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Hey everyone, we are going live with the #leofinance #AMA at Noon EST sharp today!

Jump in the #threadcast below and start asking some questions/engaging. You know the drill - everyone gets an upvote

Also, new Threadcast Mode is LIVE!

I lost the threadcast for a moment there #feedback Live threadcasts show under or just above the trending tag if it's paid for or LeoFinance?

Can you imagine what the threadcast count could be during like the Superbowl?

Kind of shows you how much this things going to blow up when a spot ETF or another major news that's real hits and not just speculation

True. But my fear is that after the coming ATH, Bitcoin could be broken as a currency, due to Black Rock and other big players owning possibly 75% of its total supply.

I like the way that thread indexed now. The button will change instantly to on chain


We are at 615 threads now.
Let's do more!

any plan to expand the AMA onto X/Twitter?

I sure hope not

it'll have more reach which should bring some more/new users

Do you like Threadcasts?

Love it.

one of the most valuable features that Leo has.

I do now since the update made it possible to reverse the order of new threads.

A friend, asked a question that got me exhausted because i don't know how to reply. The question is, why is it that most people do vote only with 1%? What happened to the remaining 99%? Please throw light on it

My guess is they wanna rank well on the leaderboard ;)

You basically have 11 votes each day at 100%. So if you vote at 100%, you can vote 11 times. If you vote at 10%, you can place 110 votes. If you votes at 1%, you can votes 1100 times.

Rough estimates but you get the point.

this is my first time on AMA, i think I'll just sit down and learn from the questions and answers. Nice plan, innit? 🤭

Happy to have you around my very special friend.

Have to listen to the broadcast too.

It will be on YouTube and Discord. But the chat is here.

Great to see you here.

Tomorrow 30th at 11 PST is the AMA with Dan!


Will there be a #threadcast too

I can't wait to say a very big congratulations to the winner of the leofinance rebranding $500

I will take your congratulations now.

I am the winner...I am sure of it.

NO, you're not. Am the one. You'll see it.

Maybe. If that is the case, I will have to get that changed.

A $200k bet is some serious high-roller action.

Good think you didn't bet $1M that BTC will be $1M in a month.

who knows BTC might hit $1m

The world of crypto might be unpredictable at times

Having the stream pinned on the threadcast, and then you can just popout and send it on top of the trending tags sectoin

Love this new update with threadcast, is really like a Discord chat!

It can be.

All threads can have the comment order changed.

Yes it is! Much moar like chat since one of the recent updates!

What would you say is some things we as average user can do to help Leo in the short, medium and long term?

Pageviews. Pageviews. Pageviews.

And add more threads and comments.

Will Leo ever consider to have their own stable coin?

Why do that? HBD is the stablecoin every app should be using on Hive.

Plus it already wrapped HBD on ETH, BSC, and Polygon.

Not sure was just throwing it out here. Because they might not agree what the witnesses on Hive decides to do :)

As a newbie on thread I get to learn a lot here

The easiest way is to dive in and thread away.

Thanks am on it.

Do we have plans to add threading without mouse interaction?

What the hell is that?

Like being able to send a thread by pressing Ctrl+Enter on the keyboard. As it is, we need to either use the mouse to click on the button or press Tab multiple times and then Enter. This would make threading easier

Now you are just getting into some James Bond/CIA code shit.

It will be life-changing, trust me. We will get to 1000000 daily threads when it goes live

Well you are the geek. This all goes over my bald head.

ohohh, I thought am The only one experiencing it.

Is there any other community on Hive that has reach out and wanna collaborate with you guys?

Would you? I certainly wouldnt.

I would love to see more collaboration inside of Hive but I guess they all are competitors and actually competing about the same users.

Question for AMA:

Wen outside page previews on Threads? so that wen you paste an external link, you get a preview.

@louis88 has some influence on SPL, should tell them to move their TownSquare AMA from Discord to a Threadcast, make SPL players ask their Qs on chain!

All groups should use threadcasts to enhance their town halls, ama, and broadcasts.

September 29, 2023 (Full Harvest Moon)

All in x100 leverage for 3 months.

100x Lev - copy that.

up or down ser?

Seems like one big person or several persons removed support from the reference proposal...possibly.

How cool is this! The post order has been reversed!

It can be done on any thread. On threadcast it is default as reversed but on the regular threads the option has to be selected.

But it is now bringing real time engagement to Leo.

Very good update. It was crazy annoying on threadcasts to chat when had to keep scrolling down and down...

Yeah there are more things being implemented. It is great to see the advancement.

Btw, love the filtering options too!

Cool to have threadcast threads updated automatically and latest stays top

You can do that with threads also. There is now a button to reverse the order.

Sure. Everything great is happening on threads

Now that is a marketing line we should use.

What is the target for today

The target is MORE

Ahhh!!! And more we will provide

You sound like a guy I use to work for in sales.

What is the sales goal? more.

hahaha that was one smart fella

He thought he was. A know it all.

Did walk out of the company with a lot of money though so what do I know.

Lets hit 1,000.

1000 coming up

Ok, first time seeing the threadcast feature thanks to taskmaster. Looks good 👍

Major improvements.

Threadcasts are going to become a major part of the Leo thread system.

soooo bitcoin blackrock is it big news? or just that the SEC has to give them a yes or no answer sooner now

Is there a risk of whales disliking threads and viewing it as spam and start flagging it to oblivion?

Same risk as downvoting comments on posts.

But threads pay out on Leo mostly so they would have to have leo stake.

It restores a bit of my faith seeing courts keep the SEC and government in check at least a little

I would say that is called "misplaced faith". LOL

It's crazy how many peoply are active here. I can't imagine what this will be like once the advertising campaign starts.

With till the zealy campaign starts.
It will be more crazier

I think I am the only one thinking like that

The numbers will go crazy if there's an advertising campaign

Could the onboarding mechanism also include "Mastodon"? (around 11 million people are active there, and they're looking for decentralized infrastructures).

do your reputation really matters on hive

To me it doesn't really. Someone totally new could be producing quality stuff right away

@biyimi the highest reputation is 97.29 and is held by @hbd.funder i think.

Interesting 🤔😎

I will get there some day

Is it possible to have your rewards displayed on Leo to claim without having to go to Keychain or Ecency?

