Well, I put it on with a governmental project and it costed almost nothing. I needed some shade under the balcony and to block it. I expect that the electricity for the fridge, heating system and laptop will be free.
Oh interesting, sounds really good for you!
Since the electric prices har surged here in Sweden the solar industri has had a real boom, so the government grants ran out. So I guess that I will have to finance it all from my own pocket.
haha, I like the term vitamin sea (C)! I also love to visit the beach on summer days and just went some weeks earlier, it was a great time with family!
True, but there are some things that don't earn money that are completely worth it. Time is your most valuable resource and learning how to spend it wisely is key.
I guess my point is time is way more valuable than money. And there are certain things I want to spend time on that don't make money but have more value in my life.
I understand Sr. But here we are talking about money, it's true money is not everything there are so much things even we don't count them which are more valuable than money, here we are talking about something like traditional social media platforms which are so interesting but don't have any economic benefit to use, I hope you understand it ❤️
I don't delete because I want to control myself even when something is available or already installed in my mobile, infect Facebook and tiktok are so addictive
Well I burned over 1 million DEC for the great burning event. What about you guys? This is about Splinterlands for those that have no clue what I'm saying :')
the burning festival is really making hype and millions of dec's are being burned! Glad to see yu alone burned 1 million man, that's something worth sharing what did you get fro the burn?
I don't even have time for movies these days even though I wish I had the time. Someone gave me free Netflix login but I have not been using it...Even when I try, I just doze off LOL
The lead character who lost her idea to another decided to try something crazy and that is going to another country to visit a guy she had been chatting with on Instagram... It's crazy really! 🤣 #movie
She got to the country and is unable to meet the man she was hoping to meet, instead was being taken care of the man's PA who tries to abuse her sexually. #movie
So It turns out that the guy's PA have been the one using his name to lure girls to him... Did I mention the guy is a rich Celebrity? Yeah, his PA used that as a cover to lure the girl to his country.
Sounds like the typical Turkish shows my brother watches from time to time. The hero is always a celebrity or someone rich for some reason... (especially if the main protagonist is the heroine he wants.)
Thought this will be similar to my thread about a game I played last year, but I never thought of doing real-time threading while watching/playing something.
I love sports so right away I joined the sports community. I joined a few other communities as well and was now exploring others to see if I could get a hang of it
I did finish the post. At the time getting a post worth 800 words was a whole lot of work😂. Since it was my first in the community I had to be very careful
Well I wasn’t surprised when I got no single upvote. I had not single comment and was left tired😂. I spent soo much time on that post and ended up getting 0 engagement on it. Not even an upvote with 0.001
That failure took me away from Leo finance. I didn’t take time to study it enough but I stoped posting there for a while until I decided to start participating in lpud.
All am trying to say here is. It doesn’t hurt to ask questions when you don’t understand. What’s the worse that could happen? The person saying you know nothing behind you back?
Asking questions is vital for personal growth and learning. It can bring you meaningful connections with others. Asking questions expands your horizon and knowledge. Didn‘t the Sesame Street told us to ask questions as kids already?!
While browsing a file of vouchers looking for someone's pay slip, I saw the name "living water," and this reminds me that we only have three containers of drinking water left. I reminded our cashier to order immediately.
The youths of my church won the cup in the football tournament with youths from other churches. I would have showed you the cup, but i can't upload pictures yet.
Going through the feed, seeing people spamming, others complaining about spamming, and the funny part, those spamming are also complaining about others doing it.
Hey there! So we've interacted on #threads before for quite some time but I recently started digging into your posts on #leofinance and have been enjoying them. Just wanted to let ya know - great stuff!
Unfortunately I can't use the binance exchange. They ask for my ID and the second they see New York I'm denied. Last time I looked into this the fees to move something from Eth to the binance chain were pretty high as well. I know I'm going to have to give up some but if I could keep the fees and slippage to under 5% I'd be happy.
Indecisive multi-waves around the Yearly bottom is always a bullish signal, this is otherwise creating confusion yet forming a solid base. ( should not be construed as financial advice)
Italia es conocida como la cuna del Renacimiento y ha sido el hogar de numerosos artistas, científicos y pensadores influyentes a lo largo de la historia.
Italia cuenta con una gran cantidad de sitios arqueológicos, como las ruinas de Pompeya y Herculano, que ofrecen una visión fascinante de la antigua Roma.
El Carnaval de Venecia es uno de los eventos más famosos de Italia, donde las personas se visten con elaborados trajes y máscaras en las calles y canales de Venecia.
El sistema de transporte público en Italia es extenso y eficiente, con trenes de alta velocidad, como el Frecciarossa, que conectan las principales ciudades del país.
El Palacio Real de Caserta, ubicado cerca de Nápoles, es uno de los palacios más grandes del mundo y cuenta con hermosos jardines y una arquitectura impresionante.
te aconsejo hacer un thread container, para contar experiencias consejos vivencias, y dejar que fluya, mandar uno tras otro en el mismo thread a modo de respuesta para que no sea spam, pero sumas
La ciudad de Pompeya, destruida por la erupción del Monte Vesubio en el año 79 d.C., es un importante sitio arqueológico que permite observar cómo era la vida en la antigua Roma.
El Carnaval de Venecia es conocido por sus máscaras elaboradas y sus deslumbrantes trajes de época, que hacen referencia a la rica historia de la ciudad.
La famosa escultura de "David" de Miguel Ángel se encuentra en la Galería de la Academia en Florencia y es considerada una de las obras maestras del Renacimiento.
La Mona Lisa, una de las pinturas más famosas del mundo, fue creada por el artista italiano Leonardo da Vinci y se encuentra en el Museo del Louvre en París.
El Palacio Real de Nápoles, también conocido como el Palacio Real de Caserta, es uno de los palacios más grandes del mundo y fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
El café es una parte importante de la cultura italiana, y los italianos son conocidos por disfrutar del espresso en pequeñas tazas y por su pasión por la preparación del café.
