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Happy #LPUD Lion's welcome to another power Up Day. 200 Leo Tokens powered up and providing more upvote power

Very nice LPUD is on for me in a few hours lol so I leave my power up for tomorrow since that's my LPUD 🤣

Thank you my friend. Always love supporting my favourite blockchain 💪🏻

Good! I intend to be present next time!

It's a great day ☺️

The FTX drama may have one last gift to give until it's wiped from #crypto history. Find out more in link below #threads #Gosh #Hive

Back from adventurous vacation.....back to planning another one. #travel #life #adventure

Have not been on a trip in weeks! I miss the routes, the breeze, the peace that comes with the road. I just miss being free

they sometimes get so is nothing without them

looks nice! lots of hiking trails?

yes .....steep slope.....23km each side.

That's wonderful. I do hope you had the best of time here. Hope you'll share your experiences.

one of the memorable one.

Now, it's time to send those $LEO to work!

It's LPUD, lions! Stake them up!

It helps with curation...and puts more $LEO in one's wallet.

Why wouldn't people want that.

That's very true. Makes me wonder why some people ditch the LEO once it lands on their wallets.

did my part.....feeling popowered

Awesomeness! Congrats and roar xD

Great job on the 💩show pod, guys.

How about that audience listening in on Twitter!

You certainly can't say that Zealy doesn't get people to do what you ask them to do.

The possibilities for Leo are wild.

I honestly can't wait to see the final turnout....
There's much promise with this platform and honestly, the show was dope.

The audience was really good today 😅 It was a great show

Yeah, it's really a great show with amazing people. It's feel great to be there

This is my VAIO netbook I'm currently using on HIVE. I would like to add more RAM to my netbook, but in this moment I can't: and this is the netbook lid: #oliodibalena

Quanto costa un upgrading di RAM? Non sapevo nemmeno che i portatili fossero espandibili. Beata ignoranza.

Non tutti, purtroppo. Lo devi vedere tra le caratteristiche prima di comprarlo. In ogni caso, i miei piccoli VAIO, per quanto venduti con questa caratteristica, devono essere scoperchiati e siccome sono ben saldati, sia pure teoricamente potendo espandergli la RAM, rischiano di rimanere danneggiati, quindi ci penserò un milione di volte. Per il prezzo, non corrisponderà mai ai valori che troveresti in Italia. Nei paesi latini la tecnologia ha prezi vergognosamente alti e un'espansione mi pare vaggi su oltre il centinaio. Figurati che l'Asus Duo che da voi costa 6000 euro, qui è venduto a occhio e croce a 40K e a comparazione di stipendi, è come se voi lo compraste a 38K euro.

Credo che questo PC abbia lavorato parecchio.. chissà quanto l'avrai sfruttato?!

Veramente non ha ancora nemmeno tre anni ed è uno dei due piccoli nuovi VAIO. Soltanto che la tecnologia nelle latine lande costa un botto perchè tutta importata e un notebook che voi pagate 500 euro a noi costa 3000 reais, a occhio e croce. Comparando stipendi standard, se voi avete uno stipendio di 1200 euro e pagate un notebook di buon livello 500 euro, un brasiliano dallo stipendio minimo che qui é 1320 reais deve pagare 6000 reais per l'identico dispositivo. Purtroppo tutto quel che avevo potuto comprare 3 anni fa era stato questo piccolo dispositivo dai 4 GIGA di RAM, pagandolo 3300 reais. Più di tanto non avevo potuto fare. Ma non lo uso ogni santo giorno di tutto il santo anno, così come tengo parecchio a riposo il suo fratello debianizzato. Spesso lo tengo a nanna, facendo lavorare i ben più robusti Toshiba sat, rispettivamente datati inizio 2013 e inizio 2014, che per quanto vecchi mammut e dalla lentezza esasperante, pure funzionano ancora (uno dei due è quello diventato linuxiano da almeno 3 anni). Mi spiace che però questo VAIO abbia l'apparenza di essere vecchio, a dispetto del fatto che non mi sogno neppure di maltrattarlo😢. Il materiale con cui è costruito non è affatto di prima qualità e si vede.

