mi deporte preferido.

5/🧵 #spanish

Yo tampoco lo soy, ni de practicarlo ni de ver deporte. Sin embargo mi hijo es fanático del football, le sabe un mundo , hoy me dijo que le gustaría tener muchos canales de football aqui en la casa para ver todas las ligas.

Lo bueno de los deportes es que se aprende disciplina, el futbol es un mundo maravilloso para los fanáticos, espero que su hijo pueda ver todo el futbol que quiera, con responsabilidad por supuesto. Saludos

Yo hacía mucho deporte antes pero parece ser que todo quedó en el pasado, más que nada luego de la pandemia, todo cambió.

Me gustaba bastante el handball aunque no lo practicaba, sino de vez en cuando si había alguien.

La pandemia definitivamente nos alejó del deporte, a muchos nos pasó así, cuando volví a jugar futbol casi me desmayaba por la falta de condiciones jeje.

Yo peor. Tuve covid y hubo momentos en que me faltaba el aire, por suerte me fui recuperando.

Como secuela me quedó la falta de olfato, que gradualmente la fui recuperando. Era increíble que no podía oler el gel dental por ejemplo.

Jugué basketball también pero de forma de entretenimiento. Lo que sí practiqué un tiempo fue Taekwondo y llegué casi a cinturón rojo. Lo dejé porque no me gustaban los compañeros que tenía y tampoco el profesor (le interesaba el dinero).

Pero bueno, fue hace muchos años atrás. Ahora estoy con la idea de correr un poco para mejorar mi capacidad pulmonar y luego de ahí veré que deporte hago.

Todavía estoy joven, pues tengo que buscar algo.

En ocasiones me gusta jugar futbol, eso hace que pueda correr y tener resistencia. Hacer ejercicios es siempre bueno para nuestra salud

Good night threaders!

It's 4am already and it was a long day spent on threads.. feels like have made thousands of threads today lol... Enjoy your day! Gn.


I wish I could be super productive like you!

Ah, encouraging words 🥺🥰

Just trying to do better. I'm pretty sure you're much productive! 🦁

Still awake!? What have u been doing?

Was writing blog... Just published it few minutes ago.

oh let´s read! Did u shared in here yet?

Yeah.. shared the link in #threadstorm

Good night. It's 8:00 in the morning here: ☀️
Your eyes and brain must be tired. Please rest well!

Wish you a wonderful day bud!

Gm to you! Gotta reply before sleeping haha!

Good night... It is still 00:38 here... Let me take the night shift baton from you... hahahaha

Goodnight. Good to hear that you made lots of threads.

how many hours do you thread in a day?

#gosh #gmfrens #threads

It really depends... Some days I thread for hours and hours

same here but those are days that I am less busy.

I spend a lot of time on this, I don't count the hours because it's not often. I come here every now and then and post something

nice cool, some days I am very active, and some days I do just 30 minutes.

Oh, I don’t keep track. I just thread away 🤭

nice bro, we are all addicts chears

hehe.. very addicted. It’s only my resources credits (RC) make me run sometimes when it goes low😁

a lot of resources credits (RC) is been burned every day

Today, far too many...or not nearly enough, i cant decide!

Too busy doing Zealy quests!

I am already participating in the zealy quests.

last time i decided to make a calculation about that but it didn’t work because i got really busy threading so i am going to make another calculation and i need to count the threads too. Do you think there’s a way to count my daily threads?

I do not know if there is a way to track your daily threads count, I always lose track so I do not bother anymore.

that’s the problem like we need to count them manually so i think you’re right let’s not bother

Hard to say, my schedule is very busy so on some days 1h and on others 2h +/-

that is nice buddy.

Hmm, I don't think I have spent an hour threading before...I am usually in and then out.

I guess most people are in and out, especially on busy days.

I can be here for one to two hours but I achieve very little because of some bugs but then I'd say two hours a day minimum.


that is a great one, I want to up my game this week.

honestly wish I could thread the whole day. But then I get tired of my devices so maybe 1 hour is what I do. Even though I spread it across the day.

we all have to rest because we are humans, buddy.

It depends on how much free time I get to be active here.More time means more activity.

I can relate because it is the same for me too.

same as you, but I have some free time now, so I will be here for a while.

The adoption campaign has been cool.

Will all the quests and adventures continue after June 11?

Finally, what exactly are those XP for?

For some reason, I can't reply to @anomadsoul thread...It's the second time I am experiencing it.

I had the same experience too, I think this might be as a result that the thread is already old, I don't know if @anomadsoul might want to consider sharing another thread 😌.

Or should I just follow in your footstep? 🤷‍♀️.


Well, let's see if he replies to this thread.

