1/🧵 Es un hecho que las criptomonedas se han apoderado del mundo y hoy 22 de Mayo se celebra el Bitcoin Pizza Day 🍕 donde se conmemorar el primer momento en la historia en el que se utilizó el BTC comprar bienes físicos. #spanish
6🧵 Bitcoin Pizza Day 🍕 se celebra en muchos paises del mundo, y es tambien una oportunidad para que las personas conozcan la historia del BTC y su importancia en el mundo financiero. #spanish
2/🧵 El 22 de mayo del año 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz intercambio sus BTC por dos pizzas, convirtiendo esta en la primera transaccion comercial usando criptomonedas, a pesar de no ser BTC un metodo de pago en aquella epoca.🍕
3/🧵 El pago por las dos pizzas fue de 10K BTC. En aquel momento el BTC tenia un precio de 41USD. Laszlo Hanyecz hizo la peticion de las pizzas en un un forum digital ofreciendo sus BTC a quien pudira entregarle dos pizzas familiares🍕
4/🧵 Por esta compra que hoy en dia se realizaria con bastante inmediatez, Laszlo tuvo que esperar cuatro días hasta que se le entregaran las pizzas, lo cual finalmente ocurrió en un día como hoy 🍕
5/🧵 Por tal motivo los entisiastas de las criptos celebran este dia 🍕 ya que representa un momento clave en la evolución del Bitcoin y en su adopción como un medio de pago. #spanish
WOW, my fellow Latinos are Trend Crushing the tag #spanish - color me impressed and proud at the same time / WOW, mis compañeros latinos están arrasando con la etiqueta #español - coloréame impresionado y orgulloso al mismo tiempo #tags
The company behind #metamask came out and confirmed they will not be attempting to withhold taxes with the metamask wallet and it is merely for their actual customers.
Companies are learning very quickly the power of social media. What we learn from Bud Light and Silicon Valley Bank is how quickly brand management can leave their hands. One move, even if not by the co, and the wheels can come off.
The social media landscape is ready to pounce whether it's from the heart, the mind, the spirit or just plain old stupidity. Whether is love or hate. Regardless, one wrong move and a person or entity can be toast @taskmaster4450le
Yea. They don't want to commit to either side and now both sides are roasting them. The right is boycotting them and the left is removing their esg score for their company.
They reached Greenland and Iceland, so why not Nova Scotia?
I have heard that Vikings reached Minnesota during the 1300s, so it's not a stretch that they would have reached Nova Scotia and other parts of eastern North America.
Today is a holiday here. I was up at 6:30am. Got my #liketu Mr. Positive Quote of the Day post done. Got a long form posy done. Think I should have some breakfast soon.
This night I want to go religious it's been quite a long while I deliberated on some religious matters. Who says Jesus is not God and God is not good???
But then people forget that the same Jesus was nor conceived in the usual way of the meeting of a man and a woman. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin who after birth remained a virgin.
The Scriptures specially describes Jesus Christ as one who is equal with the father. Therefore He is God . The faith of the people is not even needed to prove Jessus' Godship.
THe testimony of the demons who screamed at the sight of Jesus also certify Jesus to be God. The angel Gabriel foretold that Mary would be the mother of Emanuel which means God with us.
Morning? Afternoon here! Already organised two jobs this week, fired three people, had breakfast and lunch, cleaned my flat, was shopping, wrote 1K threads, feels like thursday already … 👉🏽🤪👈🏽
like i've never gotten so frustrated just trying to log into something. i clicked deformed squirrels, misshapen rubics cubes, and bottles of water that look like they came from another dimension. but i'm the one that's not human? fucks sake
No doubt. Tron and its ecosystem is a thorough-going centralized network. They have joined this space under the guise of community, decentralization simply because they see the opportunity to make money.
The initial idea was just to play and earn but later things changed because I like the experience and started buying cards. I invested a good amount to buy various cards and upgraded my level
I have never withdrawn an amount from the game and even now I am investing in various assets because I expect significant growth in the coming years.
On this date (05.22) in 1998 the Mets made one of their most impactful trades in their history. They made the trade with the Marlins for Mets legend MIKE PIAZZA@taskmaster4450le remember him? Of course you do! #mlb #sports
Will be hunting web dev role internship, so I am making my portfolio site after learning web dev for sometime now. Just trying to add a couple of my coding related posts there to showcase my technical writing.