Grazie per questo chiarimento. Interessante anche il paragone prezzo/buste paghe

Diciamo che le buste paghe oramai sono più che altro prerogativa degli impiegati pubblici. Il lavoro subordinato privato è tutto un tema. Qui pullulano gli autonomi (con persona giuridica al seguito come me, ma meglio ancora informali, che aprono di tutto, piccole cliniche comprese senza registro) e dunque i guadagni possono essere molto più, ma pure molto, molto meno.

Anche per me è arrivato il momento di aggiornare la mia postazione e la ram sarebbe un ottimo upgrade. Il dentista imprevisto ha fatto saltare i miei piani e ho dovuto rinviare...
Grazie per aver partecipato

Come ti capisco, amico mio...a me gli occhiali nuovi hanno fatto saltare le ferie invernali al mare sia pur necessitandole perchè sto dovendo tirare avanti con infezioni respiratorie a settimane alterne. Questa è la quarta in un mese e mezzo (la seconda era stata comunque una nuova variante del covid). E la nuova pentola a pressione che dovremo comprare (dopo 7 anni e mezzo di duro lavoro perchè era ancora quella che mio marito usava assieme a suo fratello e ai muratori durante la costruzione della casa, la nostra vecchia è andata in pensione) farà saltare il dentista a me.

Wrapping up some finishing touches on a lead capture page for the zealy campaign. Figure this might work better as I'll be better able to track people. Hopefully LEO releases their referral system soon!

Hopefully they release it real quick.

Would be nice, even so it was easier to track people I invited in and then support and encourage them to keep posting etc.

We just hope they work on this quickly.

it is currently 3:40am and I still haven’t slept. The #shitshow keep me awake but it was worth it.

This is not my usual morning but I feel energetic already, might still, prolly take a nap though. haha

#gmfrens #mydiary

It sure was. Haha, so much energy seeping in. You should ho with the nap later friend. Gm

You feeling energetic. I am feeling really slow. We sure in two different headspaces. Good for you, though. Have a great day, will you?

Happy you joined the shitshow, maybe you will find a way to nap within the day. Thank you for posting your first dairy. Feel free to share more threads about your days activities using the #mydairy tag. Welcome!!!

Join me as we Make Hive Blockchain Known; The Adoption Campaign Has Started

#threadstorm #outreach #zealy

  1. Finally, the zealy campaign is here just we anticipate for and ofcourse it is a high time we make this space bubbling again.
  1. It can't be for less as it seems that the very most wonderful blockchain ever has been under the shadow all these while but thanks to this particular period that it is been unveiled the more through zealy.
  1. Each carefully taken step brings one closer to the reward but most importantly helps in creating the needed awareness about the hive blockchain adoption and its relevance in this our world of #web3.
  1. If you haven't joined before now, you aren't late still, press the link below to join.

  1. To understand this more and know how to join and what it takes, press the link below

#web3 #hive_adoption #posh #gosh

that’s a cool banner! I love it

Thank you.

Go Min.

Cant stand Phil.

I bet on MIN.... but you know we got Philly -7 in the pool. You should have voted.

My heart is against Philly but I wouldnt bet against them.

Oh snap Thursday night eagles game!

Vikings handing it to them

not even close this one is over for sure

If you look closer to its older leaves, it's beaten. Well, it's thriving now, isn't it? That's my only okra.🤍

Good deeds...... I begin my day by powering up my #leo by 148. #gmfrens #lpud #powerup

you have done really well, well done

Do have a great weekend!That's right, it's #lpud once again, congratulations on powering up.

Keep powering m3anigfully

I will 🥰

Good initiative! Walking towards my 50 Leo to be eligible

Might as well finish up on that company profile and video. Thank you for the #shitshow again 🚶🏾‍♀️

it made you stay up.

Good morning. Just get the work done

It's nearing the end of the week and I wonder what plans all of us have for the weekend. Good morning to all users of Hive. 🌺

I don't know what plans I have for the weekend but I'm hoping it would be a fruitful one.

