There are 4 pages

Stolen from Facebook..


A bit of DARK humor.

That's very close to the comment I left him.

There is a way to cut the two apples in one cut that creates parts that may allow equal amounts of apple to be shared from the two apples between the three of them. 🐸

But that's not funny..

oh no. I might be a serial killer.

serial cereal killer! !LOLZ

Did you hear about the farmer that fed his chickens avocados?
All you could hear around there was “guac, guac, guac, guac.”

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken



@davedickeyyall, I sent you an

Oh no. Me no want apple with you then? lol 😆 🐸

Hey at least I'm honest.

I can say this: my killer tendencies are at bay. I promise I haven't killed anyone (yet).

Phew, well that is good to hear!

Seen it before, still funny 😅

My bad influence childhood friend posted it.. funny af

You see the one @themarkymark posted?

Haha oh that DARK, but hey it's funny 🤣

Safe answer:

Couple gets 1
Solo guy 1

You don't even need to touch knife.

leave it to a woman to fuck up the joke...

we know who's getting knifed

😆 🔪 🗡

I am just here to see comments😂

Is this a test on how we think or how we should think?

Yes. 🐸


Voluntary, open source, no presale, no owners, no VC.

Nobody owns it; yet everybody owns it.

it's not perfect but its the best we got so far!

I got pumped up after listening to Crimsonclad's talk at Rare Evo.

Any link?

Thanks. I love how you linked it and shared the leo link. This is awesome.

Unfortunately it is giving me an error.

Do you have the youtube link?

That is a YouTube link. Maybe copy and paste it into your browser.

It is far ahead of other ones.

Sounds moar of like what some of us want that understand this. Everyoneeryone may own their own piece of the (hive) pie. 🐸

We're working on it.
Every user is an owner.

That seems to be the case.

The key is for Hive to make the coin part of the user experience, not to have people looking for it to moon. The latter is what simply creates pump and dumps.


So true. Hive is simply the token that gives access to the blockchain. For example staked as Hive Power allows access of posting, and voting. Always "coin" people around. At least we have users doing work for the tokens. 🐸

It comes to use experience. That is why it is so important what we build and keep expanding.

I am looking forward to the shorts when that is added to Leo. That will be huge.

Yes very much so. One of the benefits of Hive is the experience we share together in the virtual world of hive on the blockchain as we share an experience of information.🐸

It is the foundation for something so much bigger. We have many areas we can delve into. This includes gaming, social media, and finance..

Hopefully, Leo will combine all three.

The key to hive's success is people not knowing that they are part of the hive.

Joining LEO and just enjoying that while creating value for the hive eco-system by posting, generating ad revenue and using resource credits.

Without a doubt. It is a decentralized database. That is not very interesting outside of developers. It is the apps and games that will attract the users.

Yes. Like millions of consumers purchasing small amounts, for instance. And they've arrived because of an attractive product (which could be anything, including these words), while the token comes second.

Absolutely. People arrive for the user experience and the monetization is just part of that. We can keep pushing things forward and laying the foundation for what you describe.

Feels like that is exactly what the Leo team is trying to build, an all in one experience where $LEO is the foundation all is built around.

So tomorrow I’d be threading In FRENCH, if you don’t understand Go and learn it NOW.😩

You’ve got less than 12hours to do so 🤣

…And Trust me I’d be in your thread with my répondre 😉

Je suis Pepe la grenouille, pas Pépé Le Pew. 🐸 🦨

Bonjour Pepe la grenouille

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Est-ce que quelqu'un vous intimide avec du langage ?


Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

c'est ma nouvelle langue

Est-ce que quelqu'un vous intimide avec du langage ?

Personne ne peut m'intimider parce que nous mourrons là-bas LOL

c'est ma nouvelle langue


Personne ne peut m'intimider parce que nous mourrons là-bas LOL

Tu ne vas pas bien, lol 😂

#crossculture #francais

How do I call you asshole in French?

le asshole

je t'aime garçon (that’s it 😂)

You all deserve a lovely song, coming soon. @johnhtims.thrds @fokusnow @alex-rourke @done @taskmaster4450le @ezrider I love you all #mydiary #music

crush it!

Oh yeah, am gonna do it.. Respect to you,, Jah bless, Jah guide and Jah Loves. Peace

Guess I got un-voted (if that's the term).
First (happy me!):

Then (confused me 🤔😅):

Stack those $LEO.

