There are 2 pages

Listening to irrelevant things people say about, can be a distraction to you, be yourself. #hivenaija 8years #throwbacks @mesonia @ngobaby come.

It is important to be yourself and love yourself.

Anyways. You look pretty and humans can never be satisfied with anything

That is why we are called humans talking will always take place, good or bad.

You're gain weight, they'll tell you to slim down, be SLiM they'll say gain weight. Kirikiri star like me, slim tea, SLim Queen. Why should I listen to side talks?

You shouldn't listen to them at all because they don't want the best for you, other than criticising and calling you all sort of names. One would easily get distracted when you listen to them.

Listening to what people say can make your life confusing.

Thank you for participating!

Here is the #threadcast for the Spaces starting in a few minutes.

The eyes are on Leo. Lets fill it up.

Spaces link inside.

In @hivecuba we have a team of very professional designers, in case you need them for the rebrand. The username is @hallgraph 🙌

😊🙏 Muchas gracias por el apoyo! Estamos abiertos a colaborar por supuesto.

I came for the rewards but stayed for the community, connecting with people from all over the world. All of this while earning a bit of crypto, life can be good!

For me Hive Power is my 'safe' investment in the Hive environment. As more risky investments, I go for layer 2 tokens / nft's. More Hive Power gives you more influence on Hive as well, so imo never bad to collect more! :D

finally checked in, task gimmie voice I’ll say hi real quick before I go find some food and water

Hey Khal. I guess you are having fun at Rosarito

Thank you @taskmaster4450le for the wonderful time and spit of wisdom. It was a session full of learning and value sharing.

Thanks Task

What if $HBD will be de-pegged?

Going to take a breaking the haircut level to stop the conversion.

Thank you very much, it was very interesting!

Lol at everyone saying they will just sell their $LEO instead of building a big enough stack so they can skim a passive wage off the top.

Very good space as always, already waiting for tomorrow.

HBD is one of the best kept secrets in crypto

A pleasure to have shared today's space with everyone 👋

We are going to break the threadcast record

This weekend we will.

A bit late, but better late than never! I am really looking forward to hear the speakers speak about Hive Fest and the impact it made on their life! is working on a live room.. maybe collab with them for audio

@taskmaster4450 maybe we can use @neopch to do an quick interview round, I know they just have to finish an important meeting.

Nigerian Time?

I have a feeling a lot of people would look different to me if I met them in person.

Not sure what price I will be selling my Leo token, just staking to earn more token to have more upvoting power. Will sell probably at $5 if need be so I can sell high and buy low.

Great show as usual 👏 👌

Why @Brianoflondon is dressed like Indiana Jones?

Thanks, task! See you again tomorrow

Is 12:22am

We will be there, to closely follow the events around Hive and HiveFest

Even if you compare them to ETH, #HIVE is a breeze to work with!

That's a good one, Task.

I got to go, thank you task I deeply appreciate.

Hivefest is a wonderful event and a great marketing for hive and the hivefest virtual space gets to hype up people before the main event. Was late for the space but was listening now. Thanks.

I've learned a lot since the last campaign and by being a curator. Consuming content on Leo really make you grow as a person and even professionally since you will have very important knowledge

Hive has the ability to truly change the life of a person or a community. And I'm not just talking about money. I say this from experience.

Thank you, TASKMASTER 😊

It is a gradual process.

Binance is not Web 3, Hive is
Binance is not a blockchain, Hive is
Trading crypto on Binance does not mean you own them.

On Hive, we learn, we own and we trade and more.

Thanks for having us here

Thanks for this! Great show as aways.

Cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the financial world! 🚀💰 Their decentralized technology and growth potential are fascinating. Tune in to our program and listen attentively to discover how to make the most of these opportunities!

100 Threads a day is a very easy task that can fetch at least $1 worth of Leo.

I got $2+ on a thread some days ago. So, one could earn more by luck.

You earn those tokens through hardwork, dedication, engagement on Hive

Hive has been changing lives.

IF not Leofinance am sure I won't know what is Twitter space or threadcast
I have really learn a whole lot

I've met a lot of people who have pushed in money to buy BTC and other cryptos and then all they've got to show is a "username" and "memorable password". I tell them they've been scammed.

big scam indeed

Hive is a learning platform

Am here to stay with or without reward because am really building both myself now and my future.

That is good to hear :) Keep on!

Thank you friend

The thins I hear on the spaces that Eric has been finding are the ultimate evidence that people on Hive are much farther ahead than the average crypto user.

Even while creating quality content you learn a whole lot that people outside hive don't know

The programs you mention on those channels (and even this one) are of great value to those of us who stay at home.

there's some talented content creators from Nigeria who visit PYPT

Hey shadows good to see you here


I am not in Rosarito, but I have Tekila.. Cheers for Hivefest 🙌

That's the spirit mate!

Send location! 😅

San francisco de Paula San Miguel del Padrón. Con el grillo te llegas fácil 😁

Llegar llego, lo que no sé es si pueda regresar después de bajar un Olmeca 😂


Dan, what is the most exciting part you're looking forward to in regards of Hive? Meeting certain people in person / attending lectures / discovering new dapps / ... ?

@theycallmedan Did you kidnap @eddiespino? We the people demand Eddieespino.

It's good to be with you again, this time from workbut here we are

I would very much like to go to a Hivefest someday.

PYPT - Pimp Your Post Thursday.

30 votes at 1.5 $ make a salary here, so you do change a life with a vote.
Edit: salary and a half

Exactly, every little vote counts

One day man too will be a whale

I like this! 😊

Exactly. We will get there someday

I wonder how the beer tastes down there?

Some on was already singing! 🍺

Do you want some beer too? Lol

Always! Always ready for a cold one :)

That's awesome then 😊

Has anyone seen @manuphotos? I think he poisoned himself with a spicy taco.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 He says he was Hit by Montezuma's curse

that burns in and out, i hope he is ok 🤣🤣🤣

i was jaja

All of the above are great hivers, an example to follow.

I can attest that doors open when you are competent and hardworking.

@noakmilo and @tsunsica would agree with me.

Sure, doors open when people see that you are working even if there is nobody on your back giving you orders. The opportunities will find you while you are moving

La suerte llegará, pero te tiene que encontrar trabajando.

Efectivamente. Yo he tenido muchas oportunidades por atravesada jajaja estar en el lugar correcto* en el momento correcto


Personally I've been on a mission to increase my Hive power and one way to go about that was that I power up at least one hive daily.
I've stick to this plan every single day from January till this moment.