Good morning dear and have a beautiful weekend 🥰

I just plan to rest, relax and get ready for the start of school. A new opportunity to meet new students and learn alongside them. What about you? 🌺 #gmfrens

Mehn, the plan for the weekend is broad my dear, I have tons of Korean series to watch, I have tons of Bollywood movies to watch, the likes of JAILER is on my watch list, hope you get to enjoy your weekend Jboy, hehehe, good morning dear…

Hello!!! already close to the weekend!!! Days to rest and share with family, that's my plan. Ahh and watch sports with them, enjoy healthy! #hive #gmfrens

Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. If you would like to receive your GM tokens, please register your WAX wallet on our site, unclaimed tokens are burned. You can find the site in our profile on @gmfrens.

I learned a lot today, thanks guys.

Fumble number 4 for the Vikings

The Vikings suck. LOL

No need to sugar coat it..

Yeah. What until you get my analysis on the Giants...40-0.

They suck even more.

He talked about patience whilst we wait for things to change for the better tomorrow and the implication on hive and web3 .


Definitely, things are going to change pretty soon but we just have to be patient enough.

yea surely, did you join?

Yes, I did.

I believe that it would all get better. I love the idea of Hive having it’s own Spaces! X fucked me up today and I was reminded why I don’t even go there.

So sorry to hear about that. Where are you threading from?

Same place you are

Hmmmm, sorry meant no bad asking ooo

I have no idea why you’re apologizing when I just answered your question

Things will surely keep getting better with time but it's just a matter of patience can we be

Did you join?

yes I did

I bet you patients is important, one thing learn is that to achieve anything one need to be patient. Especially when you have crypto in mind.

The shitshow was incredible! Looking forward to the next one, keep up the good work y'all #leo #hive #threads #zealy


All the sudden Cousins wants to act like a Quarterback

To little to late I believe..

I am glad I joined in

Is midnight over here, but I'm happy to have joined. I have learn some few new things.

a mi se me consumió la carga completa del teléfono en el space jajajajaj

ohhh. Please can you translate to English?

sorry my english. My telephone charge kill in the space

I am glad you found it educative... Goodday

Yeah, me too. I had so much fun.

It is actually mid-night in here but i have to join though



my girlfriend just dump me, I am single again

Well welcome back to the land of the living were reality is our moto.

Hello Single.

Hello deraaa

Hahah this is hilarious, is this a joke or a fact lol, either way sorry, cry for a bit, eat good food and get back on your feet again and find yourself another queen to complete your throne ahah, good morning 😃

It can be both LOL....Is not need to cry, was a friendly break out

buenos días bro. Búscate otra 😂😂😂dirle yo soy hiver y amante de las criptomonedas. No , mejor no digas eso

jajaja cosas que pasan

I am sorry to hear that. If it was a good relationship.

Congratulations, it's about time! If it was a bad relationship

First round's on me!

Was a friendly break out so is a kind of both feelings


Minnesota with ANOTHER turn over that leads to Philly TD..

Going to be a long season for the Vikes...

They should trade Cousins to the Jets

Interesting idea.

This isn't actually being talked about by either organisation though, right?

Right. . But it makes sense. Cousins is a backup QB imo

Which one did we end up picking?

Felicitaciones a nuestro Moderador @palabras1 por su actuación en DUATLÓN LEZAMA , donde logró Pódium 2° LUGAR. Conoce toda la experiencia en #fulldeportes Link en comentarios

Gracias por toda la labor que realizas. #fulldeportes es nuestra puerta al mundo deportivo. Saludos.

just upvoted 400+ comments on the Crypto ShitShow threadcast lol

Very kinky, baby

lol i have like 20% vp

Too much, let's get it to negative 0%

Hahaha, feels good, I dropped a thread.....😁

thanks fren

No, thank you.

Cheers! Appriciate it.

Wow! that's amazing, 400+ comment is a lot of number. Good to have you on the Shitshow threadcast

Ouch... I didn't get to comment XD!
But it was pretty good and really my respects. I hope to live up to you guys at some point.

yes thank you for that. I receive a few. It was a great show to day 💪 I hope to participate in more in the future

After years of waiting… we finally found the treasure


lol. You can go and snore 😂😂

too pissed to even sleep anymore.

Shit. My battery.

Lol, it wasn't easy especially those of us in a different time zone, I'm happy to see most of us awake.