I epukd, if I didn't get a second 0% vote f

That's a ridiculous amount. I hope that's not a consistent level of rewards they give out.

sometimes you can get these kinds of amounts. There's just a lot of HP delegated to the account

My god... How did this happen?

Wow! An astonding development. Now I need to read more to see what happened. So many people were calling this the future. It just seemed like a scammy way to take money from your fans to me.

You must have hit upon some SEO points there. Plus it is a relevant article topic that you nailed.

Good job.

He just pasted it on the image, it's not a Google result


Just trying to help, he may not have his readers on rn 👓

We got a turd in the punch bowl here!


Omg you've gone and made Clay cry again.
BRB I gotta handle this.

You are a witty one Mr. @edicted.

LOL amazing 😻

You're in god mode. Well done.

3Speak App Update

3Speak iOS app 2.0.0 is approved & listed on AppStore (Except China AppStore)

Wait for official announcement from 3Speak

Thats great news.

Got to start finding ways to start making cool vlogs

Congratulations for this achievement

Just updated, I haven't checked out the new version yet 🙂

Share feedback. I already have plenty of to-dos & I'll add your feedback to list of my to-dos.

Check it out @theb0red1

Quick feedback: If I go to cast a vote on a 3Shorts video, it pauses the video and doesn't resume play after the vote is cast, tapping on the video doesn't restart playback either

Thank you. I'll add that to my to-dos.

@szejq mówisz trzeba wysłać minimum 10 Hive na konto @hive-lu ?? #polishhive

Tak, bonus jest Twój. Dziękuję za inwestycje!
Ps można by to zautomatyzować, wysyłasz hive i w kilkanaście sekund dostajesz po przeliczeniu Lucoin'y, może dla niektórych byłoby wygodniej niż zakup przez giełdę 🙂 Co o tym myślisz? 😀

the PEPE token team on ethereum just rugged $16m from their treasury 🤣😂. if you lose money in this #scam, you deserve it. #shitcoin

People again, never learn.

and never will

The dev literally came up with long ass paragraph and I was like ain't reading that shit. 😂🤣

then said don't worry guys, it's all good now lol

Name is the giveaway that it is a scam. Pepe, doge, shibainu.. just fake all over them.

Pay attention to the signs. How did they not know they were being trolled?

blinded by greed

Sometimes it really feels like Cryptocurrency is 5% reality and 95% wishful thinking...

#crypto #hopium

I imagine that is what the early developers of the internet felt.

#technology seems to have that pace. Slowly, Slowly. Fast.

Hard to go through the slowly periods.

Only 95% wishful thinking? May be making moar progress that some have realized. 🐸

Sometimes??? That is 99% always and 1% other times :P

Much sense in this, have had a similar thought too.

i will be getting more serious with presence here on #leothread. This is an avenue to connect with beautiful people

#thread241 #leofinance

It is a good place to get serious about. And dive in in a major way.

The platform needs people willing to do that as we embark upon the early growth days.

No lies, thanks for the response.

Well, I've been looking to be of help to #leofinance and #hive in my video editing skill.

That is a worthwhile talent. Hopefully we will see shorts on here. Obviously that doesnt require editing but we have to realize the value of video.

Yeah, the video I'm referring to is marketing to spread #hive in various platform

It enhances the value of something exponentially as compared to gaming, audio, and text.

Yeah, though I'm on it already so as to see the beauty of what prepare. Hive is yet to be known by a lot so producing different short video that give some explanation will be very helpful

I would say producing short videos about some of the apps would have a greater impact.

Few care about the back end which is what Hive really is.

I'm very certain improvement of signups. Then a lot of investors and potential users can also get to know hive
I started the work already though, then reviewing the value might be so important

Yeah, that's exactly.
Just need your help to establish the contest of sharing those videos on web2 so we tend to attach some prize to it, so as to keep it growing and establishing does video on web2 by hive user.

Providing different promotional video that speak detail of #leofinance and #hive as a whole.I'm hoping to have a good plan with you or one of the team so we present it to members in form contest


Will be so amazing cause it will be in form of short and long,so we tend to post in various #web2 platform Instagram and tiktok, more people are yet to know #hive

Yes it is. 🐸

I would be less serious when I am on threads.

Do you like Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9)?