Our incoming whale 😉🙂

Whale with just one hive daily, that'll take how many years abeg?

Hahaha. You are taking the step na. Lol

I have made several Nigerian friends through Leo Finance. They are very friendly and helpful.

Wen LeoSpaces?

Would be sooo cool to have the speakers, listeners there on the right for example!

Khal would say SoonTM. It will be really awesome if the feature comes to threads soon.

Gonna add it to my AMA question list :)

Good idea! Let's hope it will be one in the top 100 in the incoming features.

Hope that too!

Today, I have made Hive my business where I show up daily with my input. I am proud to mention Hive being my online job where I resume in the morning and close up when I am tired at night.

That's nice, PB. Keep grinding and building :)

Yes, that's my aim; to build! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Thank you.


I see Hive as my retirement scheme

You are very right.

The microblogin has been a very wise decision. Which tells me that the decision makers in Leo are very intelligent people.

truly, if I were to be at the hive fest, I would love to see people with the big names around here and listen to lectures from various communities on growth for their dapps

Of course, it would have been great meeting with big people from Hive and learning physically from them.

Almost all the Hive superstars are together in one place, it would be very interesting to be there and interact with everyone in first person.

Working hard to get to that place as well. Can't wait to be able to afford not having a regular job and spending a lot more time on Hive

Taskmaster has been a consistent man on Hive. The first few months I knew him on Hive, I thought he was a machine 😃 that man post......sometimes, I feel good reading and commenting on his posts which I could relate to.

He I, indeed.

Try mezcal, it's better than Tekila

Hive is a Paradigm

You can say that as many times. Hive represents a massive shift from the status quo.

*******Hey @taskmaster4450le, Khal is here and wants to say Hi*******

How's life over there in Rosarito?

phew 🔥🔥🔥, I am here guys 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Glad to see you, TM! Glad to listen to you too. I enjoyed yesterday's pre-hivefest show 🙌

We are up and ready for the show. Get in, mates!

good to be here, and waiting to hear what's going on on hive fest

We will have a busy weekend 😁
Let's do it!!!

4 hour show baby. Grinding!

Good morning from here!

Good morning for you too.

Nice to join again. Midnight here.

Good evening from Nigeria, how's everyone doing.

We're doing amazing

Arrived at the nick of time


Good afternoon everyone! I have just joined.

Wow... eyes are on our precious $LEO token 😍🙌🙌👏👏👏

greetings. i am already with you

Esta vez si estoy desde el principio

Lets goooooo! looking forward to the show!

no sleeping tonight for me, I hope my network does not mess me up today

We must find ways to make hive better known.

i can't whait to see the videos from the event 🙌🏻

HiveFest sure serves multi purpose for Hive. We need to always have this on repeat 👍

My eyes are closing. I don't think I'm going to make it lol

Have you been up the whole night?

YES i have lol

Haha, what have you been up to? Splinterlands? xD

o.o yes of course and of course getting ready for that x space

Haha, thought so. Looking forward to the incoming spaces too, not even sure what time they are, lol!

Hopefully we get to know what's the future holds

That's right. We need to alalways have it.

Wait until the bull market, Hive & Leo gonna be biiig!

#hive offers everything, It is very rare to have a niche and there not be a community for you. your niche is likely already on hive just waiting for you

it will be a nice gathering and it will help build strong connections, it is even an opportunity to share knowledge

Rooftop is where everything is going DOWN, although it is up. Heh...

lots and lots of opportunities in #hive. That's accurate, Task.

Rosarito is really buzzing, thanks to Hive folks and HiveFest. Haha.

I'm thundering around here, so please excuse me if I disappear from the space at any moment.

I wish more businesses would accept HBD in my country Cuba, there are still very few, and you have to change the HBD to another currency to be able to use it 🙁

network is actually bad over here
, glad to be here

Khal what about you do a tequila shot for every 100 threads?

Will TEQUILA be the key word?

Task doesn't know anything about it 🤣.

Yea, there should be lots of clean-up on this new UI. I still do not enjoy threading on my phone. Letters are typing themselves without doing that and it gets me angry.

Kudos to Taskmaster, he is doing a great job hosting these pre-HiveFest spaces.

I agree, doing great work!

It's been almost 6 years now in my case do you have any idea how many people I've interacted with at Hive?

you heard the man. Run up the threadcast

Hive is an opportunity. We gonna enjoy a lot of things on this blockchain. There is potential for every users here.

It would be great to meet all those who work so hard behind the scenes. 🤩

Who is looking for things in his backpack? 🎒😂

Will probably answer Crimsonclad xD

When $LEO gets to 5 USD I will consider selling some but not all of my stake

we are chasing freedom i want to believe than we are sonner or later searching the same on all blockchains

Not all of them. But yes in the ones that are really worth it

I have a feeling the next Cryptoholic show is going to feel like talking Crypto in a Pub. Haha. Nifty will be high AF.

Wow Dan is going to talk O.O

It would be very useful to use HBD directly in practical life, as there are others that are already known. This would be a great promotion for HIVE.

Leothread is going to make this whole thing more engaging and interesting, especially for those that are participating virtually.

ok guys i was able to survive 50 minutes with eyes half open or less. anyways 550am time for me to sleep ill probably listen to the recording. good night all!

Oof, really a bad hour :o Good night! #freecompliments

thanks man it's not the best time for me gonna go listen to it now just replying all the comments lol

What a nice voice, but I can't hear it well, it echoes too much.

Is there someone singing in the background? 😁

I have a amount set to sell if it goes to 1$, but is just a small part to cover what I invested Buying

There's a happy one back there.

Even if leo goes up now, it's not the moment to sell, this is the building moment.

Out of curiosity, do organizers invite outsiders to Hive Fest to check out what's going on or it's mainly marketed to existing Hive users?

outsiders are always invited, the purpose isn't targeted at existing hive users, it is mainly for more adoption and most hive users will surely bring in new members

Cool, thanks for the input! That makes sense. DO you know if many outsiders end up going to the event?

I'll be very happy if i can get to be present on Hive fest nexnext yyearyyear

Sounds a bit like he's in the bathroom booth speaking

dang I am pained, my network is messed up, can’t engage on thread and can barely hear CALLMEDAN

Not only you, it's crazy here

tvis us prwtty craxy

Effortless earnings

Hello everyone 👋

hey guys, what’s good people 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Greetings to all!

The pre HiveFest show was a banger!

Good evening everyone. Waiting for this wonderful show

hello TM, it was a nice pre hivefest yesterday, I hope today has a lot to offer 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Greetings from NOT Rosarito!