But again, I just had a second thought of linking my Hive account directly to my portfolio website instead. I think that will be better. Because I've got hooked to Hive forever
I found a thread I made a month ago where I was proudly sharing how I made 100 threads a day. Those were the days. Now we know why making 100 threads was HUGE when no one was responding in the timeline :D
A month ago, I had not yet started using Leothreads. It would have been very difficult to create 100 threads with very little conversation. I learned this past weekend that communication accelerates threads.
No ads on Leothreads is a good thing. If you hold Leo Power, you will share in the revenue from ads. The more money that is generated, the better it is for all of holding $LEO.
El sábado fue un día clave: 800 threads no son cualquier cosa, pero tuve la suerte de trabajar ese día y estar frente la PC 10 horas era una obligación.
I am not sure they are as popular in terms of the percentage of users. More manual curation. I think there are still many who set them and forget them though.
I've been hesitant to post my 5-30sec video recordings to #3speak, but then I realized I could just create a secondary account, decline payouts on the individual clips, and wrap them neatly in one post on my main acc. #web3 is real on #hive
Very true. People do not realize they can do a lot simply by removing themselves from the reward pool. Decline rewards and use a second account allows for the creation like on any other platform.
Thanks. The option is quite obvious, yet it took me a good while to realize. Probably others in that same boat. I think I'll actually do a separate post on this
Happy Monday!!! I haven´t been here since morning and it was due to being tired. I had to take a long rest so I can have much strength. Right now, I want to #thread
In 1966 the day I was born the number one song was Painted Black by Rolling Stones and that is not a bad song to equate my birthday with #music #memories
I bet you liked that show where the guys went around looking for treasures in peoples storage bins and old barns. I cant remember the name of the show.
He's made some good investments, but I think his lust for attention may come back to bite him. Anyone that rich will attract conspiracy theories anyway. I respect him for shaking up the motor industry, but don't like him much as a person.
I don't like EVs at all, but that's not the reason I wrote this post. I just simply noted a lot of shit around this guy. He's not the man the media portrays him to be. He also contradicts himself quite often.
He does stuff for attention and doesn't have to care if people like him, but he's spoilt Twtr for some. He's going to divide opinions as some seem to like him whatever he does.
Don't forget, this community account for #freecompliments is voting on every thread that mentions the #freecompliments tag! Even better if there's an actual compliment given to someone to make their day better. 😊 #hive #motivation #life
What are the chances that Joe Mazzulla gets fired after the poor display of the Celtics? I know it's no over, but folks it's over. The way they have played, they have no answer against the Heat to win 4 in a row. #nba #sports
En este hilo te explicaré cómo usar la etiqueta #gosh correctamente para que puedas aspirar a obtener unos tokens. Al final está en enlace a mi post en formato largo para que lo leas. Abro hilo.
#gosh es muy similar al token #posh, pero este último está enfocado en generarle visibilidad a #Hive en redes sociales 2.0, mientras que gosh está enfocado en recompensar los contenidos valiosos dentro de este ecosistema Web 3.0
Gracias! Lo realicé con el propósito de ayudar y que la gente no ande compartiendo erróneamente posts de calidad, de esa manera pierden la posibilidad de ganar tokens.
It was a bit of a struggle but we made it, I had a better look at what you doing and I really dig the effort! Would love to connect , you got discord ?
Hold on, wait a minute you trying to tell me there's a Discord like app built-in to peakD?? I never explored it much but I think I will do so right now !