Can you look into this@anomadsoul @khaleelkazi

this is probably the only thing I'm missing from the old UI. Good question!

It's a pity they didn't catch it even when I asked the second time

Whete is trucker @jongolson today? Busy driving through USA?

ha ha ha I'm back in Canada now. A few hours from home :)

Hey Jon let me know next time you are coming through the Canadian prairies!

it was good to see that you had time for the show. But now you deserve some time home after being on the road for so long :

Maybe. He'll be around when he can. 🐸

Man it's my first experience with threads and I'm in love

Really, welcome to threads Enjoy the fun

We all are 😊

I hope to see more of you here ;)

Khal never saw Roadhouse?

He is deprived.

It is a classic.

He's only seen SilkRoad. And that's what mattered 😉.

The other important questions. !LOLZ 😆 🐸

My wife accused me of being immature.
I told her to get out of my fort.

Credit: lofone
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an

He was a deprived child.

The Lions here will get to the destination of 1000 and more

Yes of course! 🦁

It's a sure deal

We need shorts on Leo ASAP!!!!

We've run into a few issues with the integration but it will come soon. It's not super easy to integrate 3speak but we'll get it done

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

That would be so cool

I tried replying to some people and when the feed auto refreshes I lose the reply, #notreplyinganymore #feedback wen wen wen

same here, is there any solution for that

i think it is only me

How many times have you participated on threadcast? Mine this will be the first and I am already loving it

Hundreds of times.

Mine is first

Gotta pop your cherry at some point.

Many times! They're fun! 🐸

thanks to the weather am shivering like a drenched foul

!LOLZ stay warm over there! 🐸

Why was Pavlov's beard so soft?
Because he conditioned it.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken



@ngobaby, I sent you an

this sort coments option is very good on threads and I have been waiting for this. Thanks Khal for adding it.

That would require a lot of creation tokens

will Taskmaster need help on #leoglossary but some words are still missing

drop those missing words suggestions under leoglosasry post and I'm sure they'll be added

you can drop those words

Do I have to turn the autorefresh on?

It's auto enabled but if you see it greyed out (easier to see on dark mode if it is) then you have to click "Threadcast" once to enable it

Can we have an update about Coinzilla ads? Are they removed for good and replaced with affiliate ads or will we have both at one point?

Love btw what you and @anomadsoul was talking about the future of Leo. Gets me really excited!

Am I late?

Yes, you're not

But don't worry, there's no fine for that 😂

Am glad I made it. Today have been very busy for me

What is #ama?

It stands for Ask Me Anything. It means you can make any questions to them and they will try to answer to the best of their possibility

Okay....meaning i can ask questions related to social life?

Relating to Leo.

Sorry ☺️

Hope i am not late

No, man. They are still playing ACDC

Please who is the They?

You are not... @khaleelkazi and @scaredycatguide on the other hand... 🤣

the name that I suggested was pantario, how good is it?

wetin be that? 😂
Panta panther 😂

The Dev100 List is the best news.

how come I am just hearing about this news for the first time

It was just announced. We never heard about it either.

with the new development, one can view latest and trending threads, features not on Twitter

I have test tomorrow on torts and I'm here doing AMA abi threadcast ....God save me tomorrow 🙏🥺🤭

What is torts?

More effin pageviews people.

Click on threads to comment. Get those numbers up.

Click, view, upvote, comment, check

True but only clocking is adding pageviews.

Threads are so fast. I've been trying to reply a thread for some minutes now but they keep flying

Can we get the Dev100 in Klingon?

and in elvish too for the lord of the rings fans

That is tricky.

sure I strongly believe

are we all pre-rich ser?

nope not really but the future will determine


Rish future ahead

Hope we're all pre-rich! What is pre-rich? Inquiring frog wants to know all bout this to best become rich! 🐸 🤑

pre rich = we're so early

We're been early for sum time, for sum of us, and keep welcome others (still) early. It's exciting! 🐸

Yea, we all pre-millionaires by now. I predict in between 2 to 100 years we are all filthy rich

man, I can live 1000 years for sure to see that day.

Fliiiithy riiish soon.

Am seriously longing to receive updates about leofinance rebranding

Can we top 1,000 comments today?

The weekly show should be over 1,000, especially if it lasts more than 1 hour.

A pretty realistic target

freeYes we can. But only on one condition. That's, if thread can be obedient to us. Too much of words indexing same time..It's affecting our speedometer

and if we know the SEC there will be another reason to reject it

Yep, that is why cat isn't super excited yet.

"Because I said so". -Gary Gensler

See you guys. enjoy the week.

Thank you, enjoy your week too. #freecompliments 🙏 🐸

I'm 81 rep Plebs, bow to the irrelevant number next to my profile picture

Cat is not....hmmm,

Do language barrier have any negative effect on hive users?

Should I share my Spotify playlist here? I think mmy music taste is beautiful and we need some good good vibes here....I could be your dj for today 🤭😂

Yes we listening on Discord and communicating on threads. 😀

multitasking I guess


When commenting threads on this threadcast, the thread has closed suddenly a couple of times. I was wondering, could it be cos of the auto-update?

It's because of the pop-up window, we've got that on the bug list

Nice! you got this 😎

Did this Leofinane name rebranding come up and a result of Twitter's (X) result?

like other community like #alive, which have means to burn their tokens? How can one burn leo?

The comments coming in so fast I can barely catch up

jessi! I'm here for you... alright, take my hand and hold tight! 🤭

Holding on to you tightly 😆

I'm already preparing my powder to refill my vault after this bull trap and we go to 23k xD

if the weather exchange rate is 1:7 for hive:leo. What does it means to it's price and value

Everyone is up because of BTC making moves. Lfg 🚀🚀🚀

there's no way to promote post on, show me if there is


this is on the dev100 list!

You go explain tire, no evidence 😂
There's a way that you don't know in a way , you get? 😂😂
I'm just joking please

Love the gamification factor and seeing so many threads and engagement!

where do you get the money to buy so much all the time?

Have you guys seen the Leoflow thing that someone (don't remember the username) built to help with leoglossary?

It's done by @thorkellnft and it's just great!

Here's the link:

Thanks just forgot the name. Credit should go out :)

Oh yeah! That's very interesting. I can't wait to join the live threadcast because some important questions and engagement is going to take place.