How many tequilas are in @starkers hardware?

hello guys
Hope you’re ready for the technological show

wohooo! I’m here now

How is the temperature in Rosarito? Around here we started out hot and now we have rain.

We are flowing on EST. Do the geographical maths, folks 👍

Ahahahaha Omo this schedule choke oh

All the show this weekend, Princess will be there to listen and enjoy 😉

More like listen and loot XP

Hehehe 😉

O.O so 11 and 8?

Where the heck is @eddiespino?

Thank goodness I am hale and hearty now... I'll be joining them 🥳🥳🥳

Let's make it a thousand replies champs!

Every head must bow, every tongue must confess that this platform is the best of all time! #leo #leofinance #hivefest

weather is great!

it's 5am here i havent slept yet ; ;

Next show time in Nigeria:

Saturday, 4 pm

Sunday, 1 am

Thank you, Princess.

It's my pleasure 😊

Lol. I meant I am in robust good health 🙈

My internet connection is failing, I hope it will be established later 😥

hello TM, hope you had a nice time yesterday

Good evening Lions

Network Seems to be bad here or is it general, cause I can't hear anything for now

its probably just u. i hear fine

I have seen the tweets of the participants, they are having a lot of fun.

Good to be here

22:00pm here in the UK and A 9am 5k race to attend tomorrow but when #hivefest is around sleep is no longer an option

Great job 👍
@princessbusayo always active

Thanks ✋️

Hello my nocturnal friends from Nigeria! 😎
Strap in for an exciting weekend in X Spaces

Yes, we'd love to know why we have the fest every year. Good question there.

LFG hive fest!

#hivefest is to celebrate with the community how far we have come and also market out towards new users to join this incredible community. Hive reach is for sure limited but we have one of the strongest and most loyal communities out there

I wish my laptop is here with me
I won’t have to be navigating on the phone from one app to another😅😅

Who stole the spaces link? 🙄 Can't find it

who's gunna buy Nifty a beer or 6?

How is much beer there?

similar to US, about 80 pesos. $3.50 ish

Not bad. So $20 will get you in a good mood.

absolutely lol

wait ur at hivefest O.O

yes ser

shouldn't u be buying u the whale o.o

hahaha whale of what? I'm a tiny fish

whale of hive duh

It's amazing to see friends from different time zones coming together supporting and participating in this threadcast

Good afternoon friend, fortunately we are in the same time zone.


on #hive there is a community for everything. #hive is the now, the future and will dominate soon!

The network is incredibly terrible but I've gotta be here cause it's a wonderful way to see all the impact that would happen from the Fest.

Events like this definitely gives a certain boost and excitement to people, not only to those who are attending but even us who are here learning about what's taking place.

It is a party in every sense, and parties always bring joy.

There are lot of opportunities in hive

Hive offers a lot of opportunities. Certainly we can buy groceries with a few number of Hive or Leo earnings.

Have Dan say YOOOO!

is that his signature

Yes bro.

I'm in auto pilot sis, lmao.

We can't really hear you clearly Dan

Yes, he said it. We are good to go.

Yo, Dan!!! 🙌

The feeling, experience, and that comes with that.

Here it's thundering like never before, I hope the signal doesn't drop.

Someone should give me 2 by 2 plank, I wan knack MTN

I almost didn't hear it.

I have just arrived 👀

welcome my

Neo's voice sounds very bad, it sounds like he has us on speakerphone.

I meet one of my hive friend, the dude was different from what I expected

I think one of the biggest things I would be excited to be at a Hive fest, is to meet those who have been behind that screen doing so much for the community.

Who is singing on the background?

It looks like there's someone in the background singing in the shower....

I am sure I heard someone singing in the background, hehe.

Ragnarok! Yeah! I'm sure folks have been curious about the project for a while.

The excitement is enough reason toto Sing Lol

I'm little bit late but now I'm in :)

is it just me or I can't hear anything

Sorry if my question was already answered, joined later. Sorry! :)

Hive fest sounds so fun, having the opportunity to see your hive pal and even interact with them

There's like an echo, I hear it too.

How is the food in Rosarito, guys!?

This are the things that really matters.

¡Ja, ja, ja! ¡Exacto!

I'm so excited to hear it ☺️

Nifty will be in charge of passing the booze around. He's the Cryptoholic ambassador.

Rosario is actually a beautiful place, just checked it out on Google

Lots of Livestreams incoming! Haha.

Now, I've gotta spend a fortune on internet subscription and be up-to-date with everything happening in Rosarito.

is it network from my side or something general. The space voice keep skipping

Hey NEO! No Mediterranean food at the hotel. Only Mexican food is valid these days. Enjoy!

I just wish to have a good network, so much Livestream to view

Oh tomorrow will Crimsonclad be talking, Really love to listen to her! She's quite awesome! WOO!

I'm a fan CRIM!

You sound really happy. The hivefest is really fun

You still sound sober, STRANGE!

México is a city of gbedu and enjoyment

I can't believe my threadsaren't going. Geez

Mexico is a beautiful country, I've never been there jaja but I've heard it's beautiful.

This is awesome for those of us that can't make it , keep up the good work looking forward to the the sneak peeks of hive feast

Welcome Khal

Khal is Leo himself! The captain is speaking.

México lindo y querido!! 🎵🎶🎵🎶

Greetings to all the people of El Rosarito who opened their doors to receive the hive 😘💜

The food there is delicious, but don't eat too much spicy food! 🌶️

That's the kind of food that brings the most fun to life. Do not miss the opportunity to taste it from the best in the world in this culinary field.

The voice of a lion.

excelllent, the hivefest is very funny 🙂🙂🙂

welcome khal. Nice to hear you speak

you have to try some chilaquiles with a little habanero chili.

I want Mexican food. I've been waiting for her for weeks.

Wake up from your dream

200 threads already

The Hivers infected with Mexican joy and A lot of spicy 🌶️🌶️🌶️

During the Hivefest will be announced the rebranding of #leofinance

announcing the new name during the presentation would be so sick

The beaches of Mexico are unique, you have to know them.

Oh really looking forward to the new name! I proposed some names as well, but the competition was really big! Looking forward to it! :D

Now we know our mission Lions
Lets fill it up

wao, the rebranding of #leofinance might be announced at the hivefest

Expansion of leo? That's sounds nice . And, it will be good to see things go smoothly without letters typing them

Glad I am not the only one experiencing letters typing themselves.

We are both on the same boat there.

Can't wait to see changes on it.