Share your thoughts in this container thread

Use hashtag #trekds9

I liked TNG better but DS9 is good also. Not as good as Babylon 5 but still good.

That is what is great: varying opinions on the Star Trek series.

B5 will get its own container thread. DS9 has its moments, especially during Season 4 and later. #trekds9

Havent watched too man episodes.


I will have to check it out based upon your recommendation.

Roughly how many years did it run?

TOS: 3 // TNG: 7 // DS9: 7 // VOY: 7 // ENT: 4 // Others: IDK

DS9 was slow at first with too many moving parts. It found its beard either in Season 2 / 3. It went into high gear with the Dominion War + the arrival of Worf.

Yes, but didn't watch as much as other, and in quite a while so don't readily recall. Liked it enough to watch, but not enough to remember details. #trekds9 🐸

That's OK; my memory is getting a bit fuzzy on DS9 compared to what it was when I used YouTube to fill in the gaps in my viewing experience years ago. #trekds9

🧵/1 Pepe coin 16 trillion unit exploit linked to multi-sig wallet from ex-founders is the latest trending exit scam in crypto space. #threadstorm #outreach

🧵/2 Decentralization isn't a play ground to exploit investors their hard earned money which have been the case for most developing project lately, the recent pepe exploit took investors by surprise taking a hold of the project market cap.

🧵/3 Can crypto project be free from community exploitation? Check out in the link below to find out more!

Exit scams are something that people need to focus upon. Even multi-sig is vulnerable when there is a plan to defraud.

axie infinity suffer such exploit it's sad how such incident keep happening and people pay little attention to it.


It also shows how we need to know who we are dealing with. On Hive, we have the ability to see who is behind a project. If they are not around, they might not get any support.

Hive for sure is unique it stands

Star Destroyer vs. the Enterprise, which would win and why?

What is Star Destroyer from?

What are those?

Enterprise is from the Star Trek least the first couple series.

I would say Enterprise especially the way it was upgraded in the movies.

lol not banff

This post by a Venezuelan shows the power of HBD and HIVE very well. A good read. English translation is further down in her blog.

Great share. It is terrific to see people sharing the content of others that is of interest rather just spamming their own stuff.

Gonna go to sleep now even though Thread's is active now. Hopefully there is many to engage with tomorrow again!

Okay dude good night. I hope that dreams will take you away in a nice kingdom.

You can play catch up then.

Wrong answers only
Let's goooo

Oh wow, we can promote threads now??


oh wait, I think it's an ad

I'm so dumb

LOL well at least the ads are blending in.

Maybe a little too well. Confusing people. Leading to more clicks and revenue. 🐸

Yeah we now to double that and drive even more ad revenue to the system.

brilliant strategy 😀

Ah crap, I can upload an image to a reply.
So basically I just saw a promoted thread is all

Excelente batido papaya con manzana por #hive #spanish

Hola amigo, Bonita taza y camiseta. 🐸

Gracias estimado @pepetoken la taza me la concedió la comunidad de HiveSucre, como premio, por haber realizado en un mes diversas publicaciones en dicha comunidad sucrense y la franela timbrada fue otro obsequio de dicha comunidad. Gracias por su visita. Le deseo muchos éxitos.

En Cumaná los #hivers tenemos 50 negocios donde compramos con #hbd, gracias al trabajo de #huvesucre, #hive #spanish

Currently listening to the latest CTT Podcast while I'm working, really good discussion when it's not echoing or silent for long stretches 😂 #mylifeonhive

The echo gets better after awhile I believe. I was the one responsible for that early on. LOL

Yeah I was laughing when it was discovered lol

THis time Hive is at $0.287. What do you think it will reach till the end of the week? #hive #liotes

Either higher or lower.

This is actually my favorite price prediction.

It's spot on.

A+ in accurancy
F- in helpfulness

I honestly don't look at price on a week to week basis. Just buy whatever you can and if you need to sell some to make a profit, do it in the next bull run or the one after that.

I expect $1 $HIVE by year end

I also heard about this from another user. I hope it will reach there!

#threadstorm 🧵

Ate you looking for some gems before the bull run?

Actually, these weeks are the best times as the "gems" are also traded for really cheap prices.

The question is: How can we find gems in Tier 2 exchanges?

I think is a good launchpad for crypto projects to skyrocket with Tier 1 listings.

Similar to SPS token of Splinterlands, there are many tokens with real utility and high volume.

