My first favorite summoner is Grandmaster Rathe. This legendary card provides great protection for Life team and significantly reduces the effectiveness of cards with magic damage. It's perfect when combined with reflect damage.
É que as composições com ele podem ser difíceis de se utilizar e talvez você não tenha as melhores cartas que combinem, de qualquer forma você vai gostar caso monte times que usem bem suas habilidades.
Another summoner that I use a lot is the Mimosa Nightshade. This Death element card is perfect for Keep Your Distance matches and eliminates all healing potential from the enemy team. This can be extremely useful!
No começo eu achava ela horrível pq fazia "tudo e nada" mas agora eu sei que essa carta é boa demais kkkkk em partidas de mana alta em que o oponente enche o time de cartas com cura ela simplesmente acaba com tudo sozinha!
Sim vei, muita gente não espera enfrentar a Mimosa e esse é um dos maiores pontos fortes dela. Inclusive eu me impressiono por não utilizarem, ela é boa demais!
Did you think I would only recommend legendary cards? Well, the Alric Stormbringer is the summoner I've been using the most since I started playing Splinterlands, and to this day, the magical strength of water teams is unbeatable.
Now I will conclude this with my favorite summoner, even though I never use it because it's too expensive. I'm talking about Yodin Zaku, the most destructive summoner, the best in battles with its incredible abilities.
Meu invocador favorito em Splinterlands em modelo WILD é o Alric Stormbringer, com ele consigo criar muitas composições mágicas que se tornam difíceis de se combater do Bronze ao Ouro, além do benefício de ser uma carta BETA no custo certo.
Poderia considerar também o novo invocador Immortalis, a combinação dele com o elemento Terra é praticamente seguro total contra ataques mágicos, mas entre Alric Stormbringer e Immortalis eu prefiro o primeiro.
Cara, eu realmente acho o Immortalis muito bom mas por algum motivo eu nunca consegui utilizá-lo corretamente, inclusive havia conseguido alugar por um preço bem barato mas acabei cancelando por não ter me saído muito bem.
Gosto muito do Immortalis também. É uma carta bastante versátil na minha opinão. Dá até pra usar quando não tem monstros mágicos por causa do Shatter. #blacklions
Não conheço os restantes da novs coleção já que estou um pouco afastado de Splinterlands, quem sabe depois desse evento de queima de $DEC eu consiga voltar para disputar algo.
Eu continuo bastante ativo, apesar de que ultimamente tenho testado o XBOT e estou bastante satisfeito com o resultado dele. Isso me dá mais tempo livre mas eu continuo acompanhando todas as batalhas que ele luta para aprender.
Byzantine Kitty, obviously, but I came here to talk about Immortalis. When Dice dropped long ago, I was so happy to get my hands on a Minotaur Warlord, and was so disappointed he couldn't take enough dmg to really show off his power.
I gave him another shot with Kitty, & found him to be a bit better with the speed boost, so he could get that hard hit in early, and maybe dodge an attack or two. Immortalis, however, probably turned this big fella into my favorite tank. Void makes a huge difference!
Next would probably be Mimosa. Void/Affliction/Headwinds is amazing and Death has at least 3 silencers to reduce even the strongest mages to minimum damage.
The creation of Bitcoin started a universe of new opportunities: technological, social, economic and a long etcetera. Suddenly, a relatively simple idea opened the eyes of millions around the world. #threadstorm #blacklions
Several ideas began to be explored that resulted in new cryptocurrencies, in new ways of doing and creating through the blockchain. New innovations and businesses appeared that didn't exist before and infinites opportunities for everyone.
Of course, from the traditional vision of economy, this idea of decentralized money and resistant to censorship began to be discredited. What if it was used for money laundering, terrorism, drugs, etc.
Although we all know the truth, the problem is not the security, anonymity and privacy that cryptocurrencies provide us, the problem is that governments cannot control it. The powerful never wants lose they privileges.
I will always be amazed by Satoshi’s vision to create cryptocurrencies. It has opened a world of endless opportunities that we are benefiting from. Take hive for example. We are enjoying this because of the innovation of crypto #blacklions
The longest article I've ever written, more than 3000 words. But #Bitcoin is worth every one of them. Technologies that allowed BTC to exist, the impact and future of crypto
With all this activity going on, #threads are giving me 90s vibes in terms of loading times. We're really testing the limits of the UI today. It'll be essential to scale the servers so they can handle a lot of activity! #whitelions
I get kinda discouraged seeing the scoreboard. I think something is not right. I deserve more than that. It seems I have been wasting time since morning
1\A lion herd provides protection and defence for its members, especially cubs and females. In a pride, lions can join forces to confront predators that threaten their territory.
In a herd, females often work together to care for their young. This allows the mothers to go out and hunt for the pride without leaving their cubs alone, which increases the cubs' chances of survival.
5\ In a lion herd, the more experienced members of the herd can pass on knowledge and skills to younger members to ensure the survival and success of the pride through the generations.
6\ Lions are social animals and a herd allows them to develop emotional and social bonds between members. These bonds are important for the cohesion and stability of the herd.
true that...i enjoy teamwork and how people from very different backgrounds are coming together to achieve a goal. it is a beautiful sight. I appreciate all of you putting in the time and effort. I can't ask for more
well, with a very hot climate, I think you are there too, right?, very humid all the time, surrounded by beautiful beaches, people are very sociable and supportive. Although these last years of economic crisis have not been very good.