I swear, I can't too. I get frustrated whenever things like that happen. But, it does teach patience

**********Please don't announce the rebrand name there**********

Lets go lions how many comments can we get today

wao the criteria to announce the rebranding is to reach 2000 comments on threadcast... Lions get your games up

This is getting fun, me imagining the face of everyone talking and i am adding a long beards to the speakers 😂

I was yesterday, I am today and I will be tomorrow 💪

I imagine this has been unique, we should enjoy it and take advantage of the opportunity.

Yes, I remember Neo promised the streams on his YouTube channel and then possibly Hive yesterday.

We are here KHAL

That would be lovely, pictures loading

Wow 2k comment we can make it lions let's do ybisthis

I think if we are going to find out about the new Leofinance brand during Hivefest. It is a very good opportunity to do so. So I don't think they'll let it go.

I already saw Khal's picture when he was taking off hours ago. So, I am expecting pictures...lots of them!

I have never met anyone 😑

hahaha deal!

that's not a fair deal

I second this. Let's go lions

Hivefest should be about fun, have fun guys 💫💯

No way you need to drink more tequila

We'll be looking forward to those #hivefest pictures 🥳🥳

Leo to the world. Good luck on your presentation

A shot for 500?

Nifty is e life of the party.

Today really isn’t my day with the poor network
I can even get to listen for 30 straight seconds 😭😭😭😭😭😭😅

I'd like #hivefest to be a bit closer next time.

100% Leo will be one of the main onboarding channels for Hive

Only going for 1 shot of Tequila? That will be a boring evening!

Hahaha, stay safe and have fun

Thank you

That's a really good one from the lads.

I am glad joining this community last year October. Next month will make me a year old on Leofinance. Can't imagine what I would have missed out on.

Really, it's almost near

Have fun there guys!

Mannu will be in charge of the pictures from HiveFest

TM, is there a chance you'd be attending the next HiveFest?

you guys should have fun

😆😆😆 @princessbusayo start talking. Did Khal DM you pictures? 🧐

Hahaha 😃😃
He posted it on thread hours ago.

Really anticipating the Leo rebrand. It's gonna be a wake of aggressive marketing.

Am here listening to spaces directly. Hope amam late?

Cant wait to attend my first ever Hivefest. Wouldnt know when it will be closest to my place.

Happy to be finally here. Task is the host😀

Haha. I kept wondering what picture @princessbusayo was taking about.

Hahaha. Pictures from HiveFest 😉

Cant wait for the Leofinance new name. Hoping its ready while the campaign is still on

The rebranding is necessary because Leo is no longer just a community, it is a new way of doing Hive.

WHen will Hivefest be hosted in Africa? I will lobe to attend.

Hey @peniel2010 are you asleep

Definitely, I slept off In the middle of the program

I haven’t seen @zitalove

the rebranding is definitely going to place Leo beyond the global level... Can't wait

I remember the good days when we were in preparation for Project Blank and we had that daily Leo Market Talk post. I met a lot of people and learned a lot about Hive by being active on those posts

Any upupdates from the Vegas hivefest?

Vegas? It's in Rosarito, Mexico! :D

You guys should have fun in Mexico. Hopefully their could be updates

********************Leo history is live********************

Pictures of cats?

I belive this rebranding will have a huge impact on the community

Sorry I am little bit late. It's 4 am here. But I am glad to see all the lions are together ❤️

Leofinance 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

The idea behind the rebrand is a good one. LEO is out to be general purpose. Sounds great 🥳🥳🥳

threads is amazing and for everyone

Micro-blogging is the future, micro-blogging with short videos = bright future!

Lets get this comments to a 1000 let's see some shot of tequila

Let's break yesterday's record.

The rebranding is good but the site needs to be upgraded to make onboarding fun.

Leo, the everything app is indeed about to be blown

This rebrand will be great. I always thought Leo was all about finance and I’m not too good at talking about finance so I really don’t post there but the microblog was a great place to be

I can't wait to see Leo on global level 😍 🙌

I was fall asleep so I couldn't able to set the reminder. Don't know if my quest submission will be approved or not :'(

The idea for the rebrand is worth it.


DO you think the Leo rebranding would affect the price and poverall tokenomics of $LEO?

Splinterlands was also there

Crimsonclad is the sweetest lady ❤️

I clocked off work so I'm definitely getting some shots ready

Have you already analyzed some numbers after the rebranding of LeoFinance, and have people come closer?

Task I think Nigeria will be another great place to hide the next Hivefest.

a less than 800 comments from 1000, we can do this.

Thanks TM.
Sure organic growth for $LEO via NFTs, subscription and other usecases that would strike its demand is better.

the several use cases and projects within LeoVerse will drive the price of Leo

Finally! I think, I was able to connect. I think it's not the rebranding but everything around it that will be started

I don't think rebranding alone will influence the price of $LEO. But Leofinance is more than just a rebrand.

Oh, the leoads is another big aspect that would shape up the Leo tokenomics going forward.

Where are the NFTs stored that we claimed? Is there a separate wallet or website used for this?

Nigeria is ready to host Hivefest or other neighboring country Ghana but we have the numbers

When the ads revenue goes live, it will be a great outlook for investors. And of course, the buy action will improve.

In my opinion, I believe that LEO should be HOLD. He has a lot of potential, and if we continue like this, he could be one of the ones to recover from this long winter in the market.

Right now it most be hold and even if the price where higher, this is the moment of build and develop, if it goes higher now it wont be time to sell anyway

Totally agree. It is a long-term asset. No hardship.


Will this rebrand of LEO project the ideals of LEOPEDIA??

I think it can be a decentralized school for decentralization.

The rebranding will bring in more users into leofinance and threads will see an increase.

Thanks for the host and also for creating the threadcast for the show as well.


Do you think the program and what has been seen so far at the #hivefest could cause the price of HIVE currency to vary in price?

Present... I feel happy for the Hivefest, as if I were there. #hive

Today let's go beyond waht we had in the last threadcast

Love to hear positive side of my country in respect to crypto growth.

yes o, seeing nigeria topping the list is really a good thing, Actually love how hive have lot of nigerians on board, having a fest wont be a bad idea

Yea, it won't be a bad idea.

Now Hivefest is at central America, so when is it coming to Africa?

wow. NFTs being incorporated with LeoVerse will bring more users on board.

We don't play with our money task 😎

Nigeria sure is but, there is a lot of arrangements to be made.

I get that we all Nigerian wants the Hivefest to come to Nigeria but there are certain things to be put in place so it would be a success when holds

I look forward to this. And I hope it’s come to pass.