Good morning dear

good morning dear. It wasn’t easy. My Piss-o-meter has broken

Lol, please try and get some rest

I'm sure it mustn't have easy but for those who persevered till the end, it turned out well.

yep. Messed up my sleep schedule 🥲

omg, it almost felt like this wasn’t ending today Hehehe, but as it is said, patience is the key, he who laugh last, laughs best, treasure taken, time yo enjoy the chest ahahah, good morning dear

good morning hun. And as we can see, I grew white hair

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

GM guys! I wish you all a great day! May it be productive and full of peace! #gmfrens

good morning, thanks for the wishes i also wish you same thing

Blessed day! 🙌

Good morning to you too, i wish you the best today

Gm everybody. Happy Friday. Have you done your leo power up today? I've already done mine :D

Good morning & Happy LPUD, I'm a little more powered up too.

O.O knowing u . u prob power up like 10k in one go

Good to know that you have already powered up some Leo token. Now it's left for to do the same

thank u. great u can power up as well :3

Gm friend. TGIF. I havent done mine yet. I am glad you did yours already L

try Dey sleep o🤣

Haha... I'll try😂😂

thank you. I hope you do yours soon ;3

You are welcome.

I will wait till next month, I don't reach 150 LEO yet

u cant buy a few more leo to erach it?

GM! I powered up just above 300 LEO which got me above 3k in total. One goal done!

wow congratz man 3k is huge

Thanks! 5k and cub status is the next goal

I don’t even have any Leo to begin with
How do you people get Leo token in the first place

can get from exchange like hive engine @_@

Yeah yeah
But I need to purchase it right

ya u probably do haha

September LPUD: Staked 276.106 LEO, all passively earned over the last 30 days.

I have very little LEO token in staking, but little by little I will be accumulating to increase my LEO power.

That’s great man.

Happy lpud

Are you tired? So am I.
We're doing well. Hugs.🤍
¿Estás cansado? Yo también.
Estamos bien. Abrazos.🤍

I am. But I’m not giving up.


Un saludo fraterno para todos, que en este nuevo día tus metas estén mas claras y tu camino sea libre de obstáculos para que puedas avanzar con paso firme hacia la cima. No desistas. En la perseverancia está la clave del éxito. #hive #zealy

buen día amigo, los mejores deseos para ti también, que bueno ver compañeros de habla hispana por acá también

Buen dia! Dentro del space de Eric F Na en X, a seguir con sus misiones chicos. #zealy

Saludos Ivan... qué bueno que estás... de verdad que es todo un reto estar atentos a cada actividad jajajaja.
Ánimo... seguimos en la experiencia #zealy #hive

Ran into this today and thought it was pretty cool. #LeoFinance is on #coinbases #web3 system. Hive isn't as it's not a blockchain Coinbase lists.

next let them list the token

In time maybe, first they need to list hive and that seems to be a whole can of worms

That's great but what is not is the fact that they are not listing Hive. Looks a bit stupid and misleading that the list shows Leo Finance being on Polygon, Ethereum and BSC.

But it is through it's connections in DeFi. You can in fact use the LEO token on all of those blockchains. There's really no defi platform for Hive that connects into these.

Yeah, but stepping into someones shoes who is browsing that list and is interested in Leo Finance, must be a bit confusing for that person if they jump in here and everyone talking about something called Hive...

There's also no central contract figure for hive which is the biggest hold back to getting it listed on places like this. They want someone that's responsible. Maybe the witnesses if they all got togther?

Hopefully something like that is brought up at some point, no better marketing than getting into those big CEXs

The weather is awesome in the morning
Cool bbreeze Is blowing and loops like it will be raining soon..#gmfrens

#liotes #aliveandthriving

It's cool here too but I'm sincerely not praying for the

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.


The weather is awesome in the morning Cool bbreeze Is blowing and loops like it will be raining soon..

#liotes #aliveandthriving

Great. A beautiful morning to enjoy, starting with a good coffee or tea and lots of enthusiasm, commitment and perseverance to start the day with optimism and joy. Greetings!!! "gmfrens #hive

it has been raining here too. Literally every day, it does rain.