Whether it's epic orchestral scores, catchy chiptunes, or immersive ambient tracks, as long as the music resonates with you and enhances your gaming experience
Rock is always my first choice! There's a lot of versatility possible within the genre, and it contains many of my personal favorites. Jazz is very arguably more musically versatile, but I haven't listened to enough jazz to properly judge.
Acabo de leer un articulo, donde dice cuales son los nombres mas comunes que usan las mujeres venezolanas para guardar el contacto telefónico de sus amantes: uñas, peluquería, primo, mejor amigo. #spanish
Yeah. Same. I cannot be here all the time without my son asking for something. I may have to feed him but stole some time to send few replies and threads #brownlions
Because in music it is harder to understand and I'm not used to their voices hahaha the accent. I've been speaking English less that 3 years with no English speakers around xD
Yeah, I love listening the melodies. Now that I get English most of the time I listen to german or another language when I want to disconnect.
that is nice...i am falling in love with french afrobeat is so sexy and i cant help but get engrossed in the melody (even though i cannot a thing they are saying)
Calling all TVD lovers. Come help me settle this lions. If you watched the vampire diaries which I am sure a lot of us did, this is for you. Maybe even if you did not and you watched The Orginals, …
Was a sequel to the vampire diaries. It told us a story of the first ever vampires to live, the original vampire family. They were first introduced in the vampire diaries as the scary family who were dysfunctional
They were dysfunctional yes but they always looked out for each other. Family above all, always and forever. When Klaus and Elijah were introduced in TVD, Elijah wanted to kill him because he thought Klaus killed their family
But he later realized Klaus didn’t and spared him. The whole point of this is that those of us who watched TVD before the originals loved the original family before the originals. When I recommend only the originals to those
haha I watched orginals and vampire diaries but legacy I didn’t enjoy so much. I even stopped watching cos it got to a point they made it like cartoons
who haven’t watched TVD, they don’t want to because they are linked. I always maintain you can enjoy one without the other but you will enjoy Originals more if you watch TVD first. Do you guys think the same?
Oh, are you whitelion? I almost gave up on the individual battles, but decided to participate only in this last battle😂
In any case, let's do our best for each other.
Last point is the most important. At least for this #finalbattle. I also love the #whitelions color and the abilities to get back after a reverse score. What do you think about that?
It would be easy! lol because leo is already on his way to the moon! those who don't buy now will have a great difficulty setting up a position in a few months!
The mostly important prize for me is the delegation of 100k for Nexo Digital. so i'm fighting to stay in 1st or 2nd...the personal prize will be nice..but i would easily trade whatever it is for the 100k delegation to the Nexo Digital !
Hahahh yeah we´ll celebrate all in our yatchs but I need to ask for 10 of the Filipe100dedos because this threading thing is gonna leave me with no fingers
Por si no lo adivinaste, hablaremos de cómo cuidar tu salud bucal. Vamos, tu dentadura 😂 El primer consejo que te daré para mantener tus dientes saludables es cepillarlos al menos dos veces al día durante dos minutos mínimo
Usar hilo dental a diario: El uso del hilo dental es importante para eliminar la placa y las partículas de alimentos que quedan atrapados entre los dientes. Asegúrate de usar hilo dental por lo menos una vez al día. Usas hilo dental?
Por otro lado, los alimentos y bebidas azucarados pueden causar caries dentales y otros problemas dentales. Trata de limitar tu consumo de alimentos y bebidas azucarados y enjuaga tu boca con agua después de consumirlos.
Visitar al dentista regularmente: Es importante visitar al dentista regularmente para mantener la salud dental. Los dentistas pueden detectar problemas dentales temprano y proporcionar tratamientos preventivos.
Para prevenir enfermedades, evita fumar y masticar tabaco pues pueden causar muchos problemas dentales, como manchas, mal aliento y enfermedad en las encías. Recuerda que tu sonrisa es algo que causa una buena o mala impresión.
We are interconnected beings, meant to live among each other. In moments when our introspection falls short, another person's words and thoughts become the elixir of life.
Do you sometimes need support from other people? @polls #whitelions
I believe that somehow, no matter how independent we are, at some point we will need the support of other people, whether it be family, friends and sometimes even someone from whom you least expect it.
Despite our independence, there comes a time when we all need the support of others. Whether it's the comfort of family, the strength of friends, or the unexpected kindness from someone lucky, human connection is a powerful force.
the way the lion contest keeps breaking is quite funny to me as i never thought this was possible since the last time it happened during the weeked challange.. i was wrong
Please vote for your favourite post on the #silvergoldstackers tag this week and help out great authors here on HIVE.
#polls #topauthors #leofinance #silvergoldstackers #leo #threads #hive
Aye, swashed them buckles. ☠
What are your favorite summoners in #Splinterlands? I'm going to do a #threadstorm to share my main summoners and some strategies on how to use them!
#blacklions #summoner #tips
Been a long time since I played Splinterlands. I'm happy I know all summoners in this photo except maybe 3 of them.
I used to love using "Lyanna Natura."
now i am lost but i will keep commenting till i understand. So Lyanna Natura is a charater on the game right?
(I'm pretty sure it's a Beta card.)One of the Green Summoners in #Splinterlands.
Thanks for the pizza.. i feel so filled already #blacklions
Exactly, she is a summoner of the Earth element.
I also rent Lyanna and use her in many matches. She helps a lot when I want to survive.