I really hope he does.


i read that other challenge will spring up after this

I was able to answer him without any problem. The day the campaign ends is my birthday.

Oops, same at my end too, I think it is stuck. Maybe he might check on that soon.

it’s hard to always find time to the campaign especially there are a lot of quests but it’s really fun, i am really enjoying it

I didn't have any problems replying to him, but it sounds like some of others have had the same experience🧐

Yes, they said Zealy will continue even after the current campaign is over

Good to hear! Already loving the experience. June is almost here

Na village people dey at work o, sha @anomadsoul don hear you so he will attend to your needs

The quests and adventure for this sprint will end on June 11...

But there will always be quests and adventures as the Community hopes to implement them to make things livelier...

i think if we all keep threading that much, sooner or later they’re gonna make a Guinness world record for the most threader

lol, do you have any record of what the world record of threads reads?

hahaha, not for now but i think soon we all gonna find out.
Just keep threading for now🤣

Well, having a record on Guinness world record is a publicity that will explode leofinance to the world.

Waw that’a gonna be a big deal. Go ahead let’s keep threading and see who’s gonna make the biggest number of threads in a single day

I think we have to call their attention to it first before we start though

We can do it, it’s gonna be something new and crazy🤣

Or maybe even more! Hehe, let's just keep having fun and asking others to join us in the fun and the sky would be out starting point ☺️.

#threads247 #lovingthreads

if someone did’t want to join this party he’s gonna be losing so much, it’s up to them as for us yes you’re right we’re having fun big time

Yeah, those who are not here are losing a lot but I hope they realize that soon, hehe.


let’s just keep publishing😁

Yeah we should do that 😊.


😂😂 this gif is so funny

I'm going to have a record too, at least at the national level. Let me give you more momentum to break the world record.

hahahaha that’s a good point let’s start from the national level first and i think i already did a record here, since no one in may country ever did that (at least i know no one)

Indeed 😂I have never been this obsessed with the number of posts before.

that make 2 of us or even more than 2 i think we all here on @leofinance are getting obsessed 😂

Best Thread of the Day! Someone will beat this record for sure!

we should all be that one, we’re gonna be hundreds of threaders and we all are number 1🤣

That would be really awesome. We just have to be a little louder so that they can hear us.

Time will guarantee the noise, it’s all about consistency and time

Queda poco menos de nua semana para finalizar el verano en #dcrops, les muestro parte de mis cosechas hoy. #spanish #nftgamela

Nunca he jugado DCrops, me parece divertido, creo que con plantas virtuales me puede ir mejor que con las reales. jajajaja

Este es de los juegos que todavía no juego, es de esos en que deseo empezar pero no termino de arrancar jejeje. Espero que siga cosechando éxitos

creo que este juego es muy bueno porque muchos de nosotros no vamos a poder sembrar en la vida real, entonces no da un pequeño acercamiento a la experiencia a través de la web 3 al mismo tiempo que nos permite generar algo de diner extra

I'm finding it really hard to reply to any comment on thread, it's becoming more difficult and discouraging, please what can be done about this? I waste too much time doing nothing, it's not just encouraging 😩.

#threads247 #feedback

i am not facing such a problem but i think it’s because your clicking on the thread itself, try clicking on the … (3 dots) instead

Wow, I never knew that, I'd be trying it out to see if the problem goes away completely. Thanks for sharing this with me, I'm happy I spoke out ☺️.


your most welcome glad it worked 🌸

Yes fren, I'm happy it worked too, it's always good to speak up 😊.

#lovingthreads #threads247

What do you mean is that the replies on your threads are not correlating with the original thread you make?

Or the replies are written in languages you can not understand or engage with.

These are part of it but my major issue is the fact that it keeps showing application error.

#threads247 #feedback

I'm getting that sometimes too, refreshing the page helps but it's annoying of course.

Yes it helps but as you've said it's annoying, hehe. Well, I think I've gotten some amazing suggestions that I think would help.

#threads247 #speakup

Hoping to hear about them! :)

When it shows that, does that mean that your comments did not deliver or what?

It most times delivers but just this evening it didn't. But that's not the case, I just can't successfully send a comment before it shows that.


i think that bug as been fixed and you could comment now

what exactly are you finding difficult? The user interface?

It keeps stopping when ever I try replying to a thread but I think it happens more when it's an old thread.

#threads247 #feedback

oh that’s odd. I haven’t encountered such issues befor

I'm experiencing it for the first time too. I tried replying to @anomadsoul's thread where he asked us to ask questions but my comment refused to show even those it was sent. Or could it be the thread already has too many comments? 🤔

Okay I am not alone.