Is there any plans to integrate Leo with the Thorchain ecosystem in the future?

Is the new brand reveal happening on September 1st?


I need sooner than soon

Yeah. Dare to be different.

Hi khal good day hope You are doing alright today?

Can you share some light implementing NFTs on Leo?

can gifs be used during threadcasts or should I say AMAs?
Whenever I say or type amas, I just think of thee American music awards. Oh! Will there be any awards or recognition of such on here?

You can use gifs on here.

People upvote some of the comments at times.

Did any of you guys follow @bencwarmer threadcasts about the basketball world cup today?

World Cup? Didn't know there was something like that going on....🙄

From the video you posted yesterday, I think Leo anticipate more audience from none related Leo topics after this rebranding.

What is the proper age to breast feed a child?

Is 17 too old?

Another way of talking about boobs, right?

They are important for nurturing a child.

Deny that,

Even male adults too 😂😂 which I'm sure you can't deny

I like sucking on them too. You are right.

Hehehe, I knew that.

Hey, where's your friend, @david?

He needs to see this

I don't have to.

You are right. 😂

I think teeth can be a problem.
Thats wat she said

I have said that too.

That is why granny sex is....well I digress.

If we get to 1,000 comments in this threadcast, Khal will send each person who posted in here 1,000 $LEO.

I think that is what he said anyway although there is a chance I misunderstood.

It does sound like something he would say

It does that is why I am pretty sure he said it.

I think he said it twice since I tend to not pay attention.

That sound reasonable.

TY. I thought so.

Loving all the activity that's going on right now! Fire today 🔥🔥🔥

Were you guys on that rocket that just took off?

No, they were not....if they were, I would've been with them 😂

The new name for our rebrand should be cool as ice - easy to remember, looks like our brand, and welcoming to web3 newcomers.

So cool to have threads working very nicely. No more missing threads

Interesting questions . So nice to finally get answers to them.

Does masturbation really cause blindness?

Sister Maureen said that was the case.

My vision is fading and I am trying to determine the cause.

Wen ad revenue?

Wen. Wen. Wen. Wen.

Wen Dammit!!!!!!

Soon, perhaps

SO I heard

Sorry, probably wasn't the most constructive comment 😂

LOL dont worry bro, its all part of the fun

👍 😀

Cant wait to hear more about the Leo rebranding

Threading is like a wAlk to heaven barefooted now because of repeatition of words and letters while writing like this - thtthreadsCathread threadcastthreadcast (threadcast) unbelievable.

Cant wait for updates about the proposal and kickoff of the onboarding campaign

I have so many questions to ask but they're probably dumb... I'll still ask tho.😂
Is it raining over there? How is the family?

Impressive. Another great opportunity to get updates and answers to questions.

I think I got the awnsers to the question I rasied earlier

Can we try to push your YouTube channel as well @khaleelkazi? I think it could be a great potential platform to reach new audiences.

The least all of us can do is subscribe and watch your vids 👍

I'm imagining that you will have an amazing presentation at HiveFest :)

is there any initiative to help or accommodate amateurs when it comes to crypto?

Now that threadcast user experience is this good and this is so chat friendly, I think your voting power is soon gone if plan to keep voting these 😀

I asked a question earlier on Y people don't vote 100% for someone ad I really need replies as Newbie

Why do some take their mental health for granted?

When do you think the next Bull market will be?

The day is getting more interesting with threadcast

Am very happy to be part of this broadcast once again

i think it's very important to really consider how to make hive and well, this community interesting and rewarding for newbies.

Side note: I like threads, it is a nice one

Today's music selection is so relaxing haha

Hey, good to have you here

When are we expecting the next bull market? Am eager to know because I need money to solve my problems now.

yes ooh. We need money to solve our problems... especially me. If I tell you my story, you'll give some hive, leo, money and Mr Right 🤭😂

Please Invite your friends to this broadcast by tagging them

What if I have no friends?

Then you Tag the people you know that are in #leofinance

It's difficult to be on hive and not have friends. I have made a few friends already within my short stay here. However, if you don't have friends, continue to engage other users.

This should be Leo's new market line:

Everything great is happening on threads

It was from @fokusnow but I will take credit for the idea. He stole it from me, I swear.

Indeed it's a great marketing line.

Everything App is ideal

😄 Great line. How i stole it is funny. I wish it would be adopted.

It is a great line.

what exactly are you swearing on? And why?? 😒

I wish all my threads can have this type of engagement under it

if only Wishes were Horses 😂 ....go read my poem on it miss 🤭

@sammyhive, @ngobaby I haven't seen you guys here, please join.

awwwn, that's the tribe energy right there....I could cry right now. So emoshional 🥺🤭

Why must 3Speak app be used in posting a video in hive?

you're asking all the spot on questions. You're really prepared for this. Amazing! ✨

Because they built the infrastructure for that. If other projects do the same, they will become viable options too

we're on it. Hope you're observant? Just that mouse is faster than his Shadow

I'm here I'm here :)

Didnt realize they were taking attendance.

😂 right I was trying to find the link right when he said it.

We keep it hidden.

Ohhhm, when will mouse stop being faster than it's shadow? It's like mouse is now the one controlling my fingers. Am tired.

Welcome enjoy the threads

It's really impressive how quickly we get updates here on leofinance. I hope that the proposal will motivate the team even more and that we will get many more upcoming features.

Doesnt really matter to me, but why does reputation display a different value depending on where you look it on the Leo UI?

The rate at which the community log user's out is increasing recently, I guess that should be looked into.

So true.

I got logged out this afternoon


c'est bon d'être ici

Hehehe, Fançaise has entered threadcast

Je ne suis pas le bienvenu ? lol

hope am not late already. Am here. Was inside Town running away from the rain

wow! very much happy to see that the proposal has been fully supported

It is not a guarantee.

The SEC has to review the app.

It's also pretty to see that all the community activities are back according to the recent post wow!

Hello friends, come and join us at AMA broadcast @ ijelady @fokusnow @iamnursejeff @ngobaby

Am here already hahaha

Thread on!

thanks for the numerous improvement on Threads recently.

have Leofinance open for other topics apart from finance?