1/🧵 Es un hecho que las criptomonedas se han apoderado del mundo y hoy 22 de Mayo se celebra el Bitcoin Pizza Day 🍕 donde se conmemorar el primer momento en la historia en el que se utilizó el BTC comprar bienes físicos. #spanish
6🧵 Bitcoin Pizza Day 🍕 se celebra en muchos paises del mundo, y es tambien una oportunidad para que las personas conozcan la historia del BTC y su importancia en el mundo financiero. #spanish
2/🧵 El 22 de mayo del año 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz intercambio sus BTC por dos pizzas, convirtiendo esta en la primera transaccion comercial usando criptomonedas, a pesar de no ser BTC un metodo de pago en aquella epoca.🍕
3/🧵 El pago por las dos pizzas fue de 10K BTC. En aquel momento el BTC tenia un precio de 41USD. Laszlo Hanyecz hizo la peticion de las pizzas en un un forum digital ofreciendo sus BTC a quien pudira entregarle dos pizzas familiares🍕
4/🧵 Por esta compra que hoy en dia se realizaria con bastante inmediatez, Laszlo tuvo que esperar cuatro días hasta que se le entregaran las pizzas, lo cual finalmente ocurrió en un día como hoy 🍕
5/🧵 Por tal motivo los entisiastas de las criptos celebran este dia 🍕 ya que representa un momento clave en la evolución del Bitcoin y en su adopción como un medio de pago. #spanish
18 days left
Update on my status:
How many can I make today?
Good morning. 36th place is great. I am going to make a lot of threads today as I am about to be out of the reward zone.
Yes, good morning! I now dropped to number 39. That's good. If you can hit 3k before the end of the month, that will be a great boost to your xp.
Good job on getting over 2K threads for the month. Can you pull 3,000 in 8 days?
I think I must.
The million-dollar question: 🤓
The choices: 😏
Your answer is:
You think...
(6/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
The real question is how many will you do next Wednesday? Is not all about the
What is so special about next Wednesday?
Nothing. That's the point.
Do you mean May 24, or May 31 this year? 🤔 You should add more details to help prevent confusion from taking effect! 😆😅
WOW, my fellow Latinos are Trend Crushing the tag #spanish - color me impressed and proud at the same time / WOW, mis compañeros latinos están arrasando con la etiqueta #español - coloréame impresionado y orgulloso al mismo tiempo #tags
I also saw that
Yes, definitely a noticeable trend...Happy Monday @cyclopshive
Thanks man! We are a strong community the #
Eso es verdad @garorant - you all are very important to the #hive community - Dale Duro!
The company behind #metamask came out and confirmed they will not be attempting to withhold taxes with the metamask wallet and it is merely for their actual customers.
#crypto #cryptonews
but they just made everyone agree to the statement which says they are allowed to withhold taxes in order to access metamask again...
It always comes down to taxes. Politicians feel they are entitled to anything that is made.
Oh I see
Do you like cherry clafoutis?
#poll #polls #threads #vegan #food #foodie #liotes #gosh https://hive.blog/hive-120586/@anttn/an-easy-and-traditional-cherry-clafoutis-recipe
Companies are learning very quickly the power of social media. What we learn from Bud Light and Silicon Valley Bank is how quickly brand management can leave their hands. One move, even if not by the co, and the wheels can come off.
The social media landscape is ready to pounce whether it's from the heart, the mind, the spirit or just plain old stupidity. Whether is love or hate. Regardless, one wrong move and a person or entity can be toast @taskmaster4450le
And it is something that just spirals out of control. Companies cannot stop it. The brand can be destroyed almost instantly.
Yea, but I still see many of them continue to make the same mistakes. I don't understand why they aren't careful with their ads.
Yeah well boards are going to have to start asking who is responsible for the brand and ensuring it isnt destroyed.
A few CEOs get fired and you will see the attitude change and them having to take ownership.
It's something they need to solve and I agree that people won't stop until you see people get fired. Budlight is getting hit hard by both sides.
They got involved in something they cant win. Now they are going to have to choose. Once you pick a side, you cant take the neutral approach.
Yea. They don't want to commit to either side and now both sides are roasting them. The right is boycotting them and the left is removing their esg score for their company.
LeoGlossary needs its own tab in the menu. It would increase and promote additional traffic.
It should be integrated with the leofinance page. I do not even know where to find the page.
Leoglossary needs a lot of things. Cant do much until some of the bugs are worked out. But I agree, it has to be more of a focus for the site.
Lots of potential with it.
I mentioned this to taskmaster. Hope they consider it. Also it does still need a lot of work. More words and terms need to be added to the glossary.
Yes, It's definitely needed... most people outside of Leofinance have no clue... and even those who know about it can't find it.
plus little „copy link“ buttons next to the entries / words …
Question for @bradleyarrow.
Did the Vikings land in Nova Scotia before Columbus found America?