If it could be achieved in countries where it was never thought that Blockchain technology would not reach, it can go further.

Nigeria leading in crypto is a good new to hear

I hope that here in Venezuela all businesses in the country accept HBD as a payment method.

Nigerian crypto communities are a lot

yes. There are many factors affecting Nigerian and crypto solves the challenges. A festival of such magnitude will drive interests

that is really true, we face lot of challenges in nigeria and crypto as a whole, help solve a lot of this challenges, if there is a fest, it will surely pull in large people

I hope that someday we Cubans will be able to actively participate in some kind of passion.

The Nigerian economy is really strategic and any web3 project that strategically engages its sectors would earn great supports and adoption.

the Twitter/X space keeps breaking on my end 😩

MAny Nigerians today needs to be enlightened about Cryptocurrency. Hosting just fest here in Nigeria will have a positive effect on how people see Cryptocurrencies.


When play2earn games on the Leo network?

We need a revamped roadmap once the rebrand is announced. It creates anticipation.

ser, wen keyword?

Hivefest in Nigeria will be a good way to enlightenment more Nigerian about web3

We were discussing exactly that on our last Hive BR AMA. Expanding our userbase can make the demand for RC grow exponentially. Consequently, the demand for HP and Hive also grows

Nigeria is coming up real strong in the crypto world.

The economy and governance differences holds a significant impact as to why things are the way it's.

Hey guys allow México enjoy this moment to the fullest before bringing Naija into it.

Don't forget the cook-a-thon

Can't wait for the first hive fest in Nigeria...
It'll definitely be a great experience...

Can we have space on leofinance so we have our own kinda space on leo like

Where's Eric

We just need government accept that we can use whatever we want as payment and they just have to worry at the moment of taxation

It is very difficult to control taxes on cryptocurrencies, especially if they are not regulated.

It is possible an I would like to go on one of the lives to talk about it haha

Already waiting for that talk

I just dozed off and it seems I can't hold on for long because I'm actually weak

I can relate dear. It is kind of late over here

HBD is going to takeover the stablecoins market

HBD being accepted for various business transaction would be super amazing.

I am your friend, right? 😎

Nigerian community is super strong on Hive indeed

Thread is where we are buzzing and rolling. Haha.

Shout out to Nigerians on threads 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Go to sleep @luchyl , ahbi you de do Zealy task

village people everywhere

If you de do task stay oh... No vex... You need the key word, I been think say you just wan participate here

PYPT: Pimp Your Post Thursday

PYPY = Pimp Your Post Thursday

so this is the meaning of pypt, I was confused when he mentioned it, but how do one take part in this pypt section

Everything about PYPT can be found here The post is by Shadowspub, the host of PYPT. Hehe. It happens on DREEMPORT's Discord channel.

The line is breaking and it's making the show boring 💤 💤

i'm having a little issues making my threads , anyone on this same issue?

I read a Venezuelan post where hbd is used to pay up her purchase. It is very nice. Thanks for seeing those talents in Nigerians

I have a doubt, could the exit of $BUSD as a stablecoin be an opportunity for $HBD? (At least on Binance it appears to me that they will remove it from the market).

$10 per Leo before I sell

1 LEO = 1 HIVE

$5 per leo token.

LEO or any of them north of $1 to consider taking profit

$2000 for 1 Leo before we can got on the negotiation table. Haha

LEO has to be $1 for me to sell.

I won't sell my LEO!! It's priceless!

$1 dollar maybe, but I feel like a lot of people would sell sooner.

I would only sell Leo when I think it's overpriced, probably when people who don't know anything about crypto are starting to promote crypto. If I would have to say a value, I would say $0,94 before I sell LEO!

when use case for HBD increases it will definitely behin to hit the spotlight as it will have a lot of use case even beyond the hive space

I don't know if I can finally thread now....

I am not selling my LEO token anytime soon 🙃

selling your leo token anytime soon is really a bad idea, it has more potential to shoot up in price when more adoption flow in, and since the price is really low now, it is good to stake more while accumulating

No mate I don't think you got me. I simply said I would not sell my Leo token anytime soon. I have powers up all my tokens I have faith in the project.

After all struggling am here, tho line still breaking

I'd love to grab a drink and go on for hours, but man, I gotta sleep. Needing a certain keyword, please.

Same here. My eyes are heavy

Thank you oh

I think HIVE would get to $100 and 1 Leo to be $10 someday

PYPT will be 6 years old on October 6th

🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 congratulations, ma'am 👏🎉

****************************HODL LEO****************************

Anyone who wants to sleep can sleep
The space meeting isn’t for the weak @olujay 🌚🌚

Haa...I didn't know I was applying to become Batman oh

🤣🤣🤣As in ehnn
I just Dey hold body small small

Loving all the updates about HiveFest and Leo. Can't wait to hear more. Not sure we're going to break the threadcast record. But let's see...

As the prices of Leo keep going up, I did not think I will sell it. Staking more will increase my LP and earn passively

Especially when ad-revenue kicks in

sure. Many more projects are being added. NFTs is coming

Eric get in here, o

Muchos hivers no le dan el valor que merece a $HBD

Good that there are new news of leo and hivefest, I will be closely following all this

HBD would always look like a facade to most people. I hope they see the light at the end of the tunnel someday.

My network is really bad right now and it's kinda frustrating!

  • I am happy I can hear we now
    Network breaking down seriously from my end

Hi, Late to the party. Hope Didn't miss too much.

So at This point which is more important to stake Hive or $LEO ?

Yeeeee Eric is here

🥳🥳🥳🥳 Keyword 🥳🥳🥳

  • looks like many people are waiting for the key word now. It's almost midnight here in Nigeria


Big Fan Eric 🫢

that's good to know, keys see how it goes.

keyword in the next 4 hours..?😂😂😂
Come on task 😂😂

Eric speak louder please

TM you are funny, just started listening and you brought a smile to my tired face, hehe

I can’t hear Eric well

Eric's network or voice is breaking seriously

MTN ooooooo😭😭

I wish I could teleport to Mexico right now

The network is terrible

It seems that the bad transmission affected Eric as well.

Guys, stop trying to guess the Keyword, if you try many times you will be rejected even if at the end you get it right

Show them the banhammer!


Eric, don't forsake us at this hour.😂

We need to pray more

Sharing some time with SPACE

Eric sounded like he was walking to somewhere. Walked out of reach then.

Both Hive Power and Leo Power are important 💪

Hive or Leo depends on where you want your strength. I know it will be very hard for me going up there, but I want to be apex and that is easier for me

Olujay: Hello, baby.
Bed: Come to me, sweetheart.