Is eating healthy all that necessary?

well, yes my darling.
Fairy godmother says so have to for yourself first and then maybe, your prince charming 🤭😂

An suggestion. Maybe there could be an extra space for hashtags, instead of posting them into your text. I know every site like X and Instagram use it this way, but i think it would look a lot better under the post for example.

Do you mean under the comment, vote symbols?

I don't have anything in my head right now, but I find it really annoying when people post 10 different hastags at the end of their post. Another solution for this would be really nice.

I feel you. Also causes headache when they are scattered all over post

can once reputation grows fast with the upvotes gotten from the #thread

It can but it only applies to Hive and most upvotes are below the Hive dust threashold.

So most do not really help a great deal. But it all feeds into the same system.

ok, that means one needs to make other Post aside thread

Yes although there are upvotes on threads that have Hive value. Just have to be over dust. Khal and I are voting above that level as an example.

okay 🤗🤗 thanks for putting me through. I will try to be making post in other community

as the name is still active, what have happened to rebranding agenda

which name was chosen for the rebranding of

They won't say yet!

Yeah for bitcoin! What is going on around here today? :)

Question for AMA:

Wen superscript son that you answer Soon™, it's the correct Soon with the trademark in superscript.

Sometimes I forget to use tagon my thread, does tags guarantee upvotes

No nothing guarantees upvotes.

okay well understood. Tag or know tags am good to go right

Yeah. Responsible tagging is always suggested. Many tag spam.

tagging Spam is a big offence. How can one know the write tags to use

Common sense.

If the tag is applicable, then use it. But to just use a tag for votes is spamming.

Stand back and watch and you will see lots doing it.

I don't think it does. It just helps so that the thread is seen by the right people or community.

really??? That means making other Post is necessary

Well, tags are used to determine to which community or topic it belongs. If you forget to add it, not all the people you are targeting might see that.

Comment for AMA:

Heard Khal and Eric talking about producing high-quality, non-HIVE content on Leo/Threads to get the conversation going with outside users and bring them here. I think this is a great idea.

We are currently at 240 threads. This is awesome!

We can achieve 1000 threads and quickly too

If not, we should wage civil war.

No please.

Violence is not an option

ETF is the white swan event for this bull run

Well, we'll give it our best to see that the community's target is actualized.

Yeah for threadcast and bitcoin news and green movement! What are you excited about today!? 🐸

Why are tags soo important when threading

It helps people find content of their interest

Wow Soo nice. Thank you for the insight

pantario still have features like leo but more than only finance

really? Haven't heard of it. How does it

if you reply to my thread on this threadcast, thank you for engaging. I'll check it out but I'm so slow on here, I'm trying to engage in others too firstly

I noticed that LOH do have contest each week is it on uniform with other communities?

I read of zealy quest again in September, how possible is it

Any update about Leo app?

Possible to see it functioning this year or we gotta wait more?

they are working on it I guess

OnlyLions u mean @anomadsoul

I like LionFans better lol but true, onlyfans is web2

Do team members get fiat pay? LEO/HIVE pay? Combo? Work for free :-)

I believe yes

why is my keyboard faster when I reply other threads but slow when I make mine .... annoying but im not even mad at it 😂

does Staking on leo limited on 15th of every month

No, stake anytime! That's just LEO PowerUp day. 🐸

lol cats losing it over there


so damn fast

Is it possible to have your rewards displayed on Leo to claim without having to go to Keychain or Ecency?

Would be awesome

I hope they see the question

definitely I believe

WE are moving....come on guys we gonna reach 1k comments or more

who is the highest Leo power holder?

The highest #leo power holder is @onealfa.leo. A #boom-tastic user to check out and support.

@khaleelkazi can u put the stream in the main thread so people can watch on one single page :)

the involvement of Dan on 3speak is more than

dO you really think so

How can ones reputation grow on thread

by consistent

Wow it's not going to be easy but will surely do

Being active, publishing quality content. It starts growing pretty soon! :)

Wow with this consistency is certainly the key

Is there a minimum or maximum to thread each day

A minimum of 100 or you arent serious about threads.

🤔🤔 guess I have always been serious every day on thread 😁

Woah really! didn't think one can reach that much

No, maximum depends on how much resource credits you have.

Wow interesting

100 minimum also I agree
Maximum as much as you can

Wow need to start getting my post s and resources ready for this

Reputation should be tied to NFTs.

you mean hive reputation??

Will the Dev100 be available in multiple languages?

Wen leo.tasks revival

that should be a work done underground

When 1 million pageviews per day?

It's possible if you have a lot of followers

soon. Nothing is impossible

Any Plans to have a Feature like this:
An Area where i can Post stuff and only People with an NFT in their Wallet are able to see Content. (Content must be Encrypted posted to chain and needs to decrypt by holding nft)

That's why we started to give more power to the youtube channel, Khal said:

"want MKT money? Get it from youtube revenue, bozo"

is it refreshing or glitches that is affecting my threads especially replies

On the bug list. Khal is on it.

it is glitch. I think it is settle

Khal what do you eat to be so useful for hive

useful diet I guess

who is @hbdfunder, my first time of hearing of him/her

click the link to check it's profile out

It's a doc made by devs, we'll be thankful that is readable, we don't need design xD

<<< me watching on youtube on a second screen and listeing to some chilly dubsteb


what happened to #boom

Inquiring frogs would like to know too! 🐸

lists some acronym on and have someone else to explain them for us

My comment counter is weird, first show like 550 comments and they it's change to 286. Which is the correct one?


looks so werild

holding liquid hive 104.562.244 $HIVE@khaleelkazi do you have any clue what exchange is this user? cold.dunamu

saving or investment?? Which one will you be going for

Congrats on getting voting support of the DHF funding and this threadcast blockchain tech as these are great treasures to be hunted!

This my first time on a #threadcast So cool seeing all those #threads flowing

Rwlky, but you've been on threads for sometime now

It's always fun.

Yep! But never tried #threadcast. I think I've been a bit absent the last days;)

It's alright. You are here now.

Remember it's on Tuesdays.

Cool and welcome. 🙏 🐸

people are damn active today. My keyboard must be crying now

thanks all. I'm grateful for the votes and interaction

I do something similar, fast for 16 hours, eat within an 8 hours window.

That cat eats his nip throughout the day, no fasting.