I ask since I believe you would remember since you were around then.
They reached Greenland and Iceland, so why not Nova Scotia?
I have heard that Vikings reached Minnesota during the 1300s, so it's not a stretch that they would have reached Nova Scotia and other parts of eastern North America.
Lol. No. Not in Nova Scotia, they landed on the island of #Newfoundland before Columbus stumbled upon North America looking for India
Did you have a house then when they showed up?
I do, I will get a pic up
That's funny right there I don't care who ya are.
Haha! this is mad :D
Today is a holiday here. I was up at 6:30am. Got my #liketu Mr. Positive Quote of the Day post done. Got a long form posy done. Think I should have some breakfast soon.
What holiday is it?
Slang it is May 2-4, The official day is 24th May but #Canada takes it on the closest Monday.
To honour Queen Victoria.
Leothreads is so full of information.
So it is a national holiday and no work.
Absolutely, and a paid one at that.
Good for you. More time to threads. Maybe turn some of your long form posts into threadstorms.
I will be on that like a dog on a leg.
whats the holiday for
Queen Victoria's birthday I think.
okay do have a nice holiday
I will plus I took the rest of the week off work
much time for rest and fun
And working #Hive.
Good morning. I woke up late as the kid is not going to daycare. Starting the day pretty late. Breakfast time.
Nice to relax now and then. Enjoy your holiday
Thank you. Glad that we have this long weekend out of nowhere :P
Lol. Ya, it only happens every
You've already accomplished a lot.
a holiday? whats the occasion?
Queen Victoria, May 24. #Canadian Federal holiday
okey dokey
Thanks so much 🙏 and you are welcome 😊
This night I want to go religious it's been quite a long while I deliberated on some religious matters. Who says Jesus is not God and God is not good???
Could you provide your reasons please
Arguments have come up that Jesus is mere human being that He was born by a woman and possessed the same flesh as man while on earth.
But then people forget that the same Jesus was nor conceived in the usual way of the meeting of a man and a woman. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin who after birth remained a virgin.
Jesus is therfore not just human but fully God and was fully human. He performed many miracles which endeared so many people to Him. He is abgood God.
No one goes to the Lord if it is not through Jesus
That is your belief, but what of those who don't accept Jesus as God and as such adress prayers to the Lord without the mention of Jesus.
The Scriptures specially describes Jesus Christ as one who is equal with the father. Therefore He is God . The faith of the people is not even needed to prove Jessus' Godship.
THe testimony of the demons who screamed at the sight of Jesus also certify Jesus to be God. The angel Gabriel foretold that Mary would be the mother of Emanuel which means God with us.
I was to finish this last night but tayadom overtook me and o slept of, hehe.
But las las whether you believe it or not, Jesus na God.
Who wants to trade with $LEO?
How much?
#foodies #liotes #aliveandthriving #threadathon #threadstorm #thread247
looks nice
I thought it would be free :D
Yes free to watch lol
You mean this pizza is on offer for a $LEO? I will take it :)
You have to pay $LEO for it. How much to have one slice of pizza :)
Threads Leaderboard
#leaderboard #leostats #leodata
Nice. Keep rolling!
Look at that leaderboard :P
you’re still going hard 😎
TM is from another world🤣
for real😅
hahaha, i need like a month with daily super threads to follow him
😅 super super threads actually
Wow, that leaderboard changes every time 🙂
Great, I am happy hitting 1K threads
Nice to see the numbers keep growing. We will see what happens in the next week. Should be a bunch of people over 5K for the month.
Yeah I pushed it earlier in the month.
Nice and sweet. Those numbers are crazy 😁.
another morning to start with threads #gmfrens
Morning? Afternoon here! Already organised two jobs this week, fired three people, had breakfast and lunch, cleaned my flat, was shopping, wrote 1K threads, feels like thursday already … 👉🏽🤪👈🏽
what the F. did you say fired three people? who are you? Elon Musk?
What? That‘s how i start my week 😜
Elon Boss on Hive
just kiddin‘ … 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼
oh okay. Don't fire nobody please :P
Good morning.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
I'm really hoping the uploading of images issue gets resolved for good. It comes and goes for me... but has been dysfunctional now for over a week.
It would be great one this is fixed as I check on PeakD and they show, but not in Leo. It was ok last week for a few days.