El Coliseo de Verona, también conocido como el Anfiteatro Romano, es uno de los anfiteatros romanos mejor conservados y acoge el famoso Festival de Ópera de Verona.
El Palacio Real de Turín, en el norte de Italia, alberga el Museo Egipcio, que cuenta con una de las colecciones más importantes de arte egipcio del mundo.
El idioma italiano tiene una gran influencia en las artes, la moda y la música, y muchas palabras y términos italianos se utilizan comúnmente en todo el mundo.
Italia es famosa por sus festivales religiosos, como la Semana Santa en Sicilia, que incluye procesiones y representaciones dramáticas de la Pasión de Cristo.
El diseño italiano es reconocido a nivel mundial por su elegancia y estilo, y ha influido en campos como la arquitectura, el diseño de interiores y la moda.
El famoso poeta Dante Alighieri, autor de "La Divina Comedia", es considerado uno de los grandes escritores italianos y su obra ha tenido una gran influencia en la literatura mundial.
El Palacio Real de Florencia, conocido como Palazzo Pitti, alberga varias galerías de arte, incluyendo la Galería Palatina, que exhibe una colección de pinturas renacentistas.
El Carnaval de Ivrea, en el norte de Italia, es famoso por su batalla de naranjas, en la que los participantes se lanzan naranjas a modo de enfrentamiento simbólico.
El Palacio Real de Venaria, cerca de Turín, es un impresionante palacio barroco rodeado de hermosos jardines y ha sido declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
Italia es el hogar de la Ciudad del Vaticano, un estado independiente y la sede de la Iglesia Católica, donde se encuentra la Basílica de San Pedro y la Capilla Sixtina.
El famoso teatro La Scala, ubicado en Milán, es uno de los teatros de ópera más prestigiosos del mundo y ha acogido a renombrados cantantes y directores a lo largo de los años.
Italia es famosa por su artesanía, incluyendo la fabricación de vidrio en la isla de Murano, cerca de Venecia, y la producción de cerámica en la ciudad de Deruta, en Umbría.
El baloncesto es otro deporte muy popular en Italia, y la liga italiana de baloncesto, conocida como la Serie A, es una de las más destacadas de Europa.
La región de la Puglia, en el sur de Italia, es famosa por sus hermosos paisajes costeros, los trulli (casas cónicas de piedra) y la comida deliciosa, como las orecchiette y el burrata.
El Palacio Real de Venecia, también conocido como el Palacio Ducal, es un impresionante edificio gótico que fue la residencia de los gobernantes de Venecia.
El Carnaval de Cento, en la región de Emilia-Romaña, es famoso por su desfile de carros alegóricos y su tradición de lanzar caramelos y confeti a los espectadores.
Italia es famosa por sus hermosos lagos, como el Lago Como, el Lago Maggiore y el Lago Garda, que ofrecen paisajes impresionantes y actividades al aire libre.
El Palacio Real de Milán, también conocido como el Palacio Real de los Sforza, alberga varios museos, incluyendo la Pinacoteca di Brera y el Museo de Arte Antiguo.
La ciudad de Perugia, en Umbría, es conocida por su famoso festival de chocolate, el Eurochocolate, donde los amantes del chocolate pueden disfrutar de diferentes exhibiciones y degustaciones.
El Palacio Real de Caserta, ubicado en la región de Campania, es un impresionante palacio barroco que cuenta con jardines extensos y una cascada artificial.
Italia es famosa por sus deliciosos postres, como el tiramisú, el cannoli siciliano, el panna cotta y el gelato, que son parte integral de la gastronomía italiana.
El Palio di Ferrara es una antigua tradición que se celebra en la ciudad de Ferrara, donde los participantes compiten en carreras de caballos sin silla.
El Museo Nacional del Cine, ubicado en Turín, alberga una extensa colección de objetos relacionados con la historia del cine, incluyendo disfraces y accesorios de películas famosas.
La ciudad de Lucca, en la región de la Toscana, es conocida por sus murallas medievales bien conservadas, que rodean el casco antiguo y se pueden recorrer en bicicleta.
La ciudad de Bari, en la región de Apulia, es famosa por su casco antiguo, conocido como Bari Vecchia, donde se pueden encontrar calles estrechas y auténticas tradiciones locales.
Italia es famosa por sus productos alimenticios de calidad, como el aceite de oliva virgen extra, el queso parmesano, el jamón de Parma y los vinos como el Chianti y el Barolo.
La ciudad de Turín es conocida por su rica tradición chocolatera, y es el lugar de origen del famoso chocolate gianduja y los chocolates de la marca Ferrero Rocher.
La ciudad de Florencia es considerada la cuna del Renacimiento, y cuenta con una impresionante cantidad de obras de arte y arquitectura renacentistas, incluyendo el icónico Duomo de Florencia.
Italia es famosa por su tradición de la "aperitivo", donde los italianos disfrutan de una bebida y aperitivos antes de la cena, como una forma de socializar y relajarse al final del día.
Italia es hogar de numerosas ciudades históricas, como Florencia, Roma, Venecia, Nápoles y Palermo, que albergan impresionantes monumentos y sitios culturales.
La región de Liguria, en el noroeste de Italia, es famosa por su impresionante paisaje costero, conocido como la Riviera Italiana, que incluye lugares como Cinque Terre y Portofino.
El síndrome de Stendhal o estrés del viajero es una enfermedad psicosomática que describe la ansiedad que puede llegar a sufrir un viajero debido al “exceso” de cultura y arte presentes en la ciudad de Florencia.
La obra de Miguel Ángel, La Piedad, situada en la Basílica de San Pedro,está protegida por un cristal desde el año 1972 cuando un geólogo intentó destrozarla a martillazos.
Italia tiene frontera al norte con Francia, Suiza, Austria y Eslovenia. Por otro lado, sus otras dos fronteras están establecidas con el Vaticano y San Marino
Italia es el país europeo que más terremotos sufre. El más devastador fue el de Messina y Reggio Calabria de 1906 que causó la muerte a unas 100.000 personas.