Feels like people who aim to be on top of leaderboard can farm some comments during a threadcast 😅

Comments during a live threadcast should maybe have higher value in the leaderboard than regular comments

That's an excellent idea

#feedback Vote on threads is stuck at 100%. Can only spread the love to few ;-) Refreshed but seems stuck.

Try (re)changing in settings. Or find your favorites! 🐸

Yeah. had to rechange

I eat always not depending on time. I don't want to suffer from stomach ache but moderate

cool, that means you eat more than 5 times a day or even more

welcome @ngobaby ...plenty people don dey invite you since. Celeb!🤭

I no reach ooooo

Who is threads competition as of now : Tiktok or Twitter?

If you have a low balance of $HIVE do you have the option to change the vote weight?

I wonder how much notifications are spamming @khaleelkazi during this threadcast 😅

Which of them grow account faster, delegation or curation?

I’m getting multiples notifications on one (thread) reply


If robinhood holds the largest BTC, does it means that their platform will compete with Binance

Vote was at 5% but after changing and saving again it works! Thanks!

Blackrock won over SEC so how do you see this update Khal ?

Invalid Witness Votes because their turned off their Witness. Just drop Name if u wanna check it out later - would be realy appreciated. louis.witness@khaleelkazi How to get a juicy Witness Vote from Leo? Just to let u know, u have 5

I'll take a look and update our votes

You're at the top of our list to add ;)

wow 618 comments so soon, big and fast road to 1,000

Might we have a game to play in, or around here as a mini game in the game of threads or just with the "LEO" (or re-brand)?

The only Black Rock that matters is the Nevada desert where Burning Man is taking place right now, lol.

My comments says 328? Seing people commenting higher numbers 😅

You may need to close the tab and open a new one

Idea: If the user is below browsing replies, the auto refresh shouldn't push those down, but push up.


if on-screen is looking at the latest threads, do refresh.
If on screen is not looking at the latest threads, don't refresh

This new Threadcast Mode could be named "ThreadCascade" 🙃

What's your weather condition over there? It's raining here and I need a cup of coffee for the cold weather.

So integrating twitch or any other streaming app to Hive would solve a lot of re-inventing issue, isn't it? Just plug into existing app!

My strategy going into the next #LPUD is my #HBD. They are cooling off in my wallet.

Good to her and good idea.

Thank you.
Hope you are also planning ahead of the #LPUD

On the next #LPUD, I plan to power up 1k #Leo.

What's your plan?

Good one guys, let's keep the page views up

When you want to sleep but at the same time you are enjoying threadcast. I guess sleep has to find somewhere to sleep now while I enjoy the fun

why do khal switch to 3speak over long form posts

After I joined Hive and discovered all the potentials, I asked myself, why I didn't join earlier. #regrets

Some do, never any reason to regret, welcome, and have fun. 🙏 🐸

Thank you!

Can anyone set up a threadcast?

Yes just use the #threadcast tag

Of course. Just create the thread with #threadscast tag, you can tag users to join and equally share the link.

during the podcast, I wonder how it will be if other languages are included

For this weekend, I will host a threadcast for the #epl games

That's awesome! Good luck fren

Thank you.

My phone battery is already giving me signal 🥺🥺

if others are still active here, why will I rest a bit

the rate at which khal response and upvote at the speed of light. He is the Most hardworking and smart person here

wHat is the latest update about Leo app. Anybody have any clue?

Thanks Mitch!

Don't forget to vote the Cat's recap post!

Also thanks everyone for joining :)

Question from the late comer: WHEN GEYSER ???

Was an nice first #threadcast ! Thanks all 👍

Good to hear!

My mindset about #hive and #leo is for the long term. I believe I will make my first million from here. And I am putting in all the work.

Khal is about to hit the top 2 on the leaderboard and dethrone me 🥺🥺 I am not letting that happen

Don't let him do it! Just kidding.. keep up the great job however your rank sits as we're all in the game together.

what is the voting weight and power of khal that he can upvote all these thread cast

Ok, last suggestion: Maybe you'll introduce Leo payments that will help you make your post stand out. Could be interesting for some people and help the team to get more Leo out of circulation.

that might be a great idea

Congrats to the DHF Funding!

big congratulations

Grinding the right way

is taskmaster, a robot how can he be producing quality post at every hour

It worth asking lol

a human being that is hardworking. I really admire him so much

He not be the name of taskmaster for nothing ... for maybe sum master of tasks! 🐸 What are the chances he notices these comments? Or is it a matter of time? 🤔

who is your role model here, I refer anomadsoul but he hardly replies

wHo should I pick as my role model??

I do the liquid carbs diet. It's very straightforward you just need to replace every meal with beer. I dont recommend it

what has been your greatest mistake in crypto trading

We need 30M in DHF support! Rally the Lion troops!

not really that much

"When 420 reputation?" -Nifty

mission impossible

Would you limit a threadcast to just text and emoji's removing gifs? to keep it more clean or an option to turn it off or on?

that will be a great idea

We will be hitting 1,000 comments in the next 20 minutes. I believe so

You should watch the TV series from Chris Hensworth - Limitless. So good, goes into fasting, also strength, shock, etc

This was really fun

Amazing show today

Good one guys.

if you have the voting strength of khal, how best can you make good use of it

I’ll know once i get the voting strength 😉

Vote for me the things and users you support around here! 🐸

Vote for me the things and users you support around here! 🐸

upvote good stuff :-)

And i dont think Khal has tthat much voting strength, leo.voter is dedecentralised.

Me, i'll will be voting as much people as i show some ❤️ 🤪

seems every second a comment is been dropped

as it should be 😉

How's the Lab UI holding on

Dragging, lol 😂

You gerrit lol

who have seen Dan thread before

HEs been around before, not much but yes

You can look at his threads.

Road to 500 comments, let's go guys

the default text on the keyboard is so Savage...can it be nicer?
Talking bout I shouldn't follow other threads and make mine... why can't it say please? Bad manners, Ai...bad manners

it needs some home training

that seems not to be much

So we will see a 5 million $HIVE order soon?

can only #threading makes one a millionaire?? 😜😜 Just asking oo incase one is not too good in writing

I do the same fasting wise, 6h-8h food windows, I feel very energetic when I don't eat, so contrary to what we have been told

Fasting is great. Have fasted for weeks for llightghts meals with full nutrition every few days.