Yes, it's rather inconvenient and restricts activity on-chain. I enjoy posting random pics on #threads... but am unable to do so, for quite some time.
Things have been dysfunctional for over a week. Many mobile still cannot get onto the site from what I hear.
Waiting to hear back from one who was trying. I dont think she got on.
Yeah, it's a bit of an issue.
That is one thing should have been prioritized early on.
The chip wars continue. China is not warning companies not to buy products with #micron chips in them.
It is a back and forth between Washington and Beijing.
still didn't have enough sleep, it's the battle effect
I think Mrs T will be happy tonight!
Happy #BITCOINPIZZADAY #liotes #mememonday #memes #silverbloggers
She will not be happy if you buy using your BTC savings :P
hehe I make them, she thinks the America pizza chains here are not as good as they are in America so a waste of money!
Oh wow. Home made burger sounds delicious
Spending time on threads and playing with the kid early morning. Not sure how productive I am.
Productive where? Here ? or with the kid?
With the kid or on threads :)
That sounds like massive productivity to me. Two important things in life.
I am balancing between these two
Teach the kids how to thread and then you kill two birds with one stone, metaphorically speaking.
these fucking CAPTCHA are getting harder. it's all AI generated images, and it doesn't know what anything is. lol. fuck. am i a robot? #AI
seriously. i've failed this god damn captcha 12 times. what is happening.
fucking seriously... i have failed like 15 times now.
Funny how an AI is asking if you are a human
And it's telling me I'm not! Lol
I am not a robot. I am a unicorn
yes, yes you are.
LOL yes they are getting too complex. Showing the ignorance of humanity.
That is how #ai takes over. Our inability to solve CAPTCHA means we are locked out of everything.
like i've never gotten so frustrated just trying to log into something. i clicked deformed squirrels, misshapen rubics cubes, and bottles of water that look like they came from another dimension. but i'm the one that's not human? fucks sake
You have to love #ai trying to prove who is human or not.
Talk about irony.
At least you passed it lol I'm still trying
Happy #BitcoinPizzaDay ! #liotes
A yearly event.
It seems to get bigger each year!
Happy #bitcoinpizzaday Steve
Thanks Ed!
What's the trigger behind TRX rally?
Especially since Huobi is under attack. Maybe Sun moving his money over to TRON.
Yes, there is a rift between Justin Sun and Huobi's founder. Huobi founder is continuously dumping the ninza-mined HT token.
I read the Malaysian govt went after them too. I just skimmed the article but it seems that Huobi doesnt have the licensing it should.
Even their HT coin is highly centralized.
Everything with Sun is centralized. I think that is a given at this point.
No doubt. Tron and its ecosystem is a thorough-going centralized network. They have joined this space under the guise of community, decentralization simply because they see the opportunity to make money.
It's such a fantastic game on blockchain. I am sharing my splinterlands journey in this #threadstorm
I started playing in Dec 2019 and I was blank in the beginning but in the next 3-4 months I was able to understand and play the battles.
The initial idea was just to play and earn but later things changed because I like the experience and started buying cards. I invested a good amount to buy various cards and upgraded my level
I have never withdrawn an amount from the game and even now I am investing in various assets because I expect significant growth in the coming years.
These days I am investing more on #sps and its on a high discount.
The #sps will take u turn and will move up when the new changes (CP will be replaced with staked SPS) will come in place.
#splunterlands #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
splinterlands game is one of the best ply2earn so far, but for sometimes i have not been playing
you’re a cool example of Splinterlands die hard fan
Imperial Tartlet or Passion Cake
#creativecuisine #foodies #food #gosh #spanish #leo #threads #sweet https://peakd.com/hive-173296/@edwing357/imperial-tartlet-or-passion-cake-only-for-your-creative-cuisine
Looking so tasty
Really delicious
On this date (05.22) in 1998 the Mets made one of their most impactful trades in their history. They made the trade with the Marlins for Mets legend MIKE PIAZZA @taskmaster4450le remember him? Of course you do! #mlb #sports
Ah so we had Pizza day before there was Bitcoin Pizza day.
Is that what you are saying?
Correct lol @taskmaster4450le
I wonder how @taskmaster4450le will motivate me today.