Los apellidos más comunes en Italia son: Rossi, Ferrari, Russo y Bianchi. Y los nombres más comunes de los últimos años son: Francesco, Alessandro, Leonardo, Lorenzo, Sofia, Aurora, Giulia y Emma.
Tommasino, un gato italiano, se convirtió en el año 2011 en el animal más rico del mundo tras heredar el patrimonio de su ama valorado en 10 millones de euros.
Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, adjust to new ideas, remain vigilant, and face the challenge of change. – Martin Luther King Jr.
Does somebody know the secret word for ~~~ embed:1663697515600830466? The first to give the answer, will get a 300 LEO Power Delegation for 2 months. twitter metadata:Sm9uX0dfT2xzb258fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSm9uX0dfT2xzb24vc3RhdHVzLzE2NjM2OTc1MTU2MDA4MzA0NjZ8 ~~~
This thread would have been really useful to me 5 years ago when I didn't know what "Finance" means and what makes it different from "Money" as a concept.
It was a slow learning process but I believe I know the basics now. !LUV
For #homewednesday, we managed to install solar panels on the balcony, now the electricity bill will be much lower.
That's cool! When I get my own house I wanna invest in solar panels as well.
What ROI are you expecting?
Well, I put it on with a governmental project and it costed almost nothing. I needed some shade under the balcony and to block it. I expect that the electricity for the fridge, heating system and laptop will be free.
Oh interesting, sounds really good for you!
Since the electric prices har surged here in Sweden the solar industri has had a real boom, so the government grants ran out. So I guess that I will have to finance it all from my own pocket.
Here also, we applied longer and managed only to finish it on the weekend.
It is the environment friendly process of generating electricity.
Delegated you some RC, was away
That's a great move
I think it’s a great idea. So what and what will the solar be responsible for powering in your home.
sincerely solar is the way now… congratulations on the achievement
We are revamping the News to Threads feature, and we need your intel.
Drop as a reply here three news websites you frequent to get articles about Finance, Economics, Business, Sports, Politics, Fintech, Tech, World
ESPN https://www.espn.com/
Engadget https://www.engadget.com/
Fintechs Brasil https://fintechsbrasil.com.br/
Two of the sites are in my language, but I guess they can be translated into English :3
1- https://portalcripto.com.br/
2- https://www.theblock.co/
3- https://beincrypto.com/
Tech: https://techcabal.com/
Politics in Nigeria(Africa): https://techcabal.com/
EPL news: https://www.premierleague.com/
The Economics Time
These are my most used websites
What will this be used for if I may ask
This one is new, but is a good one
I used the most, is in another answers:
1. Banakless
2. Be In Crypto
3. The Block
https://www.prensa-latina.cu/ https://www.cesla.com/ http://www.cubadebate.cu/
Vamos a ver si ahora se publican, es la 3ra vez
Ted Talks
1 - https://www.moneytimes.com.br/
2- https://br.cointelegraph.com/amp
3- https://www.infomoney.com.br/tudo-sobre/criptomoedas/
These are my top 3 sites.
Here's my top 3 news sources
Here's my top 3 news sources
Here's my top 3 news sources
Here's my top 3 news sources
Here's my top 3 news sources
https://news.bitcoin.com/ 3)https://watcher.guru/
No veo indexado mi anterior comentario y esperé un tiempo prudencial, así que lo repito:
https://www.briantracy.com https://www.moneysavingexpert.com https://www.thebalancemoney.com
I frequent:
• https://www.netzwelt.de
• https://imdb.com
• https://www.wired.com
https://edition.cnn.com/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page https://www.bbc.com/news
https://edition.cnn.com/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page https://www.bbc.com/news
Política y Sociedad cubana:
https://edition.cnn.com/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page https://www.bbc.com/news
https://edition.cnn.com/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page https://www.bbc.com/news
https://www.bbc.com/news https://edition.cnn.com/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
I don't follow a lot of news sites. The few I do are already mentioned by others. Since you mentioned sports, I'll list gaming/tech sites:
https://edition.cnn.com/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
https://cryptonews.com/ https://bitcoinnews.com/ https://coinmarketcap.com
I hope this helps:
sport: https://www.clarin.com/deportes/
finance: https://www.clarin.com
tech: https://larepublica.pe/tecnologia
Have a good day!
Where did my response go???
Anyway, let me repeat myself...
https://www.coindesk.com/ https://www.binance.com/en/newshttps://coingeek.com https://coingeek.com
II use them in this order
Doing this for the upteenth time because my thread keeps disappearing 🥲
I usually use Italian websites:
https://www.ansa.it/ (neutral and impartial news)
https://www.gazzetta.it/ (sport)
https://coinmarketcap.com/headlines/news/ (crypto news)
https://www.coindesk.com/ https://www.football.london/ https://www.coingecko.com/ #news2threads
https://www.coindesk.com/ https://www.football.london/ https://www.coingecko.com/ #news2threads
The sites are:
These websites are
Reply not index
3 sites that I use for news
3 news websites that I read.
https://www.btc-echo.de/ - for crypto news
https://www.startupcafe.ro/ for tech and European funding opportunities
https://www.hotnews.ro/ general news
https://fintecbuzz.com/ https://mashable.com/ https://www.bbc.com/sport/football
https://www.outlookindia.com/ https://www.theguardian.com/ https://www.financialexpress.com/
https://www.investopedia.com https://www.skysports.com/ https://www.technewsworld.com/
https://www.bloomberg.com/ https://www.nytimes.com/ https://www.reuters.com/
https://www.bloomberg.com/ https://www.nytimes.com/ https://www.reuters.com/
https://www.bloomberg.com/ https://www.nytimes.com/ https://www.reuters.com/
https://www.bloomberg.com/ https://www.nytimes.com/ https://www.reuters.com/
https://www.bloomberg.com/ https://www.nytimes.com/ https://www.reuters.com/
Weather appears to be clearing... time to get back to the beach for some vitamin sea! Just need to publish my article, and then I'm off.