Oh dear, relax

What exactly is the issue? I noticed the thread page has become wide and you have to scroll back up to reply a thread if you don't load it to it's own page... Is that it? 🥲

Try to organize your time, to respond and create content, by organizing your time and concentrating when performing a task will be more fluid. Also schedule time for tasks that make you feel better.

I think she was referring to the application error notification that pops up once in a while.

I also felt that problem several times. I hope we need to figure out some ways to get rid of that kind of problem.

Yeah, I'm very sure they are working on it but sometimes it's really too much to bare, hehe.


It seems like the changes have sunk in

#LEO #Hive #Web3

Some crazy action! No doubt this is going to be a huge LPUD

I'm excited to see how it shakes out!

Yea... we are seeing a massive spike in the value of $LEO. I'm hopeful that It'll be sustainable.

I see Leo having 0.1, could that be a sudden increase?

I think $0.10 is extremely possible in the coming weeks

That will be great.

Leo has become a foquete! Now because of the promotional campaign, but in the future because it will become Hype!

Maaaaan, it was at $0.032 literally 3days ago.

This reaction when market is down is amazing. Just getting started.

Maaaaan, it was at $0.032 literally 3days ago.

This reaction when market is down is amazing. Just getting started.

LEO just pumped like crazy. I wasn't expecting it to be pumped so much and I am glad that I don't need to buy LEO this month for LPUD.

The banking crisis is not about US banks, or even bansk in general. We are looking at massive deflationary pressures. And no it didnt have anything to do with #crypto or short sellers.

The government and SEC would tell you otherwise.

Yeah and they will tell me everything is fine also.

it’s all about the traditional financial system that showed after years and years that it’s full of bugs. Sooner or later people will understand that we’re living in a lie

More like what happens when you have deflationary money. Not enough money, banks fail.

But the picture that almost everyone is painting makes it look like #crypto is to blame.

What is all that noise about #slothbuzz ?

Zealy for bonus rewards!We've seen those sloths buzzing around everywhere recently! Everyone's making the most of the #slothbuzz

shadow before me
stretching from my feet into
this beautiful night

#bcpoets #apoemaday #threads

Indeed.. GNfren.

Great work of art. Very impressive

That's a cool short poem, I feel poems have really lovely meaning no matter how many times you read them haha

It's good to be back on the thread am really loving it.

#thread #gosh #leo

you’re totally right is so amusable like

Yes it is

Good to see you around friend.

Thanks so much Jessica.

I guess we can call that a “Twicejoy” 😁

Lolz 😁

you got the joke😁😁

#gmfrens 💚😵

It's Mother's Day here, so off to do hang out my folks.

Ohhh it’s a special day… do make it count.😊

Thank you :)

Happy Mother's Day to your mom. @forexbrokr! #gmfrens

I'll pass on the message ;)

That's nice, happy mothers day to all the mothers over there ☺️, you should go hang out and share your experiences later here 😊.

#threads247 #mothersday

Thank you.

Just had a chill morning over a coffee :)

Oh, so it is! It's just past midnight here, gotta call my mom tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder, by the way, might have forgotten that.

14th of May is the mother’s Day in your country? Well nice to know this info. Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers around the world🌸

Not sure why everyone does it on different days but yes haha.

actually Mothers deserve all days of the year, so still it’s a good thing to celebrate it today too☺️

GM Dane

Go spoil yer maw!

Had a relaxing morning over a coffee.

Happy that your boys salvaged some pride from your season last season?

Glad to hear it.

Well it has been coming, the last Old Firms we have lost by one goal, we missed glorious chances and had defensive cockups, today we took our chances and had no cockups ...

Shows what could be done.

Happy Mother's day. Although I don't feel any special in that day because everyday is the Mother day for me.

Aww, that is cute :)

You better treat her nice!

We have our moments haha...

Happy mothers day too, that was too early at your place, we still have about 2 more hours for daybreak, lol #gmfrens #mothersday

Hope you got a bit of sleep in the end! :)

Yeah, I had some quiet sleep, thankful for being awake now.

Good morning, I hope you have a good time with your relatives. Have a wonderful Mother's Day💐

Thank you mate :)

Happy mothers day to all moms in your family mate

Oh that reminds me to message my sister (also a mum) who now lives interstate :)

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

It's almost 1am here and still have to write a long form... ain't no tomorrow.. tonight it is.


Lately I feel weird about long blogs. Not because of Leo threads but maybe am burnt out. Hopefully next week will be a new week with renewed energy.

Happens sometimes... Tho, it's my habit of writing long one now.

I admire your dedication 👍

Tanks... Just published at 4am... Damn, took 4hours!

It's already 4.11 here but I didn't slept yet. 🙂.

Hah, 5:11 at yours and 4am at my place... Off to sleep now.

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