Not sure what works with you. I thought of making fun of you but you seem to like that.
Hahahahaha, negative affirmation, Mr. POSITIVE makes the most of it
Turn it around and see what you come up with. LOL
CAn I share my long form Hive post on medium?
Yes if you want. I guess Medium allows it. Nobody can stop you from posting your content on Hive wherever you want.
That said, going to Medium is #web2. Why are you spending time trying to build a brand there unless you have a following
Will be hunting web dev role internship, so I am making my portfolio site after learning web dev for sometime now. Just trying to add a couple of my coding related posts there to showcase my technical writing.
Ah okay. I understand. Makes sense.
But again, I just had a second thought of linking my Hive account directly to my portfolio website instead. I think that will be better. Because I've got hooked to Hive forever
I found a thread I made a month ago where I was proudly sharing how I made 100 threads a day. Those were the days. Now we know why making 100 threads was HUGE when no one was responding in the timeline :D
100 Threads a day is huge but i know people who aim for above 500 a day.
That's the point. There is no way we get more threads without having conversations.
Exactly. Some people reply hours later; sometimes i'm guilty of this.
Replying hours later is fine. Need more people on threads so that there is always someone to reply to :)
Like I talked about, it is the 4 minute mile and Roger Bannister.
With numbers, they sound outrageous until we achieve them. Then ones it is done. we laugh at them.
Yes. anything below 500 a day will sound lot lower for everyone on threads
As we saw, when there are tens of thousands of threads per day, it is easy to keep adding. My notifications were going nuts.
Can add a few hundred just replying.
I bet you can do 100 per day just going through your notifications a few times each day.
I know 100 threads a day is not huge but I was referring to the conversation part how you need responses.
A month ago, I had not yet started using Leothreads. It would have been very difficult to create 100 threads with very little conversation. I learned this past weekend that communication accelerates threads.
It means you need many users on the platform to increase numbers and make it social. It cannot happen in vacuum.
Do you use adblockers while using LeoThreads?
And if you use it because ads are exaggerating or it's always on by default?
No ads on Leothreads is a good thing. If you hold Leo Power, you will share in the revenue from ads. The more money that is generated, the better it is for all of holding $LEO.
I wonder how would it work if we had a concept like, if you have more than a certain LP you are able to hide some portions of the ads
Cause either way it's going to add up to the total $LEO hold
You can take it back whenever you want.@l337m45732 I really appreciate the reinforcement.
Thanks 🙏

We all help each other. Of course, he could learn how to delegate RCs. LOL
That is also true 😂.
Ah well. We have to be patient with Nifty.
He is a bit burnt..and I dont mean sunburn.
Donde puedo consultar mi posición de la batalla de Threads del fin de semana?
En este perfil ponen las actualizaciones de la tabla:
Aún esperando resultados finales.
Ya vi, oye te le escapaste a todo el mundo!!!!! Felicidades!!!
El sábado fue un día clave: 800 threads no son cualquier cosa, pero tuve la suerte de trabajar ese día y estar frente la PC 10 horas era una obligación.
It is time for a lazy Monday. So many weekend activities—need downtime lol.
Seems everyone needs the downtime looking at the numbers.
Hahah yeah I can only imagine the weekend warriors need a break from threading.
They are doing that. We will see how many come back. The nice think about in centives is they work. However, when they stop, so do people.
Good morning. It looks nice outside but not sure how chilly it is.
It's supposed to warm up as the day progresses. I hope so, 'cause we have some light gardening to do :)
I need to go for a run and do some gardening if my kid is in a non-clingy mood :)
Dealing with banksiis the worst. Do not recommend.
what is it?
Banks. Lol
Ask Khal to buy the bank.
i am a banker and i agree with you😁
Ugh lol
hahaha we gotta say the truth man, banks will always stay boring and retarded
I dealt with the $ETH chain last week.
Was a nightmare compared to Hive.
are steem/HIVE curation trails still as popular as they were back in '18 - '19?
i'd have to go back to the wensoon AMA to get the name of that "cat" one they mentioned.
I am not sure they are as popular in terms of the percentage of users. More manual curation. I think there are still many who set them and forget them though.