Funny guy.

Make dem lemme breathe oh

Hahaha. Say it in English, please 😃

did you get the Keyword

Yup. Thanks

I didn't, my line broke

Can you help?

wao... Just learnt something new concerning hive power

  • meeting new people is inevitable in the hiveshivefest

I will never stop building up my Hive Power but from time to time I will temporarily focus my attention on some other token such as $LEO

I think it is wise to stake up Hive power being the base token, and probably after earning more from curation, you can stake Leo too. I'll take both anytime...

I believe, it's best to invest in both hive and leo.... They all have potentials in the future

When delegating to leovoter, it's true that we get LEO as a reward but also the delegated HP is adding up.

Who is gonna delegate Hive Power to me? 😉

what's the Keyword, didn't hear it

My line broke 😭😭😭🤣

There's lot of potential in hiveleo

If the LEO token is ever actually linked to revenue that leofinance io generates, then LEO is the smart buy.

But that has been talked about for years and nothing.

So nobody wants to genually invest.

Slowly building my stack of LEO, HP and HBD. It's my holy trinity!

Yes is very important to be patience and consistency is the key, no instant success

Little drops make an ocean, right? Maybe I'll swim in that oceen as a whale someday. HehOh, yeah. I am doing that daily power up thing like @vickoly

yea it's a gradual process, no matter how little it's, let keep up with this till whale status is being attained.
Sure it'll require investment along the line.

@vickoly has been consistent in powering up since January. That guy is gonna become a whale soon 😆😆

Whale with one hive daily, be whining me.

I am not whining 😉

Task, repeat the keyword a few time on the rest of the space. A few people didn't hear it due to connection and nobody can write it or will be banned from the quest

Yes, Please. I just joined the Space. I missed it.

Eric Is back

More than 78 people listening tothe space! 👏👏👏

Can you relate a personal experience of how long it took you to build yourself on hive?

500 threads

@jhymi come join us here on today's threadcast. Hope you can see this.

wow long time ago

A turning point

so much lesson! Consistency and relationship with people in #hive is very important. Thank you very much,Task.

I spent my day on Hive. Meeting people and interacting with them is something I see as a big opportunity for me. It has been my consistent habit.

Show yourself approved so you can be approved

I can see you really worked hard to get to this point

patience, hardwork, consistency makes you grow beyond expectations

Asher ran the Engagement League to get people commenting and engaging

Thanks for sharing you experiences about how you got involved in Hive! Was wonndering, how much fiat / other currencies did you invest in Hive and its ecosystem? (If you want to tell)

I believe that a lot of work is required no matter the approach, then been creative then patience and consistency

Names follow people.

Sorry please can you please give an example of what others can't do that one can do?
Sorry am asking a lot

Your example is worth emulating

Gotta call it a day. 2 am soon. thanks Task for the incite, thanks gang! Catch you tomorrow 😊

Crossing the 500 Threadcast engagement today.

August 3016 I joined .... 6 years for PYPT

Time is an important investment not less than investing money

Thank you so much task

If you come just for the money, you'll be out before you collect your first post.

I am just glad that hive is an open space that allows everyone to display their talenr

Perspectives really matter on how we engage Hive.

I came to Hive because I was told I could have access to lots of information and learn for free.

Meeting the rewards was just a surprise.

My battery is very low. I gat to go now.

It was nice to be here. Can’t wait to stream.

Thanks for hosting @taskmaster4450

Good night to you.

Truly, I was a full noob when it it comes to knowledge about crypto, blockchain and all of that. I got schooled on Hive and glad I knew this space.


Good one.

Listening to recording after working . ;). Thanks for leaving the recording for us .

I am listening to it at work. Thank you for making the recording available.

I have gotten some important info.

Nice. We are keeping the sports section active on Leothreads with the football games that are on at the moment.

Will switched to HiveFest activities once we kick-off.

Good morning everyone, happy Friday and happy start to #hivefest. Excited and looking forward to all the conferences, talks and exhibitions that will take place.

Are you looking forward to any special one?


Good morning to you too buddy, this is going to be a spectacular weekend. Already waiting for the space to start shortly. See you there.

I am mostly looking to the #hivefest threadcast here on threads since I won't be in Rosarito. 😉

I'm waiting for videostreams about the conference, not sure where is better to follow. Twitter/X or YT?

In Cuba, YouTube videos work better than X videos.

X videos, ok... that sounded weird 😂.

For me, videos from both systems work fine.

It's time to pick the Ladies of Hive AUTHOR OF THE WEEK! The Poll ends on Sunday at 23:59 PST. #leofinance #topautors #threads #hive #ladiesofhive

apoyada mi favorita, mucha suerte

#ladiesofhive sharing, good luck to all participants in this weeks poll.

In every phase of life you access, there is a unique challenge to face. Don't be afraid, it'll soon become a history and a lesson.

Good morning friends.

#gmfrens #drhl #life #threads247

When we are children most of the time we want to grow up fast so we can do many things that we can't do at the moment. When you become an adult, it's the opposite, but you have to keep going.

That courage is something i just got some while back too. Thanks for the reminder.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

For many, December is the month of holidays because of Christmas and around that time, no matter where they live the whole year, all the members of a family come together and enjoy the best days of the year

#outreach #threadstorm


I recently found a newly opened kebabs restaurant named Dilli 6 just nearby. Dilli is the capital of India and a famous place for its delicious variety of kebabs and biriyani.


If you are interested & want to know more about this food hunt, Please read this blog post below!

Link -

#OCD #hive #gosh


Christmas is usually a great time to connect with family and friends. We look forward to have it better this year and hope the crypto bull sets in too.

that's true. My family also keeps that tradition and when one member of the family is inevitably absent, the presence is felt as we only meet once in a while. Can't wait for this December though, haven't seen some of my nephews since last

Can't join the threadcast for some reason but I'm loving all the updated! Go HiveFest.🔥

#hivefest #threadcast

Try it again :) One of the quests requires engaging in the threadcast

I keep threading. I don't know if you can see it. But I can't.
Done about ten more now but I'm not sure.

I'm seeing this. I will try to tag you on the threadcast to test if you can see and reply to it.

I am so sorry. The network seems so unstable since today. Hoping you get updates later.

It's pretty bad. But I'm not sure why I can thread here and not there. But it's really terrible honestly.

Very rare coin of which two were found in a river less than 2 centuries ago! (Link inside!) #leofinance #silverbloggers

Just two in a river many centuries ago, it must be a super rare coin. Hoping it lasts for ages.