These are just a few of the summoners I use and enjoy the most. Comment below to share which #Splinterlands summoners you use the most!
Threadstorm end.
i don't know shit about splinterland but i am commenting because it feels right, lol
You will definitely enjoy playing Splinterlands; I'm sure of it.
i will try it out proberbly after the contest ends, it has been a bumby ride so far
Thanks for sharing those summoners. I will check them out and see how effective they can be for a starter like myself.
My first favorite summoner is Grandmaster Rathe. This legendary card provides great protection for Life team and significantly reduces the effectiveness of cards with magic damage. It's perfect when combined with reflect damage.
Ela é muito boa mesmo. Eu uso pouco por não sei qual motivo, mas pretendo começar a usar ela com mais frequência
É que as composições com ele podem ser difíceis de se utilizar e talvez você não tenha as melhores cartas que combinem, de qualquer forma você vai gostar caso monte times que usem bem suas habilidades.
Vou dar uma testada e ver o que acho, provavelmente vou gostar mesmo. Life foi meu elemento favorito no início do game #blacklions
Eu não tinha tanto costume de jogar com Life, mas depois que aluguei um monte de cartas desse elemento que que comecei a gostar bastante.
Sim, eu combava muito a Lorna shine com carta mágica no bronze no início. Ela é excelente pra mana baixa #blacklions
well i learn about the game more, i would be dropping my summoner, lol, for now, i am observing
Another summoner that I use a lot is the Mimosa Nightshade. This Death element card is perfect for Keep Your Distance matches and eliminates all healing potential from the enemy team. This can be extremely useful!
Sou fãzaço desse invocador, tanto por ser bom, quanto pela arte que foi feita nela. É muito bonita. #blacklions
No começo eu achava ela horrível pq fazia "tudo e nada" mas agora eu sei que essa carta é boa demais kkkkk em partidas de mana alta em que o oponente enche o time de cartas com cura ela simplesmente acaba com tudo sozinha!
Sim, famosa estraga prazeres kkkkkk boa demais, e pega muito de surpresa o oponente #blacklions
Sim vei, muita gente não espera enfrentar a Mimosa e esse é um dos maiores pontos fortes dela. Inclusive eu me impressiono por não utilizarem, ela é boa demais!
Ela é bem subestimada e não é de hoje que eu venho percebendo isso. #blacklions
Talvez por causa do set Untamed ter Yodin e Llama o povo acaba deixando ela de lado #blacklions
Did you think I would only recommend legendary cards? Well, the Alric Stormbringer is the summoner I've been using the most since I started playing Splinterlands, and to this day, the magical strength of water teams is unbeatable.
Ela é muito boa também, mas eu prefiro o Valnamor. Só que ele é muito caro, então o Alric acaba sendo melhor pelo custo benefício
Para considerar uma carta boa eu analiso sua eficiência vs seu preço, no caso do Valnamor o preço acaba não compensando seu custo extra.
Exatamente. Tem muitas composições boas usando ele, mas é uma carta que tem pouca impressão.
Pois é, isso acaba tornando ela bem rara e cara! Mas se conseguirmos comprar ela nos preços de hoje, é bem possível que valorize no futuro.
Sim, há essa probabilidade caso o jogo continue crescendo #blacklions
E também por ser boa acaba tendo uma demanda relativamente alta #blacklions
Now I will conclude this with my favorite summoner, even though I never use it because it's too expensive. I'm talking about Yodin Zaku, the most destructive summoner, the best in battles with its incredible abilities.
Não podia ser diferente né kkkkkkkkk carta do capeta, devia ser banida do jogo!
kkkkkkkkk ela é imoral demais, um bixo desses precisa ser banido pra nunca mais voltar (ou não, gosto tanto dele kkkkk)
Eu nem sei mais como é a sensação de jogar com ele kkkk faz muito tempo que não jogo com essa carta.
kkkkkkkkk eu te entendo, tem tanta carta que eu utilizava bastante mas que agora já fazem meses que não uso.
Pois é, é muita carta kkkkkkk a gente nem lembra mais do que que jogou algum dia #blacklions
Mas só de ver as estatísticas e preço dela dá pra ter noção do que ela é capaz #blacklions
Ela consegue fazer muitos estragos quando bem utilizada.
Sim, se souber como combar com ela não tem erro. #blacklions
Meu invocador favorito em Splinterlands em modelo WILD é o Alric Stormbringer, com ele consigo criar muitas composições mágicas que se tornam difíceis de se combater do Bronze ao Ouro, além do benefício de ser uma carta BETA no custo certo.
Essa carta é um absurdo de bom, desde que comecei a jogar estou utilizando ele e se possível nunca irei parar kkkk
Poderia considerar também o novo invocador Immortalis, a combinação dele com o elemento Terra é praticamente seguro total contra ataques mágicos, mas entre Alric Stormbringer e Immortalis eu prefiro o primeiro.
Cara, eu realmente acho o Immortalis muito bom mas por algum motivo eu nunca consegui utilizá-lo corretamente, inclusive havia conseguido alugar por um preço bem barato mas acabei cancelando por não ter me saído muito bem.
Eu gosto da ideia da utilização dele com Mushroom Seer e Oakem Behemoth, precisa também receber escudo de algum monstro como Queen Mycelia
Nesse caso eles combinam de mais, são cartas que vão causar muito dano e auxiliar na sobrevivência com o debuff e dodge
Gosto muito do Immortalis também. É uma carta bastante versátil na minha opinão. Dá até pra usar quando não tem monstros mágicos por causa do Shatter. #blacklions
Alric não tenho mais jogado porque só jogo no modern atualmente.