I am meant to believe there Hivers who find writing lengthy difficult is there any provision or community such a person should stick to?

when will we start to earn from page views

Sorry my last Thread... i was testing something but found another bug :D
I tried to implement a Poll but did not shown up

afaik polls only work in parent threads :(

Khal buys crypto with his Influencer revenue from onlyfans

ICYMI: the new Threadcast mode went live last Friday. You'll see in this Threadcast that all replies are automatically sorted by the latest reply at the top

AND - this is big - the replies automatically update. No refreshing needed

This makes the Threadcast feel like a real-time chatroom like a Twitch chat or Discord chat. Have fun chatting in here and interacting with us in real time.

We go live in 45 minutes!

Threadcast mode is automatically enabled when you first land on this page. If you click it, it will turn threadcast mode off

If you're on Light Mode on the UI, it's kinda hard to see if it's enabled/disabled. Try dark mode if you need to

How to activate the threadcast mode in the first place? Simply by using threadcast tag?

Prepping for LIVE, get your questions ready!


This has been a lingering issue for me.

I can't seem to zoom images on mobile.
Can it be looked into, please?


I was just observing the rate of engagement here is so encouraging.

Is Hive Lite live

What's up with Leaderboard? It's clearly not registering all the stuff it's supposed to, like threadstorms for example. Any fix to this we can expect?

Oh no my RC is going down....Who can guess the percentage?


Nice guess but it's 50 😢

what does Onboarding project entails

or if you want to snatch up all the names for socials and the domain before someone else snipes it that's always good to keep it hush 😂

Maybe 😆 🐸 !LOLZ

Why didn’t the teddy bear want dessert?
He was stuffed.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@bitcoinflood, I sent you an

what name will the next quest bear?

Awesome! Looking forward to the new reputation system!

Question for AMA:

Does the Lion den still have plans to increase liquidity of HIVE, HBD, LEO, etc? Is Cub working towards this goal? or do you have something different in plans?

Another suggestion: Maybe you could add extra features or perks for people who have a bigger stake of Leo. For example, longer posts or other stuff.

i can't wait to a

Moving into stables for the bull market was a very smart move. Just hopefully it wasn't terra luna

what is micro-earnings and how possible is it here

where do you see Leo thread in the next 5 months

my rep is 65

why is it that my rep on several frontends is different

Old-guard doesn't want you to know this one weird trick to getting funded.

Click the link in the description, subscribe, send me $25 bucks and I'll DM it to you

Should aim for 50K MAUs.

That is when Leo will be a force to deal with.

i definitely agree with you

what has been your memorial moment on hive.

I think mine will be threadcast

540 more to 1000 we can do it

these #threadcast is ally helping me to learn a lot. Let me read some comments and pos pleaset

Dan is very active on Twitter than Thread

When Khal diet vlog?

Subscribe to find out!

Look at this comments flowing in!

I eat twice or thrice depending on the day, lol

Nouveau fil de discussion affichant une erreur d'application lorsque vous cliquez dessus

New thread showing application error when clicked


maximum thread you have made in a day?

$BTC hit 28k

what happened to thread from meta, it's not common as it was from onset

hive is really a nice place to be. With this life thread, you keep yourself busy with important personels and your knowledge grows

we should definitely have a threadcasts every weekend with the #epl going!

Without a doubt.

There should be a threadcast for every match.

wow 317 is big number of comments.

the rate is getting faster

do we have any game based on leofinance?

As you are commenting on this post, what's your battery life ♥️ percntage? Mine is 68%

A big whale has purchased 10000 ETH post the positive court ruling

Threads is flying at highest level, making it difficult to reply to threads

if only the replies works, it would have engaged more

How do you create engaging content that will capture your audience's attention

If the bull run happens now, how will you feel.. happy or regrets? #BTC

We will also see the news that a whale bought 50,000 $LEO waiting for that day

Where do you think your hive reputation will be by the end of this year? Mine I am targeting 70

I will sure need more advice to get there

difference between public and private blockchain?

Great one today guys, catch ya on the next one

Videos on thread? What do you think about it?

it'll be cool .

Count!: 717 threads.

You guys are amazing!

Let's hit 1000 threads

733 and counting, let's go!

That's it!

Let's do more!

How happiness, khal usually be during his update on prices of BTC

What do you think about BTC sudden rise? Do you think it is a trap?

Sudden rise of BTC might cause sudden fall of BTC

I wonder what and how scary to heard of down voting as expressed by anomadsoul in his recent post

When you need a sleep but threadcast needs you??

The king!
Reasons I want "leo" retained after the rebrand.

When do you think is the next bull run?? I am predicting 2025

I hope after the rebrand the threshold for writeups Will be lowered from 500 words?
Quality over quantity.

Crypto or Forex? For me I am confused about both

Any of the weeks I miss AMA am always sad, am happy I have to follow up today's own to this moment

The pageviews on this threadcast is amazing.

The fun and speed along with being like live chats shows to be drawing in some "crowd". 🐸

Yes. It is a great way to enhance all of this.

Why is DeFi in competition with traditional banks?

Happy to have joined today's AMA , need to go check my baking . Till next time

Body shaming has a negative impact on people, possibly make the isolate from others.

"You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness." —Jonathan Safran Foer

I Powered up 91.630 #HIVE today

Thanks for the quote

keeping stacking ;)

My supervision work took me to a place where flood almost swept me off. #mydiary #aliveandthriving

be careful out there

Yikes! For goodness sakes be careful.

At this point of flooding being careful is an utmost priority.

This is heartbreaking 💔

this year, such scene is from all over the place....

Goodness me!!! Please watch out for the water levels. Reach for higher ground quickly.

Life is precious, taking precautions I must.

Water causes a lot of damage. The Sunshine State is about to get a lot of water.

And when it does, the habitant rejoice.

Hope you're safe? Which state is this? Hope not Abia? Lolz

Twitter payouts, I was checking the top payouts of Creators.

This is in fact stress free setup of revenue.


Just give us a couple of years and we might have creators that earn much here as well 👍

We are already ahead of Twitter in the average payout per user.