What steps to be followed for a gem hunt?

It gonna be massive! Get ready.

#Crossculture contest winners on #leothread .it has really been amazing


#outreach #threadstorm

Self-realization is one of the best qualities which should exist in each human's character for a peaceful world.


Self-realization is the mirror of us and it shows the reflection of our activity and it helps us to gain many good qualities like personal growth, self-awareness, self-acceptance, resilience, and so many other things.



I have written an article on self-realization and I hope you will enjoy reading it very much. So feel free to read it.

I'm confused right now.

So, it's already late night like 1:10 am exactly and I'll leave home at 7am.

Should i sleep or stay up whole night?

Be a warrior and stay up.

Brew up some black coffee and get threading.

ah, now I know what I need to do.

Thought I should sleep while my mind was like convincing to write a post and stay up..

It's gonna be easy for me.

Work gets in the way of threading.

yea, it's fun doing both and keepin the balance.

What are you doing on threads? :P

lookin for advice ;⁠)

I don't think so. You are looking for upvotes. #khal where you at? :P

hqhqhq, don't expose me :!!!

Nah, this (me) is lonely in the middle of night and just sharing whatever comes in mind 🤣🤣

that's fine. i am never serious

Hehe, I say you go sleep and have some rest. Otherwise you will be worn out at mid morning ;)

now only 4hours left.. tryin hard to stay up but well seems like I should set alarm..

1/🧵Explora cómo el #OpenSource ha mejorado la tecnología. Descubre cómo la colaboración y la innovación están tejiendo el futuro. 👇 #outreach #threadstorm

2/🧵El movimiento #OpenSource ha transformado la industria y la sociedad. Conoce sus hitos, desafíos y logros a lo largo del tiempo. 👇

3/🧵 Únete a la revolución #OpenSource y descubre cómo puedes ser parte de la innovación.

¡Lee mi artículo para explorar el impacto y el futuro de la tecnología!

Push-Ups: 5 key advantages for a stronger you👇

#actifit #rewards #move2earn #lifestyle #AFIT

The 'search stuff among own threads' feature is just awesome!
We are often pointing out issues but now have to give huge credit to team for these updates. Thank you!


Getting that right is going to be huge. One of the drawbacks to blockchain is the lack of search.

I agree. This one seems to be working as it should. There's something bugging me about PeakD search for example...

@elbrasero es un comercio turistico en Cumaná, donde se paga comida y piscinada con #hbd gracias al trabajo de #hivesucre, #hive #spanish

I understand most of this.

:O ¿en serio? woo que chévere enterarse de estas cosas

Them- I can guess your personality with your choice of music


#movies Initially rejected by audience, this French classic later gained reputation of one of the best films ever made.

🐸 1/3 🧵 Tokenomics and Rewards: Pepe playing with tokenomix again and rewarding sum token holders. #outreach #threadcast

🐸 2/3 🧵Seeking to add sum flavor with some gamification and $RPEPE for top $PEPE token holders. Wen being just a #meme-coin isn't enough. Need moar of sumtin', but what may it be?

Sending #pepetoken into sum blockchain wallets such as $RPEPE which is starting to gain moar value in its market. #gosh #leofinance #crypto 🐸 3/3 🧵

When will these gun crimes stop in America?

idk, but they are not stopping anytime soon…

Why do you think it's possible to stop them? Also, people are killed in every country and city around the world daily. It's human nature and always has been or at least part of it. It'll never stop

if you say take the guns away it’s a problem

Never. America is a real big island.

When every citizen is armed. We should bring back dueling.

There is something very wrong in that country. How can they not change the rules. IDK

#hivediy In my creative moment of these small sailboats I understood that one of the most important things in recycling wood is that they do not include any pretreatment or chemical conditioning.

This so so amazing and attracting

Wow it's so nice and I really love it's look..

This is really creative. Excellent 👍 job

Would you be getting into bigger ship crafting projects in the future?

You hit the nail on the head, it's one of my goals, especially to support the fishermen in my region. Greetings

A hobby could well turn into a satisfying career.

I tend to dream big if I EVER make my fortune on Crypto.

I wish you good fortune and smooth trade winds for your dreams.

Keep up that winning spirit and crypto will ease the way for you to achieve your dreams. Thanks also for your advice.

Hello friends, here is a #phograph of #plantain, as you can see they are still tender.