Good morning from this side.

Enjoy the beauty of nature its completely free how amazing it is to enjoy the wonderful gift of nature we are blessed with do have a great

I love that sort of weather friend. You can enjoy listening to the platter of rain with a cup of coffee if the rain comes.

While I have powered up Leo for LPUD but I also noticed that my HP is a good number. Its 46,446 and I am on my way to make it 50k this year.

WOW! 50K HP is insane, one day I'll reach that mark!

why not .. anyone can do this..

Yeah, that's a lot of value and we all hope to meet up to that

I will steal your HP if it touches 50k 😂😂. So stay alert.

Best of luck to you and I hope you will achieve 50k before the end of the year.

haha.. thanks mate

That is super insane power there, i wish you the best on this journey

thanks mate

Not bad at all. With focus you can really start to stack hive or really any token you want here on hive.

I have little HP, I'm almost reaching 1000 HP, I hope someday I can have a lot of HP.

This is a great goal alok. I will be happy with 2.5k by end of year. It just shows how OG you are to accumulate so much HP or I guess u could just whale it up too :P


Do you know? its LPUD aka ''Leo Power Up Day'' today and its the day for us to power up Leo tokens. I powered up 1035 Leo today and I participate every month.

#outreach #threadstorm #lpud


More Leo Power means we can support more creators and we can also earn a nice curation reward while doing this so its a win-win situation for both. I have shared my post about it.

Link in the next comment-

leo power up day is so good at least you will be able to track your goal

yes thats the intent

#gmfrens is finally the last day of the working week, let's end it in a positive mood as we head to the weekend. Club football will return this weekend so for the football lovers hope you already. Stay blessed and have a great day.

I’ve not been an avid football fan in the past but now I think I’ll have to start paying attention. What’s your fav team in the epl.

good morning, its indeed a beautiful week. have a nice day


Tomorrow's pick for $22..

Betting 22 to win less than 2 profit?! That doesn't seem like a very good strategy to me tbh

If it wins I get the $22 and the $24..

That make more sense then! 😁 Paying 22 to get 24 in total would be a waste

#jewelry Beautiful choker in honor of the flag of my country

This is pure creativity, looks pretty nice on you keep glowing with the smile do have an awesome day ahead

thank you very much, greetings

Your welcome friend.

Since last year, it's the 4rth time my work station was transferred. Yet I do not know why my seat is always right below the Aircon! 🥶🥶

#gmfrens #ladiesofhive

I feel like this is good. If you lived where I am you would probably appreciate this more :P. Its humid and hot here everyday. without ac or fan is like dying :(

I am living in tropical country so it's humid too on summer.

its humid here everyday. we dont have summer. my country is at equator so its just one season all year ; ;

It's probably so you can stay longer on your work station 😅 my pov though

It seems to me like you must be a really cool person, and they like that.

That is the best place for me. It's a bit funny

It must be really freezing each day.

Oh, oh! Request for diffusers!

Jamie here sure knows what he likes to eat.

#football #memes

Proper Brexit footballer that Jamie Vardy.

Loves it.

He's something else alright. The way he always plays looks like he is somehow giving more than 100% and like all those situations are a matter of life and death. I like that.

Hoje o dia foi lindo! Cruzeiro voltando a dar alegria!

ai sim Ronaldo trazendo bons frutos

Está na luta né, tentando permanecer na A

Vai da r bom só confiar

Too little, too late!

What is going on #silvergoldstackers we on holiday or something ?


You can find our blog post using the # tag above

I'll post something again in the community, I already made content a while ago, excellent community.

Good morning. I am finally with you.

Good morning and have a nice day to you.

Celebrating one more birthday of the #hive LOH community, a nice initiative where @taniagonzalez exposes his criteria in this post.


#outreach #threadstorm

Hello Lions, It's 15th September, and today I Leo Power Up Day. It's time to power up and grow together.


I have done my power up and step by step I am going to achieve my goal which I set 2 months earlier. I believe that I can achieve my Leo goal before the end of the year.



I have done my power up and written LPUD post and you are welcome to read it. By the way, have you done your Power Up?

good luck with the power up and good morning

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