100% true and that maybe is more important but maybe harder to use for marketing. People like big f*cking numbers 😅

More importantly what is the payout for the average user.

all those pay out is still going to just few people

That's incredible! Hopefully we manage some level of greater payouts too here on the blockchain.

giving back what they owe

this is huge

Sorting out my hatching birds accordingly. #hivegarden #mydiary

Waooh. This is cool. What a job!!!

A day of full activity

The most important thing here is that you enjoy your work.

Took me to places I haven't been for the first time and I love it.

keep up the good work, I would love to see the hatching process

4 and 6 for me 😌

1 and 8 for me. in my country medical care is kind of free, but in the end, some parts isn't. lifetime value is high. on average a person costs about 250k/300k$ in medical care in a lifetime. 10k cash will be invested.

Smart, but the healthcare investment would only be really valuable if you require regular service no?

had to write more than a few lines in a Thread response. Hope you like this 😉

I saw the notification earlier
Let me have a look 😊

most costs are made last few years of the life of a person. for almost everybody. smokers are slightly less expensive. diabetics also. the rest is a bit more expensive. the costs are from some Dutch research, I didnt invented it 😉

I just sold this card for 29$. Happy birthday in advance to me 🎉🎊

Always nice to turn things into cash once in a while.

yes it is, I’m glad to have held it for so long

it looks powerful, happy birthday in advance to you

it is powerful 😅, I just had to let go

thanks fren

happy early birthday!

thanks thanks thanks 🙏

I wonder how much I can sell the screen shot of that card for?

😂😅🤣😂😅😂 zero ser

what a ripoff.

Happy birthday to you in advance.... Wishing you all the best in advance

I prefer my snacks home made. #mydiary

Can I have your home-made snacks pls. I love it

Sure, you can have some. When it comes to home made snacks I don't have it alone

what u call them...we have similar looking sweet sncaks called gujia

What a similar snacks, ours is called meat pie.

looks good but what's inside

Irish potatoes, beef and carrots.

What is inside? In my country, Argentina, we call them "empanadas" and it is one of the most popular foods.

learned new thing

Irish potatoes, beef and carrots are inside and it's called meat pie in my country Nigeria

They look delicious! In my country, they are made of a lot of things, but the most traditional ones are made of beef.

The are delicious, and there are lots of filling inside

i do too

We're on same page?

Love to think about the day I can replace my job with threading, much more fun than what I'm currently doing 😅

For me that day never came. Even with crypto it feels impossible.

nothing is impossible

It's pointless to become rich in 40 and 50 for some. But for sake of motivation i'll agree with you.

threading is a stress buster,,....

When you find this way, please tell me too! 😜

Haha, like only fans 🤣

Building layers on the platform is huge. But it is something with gamification that we can focus upon.


Match started

Free comments and update open

#fibawc #mneltu

At 1st quarter Montenegro leads 27-26 on Lithuania

#fibawc #mneltu

I love seeing more threadcasts even for #sports I am not into.

I knew you would like it when @bencwarmer switched over to #threadcast!

I hope others join in.

Lithuania leads on Montenegro 40-48

#fibawc #mneltu

Let's go Lithuania!

At ends of 3rd quarter Lithuania leads on Montenegro 50-66

#fibawc #mneltu

God candle coming to $BTC


Just created a thread to tell grayscale decision might come today and now this!

This is a Big Win!

Send it with hasteeeeeeeee.

victory at last

#gmfrens your job is safe ... for now

Looks like some AI has a lot of fingers. Hopefully they are managed well.

Which would you chose, A or B?

#threads247 #foodiesbeehive #fruits

I love my Banana green


We have some like that here too but I prefer this one showing it's ripened

nope, yellow bananas are not healthy

That's for your own species. Ours here ripen naturally and it's yellow

B please and thank you! 🐸


it will definitely be A

You top like better thing lol 😂

Going for B anytime anyday

you like enjoyment

Anytime any day😆

what are you doing today on Hive???

Going to watch the AMA.

I'm writing to people to see if it's possible to display your NFT assets in a wallet like Keychain.

There are various ways to do so. Try TribalDex

TribalDex is a marketplace for layer2 tokens, they don't display NFTs (Punks, Art from NFTShowroom, NFTTunz)

try again my dude. Login to TribalDex, choose openHive, and from there you can manage your NFT collection.

You sir, are a genius. Thank you so much!

Punks on Hive, NFT Showroom, NFT Tunz, Rising Star, WeedCash, Dcity.... there's even one called Lensy I hadn't heard of.

This is a huge tool for something I'm putting together at my studio.

be active as usually

garri my afternoon power source.
This is one of the meals that repreplreplenishes energy as fast as posspossible


This food is the hope of millions everyday. Staple.

It never runs out of fashion

It is a very stable meal. I thank God for Garry o

just finished taking mine

You're doing great, comrade 👏

is that like a rice?

Yeah, same class of food as rice, but this is like a fast food that needs not to be cooked.
Just like cornflakes

Do you add anything to it? Milk? Sugar?

You can spice it up with milk, sugar, biscuits and groundnut

Am with you bro. I normally take it at midnight for inspiration ☺️☺️☺️

I do same too while in school

hahahaha 🤣😂🤣 it's so nice, so many people don't know it's secret

Yes oh 😅😅😅
I just hope they do soon

Oh yeah!! I have already went to buy the ingredience that I will use to take mine this night. Because I gat lot to do tonight

You're doing great man

It's a great source of energy. Enjoy

Come join me

Garri is my ultimate afternoon energy source too. It's one of those meals that swiftly replenishes my energy levels

I just hope they are listening to us... I just hope their up soon to avoid rush😁

#leo 💪 community threads are perfect now before it only showed the most recent posts #hive #threads

I would say it is far from perfect but progressing.

That's Cool 😎😎

El Yoga es muy efectiva para la salud fisica y mental, razones para realizar mis posturas diariamente. Pueden comprobarlo en @fulldeportes

So much news in the threads, I didn't use it for a while and now it's time to understand what's good! Here we go! #hive #news #threads

It's becoming an on-the-spot source of information. Love it.

Damn everything is fast, really fast and with a lot of information and news, I'm lost with so many things haha

That is a chart I like 👍#Bitcoin rises almost $1000 on the news #Grayscale wins their lawsuit against the #SEC

Great news. I love such things.

pretty cool Sir, love this

The #SEC's war on crypto is falling apart in the courts. $BTC

great new

a chat every trader like 😊

Trying to dedicate more time to Hive, now that some months with less work are coming. I don't know where to start...