Second gold coin mentioned being one of the most expensive in the world! #gosh

Wow, this is cool. Do you perchance know the currency or its history?

Uno de los mejores beisbolistas de todos los tiempos fue Roberto Clemente, con el quisiera compartir una tarde para preguntar como pudo soportar tanto desprecio #Initiative #leofinance #fulldeportes

One of my favorite players when I was a kid. Sadly, taken to soon.

Un atleta que tenía calidad humana y de verdad que a pesar de ser una estrella, sufrió de mucho racismo. Saludos

How do you buy and sell our crypto? This is an interesting (Wojak) #crypto #meme chart! lol #pepetoken

It’s a beautiful day here on the beach in Rosarito. #hivefest

Celebrate all your wins because only you know what you pass through. Good morning Threaders

Yeah, celebrating our wins and acknowledging or support systems opens us up for more LEO in the future.

We are the only ones who know everything we had or have to do to achieve something, even if it looks like something small, it doesn't matter, it has the same importance as something very big.

Buenas noches... Hice este dibujo para ver mis resultados en el test de personalidad del árbol... Espero que no sean tan terribles 🤣 #spanish

No puedo criticar eso más que decirte que eres valiente, y ni quiere decir que este mal, realmente es mucho mejor de lo que yo pudiera dibujar. Es decir, ni una casa puedo hacer haha.

¡Gracias! ☺️ No sé dibujar. Era simplemente para la prueba.

Esta muy bonito el dibujo del árbol, y el logo de Hive siempre le da ese toque. Tengo intriga sobre ese test ¿cómo funciona? ¿dibujo un árbol y ya?

¡Gracias! ☺️ Me alegra que te guste. Este es un test proyectivo, se lo hice a varias personas hace años, pero ya he olvidado lo que aprendí de los significados de los trazos. Básicamente, sí, la instrucción en esa: Dibujar un árbol, no se le explica al que está tomando el test cómo hacerlo... Debe sentirse libre de tomar el tiempo que le haga falta. Recuerdo que en ese tiempo me ayudó notar aspectos importantes de mí que estaba reprimiendo. Un saludo.

Good Morning Lions.

Who else is ready for another exciting #hivefest threadcast? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍


Join us.

I'm listening right now taskmaster4450's HiveFest virtual show :)

Great ... Go lion 🥳🥳🥳

Promoting Hive with @hivesucre #hive #hivepromotion

Excelenteeeeee. Se ve que la pasaron genial en la actividad. Les quedan hermosas sus franelas. A seguir construyendo y representando a #hive. Seguimos.

Gracias tesoro 💐🌷🌹🌻

I am not sure the people at Hivefest are aware we had a 4 hour pre-Hivefest spaces yesterday.

But oh well, they want more.

Let's give them more. I am coming around soon. Let me finish my threadstorm 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️

Since we couldn't go, this is our way of participating and providing support.

maybe and we'll be glad to join.

Test on mobile

Can't reply to other threads though. #feedback

I see this though, can you reply to a reply I wonder?

Yes, I can create a thread on mobile, but cannot reply to anyone (even my own). I had to test it myself after reading a few people saying they can't reply. I assumed they are on their mobile phones. And yep, can't reply either.

Weird how that works, mobile you mean on the browser through keychain?

Yes. It's working now so someone may have touched the codes, lol!

I tested on my mobile browser (Brave) and on the keychain browser.

okay good to know!

Have you seen paid posts on Debank?

Shall we have it on LEO, as well 😉

but we will have to call it ONLYLEO

It sounds similar to me from somewhere 🙃

We needed ASAP 🦍

Maybe in a community way... imagine an article that is only visible after reaching $10 of payment, but that everyone can contribute and once the established cap is reached it is visible to everyone.

This is also a good idea, love it !

coming soon

Are you aware that PeakD platform is down? This is why you should learn to use the Leo frontend for posts other than Leofinance contents.


That's what I was thinking.

At HiveCuba we are dependent on PeakD because it allows us to make lists and that's how we easily find content from Cubans, but we have to find other ways for cases like these.

I don't use Peakd but Ecency, but that's just for now...also Ecency was pretty much down when Image Hoster crashed, 60TB of images had to be restored

🧵 Business, Progress, & Strategic Decisions


#outreach #threadstorm

🧵2/11In this post, I talked about PayDay, a fintech company that has recently made waves in the business world. It all begins with the eye-catching revelation of a high-ranking executive earning a substantial $15,000 per month.

🧵3/11 What makes PayDay's story particularly fascinating is the unexpected decision to sell the company just six months after raising an impressive $3 million.

🧵4/11 Normally, such a move would be associated with financial struggles, but that's not the case here. PayDay seems to be thriving, with the ability to afford such generous executive compensation and a strong workforce.

🧵5/10 Around the acquisition buzz, rumors spread regarding a potential managerial conflict as the reason behind this surprising decision.

🧵6/10 However, the article takes a more delicate approach, steering away from judgment and investigation, and instead, I emphasized an important lesson.

🧵7/10 The need to prioritize progress over emotional attachment to one's business. It changes entrepreneurial wisdom, especially in regions like Africa, where staying with one's business is often seen as the only path to success.

🧵8/10 In the world of business, what should one value more - holding onto an existing business or seizing new growth opportunities?

🧵9/10 The article draws inspiration from giants like Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram, highlighting that even these big companies changed hands over time for the sake of progress.

🧵10/10 It underscores the importance of strategic thinking in making significant business decisions, such as acquisitions or partnerships.

To create an engaging and interactive discussion, I encourage you to visit and share your thoughts Business, Progress, & Strategic Decisions

Not easy today.
I'm working on notions of z-index , position and display in #CSS

I've been trying for two hours to display a black background over my image when I hover over it, and here I am.

#html #dev

Of course, I could come up with a ready-made solution in 10 seconds, but I really want to figure it out for myself.

my win rate has increased a lot!2 days after the ban of battle helpers in the #splinterlands M. Format

Coincidence or first positive effects of the battle helpers ban?

#outreach #threadstorm


Awesome. Which platform do you draw this splinterlands battle stats. It Looks elaborate.

I created the tables with excel

In the game session I completed today, I played 23 battles and achieved 15 wins with a win rate of 65.22%, which is definitely higher than my win rate in the previous season.


After the introduction of anti-bots measures in the Modern Format on July 25, the recent introduction of the ban on the use of Battle Helpers is another step in the right direction.


Today I also recorded an increase in my average gain in SPS per battle won.