Não conheço os restantes da novs coleção já que estou um pouco afastado de Splinterlands, quem sabe depois desse evento de queima de $DEC eu consiga voltar para disputar algo.
Eu continuo bastante ativo, apesar de que ultimamente tenho testado o XBOT e estou bastante satisfeito com o resultado dele. Isso me dá mais tempo livre mas eu continuo acompanhando todas as batalhas que ele luta para aprender.
Eu sou pobre meu amigo, eu utilizo o Splintermate que é pior que bater na mãe, por isso nem compensa a utilização de Bot para mim no momento
kkkkkkkk eu investi 60$ no XBOT mas não me arrependo, o bixo é bom demais!
every of them are looking gorgeous
They are excellent summoners and bring me many victories every day.
Due to people's proclivity for Yodin, Lir is near & dear to me!
Death is my fave element - I use Astral Entity & Thaddius Brood often. They are great complements.
Jacek is my #1, becos although erratic with scatter, the speed is lethal!
not my favorite, but I’ve come to enjoy using possibilus!
Byzantine Kitty, obviously, but I came here to talk about Immortalis. When Dice dropped long ago, I was so happy to get my hands on a Minotaur Warlord, and was so disappointed he couldn't take enough dmg to really show off his power.
I gave him another shot with Kitty, & found him to be a bit better with the speed boost, so he could get that hard hit in early, and maybe dodge an attack or two. Immortalis, however, probably turned this big fella into my favorite tank. Void makes a huge difference!
Next would probably be Mimosa. Void/Affliction/Headwinds is amazing and Death has at least 3 silencers to reduce even the strongest mages to minimum damage.
In the #iamalivechallenge 369 I take you on a sightseeing tour to another hidden gem #Alive in #Naples #threads #aliveandthriving #gosh @tydynrain #hive #liotes
You are a master tour guide, Davide! Thank you again! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
A great many thanks to you too
You're always very welcome Davide, most certainly! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(4/20)@tydynrain! to your account on behalf of @davidxxl.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Here I share my Thursday.
#threads #gosh #alive #aliveandthriving #liotes #ctp
Grab Your Rewards! SQM DISCOUNT SALE! #gosh #alive #aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes #
Seleccionemos al Autor de la Semana en #hivecuba:
¡Asegúrate de revisar cada post, los hemos incluido como respuesta a este Thread!
@eduardo900613 se reencuentra con su hermano tras tanto tiempo sin verse.
Genial! Venga! Otros posts geniales por los cuales votar cada semana! Buena suerte y felicidades a los nominados!
#spanish #cuba #topauthors
@mantraspace anuncia una fiesta con pagos en Hive, HBD, BTC y TRX en Cuba para la entrada a ella.
Si no te sabias lo de alquilar o rentar tu Hive Power, @abelfotografia te lo explica aquí.
@queriquera llega a su emisión 14 y LeoFinance es el tema principal.
@meritahama na you i don dey find since morning. where you dey?
Haha you didn't tag me right but here I am Boss... I've been recruiting people and doing some engagement too, no sleep tonight hehe #brownlions
that is good. just focus on threading now. make one threat storm. let us flood the timeline again
Oh sure, will do that now... Still got my daily quest to complete 😅 #brownlions
please complete them ooo...very important no lose guard
Haha sure, I'm on it now #brownlions
You self haven't been around or have I been missing your threads? lol #brownlions
i am...i just need to make more threads. i spend more time replying
Same here, I can't even start counting the number of replies I've done within an hour 😅 #brownlions
I was just about to call out her name.
@merit.ahama, are you sleeping already?/
I am still here. my fingers just hurt a bite which has slowed me down a bit but i am still here with you guys. we are here till tomorrow.
The creation of Bitcoin started a universe of new opportunities: technological, social, economic and a long etcetera. Suddenly, a relatively simple idea opened the eyes of millions around the world. #threadstorm #blacklions
Several ideas began to be explored that resulted in new cryptocurrencies, in new ways of doing and creating through the blockchain. New innovations and businesses appeared that didn't exist before and infinites opportunities for everyone.
Of course, from the traditional vision of economy, this idea of decentralized money and resistant to censorship began to be discredited. What if it was used for money laundering, terrorism, drugs, etc.
Although we all know the truth, the problem is not the security, anonymity and privacy that cryptocurrencies provide us, the problem is that governments cannot control it. The powerful never wants lose they privileges.
I will always be amazed by Satoshi’s vision to create cryptocurrencies. It has opened a world of endless opportunities that we are benefiting from. Take hive for example. We are enjoying this because of the innovation of crypto #blacklions
Yes, Bitcoin (crypto) is like a snow ball descending the mountain, get bigger and bigger every time
Yes it does. It has been on the up ever since it was released. The amazing thing is that it is still the strongest after all these years
The longest article I've ever written, more than 3000 words. But #Bitcoin is worth every one of them. Technologies that allowed BTC to exist, the impact and future of crypto
Great threadstorm! Its all about blockchain or even more so trustless decentralized systems
Read the article, you might find interesting
With all this activity going on, #threads are giving me 90s vibes in terms of loading times. We're really testing the limits of the UI today. It'll be essential to scale the servers so they can handle a lot of activity! #whitelions
how will we know if LeoFinance can handle the masses without a good old stress test? #blacklions
Want to make 100 threads right now
answer your call
@hopestylist, @jomancub, @jesusalejos, @samueluche, @mintymile, @elianaicgomes, @glorydee, @tamilcharitycoin, @herculeand, @magalli, @henrietta27, @saggi07, @andydoc7z, @zullyscott, @temmylade, @valeriavalentina
I was busy working, but... HERE I AM READY FOR BATTLE!
well we need you on there...thank God you have some free time
Hooray! Glad to have you on the battlefield.