Nice one,I love the sea too,it's refreshing.
Yeah, always good for the soul!
awesome atmosphere😘
Yep, I love it!
Jupiter is shining :P
It's been raining a lot... glad to get some sea air...
Looks calm after the rain.
hehe, Vitamin sea actually
haha, I like the term vitamin sea (C)! I also love to visit the beach on summer days and just went some weeks earlier, it was a great time with family!
#spanish Estoy a la espera de los nuevos episodios de Manifiesto.
Por ahora dándole la oportunidad a "Perdidos en el Espacio", que está hecha de una manera espectacular. Es de ciencia ficción, obviamente futurista.
Ambas están en Netflix.
Good morning threaders. Hope you are still here :P #gmfrens
Good morning to my fren!
Hope you are having a good day
Somehow, after a long meeting and giving the salary of our employees.
Oh, you are the big boss handing out salaries
Just recently assigned as the Business Manager.
oh. congratulations
Good morning man, I am doing good and you? #gmfrens
I am starting the day just now. hoping for the best.
great, wish you the best of luck then
Uhmm let me check
Yeah, I am still here 😅
Are you sure?
Good morning boss, welcome to threads. I hope your day was good
I am just starting my day. Hope it is good.
Oh great to know. The day here is far spent already. It's already 12 PM
Good Morning.
Yes we are still here.
Glad that we are all here.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
I am here and kicking… how about you sir?
I am trying to manage time to thread :P
this should be my seventh thread today!
many more threads to come..
to be honest i don't know
I can't even count so high :D
i have to count now i need at least 45 threads to go!
And here I am not satisfied with my 72nd? 🤣😂
wow, I can’t trace my threads count for today yet
oh that’s great. This should be my (I’ve lost count) hehe.
you a bot! Hehehe
😂😂hehe am trying my best.
you are doing well. I haven’t reached that level yet.
#movies High concept comedy that delivers entertainment. https://ecency.com/hive-166847/@drax/film-review-the-whole-nine
Important Health Facts.
The average human weight on Earth is 137 pounds or 62 kilos.
A human body consists of over 650 muscles.
While eating only takes minutes, digestion could last for hours.
Obesity is present in 30% of the population of the world.
Drinking water aids in natural pH balance maintenance.
Optimistic people live longer.
Lack of exercise has the same deadly effects as smoking.
Moderate sitting and sleeping are great but too much would increase chances of early death.
Brain boost tips: learn a new language or play a musical instrument.
People remember things easier when they write them by hand.
Drinking coffee helps reduce depression risks.
Yoga is good for cognitive function boost and stress reduction.
The amino acid content of eggs is good for reflexes.
Losing a pound of fat is equivalent to burning around 3,500 calories.
Regular exercise keeps DNA healthy and young, thus, increased lifespan.
Laughing benefits the heart in that it could boost blood flow by 20%.
Psychology facts prove that falling only occurs within 4 minutes.
Even when a person is tired, exercise could spike up energy levels.
The healthiest fat for consumption is extra virgin olive oil.
Kidneys need water for optimal function in filtering the blood around 300 times daily.
The skin is the largest organ in the human body.
The core of the spinal disc consists of large volumes of water.
Dense breasts are more susceptible to breast cancer.
Breast cancer has a greater tendency of developing in the left breast instead of the right.
For mothers, breastfeeding could lower breast cancer risks later in life.
Sex during pregnancy is safe.
People with Down Syndrome can still parent children.
Abortion is not always intentional.
‘Medical abortion’ is different from ’emergency contraception.’
In general, abortion should only be allowed until the 24th week of pregnancy.
There are phobias concerning human body parts.
People who fear belly buttons or a navel have Omphalophobia.
Viruses make up about half of the original human DNA.
Prehistoric viruses may have had a role in human autoimmune diseases.
A virus could be categorized into 2 types.
The Coronavirus (CoV) is a large family of viruses with 7 known types to date.
The name Coronavirus was derived from the Latin term ‘corona,’ meaning ‘crown’ or ‘halo.’
The Coronavirus is a zoonotic virus.
Hydration aids in maintaining a good complexion.
Stretching boosts blood flow to muscles.
High-intensity interval workouts as quickly as 10 minutes are effective for fat removal.
Brisk walking could be as effective as running.
There is a better way of walking outside.
On average, a moderately active person walks around 7,500 steps per day.
Effective hand washing should take at least 20 seconds.
So-called ‘anti-bacterial soaps’ are not much different from plain soaps.
Hand washing could also serve as protection from respiratory illnesses.
Reading can divert feelings of stress.
Suicide has been known to have links to brain activity.
Antidepressant medication has been proven to help.
Good relationship maintenance with family and peers is beneficial for health.
Exercises like swimming are still safe to do even during pregnancy.
A heartbreak can be deadly in real life.
Tests are effective aids to help remember things better.
The normal level of anxiety has dramatically increased over the decades.
Physical abuse is different from sexual abuse.
Inheritance could influence autism onset.
The standard American diet has a rate of 11/100.
The rosemary scent is ideal for improved memory and increased alertness.
Optimistic people live longer - is it a scientifically proven fact?
Remember if anything is too interesting and it doesn’t make you money, it’s taking away money from you.
#Threads #life #motivation #Hive
True, but there are some things that don't earn money that are completely worth it. Time is your most valuable resource and learning how to spend it wisely is key.
Even time will take away money from you if we don't spend over time on productive or healthy activities
I guess my point is time is way more valuable than money. And there are certain things I want to spend time on that don't make money but have more value in my life.
I understand Sr. But here we are talking about money, it's true money is not everything there are so much things even we don't count them which are more valuable than money, here we are talking about something like traditional social media platforms which are so interesting but don't have any economic benefit to use, I hope you understand it ❤️
Fair enough - I respect the hustle!
hummn. Words. I deleted my tiktok app.