#mydiary #nature

Good evening but at my side it's night. I am about to sleep. But I thought that it's good to say hello hi to others.

That's correct 💯, I do appreciate good night to you...

I wonder if we'll get more users after the rebrand. A lot of people still think LEO is only finance stuff.

I think so.
New name, new brand and then a big push to other communities.

Considering the Marketing push starts here soon, it's a good bet

curious people will check regardless

You wouldn't open a store, stock the shelves, then point at one particular product and tell every customer that product isn't something people want.

"It's all good." So think first when talking about what type of content is "best."

Its a stupid thing to say that some content is better than other. According to what standard? Best for me, best for you?
Who should be the ultimate judge?

Just give people different kind of and see which one they like and engage with.

To butcher an old retail truism: "There's no accounting for taste!"


There is no best.
Some people like steak, some people like fish.
It's all about what people enjoy doing and having an app or a place that they can be part of.

A store can sell high-end merch, yet it's biggest mover by value sold over one inventory period is actually the accessories used to maintain the high-end merch. All merch has value, and all merch has its place. Same with content on Hive.

Go to the store for bread and milk. Arrive home with two bags full of impulse buys.

Or go to the store for the beef and salmon, then arrive home with two bags of chips and candies along with the beef and salmon.

Good analogy.


Do you know any DeFi protocol that offers best of pools but also focuses on learning for community? Maya Protocol is the one that has built Maya academy to educate and share the knowledge intiative.

#outreach #threadstorm #maya


This protocol offers cross chain transactions and this makes it even better but Maya Academy is a fantastic segment that they have created to spread the awareness. I have shared more about it in my 3spewk video.


Here is the link to my article published on leofinance through 3speak-

#gosh #web3 #3speak

Living without revolving debt is a way of life, not a passing trend.

#ladiesofhive #threads #hive

"these people that have $2000 in HBD savings, it's probably a lot of money to them but they need to put their money where their mouth is" paraphrasing Starkers from CTT I was like hello, if it's a lot of money to them then they ARE💰👄 😝

Spot on ! I'm not at 2K yet, but the amount of HBD I've got is still a lot of money for me. I've even bought some - it's not just rewards I've stashed away !

Yeah, I don't really know the guy but it was a revealing statement. It gave me "small loan of a million dollars" type energy 🤣

Only a million dollars ? In that case, I'll have three, wrapped to go 😁

He was talking around the same time about people putting in $5millon like it's just some everyday mundane thing. I mean, if I had a million or five to spare I would be putting it in HBD savings yesterday

Army of Crypto Zealy campaign ended today and I won it!
Prizes I got:

  • 1 Essential Pack
  • 1500 ONIX coins
  • 15 HBD

I also won the weekly competition with most battle wins.

  • 500 ONIX coins

Tbh, I kinda rule! 😅


Stackin that ONIX!

Same here. Moved that to delegations. 🙂


Thanks! yeah, they were great. Had to do some grinding but that's just how it is 😅

Congratulations !! 🎉

Thank you! 😊

Congrats!! You deserve it tbh. You've been on fire recently.

Thanks! What a ride! :D

source#pepetoken burn post #3 - Volunteer to burn $PEPE tokens 🐸 🧵 1/2

#pepetoken burn post - Upvote with pepe steak to burn some moar tokens 🐸 🧵 2/2 #gosh #leofinance

burn baby burn

Read the "The Richest Man in Babylon". It uses easy stories to teach solid financial concepts. But: where it says 10%, think 20% instead. #fintips

Heard it is a great book. Should get to reading that one myself sometime.

Worth the read. It's very accessible, quite short and you also readable chapter by chapter.


The app? Robinhood?

When I read it I first thought they were talking about the Robin Hood 😂

That's what I thought. lol I thought somebody was giving away $BTC :)

Thoughts like that crossed my mind too! 😂😂😂

Our minds work similarly.

Yeah! and that guys tweet wasn't though through :D

people wanted it to be blackrock so bad

They will get in at some point.

I assume not the one living in the Nottingham forest?

🤣🤣 certainly not..

yea, wasn't expecting that too be Robinhood but well good anyway.

for me it just goes to show that bitcoin is an institutional token now. We should set our eyes on something else.

if something else means "utility or real value" than I guess it won't work.

Crypto peeps are more focus on numbers going up.

They gonna stick to #Bitcoin..

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