We need the ability to see who has voted on a poll


🧵 1. UAW expands strikes against GM and Stellantis, while making progress with Ford. Additional facilities add 5,600 workers to strike. #business

🧵 2. UAW targets parts distribution centers in nationwide strike, impacting repair parts availability. Automakers left guessing on next strike locations.

🧵 3. UAW President emphasizes push needed from Stellantis and GM, threatens action at critical parts plants in Kokomo. Ford making progress in negotiations.

🧵 4. UAW invites President Biden to join picket lines, along with other politicians. Former President Trump to address auto workers about the strike in Michigan.

🧵 5. Ford improves contract offer as UAW demands better pay and benefits. Fain recognizes Ford's seriousness in reaching a deal.

Entrena pecho usando TRX, una forma innovadora y exigente de entrenar.
@zero49 #fulldeportes

When you walk into Starbuck's after 5 hours without drinking coffee

Lol. Especially when you are a coffee addict. A lot of things will be going wrong in your brain until you have a sip.

Low Hive Price Effects the Number of Content Posts #hive #gosh #outreach

I still post regularly, regardless of the price of the Hive.

i only started noticing this in the evening yesterday when the post i shared earlier (Almost 24 hours ago) was still lingering in the first page of new contents.

🧵 1/5: NFL "couldn't confirm" Trent Williams threw a closed-fist punch during last night's game between 49ers and Giants. #sports

🧵 2/5: Officials reviewed the play but didn't see conclusive evidence that Williams threw a closed-fist punch.

🧵 3/5: The scuffle between Williams and Robinson drew unnecessary roughness penalties on both players.

🧵 4/5: The Giants questioned why Williams wasn't ejected after throwing the punch.

🧵 5/5: Williams and Robinson have a history of playing against each other. Williams doesn't expect to be fined for the incident.

who wish to join me from Nigeria to Mex for hivefest? Currently at Abuja airport smiles.

Hahaha. Wait up for me. I am close by. Let me pack a few bags 😂

smiles, women and their world, who knows how may billions you'll be pocketing in that bag.🙆

Haha 😆
Enough to buy a lot of beers in Rosarito 😝😝

hehehe that's a good one but let's not get intercepted by some authorities cause I'm not too good in helping people to answer money related questions oh.

🧵 1. Russian hackers, working across intelligence agencies, are targeting Ukrainian law enforcement to obtain evidence of alleged war crimes. #world

🧵 2. Ukraine's cyber chief reveals increased intrusion campaigns on the Prosecutor General's office and war crimes departments.

🧵 3. Hackers aim to gather evidence on Russian war crimes in Ukraine and assist Russian nationals in avoiding prosecution.

🧵 4. The upcoming report by Ukraine's cyber defense agency will highlight these espionage activities. Russia has yet to respond to the allegations.

🧵 5. The number of cybersecurity incidents documented in Ukraine grew by 123% in the first half of 2022, with government bodies being a prime target.

#boardgame on #threads (9/22)

Pick 1 # 1-4.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

*Reward to least picked # (1-4). +/-9/29

Last week (reward 0.1 $LEO each): @beeeee @davedickeyyall @luchyl #gaming #leofinance

Thank you so much



Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/20)@boardgame! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89.

Thank you for the prize



Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/5)@boardgame! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @luchyl.

Boardgames on Hive would really be interesting to participate. Which game do you have in there?

Yes, boardgames on Hive would be really interesting! This account is a quest in this direction of some simple game. Currently just a very simply game on threads.

#threadstorm 🧵

In crypto ecosystem, a SocialFi hype is taking place.

If you remember Friend Tech, these projects have lots of similarities with Friend Tech.

What are these platforms and how do they work?


A little tweak to your posting format with the 2nd and subsequent threads posted as replies to the first thread would complete the outreach threadstorm format and increase its reach
happy posting my friend

Ohh, thanks for the feedback!

The projects are like the second version of Friend Tech on several layer 2s and BNB chain.

They are bringing new people to the chain and their contribution to the volume is astonishing.

Some of them are supported by lead devs of chains

LeoFinance's success in a tweet.

Insert gift of a man dropping the mic.

Interesting to see that Leo is beginning the gain traction with the unique value its building reecently.

🧵 1. Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, dismisses allegations of sportswashing, saying he doesn't care about criticism. #sports

🧵 2. According to an interview with Fox News, bin Salman aims to increase GDP by 1% through sportswashing efforts.

🧵 3. Bin Salman denies sportswashing claims, insisting that Saudi Arabia's involvement in sports is not about image laundering.

🧵 4. Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund has invested heavily in global sports, including the creation of LIV Golf and acquiring soccer stars.

🧵 5. Despite criticism, bin Salman remains determined to boost GDP by 1.5% through sports investments and partnerships.


The twitter account crypto__diva has been hacked

🧵 1) White Sox game in Chicago should have been stopped or delayed after two women were wounded by gunfire near Section 161 of the stadium. #sports

🧵 2) Miscommunication on protocol for notifying MLB resulted in the game against Oakland A's continuing without interruption, says interim Supt. Fred Waller.

🧵 3) Steps taken to avoid a repeat incident, ensuring correct procedures are in place to delay or stop a game, according to Waller.

🧵 4) Police unsure if shots came from inside or outside the stadium, investigating video footage to determine. No suspects yet identified.

🧵 5) White Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf believes shots couldn't have come from inside the ballpark. Police continue to analyze surveillance footage.

where is the threadcast?

Ops, you still searching for it, here you go, you can have it here

"After thorough research, I have discovered that TradingView is sourcing data for the #Bitcoin chart from the most significant heart centers around the world."

"A la vida se vino a ser feliz"; aquí una gran historia para el proyecto RISINGSTAR⭐. Te invito a participar y inspirarte con esta gran historia: #nftgamela #hive #gosh

what's actually the issue, can't reply to threads?

I'm replying to you. So it works for me ;)

You can also join a virtual presentation of #hivefest

This is really cool. I love everything i have heard so far from the show. Its really cool. Thanks to the presenters.

I can't access the threadcast, is something wrong or it's just me

Hi, I entered without problems

I joined without issues. I thinkit has something to do with your network. Have you tried refreshing it?

Its been a wet and cool day. Right now,am listening to the Hivefest show on X spaces. Getting some really cool and amazIng updates there. Thanks to the presenters. #gmfrens.

It's been very interesting so far. Spaces meetings on X and Threadcasting is gradually becoming a daily thing on Hive.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Price of #Bone token, over a year for without dropping from its original value. #BigDogBone #Hive #NFTGaming

There are 2 pages