#brownlions to glory and beyond, or something like that!
Hahah welcome.
Please show up dear lions. The battle is getting tougher.
lol they are Fridaying!
I get kinda discouraged seeing the scoreboard. I think something is not right. I deserve more than that. It seems I have been wasting time since morning
has any recent scoreboard been released?
Hey, #brownlions! just came back from dinner, how are you?
i am doing very well...hope you have fed well enough to thread some more. hahah
I'll write something before going bed, I don't want to let the #brownlions family down!
I need to take a quick break to do some curation. WIll be back soon #blacklions
curating #blacklions threads! let's goooo
More #music for the #girslpower #brownlionsArriba mas musica para no decaer!!!
This threadstorm is thinking about my new herd and how important it is for lions to belong and be part of one! #threadstorm #brownlions
1\A lion herd provides protection and defence for its members, especially cubs and females. In a pride, lions can join forces to confront predators that threaten their territory.
2\ Lions are hunting animals and a pride allows them to cooperate in hunting for food by working together as a team.
4\ A lion herd can contribute to the maintenance of ecological balance in its territory.
5\ In a lion herd, the more experienced members of the herd can pass on knowledge and skills to younger members to ensure the survival and success of the pride through the generations.
6\ Lions are social animals and a herd allows them to develop emotional and social bonds between members. These bonds are important for the cohesion and stability of the herd.
true that...i enjoy teamwork and how people from very different backgrounds are coming together to achieve a goal. it is a beautiful sight. I appreciate all of you putting in the time and effort. I can't ask for more
Even I wouldn't have wanted a different team! By the way, what country are you from?
that is nice to here. I am from Nigeria. how about you?
We are very far apart geographically, I am from Cuba!
oh that is nice... i have had a very things about cuba...but i would like to hear from the horse's mouth. how is it like living in cuba?
well, with a very hot climate, I think you are there too, right?, very humid all the time, surrounded by beautiful beaches, people are very sociable and supportive. Although these last years of economic crisis have not been very good.
How is Nigeria and its people? #brownlions
Very interesting your thread about the lions, the image is also AI generated?
Thank you, no the image is not AI, which AI do you use?
I use the Bing ones, they are on Dall-E. I don't have to pay and they are of good quality.
Well, I'm already joining in, I tell you I've never used one, but you always have to learn.
We need to win this!The sleepin old lion has come to do some #threads for his #brownlions.
Yes please, wide awake now, to make threads for the #brownlions team jaja
Who want join me this #foodiefriday[000401].jpg
OMG. I am tempted to be honest. What is there? Rice and noodles?
That is a kind of rice and salami and spaguetti and cheese
That looks so yummy. I will dig this meal for sure :) #brownlions
I had something that came up which I had to handle. Sadly it ruined any hope at 1K threads today.
Oh well, Life happens at times.
You haven't missed much the sites been buggin out all day
Yeah I know. I was around for much of the day yesterday.
This is why people talk about marketing are foolish. A great marketing project to a site that sucks or is dead only kills it quicker.
Ah damn. I hope all is well, though. Unless the team fucks up real bad threads isn't going anywhere so there will be other days
Life happens at times haha
Life happens all the time!
Are you almost there?
You can't do anything about it. How far were you away from 1k threads anyways?
Whos here let's run it all night.
No sleeping till 5;am we must win.
Okay oooo
We hope to see you run the run actually!
Hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah am on it already
We will push the limit for sure. Not about numbers but about pushing the boundary #brownlions
Breaking the boundaries, higher-ups.
Always push higher but remember we are lions irrespective of the colour #brownlions
For #foodiefriday I thought I should share a nice looking bakery I bought bread from some months ago.
Is it already morning there? Which one do you prefer?
Haha no, it's 11pm here, this pics is from months back... I prefer any bread so long it's soft 😅 #brownlions
ha ha soft bread it is. Would that be a dinner or a snack? #brownlions
It depends on what I eat it with but it's almost never a snack for me, too heavy for snack lol #brownlions
oh okay. For me it is always a snack. It cannot be a full meal #brownlions
Haha I guess you eat a lot of it, little of it easily fills me up 😅 #brownlions
my favourite foodie. where is my own bread?
Lol your own is in the bakery close to you, go get it already lol #brownlions
you are not doing bread for your brother
Lol I paid the bakery close to you na, just go and collect it #brownlions
Looks like those two behind the counter don't want to be in the photo lol
Haha they don't even know I'm taking a pic
Oh, I see they probably are just absorbed in their own activity.
Which of the lion tribes are you battling for #whitelions?
Yeah, I guess so
I'm team #brownlions 😎
Oh there she goes with team #brownlions
Haha yeah! #brownlions the winning team 😃
What about you?
Wow, it looks nice
I trust these breads to be super soft and creamy
Oh yes they are, and very delicious
Everything lined up and I did a #splinterlands fight with all flying legendary cards on my side in an earthquake ruleset.