I don't delete because I want to control myself even when something is available or already installed in my mobile, infect Facebook and tiktok are so addictive
haha, that's so true man! I can agree with you especially relating to the Crypto projects I stumbled upon.
Well I burned over 1 million DEC for the great burning event. What about you guys? This is about Splinterlands for those that have no clue what I'm saying :')
I don’t play sl but I know dec comes from sl. I heard about the great burn event. Does 1 mili dec cost so much?
Well at the current price of DEC it's just a bit over 800 usd x.x
800 usd? Oh that’s a good burn. Are there any prizes for burning
ya can get title and some chances to win some raffle items or if you high on the leaderboard u get guaranteed land nfts @_@
oh that’s a great move then. I thought users where just burning and getting nothing in return
um I don't think so. Anybody that wants to do that can donate to me @shawnnft xD
the burning festival is really making hype and millions of dec's are being burned! Glad to see yu alone burned 1 million man, that's something worth sharing what did you get fro the burn?
i got guild points lol. the raffling is done at the end if not wrong
#Gmfrens Espero tengan un grandioso día
There are no much threads to reply to, so here is a #threadstorm about the movie I'm seeing at the moment while threading.
I'm still half way into the movie and it's still very unpredictable but I'll see to the end of it... #movies
The title of the movie is Celebrity Crash and it started with three employees at an office coming up with an idea as ordered by their employer.
One of them stole the idea of the lead character and got promoted instead.
Oh,so what's the title of the movie?
It's "Celebrity Crash"
oh it’s on Netflix right. Maybe I’ll try and watch it today.
It should be on Netflix, a friend shared it with me though
oh ok. I do enjoy the modern nollywood a lot so am sure I’d enjoy this one too.
I don't even have time for movies these days even though I wish I had the time. Someone gave me free Netflix login but I have not been using it...Even when I try, I just doze off LOL
Ahhhh you have a free Netflix login, I wish you could give it to me 😂
busy schedule or not intrested?
The lead character who lost her idea to another decided to try something crazy and that is going to another country to visit a guy she had been chatting with on Instagram... It's crazy really! 🤣 #movie
She got to the country and is unable to meet the man she was hoping to meet, instead was being taken care of the man's PA who tries to abuse her sexually. #movie
you are strong. You even have to mind to watch movie. I am coming for you. I will save the title for future purposes.
🤣🤣🤣 I can't come and kill myself na
Save it, it's interesting but I'm yet to finish it sha
I'm out at the moment... Threading from the market 🤣
So It turns out that the guy's PA have been the one using his name to lure girls to him... Did I mention the guy is a rich Celebrity? Yeah, his PA used that as a cover to lure the girl to his country.
But she didn't visit for money
Sounds like the typical Turkish shows my brother watches from time to time. The hero is always a celebrity or someone rich for some reason... (especially if the main protagonist is the heroine he wants.)
Tagging: @mehmetfix
A Turkish show, never seen one before
I don't know if they're popular in the west, but they have fandoms in the MENA region. (MENA = Middle-east and North-Africa.)
Thought this will be similar to my thread about a game I played last year, but I never thought of doing real-time threading while watching/playing something.
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Haha I see, will check your threads out
I am a movie lover too and whenever i find at least 2-3 hours of free time, i always sit to watch a movie or tv series!
That is cool, what's your favourite kind of movie
i love seeing sci-fi and action or thriller movies mainly and also have a taste of horror movies too !
The PA was caught and the two reintroduced themselves again... I'm guessing they will fall in love with each other and the story will end well hehe.
I'm about getting to the end of the movie, it's going to have a happy ending #movie
#gmfrens today we have flowers from the top of the world 😆 #hivegarden #ladiesofhive
awesome nature click
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
so beautiful and lovely…
Amazing looks
Today's Rising Star Giveaways (Wednesday 31 May) https://ecency.com/hive-195370/@risingstargame/todays-rising-star-giveaways-wednesday-31-may #gosh #risingstar #ctp #alive #aliveandthriving #liotes #
I used to be so madly in love with this game till i was kicked out
Una dulce merienda de cupcake con gotas de chocolate para disfrutar con mis hijos #hive #food #foodie #sweet #snacks #threads #spanish #gosh
So after burning some calories, I decided to thread!
haha, that’s is good, I am yet to get breakfast and thread more
Haha you're welcome back
Good decision. You will have cognitive exercises of your brain with threading.
Thats good o, exercise is good,I have been lazy this days,I want to start again
welcome to the jungle
My four YubiKey's.
If you think I'm joking.
Symbol of security.
Sir. My RC is finished I need to create 500 more threads today to complete the quest.
Can you delegate me RC only for one day only.
If I steal one of these will I become a millionaire 🙂
Simple answer is : NO
Security features/devices are more intriguing than technology.
I will read more on Yubikey.
Thank you.
What is BEP-20?
Some amazing information about BEP-20 has been given below
That's great, learning new things everyday on this platform
I used a few BEP 20 coins when investing in some BSC projects. their small fee attracted me :)
they're also trusted
yes bsc projects are being trusted by a large no of users, however, i stopped going out of hive for a long time now.
i see
Have I mentioned that I am a big fan of illusions?
I have never heard that yet, maybe just hearing this from you today
Great to introduce more people like you into this fun side of science. Here is some more:
thanks you for introducing me here, I would check that out and learn more
Good to know..
illusion or being a magician.
Hmmm cool and interesting
I didn't know you were a big fan of illusions
The cake was perceived as a lady, enchanting and alluring. But its sugary coat deceived all eyes.
#hive #gosh #freewriters #zapfic #zapfic50monday #prompt #freewrite
Thats the best-designed cake I have ever seen in my life! so amazing and thanks for sharing!
Awww, many thanks for the appreciation my dear friend, most especially for your time and attention. Have a great day!