I've been hesitant to post my 5-30sec video recordings to #3speak, but then I realized I could just create a secondary account, decline payouts on the individual clips, and wrap them neatly in one post on my main acc. #web3 is real on #hive
Very true. People do not realize they can do a lot simply by removing themselves from the reward pool. Decline rewards and use a second account allows for the creation like on any other platform.
Great idea.
Thanks. The option is quite obvious, yet it took me a good while to realize. Probably others in that same boat. I think I'll actually do a separate post on this
Fly me to the moon let me get some space.
NASA could help with this.
Bezos is working on that for you.
#gmfrens Happy Monday!!! I haven´t been here since morning and it was due to being tired. I had to take a long rest so I can have much strength. Right now, I want to #thread
Go for the power thread session
Lol... what is the power thread session? Do you mean the rest I took?
It is like power nap when you thread actively for a specific time :P
Oh, okay! I understand now.
Power thread session? What is that?
I just made it up :P 30 mins session on thread where you actively reply to threads and create your own threadstorm :D
It is a good one. Do a power thread session at least once a day.
Hmm there could be something to this.
Resting is very important. Now you get to thread to your full potentials.
Exactly. Taking time to rest will make you come back to full strength. How are you, Wongi?
Im doing well. How are you?
I am fine as well.
Rest is important to recharge your batteries. Nothing wrong with that.
Yea, rest is very important. How are you, sir?
I am okay. Got my walk in. Now need to hop in the shower before making a video.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Tomato Soup with Extra Red Onions, by @marlyncabrera #vegan #foodies #food #leo #gosh #threads https://peakd.com/hive-180569/@marlyncabrera/tomato-soup-with-extra-red-onions-and-quinoa-and-beluga-lentil-salad
The two pizzas that Laszlo Hanyecz bought were worth about $41 at the time. Today, those same pizzas would be worth over $269 million.
What was it a couple years ago before the bear market?
At $66K per Bitcoin, that is huge.
that was crazy, i think the delivery guy or the owner committed a suicide, i think they turned the BTC into fiat after a while
Of course they did. Why wouldnt they? How many people are still HODLing $BTC since then? A few but most got out.
that's the human nature collecting little money is better than waiting.
one bird in hand better than 10 on a tree
I am crying
In 1966 the day I was born the number one song was Painted Black by Rolling Stones and that is not a bad song to equate my birthday with #music #memories
At least you arent old enough where it was the Star Spangled Banner.
Not that you arent old, just not a relic.
That would have been out of the Twilight Zone @taskmaster4450le
That is @bradleyarrow. He knew Moses as a boy I believe.
Yes, the stories. There were 15 commandments. He dropped a tablet.
After listing the things to do today, the first thing I did is to open leofinance.io/threads.
It should be the first thing you do everyday. Well taking a piss can go first since not doing so could get messy.
Thanks! I am learning American idioms. 🤣😂
pee pee
going to the bathroom
draining the lizard
That's my first impression, but when I asked Mr. Google, he confused me. 🤣😂
I understand. Google doesnt get american humor either.
How about Filipino idioms translated into American English? 🤔
You may want to share them here on #LeoThreads! 🤣😂
(7/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
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NFT | <>< daily
That's probably going to slow you down
It's all systems go at #HMVF! We're constantly updating! Stay up to date on #hive!
Oh nice! Keep on #buzzin!
Yeah nice! We will make Hive music big! :) #music #hmvf
Might hit another book store today. I'm obsessed. It's like treasure hunting looking for books to sell on Amazon
I bet you liked that show where the guys went around looking for treasures in peoples storage bins and old barns. I cant remember the name of the show.
oh yeah, something like American Pickers. i did enjoy it.
Eventually all books will be treasures... ;)
Are these are some kind of vintage books?
By surpassing 2,000 threads, 17 threaders have already completed the Threads Legend Quest.
i am almost gonna reach 2000 wait for me guys
Yes, 86 more. By tomorrow, you will be there. 😎👌🔥
thanks for the motivation man, working on it 😁
My pleasure.
i will keep threading and watching the count. maybe it's gonna be a way of life😂
Yes, it should be part of our daily routine. 🤣😂
So how's your goal now? I wish you already achieved it. 🥰
My latest post on Elon Musk, the power, attention and acceptance greedy wealthy mfcker...