You have been playing #spl and not threading :)
I am still threading and playing at the same time. Just changing tabs everyone once in a while.
Good. That's what I though. Threading should not be stopped at any cost. #brownlions
I need a laptop to take with me to the bathroom on the bathroom breaks hahaha
ha ha do it. Nothing should stop you from threading. Just wash your hands after lol #brownlions
Hahahaha I do not have the laptop, with the prize I might get one hahaha or a big part of it, My pc need help
You can feel free to stop so the #whitelions can have a chance to catch up.
I don't think #brownlions are thinking about that. They are thinking about who are ahead of them
#musicfriday powerful music #leo #hive #life #threads #hgi Coach Nym - Mantras ft
Which type of music do you prefer?
#polls #music #whitelions
Cast your vote, and let's see which genre wins!
I can't decide...when I go to video game music, it can be any type and so long as it's good, I'll listen.
The beauty of it lies in the diverse range of styles and genres accompanying our virtual adventures. ,
Whether it's epic orchestral scores, catchy chiptunes, or immersive ambient tracks, as long as the music resonates with you and enhances your gaming experience
A mix of all of them. But I´m a old rock guy. I love The Beatles, Queen, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Kiss, Bon Jovi, AC-DC
Also I enjoy pop but the billboard right now don´t put nothing worth the hearing.
What about you?
I prefer all of them depending on my mood.
Me too. That´s the best way to enjoy different kind of musics!
Rock is always my first choice! There's a lot of versatility possible within the genre, and it contains many of my personal favorites. Jazz is very arguably more musically versatile, but I haven't listened to enough jazz to properly judge.
Hellow everyone welcome to leofinance.
Welcome! Are you a member of the #whitelions pack?
If you wanna join us, you are very welcomed!
Time to sleep now. Join you in the morning. Keep roaring #whitelions
A solo pose for threads
How beautiful lion!
Like to take a selfie with them
wowww is this from AI???
Acabo de leer un articulo, donde dice cuales son los nombres mas comunes que usan las mujeres venezolanas para guardar el contacto telefónico de sus amantes: uñas, peluquería, primo, mejor amigo. #spanish
No tengo ninguno de esos contactos... :D
nooooooo jajajaja que loco! cómo le pueden poner uñas si le revisan los mensajes no va a tener sentido para nada jajajaja
JAJAJAJA no tiene nada de sentido pero bueeh
I don't think I will be complete quests other than threading today. Let me check how many threads I made so far.
I may have few hours in the night #brownlions
Well I was able to do the last quest of #CYOA - Finance Bro.
I could not finish those and I don't think I will be able to do that. #brownlions
Same. There is no point in grinding for 500 points with 10K XPs at stake lol
lol, i am grinding for 2k Points and i will get that and exceed that, watch and see
What do you mean by 2k points? Is that another quest somewhere? #brownlions
i mean, i want to create 2k threads post i have not gotten their yet
2k threads will be amazing. Go for it my friend
Nice!!! I had to pause a few minutes but I'm back. It's hard to stay here 10% of the time xD
Yeah. Same. I cannot be here all the time without my son asking for something. I may have to feed him but stole some time to send few replies and threads #brownlions
the music keeps me active...we are here for a long time
Who is he? Is he famous? #brownlions
yes he is popular afrobeat artiste From Nigeria
I love afrobeats. Rema is the global phenomenon and Libianca #brownlions
yes they are the new cats on the block. I listen to more of the oldies jams like wizkid and burna boy
Never heard about them before. I listened to them coz they are popular on tiktok
lol, so you are a TikTok man as nice
a lot of foreigners get exposed to Afro beats through TikTok. it has been good for our music
you and your music i saw you listening to music all day from the discord channel
lol my play list is showing on discord? that is nice...
wizzy baby...and our star girl
#brownlionswho is your fav Nigerian artist of all time ?
it should be between two-face and burna boy....
Thats nice. Mine remain olamide without an iota of doubt
fair...he is OG and deserves his flowers
I felt so confused because I thought I could understand but I couldn't xD but I liked the rhythm
lol they spoke English for the most did not understand still?
Because in music it is harder to understand and I'm not used to their voices hahaha the accent. I've been speaking English less that 3 years with no English speakers around xD
somethings you dont need to listen. you just feel...the melody...the beat...that how you listen to foreign songs
Yeah, I love listening the melodies. Now that I get English most of the time I listen to german or another language when I want to disconnect.
that is nice...i am falling in love with french afrobeat is so sexy and i cant help but get engrossed in the melody (even though i cannot a thing they are saying)
Is this a new release...
yes, there are...i think the ep just dropped not to long ago
#threadstorm #blacklions #movies
Calling all TVD lovers. Come help me settle this lions. If you watched the vampire diaries which I am sure a lot of us did, this is for you. Maybe even if you did not and you watched The Orginals, …
Was a sequel to the vampire diaries. It told us a story of the first ever vampires to live, the original vampire family. They were first introduced in the vampire diaries as the scary family who were dysfunctional
They were dysfunctional yes but they always looked out for each other. Family above all, always and forever. When Klaus and Elijah were introduced in TVD, Elijah wanted to kill him because he thought Klaus killed their family
But he later realized Klaus didn’t and spared him. The whole point of this is that those of us who watched TVD before the originals loved the original family before the originals. When I recommend only the originals to those
I watched Orginals and Vampire Diaries. I even watched legacy, lol
haha I watched orginals and vampire diaries but legacy I didn’t enjoy so much. I even stopped watching cos it got to a point they made it like cartoons
lol, i watched legacy oo and it even introduced gods sef to the mix and also other charters
haha you did well still watching. I couldn’t bare those things cos I never saw it going in that direction. TVD was mystical but it didn’t go that far
who haven’t watched TVD, they don’t want to because they are linked. I always maintain you can enjoy one without the other but you will enjoy Originals more if you watch TVD first. Do you guys think the same?