Sometimes it’s ideal you ask questions
#threadstorm #ask
I remember my first post on Leo finance like it was yesterday. I had just signed up on hive and was looking for the best communities for me.
asking question is good habit
yep so I learned. Now I ask all the time.
this is really good
I love sports so right away I joined the sports community. I joined a few other communities as well and was now exploring others to see if I could get a hang of it
I was already into crypto so Leo finance was ideal for me. In the past I used to hate asking a lot of questions cause I thought I’d be stressing you.
Even if I asked you a question about something it will be like can you recommend me something I can read to find out more?
At times you know that even if you read you might never understand until someone explains it to you
So I went through Leo finance directly on hive and decided to write my first post in the community.
I did finish the post. At the time getting a post worth 800 words was a whole lot of work😂. Since it was my first in the community I had to be very careful
Well I wasn’t surprised when I got no single upvote. I had not single comment and was left tired😂. I spent soo much time on that post and ended up getting 0 engagement on it. Not even an upvote with 0.001
Why this sounds familiar? 🤣😂
It's because you experienced it a lot in the past. 🤣😂
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That failure took me away from Leo finance. I didn’t take time to study it enough but I stoped posting there for a while until I decided to start participating in lpud.
This too. 🤣😂
After lpud posts I made no posts in the community until about 3 months ago. I took out time to ask questions from a fellow and I was enlightened.
Asking questions has really gone a long to give knowledge when we are ignorant of something
yep I waaa. But one thing is that I always try to read before I do. Just that at times you won’t find it easily.
All am trying to say here is. It doesn’t hurt to ask questions when you don’t understand. What’s the worse that could happen? The person saying you know nothing behind you back?
If I had made the first post with the leofinance front end and would probably not stop posting. It all takes courage to ask when you don’t know
I have seen many people leave the HIVE chain without a single upvote after submitting their first article. It is amazing that you have stayed.
Someone once told me that there isn't an idiot question, there is an idiot who doesn't ask!
Asking questions is vital for personal growth and learning. It can bring you meaningful connections with others. Asking questions expands your horizon and knowledge. Didn‘t the Sesame Street told us to ask questions as kids already?!
It's #homewednesday and I'd like to share a favorite game I love to play when I'm free of work and at home.
what game is this
Ludo game, it isn't familiar to you?
yes i also love it
That's good to know
I actually thought it was a popular game haha
Ludo is a cool game almost everybody loves😘
Haha yeah, how is it going with you? Achieved your goal yet?
Doing great here. I still have a long way to go. But I believe I am achieving it at the end of the day
I believe you, you can do it for sure... Good luck
Thank you dear
You're always welcome
The name of the game is Ludo... I guess it is native to Africans more
I also play this game sometimes but on phone :)
Oh yeah, I rarely play it on phone
its called LUDO in india.. what is it called at your place ?
Wow its called LUDO here too, that's surprising
I find it more fun to play with family and friends hehe
Its always fun to play with family and friends
Oh yeah, it is
I can't even remember the last time I played ludo hehe
Haha yeah, a lot of activities now won't let someone play games again 🥲
It's great weather outside, I'm going to go for a #walk. How is the weather over there? #life
The weather here is cool but not good for a walk
I walked a little, now I feel better.
It's just okay over here
Sitting in a Teams meeting, looking outside at the lovely weather. I hope it will still be nice when I end my meeting so I can get some sun!
I hope you do
It's sunny and warm here
also cool here
enjoy it
Thanks. Enjoying
Its just ok but I can not go outside as I have work.. enjoy the walk
Thank you , I both wandered and shopped and came back.
Very hot here. Not favorable for walking around
While browsing a file of vouchers looking for someone's pay slip, I saw the name "living water," and this reminds me that we only have three containers of drinking water left. I reminded our cashier to order immediately.
What does that "living water" refer to? 🤔😅
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Here is raining outside and the weather is pleasant.
How's the weather in your area?
Its sunny outside
here sunny means very hot these days.
what is the temperature there?
Well I can’t see any signs of rain. It’s sunny.
It's very hot
Wednesday Walk I took a few walks this week #hive #photography #wenesdaywalk #singingwithlight #POSH #GOSH #NewBedford #MA
I am watching a Nollywood Movie, Love in a Pandemic. Has anyone watched it before?
Nollywood means nigerian?
I’ve seen it on Netflix. I think I started watching it but I’ve not had Time to go back to it.
I just feel like watching a Nigerian movie and decided to give it a trial
oh you ain’t a fan of Nigerian movies right!
I do watch some when I have time. This is my 3rd one this year
😂😂wow, I can’t count the number of times I’ve watched Nigerian movies this year. I don’t watch a lot of movies but I do like Nigerian movies.
I am also starting to get hooked to them. I bet all, I the 3 within these 2 months.
It's a bit interesting though
oh I guess it should. I like the beginning a lot so I’ll have to finish it.
I'm almost at the end and it's getting more interesting
hey my friend you are tempting me oo😂
You can just spare some time. It's duration is just an hour and some minutes
They still keep me in suspense
Oh nice. I like me a movie like that.
I can't even watch a nollywood movie
God please help me out, it is fustrating to keep replying without seeing it
In 20 replies 5 will show
do you reply without reading? or the feedback to the ones doing it ?
The youths of my church won the cup in the football tournament with youths from other churches. I would have showed you the cup, but i can't upload pictures yet.
oh why not. But it works fine on pc. Some people are able to upload with the mobile too.
I don't a pc bro. Just managing my mobile
oh ok. There are others who use the mobile to upload pictures. I find it difficult to do cause it takes a long time to load.
Congratulations to the boys. But you can share the pics though
Abeg teach me ooo. I don try taya
You threading on mobile or on pc?
I sold one know why I can’t upload yet too. Is there any reason behind that??
I guess it's because we are poor to afford a pc
Am crying without tears rolling down my cheeks. Does it mean there is no water in my eye socket bag again?