#gmfrens #hive

start on thread

great advice. It is known.

Yes, it's a good idea (I've been missing posting here for a long time), while I'm translating into English some stories I've written in the last few months.

consistency is the key here

yeah, I know, but sometimes life conspires against consistency

you have already started with thread

Yes, I actually started here!


Start right there.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I had a long on BTC when it was $26,000 but closed it a few days ago... Lucky me.


That move was fast tho..

Typically crypto

a big congratulations friend

Binance Liquid Swap will delete the following liquidity funds on september 1st:


More below

#threadstorm #cryptonews



BTC with a random 1K rip over the last 30 minutes

Short it.

Bitcoin is rat poison. - Charlie Munger (or was it Buffett).

exactly what it is

Same strong bullish move happened few minutes ago in the NZD-USD not quite long... And hit my TP

Beautiful to watch.

Giving chills!

bitcoin is craze

From BitcoinSistemi News, Twitter/X has got Rhode Island Currency Transmission License.

Elon is man of his words. Twitter is going to be profitable.


But Elon is destroying Twitter.

I will take stupid shit people post online for $200 Alex.

Yes he alienated a lot of people to build something different. I'll post update on creator payouts.

It's going to be interesting to watch all of that take shape

remember today is potential Grayscale vs SEC decision day!

If not today than Friday according to #etf experts.. This is about whether they are allowed to turn the fund into an #ETF or not.


Compartir alimentos frecuentemente con nuestra esposa, en otro ambiente, que no es en casa también es una bendición.

Right now, am in a welding shop where I plugged my phone.. Am doing this to prove my consistency to hive. #mydiary

this is called dedication

Yea. I need to be serious from now on. My reputation need to grow

ha ha you have high reputation

doing what it takes

guess you guys have network failure

Weldon my dear, you are a good fellow. #HIVe is already proud of you .

Heavy numbers of shorts added!

They'll surely gonna get squeezed and the more shorts they add, the longer this squeeze will go I think.


So close to the 50/50 mark!

it is starting to be interesting

Bullish news for $BTC means bullish news for $RUNE. Will we pass the 2$ mark now and continue upwards?

#thorchain #rune

let us wait and see

Maybe bullish news. We'll see about the market...

Market so far seems to think it's bullish atleast

let's hope so

I sure do, have a bag :)

Joint number two..


just another day to feel good

Late start.

yeah... I was a lazy bastard this morning.. slept in till 6:47.

Feeling better😅😅. $BTC .. any news?

#crypto #btc

I hope that curve goes up more haha

Everyone hopes it but opposite things happen most of the time. 😅

kkkkk this is true, I hope that now we can get to mars kkk

So the market dictates how you feel?

It also gives me a good feeling but I think it's not the only one. I don't feel bad also when I see a dump and I have spare funds to invest😎.

Bitcoin always gets back in the game eventually. Worry about the altcoin you hold lol.

I am not worried about my Altcoin because I know that I am holding the strong one and it's just a matter of time to do well.

1 ratio 3.4
Holy Father, it a cool #trading day. After the closing of the 2nd bullish candle with a divergence #mydiary #forextrade

Please show me love naa

❣️❣️❣️ take some Love.

Best Card to use with HIVE? #hive #card

What if there was a card (physical or virtual) that can simply be recharged in authorized shops with fiat money linked to the hive wallet? can anyone create it on hive? #hive #card

Do you mean for payments?

Yeah, I love the decentralization and all but I have to swap out to actually use part of the generated value, I was wondering what's the best solution for HIVE.

It is still hard to do. Hive isnt on many exchanges.

Reading around I saw users swapping pHIVE or pLEO. I tried it out and it works well, it'd be just great having to do as less steps as possible. There's an online shop that supports HIVE payments and that's pretty much it. 🙂

Yes. The derivatives can work well.

It does allow for access to bigger networks in terms of tokens and avenues to exchanges.

Motivado a los resultados satisfactorios obtenidos haciendo yoga, recomiendo ampliamente esta páctica, la cual es muy buena para la salud física y mental. Con afecto @omarrojas.

Destroyer of Shorts, we call it $BTC . Its Time to pack for the moon Sir. Get ready

let's see whether BTC can achieve 30k in the next few weeks

"This Week in LEO" ... I have a feeling ti might be shortened to just Leo.So Khal and Eric (@anomadsoul) haven't revealed anything on the rebrand, but their podcast is called

Or it could be a stepping stone. May make sense to keep "LEO", drop "finance", and have "LEO" + "new brand". LEO could also be L.E.O. ... 🤔 🐸

sounds like my this week in Hive I do each week 🤣

LEO is good.

Good day sir, how is the family? Its sounds better as we await.Jah bless

leo is not bad

What's happening in your area?

Is raining heavily over here.


Hell there is a hurricane on the way. So yeah rain is in the forecast.

Not hurricane please. Just normal rain😀

Hurricane doesn't happen in this part of the world

preparing for the future

sunny here today but it is sign of rain

it'd raining here too in morning

Is it only for me who Leo seems a bit unstable today?
My rank is saying 25, can't scroll because instead of older post showing up new post come and the site is slow for me.


My rank be showing 25 since yesterday, I wonder why.


Because the system is being generous.

It should be much lower. lol

site is little weird for me too as sometimes i can't see my latest thread's on profile

yeah, kinda breaking when I try to comment or do something

yeah don't know what's up today.

they will attend to it

Seems like there are a few technical issues taking place.

it has been fixed. Was once like that

Wen embedded preview on external websites with link?

#gmfrens anyone know what's happening with the #leo rebranding? #hive #threads

They bought a new domain. Haven't revealed what it is though. I have a feeling it's going to be shortened to Leo

Most of hive front ends have been acting up lately. Glad I can still thread however is the draft feature for mobile users on Leo Ui long-form functioning…?

Ecency is totally tilted for me...

i miss that feature too

Lets hope they get things back up soon…i almost lost a whole post due to frontend issues. Ecency self don dey act weird lately…i can't load my drafts ATM.

Peakd still offers the best services no doubt

#gmfrens! Happy Tuesday! #pepetoken

heyooo good morning

awGood morning to you, wishing you the best of the day...

There are 4 pages