Is it necessary to watch TVD before The Orignials or it doesn’t matter. I would like to know what you guys think.
#movies #blacklions
PeakD says I made 453 threads today so far. Can I breach 1000? #brownlions
It is possible, let's go for it!
I will go for it. Keep the replies coming. I will answer them all. Answer the polls #brownlions
Nice, I'm gonna keep replying everything I see.
I'll go check the polls
Sure. and create polls too. That way I can reply to all of them #brownlions
want to cross over to #blacklions , this will be doubled
What do you mean? We are almost there.20 threads difference #brownlions
wow, 20 threads difference , where is the excel sheet, can you help with the link
You can see the trending tag section. We are the number one tag now #brownlions
yes, most blacklions are not online and are not using the tags,. we will reclaim it
Looks like that. They did their part but not sure how the scoring works. Tags are for fun.
you guys have surpassed us finally, great work but we are toping in ranking regardless though
I don't know how the scoring works but we will try our level best no matter what. #brownlions
How do you see that? I'm a moron and I can't figure out how
go to and you will find the graph #brownlions
Ah you are a life saviour man
Thanks a lot!
We need something like that on @leofinance. I know the devs are working on it and I know it will be beautiful. #brownlions
For sure. I'm sure it's in the plans. It's gonna be great to have that here
I feel like the team has hit a sixer with the notifications system. I do not expect less from them now #brownlions
edging close to 800 comments #brownlions
Let's fucking go. You are almost there. 1000 threads here's a super lion coming #brownlions
Lol if get to 1k threads before you get to 600 threads you owe me 100 leo tokens. deal?
sure. let's go #brownlions
Oh 453 is a cool number. Am sure you can breach 1000
Let's see. @nonsowrites already reached 800 threads for today. A true superstar #brownlions
Whoa! You are on fire! Perhaps you can break the 1k
Let's see. @taskmaster4450le was aiming to break the record today. #brownlions
Good morning. I just woke up! Today is my son's class visit. I will find time to post and comment as much as I can.
#blacklions #gmfrens
this is certainly a great news for thre #blacklions .. keep threading mate
I got some sleep and my head is clear. I may not be able to post very often for a few hours, but I will do my best!😀
now that you are up, do the best you can do a nd make it count
Oh I was hoping it will be a whitelion but damn😂
Oh, are you whitelion? I almost gave up on the individual battles, but decided to participate only in this last battle😂
In any case, let's do our best for each other.
Oh yes I am a whitelion. Don’t give up it seems the blacklions are doing quite well.
41K pageviews so far in the last 27 hours. Great job.
thank you tasky...are you going to join my team now...? since we have contributed a huge chunk of those views
Did you not grasp that I was ineligible to join anyone's team?
I was repeating it throughout the day.
Wow great
Cool, more than 5k extra compared to last time I checked earlier today. We're moving up the needle
It is important to keep putting up numbers. Nothing more crucial than building our own PR materials.
so i asked a question the other time about URL, i was saying that do you know any site that could rate a blog post through the URL submitted?
No I dont know exactly what you mean? Rate a site?
By site, I mean a platform or tool in which i can input the URL of my published article in order to get the SEO rating of the post
Ah ok. I have no idea. If you find one, let me know. LOL
i swear something like that on eric post. When he was talking about SEO blog optimization but he did not attach a link to such a tool
lol. I will let you know
At this rate, we can reach a total of at least 41,001 views in the next 24 hours!
You can trust my meth skills, they're very good. I was taught well, although surprisingly by a chemist...
Impressive. Math is hard so I always take that into consideration when people post numbers.
The calculations can be a lot harder than they appear.
Just to clarify, that was totally a Breaking Bad reference.
This is really surprising. I have a gateway time-out on Leo finance on my PC but it’s working perfectly on my mobile
i am also experiencing the same.. which army are you?
I am a white lion buddy. You?
I'm really having a bad time here with the Leofinance UI on PC
Oh I think it’s back now. I just uploaded a post with it.
Yeah. My MTN Internet connection slowed down that is why
try mobile , i think you are not alone in this regard. it has been really poor so far over here too
It's now better.
sorry about case is different....everything seems to be working well on my end
My internet connectivity plays a big part. But it'ss better now
okay that is good. we need all available hands... let's keep threading
Yeah for sure. I am currently preparing a threadstorm to blow the timeline
that is more like it..i need to create a thread storm as well... to finish my weekly task
I claimed mine some days ago. It means you have not been making threadstorms this week
Is normal, try to avoid open other pages beside threads and notifications
This is the ultimate stress test to the UI, we are almost at 15k threads!
I am really impressed that we have not experienced any down time since this battle started. It tells a lot about the scalability improvement
What do you find most fascinating about lions?
