The creation of Bitcoin started a universe of new opportunities: technological, social, economic and a long etcetera. Suddenly, a relatively simple idea opened the eyes of millions around the world. #threadstorm #blacklions
The creation of Bitcoin started a universe of new opportunities: technological, social, economic and a long etcetera. Suddenly, a relatively simple idea opened the eyes of millions around the world. #threadstorm #blacklions
Several ideas began to be explored that resulted in new cryptocurrencies, in new ways of doing and creating through the blockchain. New innovations and businesses appeared that didn't exist before and infinites opportunities for everyone.
Of course, from the traditional vision of economy, this idea of decentralized money and resistant to censorship began to be discredited. What if it was used for money laundering, terrorism, drugs, etc.
Although we all know the truth, the problem is not the security, anonymity and privacy that cryptocurrencies provide us, the problem is that governments cannot control it. The powerful never wants lose they privileges.
I will always be amazed by Satoshi’s vision to create cryptocurrencies. It has opened a world of endless opportunities that we are benefiting from. Take hive for example. We are enjoying this because of the innovation of crypto #blacklions
Yes, Bitcoin (crypto) is like a snow ball descending the mountain, get bigger and bigger every time
Yes it does. It has been on the up ever since it was released. The amazing thing is that it is still the strongest after all these years
The longest article I've ever written, more than 3000 words. But #Bitcoin is worth every one of them. Technologies that allowed BTC to exist, the impact and future of crypto
Great threadstorm! Its all about blockchain or even more so trustless decentralized systems
Read the article, you might find interesting