What's making you cry though?
hmmm never heard of this. I think it’s a disorder.
lol. Maybe tears of imagination… 😂
The impact of subsidy removal on citizens and the way forward
This is a post by @vickoly explaining the issue happening in Nigeria presently and the way forward. Click the post in the comment section 👇
#gosh #Hive #Nigeria
I’ve always wanted to read something about that situation. Thanks for sharing this.
hehe. How many people will share this guys post. He has become a celebrity of subsidy
Going through the feed, seeing people spamming, others complaining about spamming, and the funny part, those spamming are also complaining about others doing it.
lol. This girl 😂. So are saying you are also spamming and complaining? 😂. Now everything seem to be unclear ooo.
Nope. I'm saying those that are doing it are also complaining about it
it’s bound to happen. Everyone can never be the same..
How about being thankful? 🤭
I find it quite funny
That's part of the fun in threading. 😅
everyone is a spammer when the reader cant relate with the content
Never thought of it this way
😂😂😂hehe, we never see our faults. Only what others do. But that’s the purpose of decentralization. They can just complain but can’t do nothing.
Me de3, I will pass through my pc and knock someone's head
Lol 😂 😂
Everyone is spamming one way or the other
I guess so
Maybe this could be an official anthem of #yubikey
Nice! AC/DC rocks!
This is how I found out about AC/DC.
Have you noticed this trend and people don't want to talk about it? Still the patriarchy rules! #meme
Mi cerebro: Cuerpo aseado y desayunado! Listo para ser muy productivos!
Mis dedos: Del teclado no me separa nadie!!
¡aquí estoy de regreso!! Que la fuerza me acompañe!
What does today hold for us on the blockchain? It is always interesting.
Any updates coming? We shall see.
we await to see if any update is coming on our way. Probably there should be one for us as we are entering into new month.
can’t wait. We are hopeful and anticipating
Hey there! So we've interacted on #threads before for quite some time but I recently started digging into your posts on #leofinance and have been enjoying them. Just wanted to let ya know - great stuff!
Thank you. Glad you are enjoying them. Be sure to drop your thoughts on Leothreads and tag me.
Always good conversation topics.
Great idea - will do!
I am hoping that these "50 facts about X" threads are fewer than what we have now on the timeline today
Pochettino already sent Joao Felix packing, what is he cooking #epl
he started on the wrong foot if you ask me
hehe, we await to see what he is cooking then
he’s not cooking anything. I find that among managers even when the player is talented. Because he didn’t sign him he doesn’t wanna use him.
You are right and I think he will still drop some players.
If I wanted to buy $1000 worth of $LEO with outside cash, what's the best way to do it? My onramp is Coinbase.
Wow I don't know the way to go about it but it's inspiring to see such a support to the token... Go for it.
Yeah used Coinbase as well, but for some reason I could'nt put more money in there now. Seems like my bank has blocked Coinbase
Wow, that sucks. I've never had a problem with it. I used to live in NYC which banned most CEX's. Coinbase was my only option.
buy Hive and swap with Leo..
There's a 10% impact swapping 3000 hive for LEO. Also, I can't find a good way to buy hive that I don't take a bath on.
Not sure if its good or not but I think you can buy through Binance or may be P2P is better option.
Unfortunately I can't use the binance exchange. They ask for my ID and the second they see New York I'm denied. Last time I looked into this the fees to move something from Eth to the binance chain were pretty high as well. I know I'm going to have to give up some but if I could keep the fees and slippage to under 5% I'd be happy.
OTC(Over The Counter)
can you be more specific?
$BTC current price action is nerve wrecking right now but I guess this is how it was in 2019 as well.
How is it nerve wrecking?
Did you listen to Jesse Eckels podcast when they interviewed professor Keith talking about the crypto cycle and what he thought BTC will do.
I haven't...
Indecisive multi-waves around the Yearly bottom is always a bullish signal, this is otherwise creating confusion yet forming a solid base. ( should not be construed as financial advice)
Let's see how the market reacts tomorrow when Hong Kong gets into trading.
100 datos interesantes de Italia
#threadstorm #spanish
Mucha cultura que tiene ese pais!
Muy curiosa torre!
Vaya asombroso, bella Italia
Y que se mantiene hasta nuestros dias!
Hermoso idioma
Sitios fascinantes!
Hermoso carnaval y muy famoso!
Que bien, eso es genial!
Debe ser un sitio muy hermoso!
Es una ciudad maravillosa!
Mucho glamour!
Que lindo de be ser Toscana!
Uf debe ser algo espectacular!
Todo lo referente a Italia es hermoso
Vamos duro, que estas cerca de los 3k, tienes unas 9 horas
son las 9;23 am tienes hasta las 19:00 cuando cambia a UTC primero de junio
Si, viste y yo que pensaba que no
pues mira, las limitaciones están en la mente, ahi dice que te faltan apenas 349 threads. Pero esa actualización fue a las 2 am son las 9 am
te necesito enfocada, ha sido un trabajo en equipo, pero ahora depende de ti llegar a los 3k
Si, si a tope!!! Uffff
Creo que llego
para darte animos, yo hice 700 en un día. Y estaba de cumpleaños, si te dedicas desde ya, montas almuerzo y le das llegas
te aconsejo hacer un thread container, para contar experiencias consejos vivencias, y dejar que fluya, mandar uno tras otro en el mismo thread a modo de respuesta para que no sea spam, pero sumas
No se como hacer eso, pero yo llego no te preocupes, veras que si.
has hecho 33 threads, desde la última actualización.
316 te restarían, yo sé que se puede, pero evalúa si puedes lograrlo
Creo que si
Creo que ya he hecho mas de 200, me quedan algo mas de 100
Que delicioso pizza!
Hermosa isla!
Y sale en muchas peliculas!
Delicioso el vino italiano!
Un pais muy alegre!
Wao, debe ser un lugar impresionante!
Sigo con la boca echa agua por la cocina italiana.