#polls #whitelions
how they look. I their beautifully scary🙂
Last point is the most important. At least for this #finalbattle. I also love the #whitelions color and the abilities to get back after a reverse score. What do you think about that?
Let's go for that majestic mane. It's pure white and that is what makes it stands out from the other lions.
their beauty for sure and their strength, lionesses are super strong and agile to hunt
The ultimate burger topping - fried egg, over easy. Have you tried it? #polls
Fried egg on a burger is gods gift! It's very popular around here but I didn't know people people did that in the US as well
its one of the best feeling ever when prepared by someone who actually knows how to prepare it
Is not about the numbers of hashtags is about the number and quality of threads. Let´s go #blacklions keep working in the shadow
i thought you are for the #whitelions, #welldone, keep threading mate
I am #blacklions, but hashtags don´t count so you can use wherever you want
great , since the hastags does not count, lets work in shadows and win this thing
exactly my friend, let them be confident
well, let us work harder behind closed doors and win this contest once and for all
Indeed is almost the final time, is time to go harder
That's true. It is all about engagement, photos and polls. Keep them coming #brownlions
You really knows my friend, the batle keep on
Yes. I am trying to make sure we are not spamming but putting good content out there.
there are about five more days until #LPUD!
I am ready for the power up day. This will be the most expensive #lpud since hte price has skyrocketed.
Wow, I have 200 plus Leo to powerup.. Which army do you belong to?
Yup. I am looking forward to it but there is also only a little over a day left in the zealy campaign.
#whitelions what are you going to do with your prize? and why? #poll
Missed the chance to say "And why Leo?" lol
naaah the lions are very smart to play tricks to them LOL
It would be easy! lol because leo is already on his way to the moon! those who don't buy now will have a great difficulty setting up a position in a few months!
The mostly important prize for me is the delegation of 100k for Nexo Digital. so i'm fighting to stay in 1st or 2nd...the personal prize will be nice..but i would easily trade whatever it is for the 100k delegation to the Nexo Digital !
oh noooooo I was trying to get that too, but well you are way ahead so it's ok LOL
Im definitely looking forward to buy and stake more leo
Buy a yatch hahah
Just kidding, maybe I´ll get that money to buy me a new pair of fingers.
yayyyy and all the whitelions are going to have a party in your yacht right LOL
ayyyyyyy morí!!! LOL that was so good you made me laugh
Hahahh yeah we´ll celebrate all in our yatchs but I need to ask for 10 of the Filipe100dedos because this threading thing is gonna leave me with no fingers
To buy more leo
that's a great plan \o/
Hora de otro #threadstorm, esta vez en #spanish para mis amigos #whitelions
👇🧵
Por si no lo adivinaste, hablaremos de cómo cuidar tu salud bucal. Vamos, tu dentadura 😂 El primer consejo que te daré para mantener tus dientes saludables es cepillarlos al menos dos veces al día durante dos minutos mínimo
Usar hilo dental a diario: El uso del hilo dental es importante para eliminar la placa y las partículas de alimentos que quedan atrapados entre los dientes. Asegúrate de usar hilo dental por lo menos una vez al día. Usas hilo dental?
Por otro lado, los alimentos y bebidas azucarados pueden causar caries dentales y otros problemas dentales. Trata de limitar tu consumo de alimentos y bebidas azucarados y enjuaga tu boca con agua después de consumirlos.
Visitar al dentista regularmente: Es importante visitar al dentista regularmente para mantener la salud dental. Los dentistas pueden detectar problemas dentales temprano y proporcionar tratamientos preventivos.
Para prevenir enfermedades, evita fumar y masticar tabaco pues pueden causar muchos problemas dentales, como manchas, mal aliento y enfermedad en las encías. Recuerda que tu sonrisa es algo que causa una buena o mala impresión.
Teeth for what?
For bite things LOL #polls
Did you read the threadstorm?
Muy buenos consejos. Antes le daba mucha importancia pero admito que últimamente me he descuidado un poco.
Eso que mencionas del hilo dental estaría bueno hacerlo ya que evitas que se forme algo que te pueda traer problemas a futuro.
Man you guys got me spending hours and hours in the notification area. I love it. Keep em coming.
Notification bar is now amazing
It feels like a whole new dimension
We are interconnected beings, meant to live among each other. In moments when our introspection falls short, another person's words and thoughts become the elixir of life.
Do you sometimes need support from other people?
@polls #whitelions
I believe that somehow, no matter how independent we are, at some point we will need the support of other people, whether it be family, friends and sometimes even someone from whom you least expect it.
Despite our independence, there comes a time when we all need the support of others. Whether it's the comfort of family, the strength of friends, or the unexpected kindness from someone lucky, human connection is a powerful force.
#ukpolitics is such a shitstorm #TheWeekInTory
One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of the Hunchback #gosh #hive #story
I read the story. I got some thrilling feel by reading the story
I think i need to create more threads, i have been replying more ..
I want to know how you guys have been threading
I need to take 3O minute break, I'll be back very soon #whitelions, keep roaring and I will be back to reply to all my comment
the way the lion contest keeps breaking is quite funny to me as i never thought this was possible since the last time it happened during the weeked challange.. i was wrong
This is my last post about nextflow pipelines, a great tool to deal with pipelines.
So the last day has been arrived finally. Only 26 hours left to end the Zealy Adoption Campaign
16 hours left
finally satisfied with my drawing, time to get the post up for zealy #art
Can we see?
i actually just posted it
thanks for joining us, are ready to thread now