He's made some good investments, but I think his lust for attention may come back to bite him. Anyone that rich will attract conspiracy theories anyway. I respect him for shaking up the motor industry, but don't like him much as a person.
I don't like EVs at all, but that's not the reason I wrote this post. I just simply noted a lot of shit around this guy. He's not the man the media portrays him to be. He also contradicts himself quite often.
He does stuff for attention and doesn't have to care if people like him, but he's spoilt Twtr for some. He's going to divide opinions as some seem to like him whatever he does.
He's desperate about attention imo.
Food uniquely comforts my soul, especially during gloomy weather. How about you?
#hive #gosh #foodie #pizza #restaurant #foodiesbeehive
Eating amazing meals can be a source of solace
Indeed, how I love foods and I want more my dear wongi. Heheh. Thanks for stopping by.
Seems like you're a fellow foodie😂 one can never get enough
FreeComplimentsDrop into #motivationalmondays on by posting about something that motivated you, and you'll get our full support plus #freecompliments! :)
#hive #threads #leofinance #leo #gmfrens
Don't forget, this community account for #freecompliments is voting on every thread that mentions the #freecompliments tag! Even better if there's an actual compliment given to someone to make their day better. 😊 #hive #motivation #life
What are the chances that Joe Mazzulla gets fired after the poor display of the Celtics? I know it's no over, but folks it's over. The way they have played, they have no answer against the Heat to win 4 in a row. #nba #sports
@jongolson is counting down until the start of #nfl season.
It is a little over 3 months away. Training camp kicks off in about 5 weeks. Getting closer.
Yessir! Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl. Confirmed!
Well that wont happen in 3 months. So perhaps you should temper your glee for a bit longer.
By the way, remind me how many Super Bowls the Bills have won.
AFL or NFL????
En este hilo te explicaré cómo usar la etiqueta #gosh correctamente para que puedas aspirar a obtener unos tokens. Al final está en enlace a mi post en formato largo para que lo leas. Abro hilo.
#outreach #spanish
El primer paso es buscar la publicación que quieras compartir desde tu frontend favorita, puede ser Peakd, Ecency, o Leo.
Una vez copiado el enlace ve a leofinance.io y escribe un pequeño texto presentando el post. Lo más importante es que uses la etiqueta #gosh aquí

Luego, al post que hayas compartido le debe llegar una notificación en la sección de comentarios como esta:
Listo! Ahora, si el hilo que compartiste con la etiqueta #gosh genera interacción, puedes ser curado y ganar tokens.
#hive #tuto https://peakd.com/hive-10053/@garorant/gana-tokens-gosh-compartiendo-contenidos-en-leothreads-tutorial
#gosh es muy similar al token #posh, pero este último está enfocado en generarle visibilidad a #Hive en redes sociales 2.0, mientras que gosh está enfocado en recompensar los contenidos valiosos dentro de este ecosistema Web 3.0
Muchas gracias por el hilo, es sencillo promocionar por aqui, pero aun hay muchos que no lo hacen. Espero que tu publicacion ayude a eso.
Gracias! Lo realicé con el propósito de ayudar y que la gente no ande compartiendo erróneamente posts de calidad, de esa manera pierden la posibilidad de ganar tokens.
Muchas gracias por esta explicación, la nota al final donde comentas la diferencia del gosh y el posh es muy valiosa igualmente. 🤗 #spanish
Im really digging the effort maybe some #hashtags can improve the reach
Thanks for the suggestion! !PIZZA
Interesting I'm not able to pull up your latest blog post on eency going to try through Leo right now
It was a bit of a struggle but we made it, I had a better look at what you doing and I really dig the effort! Would love to connect , you got discord ?
No discord, mate. We can connect on peakd’s chat instead.
Looks like you have been really busy for the past 5 days. 😮
It's okay if you have more important activities to do outside Hive, but hope you come back soon! 🤗 !LOLZ
Thanks for asking. Just lack of inspiration at the moment. Will be back soon! !PIZZA
I called her up and asked “Did you get my drift?”
Credit: reddit
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@cryptothesis, I sent you an on behalf of @savvytester
Hold on, wait a minute you trying to tell me there's a Discord like app built-in to peakD?? I never explored it much but I think I will do so right now !
I send you a message on peakD chat but I am not sure if it worked or not.