Y en toda Europa. Muy buena la liga italiana de futboll
Tragico lo de Pompeya
Grande la cultura italiana
Impresionante ciudad!
Una de las pinturas mas famosas del mundo.
Excelentes marcas de automoviles!
Muy delicioso café
Que grandioso debe ser poder visitarlo.
Un bello idioma
Debe ser algo hermoso el lugar!
Todo tiene una gran influencia de ese pais
Muchisima influencia
Como hay bellas obras de arte en Italia
jajja, naranjas?, como me gustaria esta ahi!
Como tiene patrimonios de la humanidad!
Muy buenos equipos!
Tiene grandiosos teatros Italia!
Me encantan las carreras de caballos
El cristal de Murano es una belleza!
Todas muy bien conservadas!
Todos sus palacios son obras de arte!
eso no lo sabia
Que lugar mas interesante!
me encanta la arquitectura gotica!
Muy interesante!
Si, muy famoso por lo impactante que es.
Un pais asombroso!
Milan, una ciudad hermosa!
debe ser hermoso!
Lo mejor que tiene, sus postres!
debe ser incomodo!
Muy interesante eso!
La empresa Lavazza es buque insigne en este tema.
Como sabes de café!
Me encanta el café
Como hay lugares antiguos en Italia
Muy imoresionante ese pais, muchas cosas antiguas!
Bello lugar
Que delicioso es el aceite de oliva
Muy hermoso
mi esposo estuvo en Turin hace unos meses y le gustó mucho.
me encantaria visitarla!
me gusta esa tradicion!
Muchas ciudades historicas y hermosas!
Wao, no lo sabia!
tengo que pasarme por alli, pero porfa, podrian lanzarlas todas juntas el mismo dia?
Creo con tres dias de limpieza de la fuente nos forramos!
EHHH??!!! y nadie las recoge?
Imagino que si
anda no sabia eso....
Ni yo
Interesante, eso no lo sabia!
pero..y esa locura de ese hombre? por qué querría hacer eso!!!???
No lo puedo creer!
Antes se comia sin tomates?
y antes donde se sentaban, en el suelo?
Ya, por el apellido, que bien
Gran inmigracion!
No sabia, que bien
Quienes si no!
Pero quien se come eso! jaja
los lobos son una especie super interesante! Me lei un libro que se llamaba Julie y los lobos y quede enamorada de ellos.
Si, una loba que amamanto a los fundadors de la ciudad!
No lo puedo imaginar!
será que hacen los hoteles sin piso 17?
Por que?
Que terrible!
Mussolini era tonto o qué?! 🤣 se creyó ingeniero civil?
jajja, creo que la jorobó mas!
Jajaja, en serio?!
Pues que bien!
que envidia me da Tommasino 😅🤣
Wao, quien fuera ese gato!
Que bello pais de Europa!
lo mismo acá, si comentas todos, estarás muy, pero muy cerca yo lo haria
es lo que estoy haciendo.
I just slept for 9 hrs and now i'm thinking what should i do?
Stay home and threading
Go outside and chilling
Great one. Your body will definitely feel the rest. I cant remember the last time I had such rest
You have to make a decision. Lol
If it is for me, I would rather stay at home and thread. Lol
You could do both. Hit some thread targets and go out for a while
stay home threading 🧵. The best for now
It's time for inspiring quotes:
This quote from Richard Buckminster Fuller is timely:
From John Eliot:
A great liability indeed. We need to be awaken to social change around us.
The awaken are the real "assets" of society. 🤣😂
Absolutely correct 👍
They are the ones causing growth and development. Thankful for those who remain awake.
Something tells me that I should read "awakened" instead of
. 🤣😂!LUV
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Here's from Jimi Hendrix:
From Deepak Chopra:
Does somebody know the secret word for ~~~ embed:1663697515600830466? The first to give the answer, will get a 300 LEO Power Delegation for 2 months. twitter metadata:Sm9uX0dfT2xzb258fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSm9uX0dfT2xzb24vc3RhdHVzLzE2NjM2OTc1MTU2MDA4MzA0NjZ8 ~~~
The key word shall be revealed on the Thursday show. It was not mentioned.
Will ask Thursday again. Thank you!
Welcome. It means I'm not getting the price 😅?
Delegated! Come back Thursday with the password:
The deep stream of murmured Water,
At the bottom, Stone lay motionless...
#gosh #lolz #meme
Priceless stones can be found deep down in the water bodies
Dread is expecting something unpleasant to happen and it has nothing to do with faith. Faith looks forward to something good.
#thread #web3
Sorry o, abeg who b Dread, hehe?
Hmm. It's an explanation between dreading about something and having faith. There is a difference between the two.
what is that thing??
Read again until you understand 🤔🙃🫠
come and carry me to read again… me that I have disappeared
What is Finance?
Finance is the management of money. It involves making decisions regarding investments, savings, borrowing, budgeting, and financial risk management.
check some important threads about finance below:
That os being able to mange person funds right?
OH, a new understanding about finance. I had thought it is just anything with regards money
This thread would have been really useful to me 5 years ago when I didn't know what "Finance" means and what makes it different from "Money" as a concept.
It was a slow learning process but I believe I know the basics now. !LUV
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$wLEO on coingecko.com is not actual! Last update 28th of May. Is anybody here to adress this issue for $LEO community
Today ends the 5th month of the year. Have you been able to achieve any goals you set for the year?
THis is a food fforfor thought. Omo there plenty goals unachieved
Me I don't think I've achieved anything oo. I've just managed to stay alive
I am trying my best so far. Going to the mid year should be another stepping stone to my achievements
Congratulations and good luck with that
thanks dear. You are so nice
Some.. but most of my goals are long term so it will take a while
Great, Good luck with them
achieve fire!!! still dangling in circle
Hopefully, you will get there
Oh yes a lot of my hive goals actually. Apart from hive I’ve been able to achieve a few too. 8 months to go, let’s see where the road leads.
Which 8 months?